Dragon Ball Wiki

Broly is blind[]

Notice that thing where Broly turns Legendary Super cabbage and his eyes turn into boiled eggs? The excess energy is making him blind so he has to ki sense his way around.

Super clothes[]

The reason the characters don't become naked and hairless when someone flings energy blasts at them is because they're using ki to empower their body. Like Future Trunks and his sword, they're channeling spare energy into their hair and clothing to make it far more durable. It's why when  someone shrugs off a blast, nothing happens, because their energy completely blocked the blast. while stronger blasts are able to get past them and start to damage their clothing and skin.


Throwing a punch seems to be controlled by will.

Cell could have killed Super Saiyan 2 Gohan without going into the beam struggle[]

If Cell didn't want to be all dramatic and really wanted to kill Gohan, he would have just used a Instant Solar Kamehameha. He definitely wouldn't have forgotten the move that vaporised his entire upper body.

Why Saiyans are great apes[]

Saiyans started off as Giant Apes, but they started to convert to human size to conserve energy. They turn great ape during a full moon because that is when incredibly strong predators would come out from the light, and they would turn in order to defend themselves.

Why ascended Super Saiyan is more effective[]

Normal Super Saiyan gives off more loose energy. Being a Full Power Super Saiyan means their body is more relaxed, and can channel more of the wasted energy into strength.

Vegito is a Jedi[]


Evil is volatile[]

The reason why evil characters can't use the spirit bomb is because impure energy causes the spirit bomb to be unstable to the point where the energy either dissapates or violently explodes.

Goku and Vegeta's rivalry[]

If you spent some time in the Dragon Ball games, you should notice how similar their moveset is (Heavy Finish, Ground Slash, Smash attacks...) as they're slightly different variants of the moves.

Now, this alone isn't all too interesting, but when you start thinking about their other similarities and opposites, then it really gets interesting.

Comparison Goku Vegeta
Born Low class Elite Prince
Personality Laidback, nice, merciful Arrogant, prideful, sometimes grumpy
Height Tall Short
Hairstyle Almost unkempt "bed hair" Ordered "pointed spikes"
Attire Martial artist fighting gi Elite Soldier armor
Fighting preference Melee Energy blasts
Reason to fight To become stronger  To kill and gain power