Dragon Ball Wiki
Dragon Ball Wiki

"On the 3,135,500,603 of the Royal Calendar, at precisely 1:57 o'clock, the Tournament of Power shall commence in all its glory. Ten warriors from each universe shall engage in epic combat!"
— "Let's Do It, Grand Zeno! The Universes' Best Tournament!!"

The Tournament of Power (ちから大会たいかい Chikara no Taikai) is the name of the tournament held by Zeno and Future Zeno. The strongest warriors from eight out of the twelve Universes are participating, and any team who loses in this tournament will have their universe erased from existence. According to the Grand Minister, the true motive behind the organization of the tournament is that Zeno believes there are too many universes to watch over and wants to erase the primitive ones for not showing improvement.


The Tournament of Power was originally conceived by Zeno after witnessing the Tournament of Destroyers held by Beerus and Champa. After enjoying the tournament for its entertainment value and the spectacle of the participating fighters, Zeno determined that a larger competition involving all of the Universes would prove even more entertaining.

Later, after meeting the Future Zeno, Zeno had more or less forgotten about the tournament until reminded by an eager Goku. Having not seen the original martial arts competition, the Future Zeno was uncertain of the idea, leading to the need for the Zeno Expo, a smaller demonstration of a fighting competition.

It was at the Zeno Expo where the stakes of the Tournament of Power were set forth. Per the wishes of the two Zenos, the Grand Minister announced that the eight universes with the lowest fighter levels would be required to compete. The Universes that did not win the competition would immediately be erased from existence by the two Omni-Kings, resulting in the loss of more than half of the multiverse. To the shock of all present, it was declared that even the Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kais of the defeated Universes would be erased as well. The only ones spared from erasure in a defeated universe would be the attendants to the Gods of Destruction. Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 were exempt from participating in the tournament due to their inhabitants having an average Mortal Level above 7. The eight other Universes, such as Universe 7 (level 3.18) or Universe 9 (level 1.86), are left to fight to determine which one of them deserves to be saved.

Originally, the majority of the participants blamed Goku for endangering the Universes' existence by putting the idea for the tournament into Zeno's head. However, it was eventually revealed that Zeno always intended to destroy the Universes, and the tournament was the last minute change to allow one Universe to be spared.

Following the Zeno Expo, the eight participating universes were given approximately forty-eight hours to select and gather ten fighters each to compete whilst the Grand Priest built the tournament fighting stage.

The tournament occurred in the Null Realm, an isolated place outside of the twelve universes with literally no time or space, allowing the participants to use the fullest extent of their powers. Like the Tournament of Destroyers, the Super Dragon Balls were announced as the prize for the winner of the tournament. The tournament arena was designed by the Great Priest and forged from an alloy known as Kachi Katchin. In the anime, prior to the start of the tournament, three of the Gods of Destruction, Iwan, Arak, Liquiir, battled one another in order to test the stage's durability while Giin opted out of fighting stating that the result would be obvious. These three gods were later required to repair the damage their battle inflicted upon the arena, as well as see to any design flaws made apparent in the Grand Minister's original design.

Each team in the tournament consists of ten warriors from each of the eight participating universes, adding up to a total of 80 fighters. Unlike the World Martial Arts Tournament, the Tournament of Power is a survival-style battle royale in which all 80 fighters face each other simultaneously and must knock their opponents off of the ring to defeat them. Warriors who are rendered unconscious are still considered active competitors until they are removed from the stage. The warriors who get knocked off the stage are immediately teleported to the spectator bench to observe the remainder of the competition along with the gods of their respective Universe. The use of weapons and killing are prohibited during the match and the ability of Flight is disabled (though participants with wings or possess non-ki-based flight abilities are not prohibited from doing so). A new rule prohibiting the use of healing items was announced right before the tournament started. The match will last 100 takks (approx. 48 minutes on Earth) and the Universe with the most survivors, or sole survivor if there is one, will be the winner.

In the anime, according to the Grand Minister at the conclusion of the Tournament of Power, Zeno has foreseen the outcome of the tournament, and had decided that the wish that was made by the winner would signify if the remaining universe deserved to survive. In this way, if the winner made a selfish wish, all universes would be erased, and if a selfless wish was made by a virtuous being as Zeno predicted, any wish would be allowed and the victors would not be erased.


Note: while the rules were generally followed, deviations were permitted on an individual basis that was essentially determined by how entertaining the Zenos believed the rule breaking to be.

