Here's Some Information About DBGT Anime's Real Motive
Dragon Ball GT is an Animated Series that is produced by Toei Animation,Shueisha,Bird Studio and Funimation. It is a Sequel (Or an Adaptation) to the original Book By Akira Toriyama. The story is based of Goku and His Allies,After 5 Years (10 years in the Funimation Dub). Ever Since it was Released , It had to Face Racism by Fanbase of Dragon Ball. The Script , Soundtrack , Fights was really Dissapointing at This Series, it even spoiled the Dignity and The Nobility of Each Characters. NO SAIYAN RIVALS , NO ACTION , ONLY PAN ( EVEN NO SUPER SAIYAN FEMALE), BAD STORY DEVELOPMENT & WORST CHARACTER DESIGNS are the things that fanbase really neglects !!!
Akira Toriyama (MAIN CREATOR) had a less amount of involvment in this series' character production , The First Saga and much more , Which led to fanbase discriminating Toriyama Sir. He Refers GT as a "Side Story". In Japan, only less fans Knows DBGT, While mostly GT elements are exposed through Dragon Ball Heroes Arcade Game.
But why does DBGT remains still as A STUPID SERIES is beacause it had always sent love letters or E-mails to the original DRAGON BALL anime !!!!! . It Wanted to make itself just like the original Anime and use other characters as Pure Allies , Even Vegeta is now an Ally !
There is similarity In Both DRAGON BALL & DRAGON BALL GT, the usual Gang in the OS is Goku,Bulma and Yamcha but in the case of DBGT , Bulma is Replaced by Pan and Yamcha Is Replaced by Trunks.
And Certain Villians Like General Rildo, Dr.Myuu and Baby Vegeta Seemed to have an Personal Similiarty between the Red Ribbon Villians and Kid Goku's Playful Fight is depicted in GT anime . That's why Goku was Converted into a Kid ,To bring back that old Goku.
I Personally Like SSJ4 and The Theme Song DAN DAN KOKORO HIKARETEKU. But GT isn't so bad to watch but you can watch it as non-canon, Like how fans watch Boruto, which you do watch because you like Naruto.
DBGT is Popular Around The west but it is not aired in our Area. People say that GT is a "DragonBall Nightmare". But actually it is not a Nightmare. It is enjoyable ,Even by fans also.