This LONG blog post is about how I'd make a hypothetical reboot of the LOG series (in this case all the way back to Dragon Ball), As someone who still has nostalgia for the Legacy of Goku games (not so much the first, but definitely the second), I though I'd share my thoughts on a Reboot of Webfoot Technologies' Legacy of Goku series. It would delight me if Webfoot Technologies was able to create their "Legacy of Goku 4" they teased about in circa 2016. These are some of the elements I'd like to see implemented, such as which characters would be playable and storylines covered (Manga with some movies as sidequests to gain more XP, bonus items, secret characters, maybe even bonus missions). The Super ones below, due to that series still continuing via the DBS: Broly, will be subject to change depending on new info that comes out.
Dragon Ball 1
- Storyline covered: Pilaf arc to the 21st World Tournament (with DB Movies 1 (Curse of the Blood Rubies) & 2 (Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle) and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman as sidequests/bonus missions).
- Characters playable: Goku. Secret unlockable character: Jaco
- Sidequests/Bonus Missions: As noted above, I'd incorporate some of the Jaco manga as a side mission, both to provide extra content and ties to the later parts of the Dragon ball series (being that, to be honest, fewer people in the West were interested in the pre-Z era) and plus allowing to have Jaco unlocked for another bonus mission that could unlock bonus content and an alternate ending. I'd also have the events of Curse of the Blood Rubies as another mission that I'd have set between the end of the Pilaf saga but before having the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai.
Dragon Ball 2
- Storyline covered: Red Ribbon Army Saga(s) (from the first conflicts with Col. Silver all the way to the final Battle with Staff Officer Black)
- Characters playable: Goku, Yamcha, Krillin, Bulma, and Roshi
- Secret Unlockable character: Arale
- Bosses: Col. Silver, Major Metallitron, Murasaki, Android 8, Buyon & Gen. White, Gen. Blue, Mercenary Tao, Staff Officer/Commander Black
- Sidequest: I'd have a side mission involving Trunks having accidently going further back in time than he intended and needing something to repair his Time Machine. It would be both a way to add gameplay and also offer ties to the later parts of the Dragon ball story line that people would be more familiar with.
Dragon Ball 3
- Storyline Covered Fortuneteller Baba Saga, Movie 3 (Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure, but with replacements for Chiaotzu, Tien, Mercenary Tao, Master Shen, Metallitron, and Gen. Blue), and the Crane School/Tien saga (with an expanded focus throughout game all the way to Baba introduction)
- Chars playable: Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Upa, Bulma, and Roshi
- Unlockable: Tien
- Bosses: Fangs, See-Though the Invisible Man, Bandages, Spike, Grandpa Gohan, Pilaf Gang (individual and combined mechs), Shula (Bonus), Mifan General (as replacement for Tao), InoShikaCho, Yamcha vs Tien, Krillin vs Chiaotzu, Goku vs Krillin, Goku vs Tien.
- Sidequest/Bonus Missions: One based on the episode Goku Goes to Demon Land set after Mifan Arc and before 22nd tournament which would offer a reward of some sort after completing it.
Dragon Ball 4
- Storyline covered: The King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr. sagas.
- Char.s playable: Goku, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Roshi
- Bosses: Goku vs Tambourine (x2), Goku vs King Piccolo (old), Roshi vs King Piccolo (old), Tien vs Drum, Goku vs. King Piccolo, Goku vs "Giko" (read sidquests below), Tien vs Mercenary Tao, Goku vs Chichi, Goku vs Tien (rematch), Goku vs Piccolo.