  • Fighters cannot be killed, use weapons (other than techniques), or use healing items (e.g. Senzu Beans) during the match.
    • However, items that are not dangerous by themselves (such as the bottle which Master Roshi uses as part of the Evil Containment Wave) were permitted by the Zenos, though it is implied that was because they thought the technique was cool.
    • Fusion-based items and techniques such as the Potara and Fusion Dance are permitted as well. Thus, Fusions are allowed.
      • However, fusion carries a risk. If the fused warrior is eliminated, it counts as the elimination of all the fusees.
    • If someone is killed by their own attack being deflected by someone else, by an inherent flaw in a fighting technique or through self-destruction, it's not considered a violation of the rules.
  • Fighters remain in play even if rendered unconscious or unable to fight. A fighter is eliminated only when made to fall off of the fighting stage or when out of bounds.
  • The tournament consists of a single match with all 80 fighters battling at the same time.
  • The match will last for 100 takks, which equates to roughly 48 minutes.
  • Fighters may be able to jump high, but they are unable to use Flight. However, fighters who are born with wings are able to with Hikou.
  • Each individual warrior will experience the natural level of gravity from their respective homeworld, enabling them to fight at their full capacity and fight on equal terms against other fighters.
  • Once a fighter has been knocked out of the ring, they cannot return to the ring or directly attack the contestants currently in the arena. Anyone who attempts violating this rule will immediately be erased by Zeno. This is shown when Frost attacked Frieza in anger for 'betraying' him. Another offense by another fighter in the same universe will result in Zeno erasing said universe.
  • When all 10 warriors of a Universe are eliminated, that Universe, its deities (barring the angels of said universe), and its inhabitants are immediately erased by Zeno and Future Zeno.
  • The Universe with the most survivors by the end of the tournament will be the victor.
  • The winner of the tournament is granted one limitless wish from the Super Dragon Balls.
    • In the anime, if the warrior wishes for something selfish, then both Zenos will erase everything. (Hidden rule and test)


Universe 2[]

BrianneU2 KakunsaU2 RozieU2 ZarbutooU2


Kakunsa Roasie Zarbuto
RabanraU2 ZirloinU2 JimezeU2 PrummU2
Rabanra Zirloin Jimizu Prum
HermilaU2 VikallU2
Harmira Bikal

Universe 3[]

NigrisshiU3 PaparoniU3 MajiKayoU3 NariramaU3



(Leader – Manga)

Maji-Kayo Narirama
CatopeslaU3 ThePreechoU3 BiarraU3 BollaratorU3
Catopesra Za Priccio Biarra Borareta
KoitsukaiiU3 PanchiaU3 KoichiaratorU3 AnilazaU3
Koitsukai Pancéa Koicéareta

(fusion; anime only)



Universe 4[]

GanosU4 Nink2U4 MonnaU4 MajoraU4


Nink Monna Majora
ShosaU4 DercoriU4 ShantzaU4 CawayU4
Shosa Dercori Xiangca Caway
DamonU4 GamisarasU4
Damom Gamisalas

Universe 6[]

HitU6 CabbaU6 CauliflaU6 KaleU6


Cabba Caulifla Kale
FrostU6 AutaMagettaU6 BotamoU6 SaonelU6
Frost Auta Magetta Botamo Saonel
PirinaU6 DrRotaU6 KeflaU6
Pilina Dr. Rota Kefla


Universe 7[]

GohanU7 GokuU7 VegetaU7 PiccoloU7


Goku Vegeta Piccolo
FriezaU7 Android17U7 Android18U7 KrillinU7
Frieza Android 17 Android 18 Krillin
MutenRoshiU7 TienShinhanU7
Master Roshi Tien Shinhan

Universe 9[]

Bergamo BasilU9 LavenderrU9 HyssopU9


Basil Lavender Hyssop
RozelU9 OreganoU9 ChappilU9 SorrelU9
Roselle Oregano Chappil Sorrel
HopU9 ComfreyU9
Hop Comfrey

Universe 10[]

MurichimU10 ObuniU10 NapapaaU10 LilibeuU10


Obni Napapa Rylibeu
JiumU10 JirasenU10 MethiopU10 MurisamU10
Dium Dyrasem Methiop Murisam
ZircolU10 RubaltU10
Zircor Rubalt

Universe 11[]

Toppo2 JirenU11 DyspooU11 Kahseral U11


Jiren Dyspo Kahseral
CocotteU11 TupperU11 ZoirayU11 KunshiU11
Cocotte Tupper Zoire K'nsi
KettleU11 VewonU11
Kettle Vewon



