Dragon Ball Wiki

Well, lately i've been noticing how many users have just TERRIBLE grammar. Though i don't really prioritize grammar, i do believe it is important and most users need to fix their spelling and grammar. In my opinion, grammar should be utilized mostly in blogs and forums, in chat, not so much, but it does bother a few users (you know who you users are). I know i'm not really in the position to tell anyone to fix their grammar, as i have probably made a few mistakes in this blog alone, but i'm simply warning "Newer" users that if your sentences look like they belong in a text message, then knowledgable users will "chew you up and spit you out". I'm also speaking for the users that are annoyed by bad spelling/grammar, as i'm sure they are tired of seeing new users make blogs/comments that seem impossible to understand due to their spelling or grammar. Man i get tired of saying that. Not to mention THIS IS a Wiki and it would make us look a lot better if you could make corrections with your comments or blogs. So........

And just to troll you all

"use proper grammer"
— Masterman64