- Sidequests/Bonus Missions: A Bonus Mission I'd have involving a mysterious character who would eventually revealed upon completing it to be Towa, who cryptically reveals that she mistakenly thought she'd find her brother Dabura, when the "Demon King" in the time frame she is in is actually King Piccolo. Another Side mission would involve investigating and eventually fighting in a boss battle a person who falsely claims to have been the one to kill King Piccolo who is named "Giko Chatwin" (as a jab at the widely panned 2009 film Dragonball Evolution)
Dragon Ball Z 1
- Storylines covered: Saiyan Saga and Frieza Saga (Raditz sub-arc to final battle with Frieza)
- Char.s playable: Bardock (prologue), Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta
- Unlockable character: Bardock
- Bosses: Bardock vs Dodoria, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon (x2), Guldo, Recoome, Jeice & Burter, Capt. Ginyu, Krillin vs Ginyu-Goku, Frieza (Forms 1 to 4th Full power)
- Optional bosses for sidequests: Garlic Jr., Dr. Wheelo, Turles, Lord Slug
- Sidequests/Bonus Missions: Using the Parallel time portal described for the prior DB3 entry, I'd have DBZ movies 1-4 as unlockable bonus missions that when completed would grant certain new items that either improve combat ability (e.g. earning Fruit from the DBZ movie 3 mission could grant certain healing or strength boosts) or conviences (e.g. such as the Golden capsule from LOG II). Another Bonus Mission would be one available exclusively to Bardock (and also feature Towa in a cameo), in which as a reward grant players the ability to travel anywhere between Earth, Namek, and the Otherworld.
Dragon Ball Z 2
- Storyline covered: Android/Cell Saga (Trunks arrival to the Cell games)
- Char.s playable: F. Trunks, Gohan, Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Krillin
- Unlockable Char: Mr. Satan/"Hercule"
- Bosses: Frieza (in scenario similar to beginning of LOG II), Android 19, Dr. Gero, Android 18, Imperfect Cell, Android 17, Semi-Perfect Cell, Vegeta (fought by Trunks), Perfect Cell (fought by Trunks), Tao Pai Pai, Cell (by Goku and Gohan), Cell, Jr.s, and Super Perfect Cell.
- Optional bosses: Bonus battles with Cooler (much like in LOG II), Androids 13, 14, and 15, Ozzoto (which I'd have as being set at the same time as collecting Dragon Balls prior to Cell games), Cumber (in place of Broly), Hatchiyack (again, also set before Cell games and during DB collection), plus a Bonus mission based on Movie 9 that could be unlocked by completing a sidequest of some kind throughout the course of the game).
Dragon Ball Z 3
- Storyline covered: Buu Saga (But omitting the 28th World Tournament epilogue) plus events of Movie 10 (but with Cumber used in Broly's place), Movie 12 (like in Buu's Fury) and Movie 13
- Char.s playable: Goku (plus fusion into Gogeta), Gohan, Kid Trunks (plus Gotenks fusion), Videl (not as a temporary character as in Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury), Vegeta (plus Gogeta fusion), and Goten (plus Gotenks fusion).
- Unlockable Char(s): Vegito and Gogeta (as fusion options for Goku and Vegeta), Tapion
- Bosses: Pikkon, Spopovich, Pui Pui, Yakon, Dabura, Fat Buu, Super Buu, Janemba, Super Buu (Gotenks + Piccolo absorbed), "Mystic" Super Buu (Gohan absorbed), Kid Buu, and Hirudegarn as the Final Boss
- Optional Boss battles: Kanba via in-universe space time anamolies (as a replacement for Broly to do a mission based on Movie 10; see sidequests below for details), Bio-Cell (see Sidequests below for details), Aka
- Sidequests: One I'd have set during an obligatory gathering the dragon balls mission in which one can fight Lord Jaguar's Bio-Warriors in which the last opponent would be a failed clone of Cell (rather Bio-Broly, being I'd want the canon version to debut in DBS be the only one in this hypothetical series).
Dragon Ball Super 1
- Storyline covered: God of Destruction Beerus, an original story arcs for all characters, and Frieza Resurrection
- Char.s Playable: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten (W/Gotenks as Fusion), Trunks (W/Gotenks as Fusion), Jaco
- Bosses: Beerus, Shisami, Tagoma, Ginyu-Tagoma, Frieza
- Sidequest(s): Bonus Boss battles against Abo, Kado, and their fused form Aka based on OVA "Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!" and a bonus boss battle against Pikkon
Dragon Ball Super 2
- Storyline covered: Universes 6/Champa arc, Potaufeu/Copy Vegeta mini arc, and Future Trunks/Zamasu saga.
