Dragon Ball Wiki

I was gonna go for something elaborate or touching, but really, I'll just put it bluntly. I've made the decision to formally step down from my admin position on the site. Everyone's got their reasons and some of you already know why, but it basically boils down to a few things

  1. I have a five-month old son to take care of, most importantly.
  2. I have a job now, so yeah, not quite as much time to get online when I'm not with my family.
  3. Between those two things, I've got new friends and stuff too.

It's been a pleasure working with all you admins and chatmods and I think this has...well, it's certainly been an experience of some sort. Through all the drama, the trolls, the spamming and whatnot, I think we were a pretty nifty crew. There's obviously been some people I'm closer to than others...Broski and Zuki, Callan, Matt, MOG, just to name a few, since I'm too lazy to name them all, but you know who you are. To these people, thank you for putting up with me for some four years or so now.

For those of you who were the contrary for me, thank you for severely annoying me and arguing with me. I think every little bit of venom helped me grow as a person.

For every normal user who came and went, thanks to you too! I'm glad you remembered me, if at all. If not, then none of this blog means anything to you, but thanks for reading it anyways.

So yeah, I'd love to have an active stretch again and return as an admin, but I don't really see that happening anywhere in the near future. Thanks for letting me swing the hammer around for a good year or so. It's been fun. I might pop by and visit every now and again, but I mean, it's probably not going to be very often.

So yeah, Seeker out!
