Directory: Techniques → Offensive Techniques → Energy Wave
Ultimate Heavenly Cannon (真激烈神王砲 Shin Gekiretsu Shin'ō-hō) is a more powerful version of the Gekiretsu Shin'ou'hou used by Kibito Kai as his ultimate attack in Dragon Ball video games.
The attack in Dragon Ball Heroes
As he says "Time to go all-out!", Kibito Kai brings his fists down and forms two whitish-blue energy spheres. Then he spreads his arms out at his sides and shouts "This is it!" as he brings his hands forward to fire a large energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a huge amount of damage. In Dragon Ball Heroes, Kibito Kai stretches his hand to the side and creates two whitish-blue energy spheres like the Final Flash, then places his hands in front of his chest before firing at his opponent.
Video Game Appearances[]
Kibito Kai uses this technique in the Budokai Tenkaichi series and Dragon Ball Heroes. Buu w/ Kibito Kai absorbed also uses this attack in Dragon Ball Heroes. In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, its name was localized as Ultimate Heavenly Cannon where it appears as Kibito Kai's Super Attack. It can be learned by any Hero Type Avatars used by Beat after Kibito Kai reaches Camaraderie Lvl 5. It can also be learned by Kabra after he reaches Bond Lvl 15.[1] This attack is also Kibito Kai's Super Attack in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle appearing under its original name in both English and Japanese.