- Char.s Playable: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Trunks (W/Gotenks Fusion), Goten (W/Gotenks Fusion), F. Trunks.
- Unlockable Char.(s): Vegito (again as fusion for Goku and Vegeta) and Beerus
- Bosses: Botamo, Frost, Auta Magetta, Cabba, Hit, Copy Gryll, Copy Vegeta, Goku Black, Zamasu, (F. Trunks vs) Vegeta, (F. Trunks vs.) Gotenks, SSJ-Rose Goku Black, SSJ-Rose GB & Zamasu, Merged Zamasu, Mutated Merged Zamasu, (Beerus vs) Infinite Zamasu (as bonus boss battle).
- Sidequest/Bonus Mission: One that would at the end result in F. Trunks and F. Mai meeting with Chronoa and joining the Time Patrol. Others include bonus fights with Champa and Infinite Zamasu.
Dragon Ball Super 3
- Storyline covered: Post-Zamasu Interregnum (Hit mini-arc primarily) and Universal Survival arc (and DB Super: Broly as bonus mission?)
- Char.s Playable: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 18, Android 17, Frieza
- Bosses: Hit, (Gohan vs) Piccolo, (Goku vs) Krillin & 18, (Goku vs) 17, (Gohan vs) Goku, Trio of Danger (Basil, Lavender, Bergamo), Kale, (17 vs) Kakunsa, (Gohan vs) Obni, Dypso & Kunshi, Prum & Hamira, Auta Magetta & Frost, Jiren (first round), (Frieza vs) Cabba, Caulifla & Kale (and fusion Kefla), (18 vs) Ribrianne, Zirloin & Zabuto & Rabanra, Pirina & Saonel, Gamisaras, Shantza, Damon, Bollarator & Koitsukai & Panchia, Anilaza, Dypso, Top, Jiren, Broly (Bonus)
Dragon Ball GT 1 (Do note that these hypothetical games would not be direct adaptations of GT due to taking account of changes to storyline introduced in Super)
- Storyline covered: Black Star Dragon Ball and Baby Sagas
- Char.s Playable: Goku, Pan, Trunks, Vegeta, Uub, and Broly
- Bosses: Ledgic, Broly, Luud, Sigma Force, Gen. Rilldo, Baby, Baby Vegeta (initial form to Golden Oozaru Baby Vegeta), plus Baby Beerus as the final boss set on the Planet of the Kais or Beerus homeworld.
- Other Significant NPCs: Mai, Bulla, Gohan, Piccolo, Android 17, Android 18, Jaco, Cheelai, Lemo, Cabba, Caulifla, Kale, Beerus, Whis, Shin, Elder Kai, Chronoa, and Towa and Mira
Dragon Ball GT 2
- Storyline covered: Android 21 arc (as replacement for Super 17 arc) and Shadow Dragons sagas (w/ some details from the Dark Empire Saga added to it).
- Char.s Playable: Goku, Pan, Vegeta, Beerus, Broly, Uub
- Bosses: Resurrected past villains, Clones of other past villains, Android 21, Shadow Dragons, Time Breakers (Towa & Mira) and Omega Shenron as final boss.
- Sidequest/Bonus Missions:
Dragon Ball Xenoverse (Because of the reason of... Oh, why the hell not :)
- Storyline covered: Events of Xenoverse 1 & 2 (plus some details of Dragon Ball Online)
- Char.s Playable: Future Warrior (CAC), Goku, Future/Time Patrol Trunks,
- Unlockable character: Goku Jr. (from Special "A Hero's Legacy")
- Bosses: Lord Yao (as well as underlings Mamba, Susha, and Torga as minor bosses), Red Pants Army leaders, First Narak and Dark Namekians, Time Breakers (Towa, Mira (2x), Demigra, Fu), and Supervillain mode versions of other characters at various points.