The tournament of power is reaching its final phase and I have some theories that how it will end:- SLIDE 1/9 – WHO WINS THE TOURNAMENT OF POWER?According to this theory Universe 11 would win the Tournament of Power in the end, with Terez27 states, "Crucially, Universe 11 would have to win the tournament. Jiren gets the wish (which is unrelated to reviving U7) and U7 faces destruction. Many have argued that it seems unlikely that Goku will lose with UI, but I think the purpose of UI is not necessarily for Goku to win, but for Goku to impress Zenō with his power."
Universe 11 winning the tournament would line up with many other theories online, and another universe other than Universe 7 would provide a conclusive end. And as strong as Goku has become, Jiren just seems to have a well of energy that Goku has yet to surpass. If Goku mastering Ultra Instinct doesn't quite get him the victory, this theory allows for his relationship with Zeno to bear new fruit for the story. SLIDE 2/9 – WHAT HAPPENS TO UNIVERSE 7?If Universe 11 wins, that means Universe 7 would be erased right? Terez27 has an idea for this fallout as well, "Zeno hesitates to destroy his new friend Goku. He's never had a friend like Goku because everyone else is smart enough to fear him. Goku is the only one who treats him like a normal person. So, Zenō offers Goku the chance to survive: if he becomes a God of Destruction, U7 will be spared. Beerus is bad at his job and needs to be replaced, and if he can't be replaced with Goku, then U7 has no reason to exist."
This ending would allow both Universe 7 and 11 to exist, while still establishing Jiren as someone for Goku to surpass one day. This would be unique as it's a fight that Goku would lose, but also show him that he needs to make a choice to either continue the selfish warrior path he leads or bear the responsibility of his universe. Something that hasn't been carrying much weight in the series through the arc. SLIDE 3/9 – WHAT HAPPENS TO GOKU?So Goku is offered the God of Destruction role, what happens to him next? Terez27 posits that "Goku would never accept the job under any other circumstances; he has turned down godhood before...Goku has to be forced to accept. Even under these circumstances, Goku might hesitate to agree, but he has family and friends there to remind him why he has no choice...Goku asks his friend Zenō for just one favor: to allow him to live out the rest of his mortal life on Earth with his mortal family."
If Goku is forced to take responsibility for his actions, it would also lend itself to the character growth he had shown during the Cell saga and in deciding to train Uub to be Earth's next protector at the End of Z. It would also explain his still youthful look if he becomes a mystical being.
SLIDE 4/9 – WHAT HAPPENS TO VEGETA AND UNIVERSE 6?If Goku becomes a God of Destruction lest Universe 7 be destroyed, where does that leave Vegeta? Does Vegeta follow him? What happens to his wish to revive Universe 6? Terez27 explains that "Vegeta wants to revive U6...many have noted that it seems unlikely Zenō will allow universes to be revived, since he destroyed them for a reason. He will only allow U6 to be revived if Vegeta takes Champa's place."
This is where the theory isn't as strong, but gives Vegeta a nice end as well. It's a tad lonely, as becoming a god of a new universe would separate him from his family. But on the other hand, this would allow him to rule over a whole world of Saiyans, sort of bringing his upbringing full circle. SLIDE 5/9 – DOES THIS STILL LINE UP WITH THE END OF Z?But would Goku and Vegeta becoming Gods of Destruction still line up with the End of Dragon Ball Z, as Dragon Ball Super takes place in the time between the Buu saga and the end? Terez27 thinks so as cutting to "EOZ, 4 years later, for episode 131: Goku is training Uub to take his place as protector of the Earth, not because he will die one day, but because he will leave Earth when all his ties to it are gone."
Dragon Ball Super has introduced many things to the series canon that won't be referenced in the final events of Dragon Ball Z, so there's no complete debunking of this theory either. Much like how Goku was slowly bred into a God of Destruction, his training of Uub at the End of Z makes a lot more sense if he's looking for a de facto replacement for Earth's guardian. SLIDE 6/9 – COULD GOKU EXIST AS A GOD OF DESTRUCTION?But if Goku is a God of Destruction, would he be able to accept the responsibility to destroy worlds? Well, it's not a cemented fact that he would only destroy. Terez27 argues with this theory that "There's probably not much destruction for Goku to do at this point...destruction isn't the prime directive of the gods. They are supposed to expand the potential of their universe. Goku might find ways around destruction...because Goku is just that kind of guy."
Because Beerus is bad at his job, Universe 7 only has 28 planets with intelligent life. And Goku already has a destruction instinct too as his fights against baddies have lead to their destruction. Toppo, who was being bred into the next God of Destruction for Universe 11, didn't believe in wanton destruction either as he clung to his sense of justice.
So there's nothing explicitly stated about needing to destroy at random, so the idea of Goku filling this role doesn't sound too far off. SLIDE 7/9 – WHAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE ELSE?With Goku and Vegeta's new roles, where does that leave everyone else? That's where the theory does lack a bit. Terez27 theory has an end in mind for Freeza, in that he was destroyed, but it only works if he betrays Goku in the end. Goku and Vegeta becoming gods does neglect mention of their families, and that really only works for Goku, who often sacrifices his time with his family in order to train.
But while it doesn't account for every other character, it does lead to a good end for Goku as he continues to train to reach the level of the Angels, and even to the Grand Priest. And if Jiren's still out there in Universe 11, it could even lead to a fantasy rematch.
SLIDE 8/9 – WOULD THIS BE A GOOD ENDING?Unfortunately, regardless of whether or not this theory nails some, all, or none of the final events of the series, it still has to line up with the end of Dragon Ball Z. Unless there's a plan to retcon the ending where Goku leaves forever in order to train the reincarnation of Majin Buu, Super's ending won't exactly feel conclusive.
There are many threads that this theory would close, which is definitely a good step above what will most likely happen, but the abrupt nature of the series' ending will feel lacking no matter what comes to pass.
But Goku becoming a God of Destruction always training to become stronger would at least give Goku the big ending he deserves as a character. SLIDE 9/9 – WHAT HAPPENS IF THERE'S A NEW SERIES?If there is another series following the events of Dragon Ball Super, but still taking place before the of Dragon Ball Z's time jump, then Dragon Ball Super's ending will not have to be confined within such tough constrictions. It would allow the Super team to end in any which way they wish, and maybe this newfound freedom would allow them to create an ending that would be more fulfilling for fans.
Even the fans who cling the most to strict canon laws would be happy with Terez27's ending since it doesn't exactly match up entirely with the end of Dragon Ball Z and doesn't really need to.
With a new series, Super can wrap up its own threads without having to worry about incorporating another series' ending. Anything to clear up the events and make it a better watching experience overall would be fantastic.
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