Dragon Ball Wiki
Dragon Ball Wiki

G'mornin/evenin/afternoon wherever you may be. I got bored and with these two blogs, I started thinking to myself does it even matter? Why do people care so much about a milked cow? So that's my question, why do you care about Akira Toriyama and the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole?

For those who don't really know me, I'm not the greatest fan of the series. I personally don't see why it maintains it's large following when things that are fresh and brilliant GO WATCH CAPTAIN EARTH go unnoticed. That being said, I don't hate the show, I can appreciate the thing it's done for anime and western audiences that view it.

Despite all what I just said; it's been nearly 30 years. If I tried to show someone a series that came out almost 30 years ago, very few people would try to watch it. Yet DB can't go a day without a poorly made rumor about how the franchise is going to get another movie shots fired at Tekken LSSJ , TV series or manga series. That, too me, makes no sense. I can understand about how people have been following it since they were 2-50 years old and how it brings back memories for them. But that to me, still doesn't account for the large following the series has. I know people just think I'm being a "hater" and that I can't appreciate "the fine work" Akira Toriyama gives us. Or that I'm just "too young" to understand what media had to give us in the early before the year 2000. But still, I want to know why.

So tell me why, why do you all care about DB?