  • Top vs. Basil
  • Shosa vs. Kettle
  • Nink vs. Hyssop
  • Catopesra vs. Hop
  • Methiop vs. Unknown Warrior (off-screen)
  • Obni vs. Tupper
  • Comfrey vs. Shosa
  • Paparoni vs. Rabanra
  • Top vs. Auta Magetta
  • Goku vs. Ganos
  • Narirama vs. Brianne de Chateau, Sanka Coo, Su Roas, Cabba, Dyspo, Methiop, Murisam, Shosa, Hit, and Basil
  • Basil vs. Rylibeu
  • Basil vs. Napapa
  • Android 18 vs. Cocotte
  • Vegeta vs. Hyssop
  • Android 17 vs. Harmira
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Catopesra
  • Gohan, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Krillin & Master Roshi (Base/Max Power) vs. Botamo, Lavender, Comfrey, Shosa, and Dercori
  • Basil vs. Napapa
  • Dyspo & Kahseral vs. Unknown Warrior (off-screen)
  • Top vs. Murichim
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Nink
  • Goku vs. Bergamo
  • Goku vs. Bergamo, Lavender, and Basil
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Napapa
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Roselle
  • Vegeta vs. Nigrissi & Obni
  • Goku vs. Basil
  • Vegeta vs. Lavender & Hop
  • Goku vs. Chappil & Bergamo
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Chappil & Comfrey
  • Vegeta vs. Lavender, Hop, and Hyssop
  • Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Oregano & Hyssop
  • Android 18 vs. Sorrel (off-screen)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Bergamo, Lavender, & Basil
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Botamo & Auta Magetta
  • Gohan vs. Dium
  • Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, & Master Roshi vs. Dium
  • Krillin, & Master Roshi (Max Power) vs. Dium
  • Android 18 vs. Shosa
  • Krillin & Android 18 vs. Shosa
  • Krillin & Android 18 vs. Majora
  • Krillin vs. Majora
  • Krillin vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Android 17 vs. Jirasen
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Botamo & Auta Magetta
  • Cabba vs. Nigrissi & Murisam
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Cabba (Super Saiyan) (off-screen)
  • Hit vs. Narirama
  • Kale vs. Methiop & Napapa
  • Caulifla (Super Saiyan) vs. Methiop & Napapa
  • Goku (Super Saiyan) vs. Jimizu
  • Caulifla vs. Jimizu
  • Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Caulifla (Super Saiyan Third Grade/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan)
  • Bikal vs. Rubalt
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Everyone
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Vewon
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Jiren
  • Goku vs. Top
  • Master Roshi & Tien Shinhan vs. Za Priccio
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Murichim
  • Goku vs. Tupper (Base/Petrified form) & Zoire
  • Caulifla vs. Kettle
  • Kale vs. Cocotte
  • Android 17 & Android 18 vs. Kahseral
  • Android 17 vs. Kahseral
  • Goku & Android 18 vs. Tupper (Base/Petrified form) & Zoire
  • Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Kale (Base/C-type Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Kahseral, Cocotte, Kettle, and Zoire
  • Android 18 vs. Cocotte
  • Android 18 vs. Paparoni
  • Top and Dyspo vs. Jimizu and Zirloin
  • Rubalt vs. Monna
  • Botamo vs. Obni
  • Zarbuto vs. Cabba
  • Bikal vs. Pancéa
  • Rabanra vs. Ganos
  • Android 17 vs. Brianne de Chateau, Sanka Coo, & Su Roas
  • Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) vs. Everyone
  • Piccolo vs. Jirasen
  • Master Roshi vs. K'nsi
  • Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) vs. Jiren
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) vs. Jirasen
  • Goku vs. Su Roas (Roasie)
  • Android 17 vs. Sanka Coo (Kakunsa)
  • Android 17 vs. Sanka Coo (Kakunsa) and Bikal
  • Android 17 vs. Sanka Coo (Kakunsa) and Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Android 17 vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Goku vs. Su Roas (Roasie)
  • Gohan vs. Botamo
  • Jimeze vs. Zircor
  • Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed) vs. Obni
  • Piccolo vs. Rubalt
  • Hit vs. Dyspo
  • Hit vs. Dyspo and K'nsi
  • Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan God-Blue) and Hit vs. Dyspo and K'nsi
  • Rabanra vs. Auta Magetta
  • Biarra vs. Shantza
  • Master Roshi vs. Caway
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Maji-Kayo (Muscular Form)
  • Master Roshi vs. Dercori (Base/Transformation)
  • Master Roshi (Base/Max Power) vs. Ganos (Base/Transforming Ability)
  • Dr. Rota vs. Harmira and Prum
  • Piccolo vs. Harmira and Prum
  • Gohan and Piccolo vs. Harmira and Prum
  • Goku and Vegeta vs. Prum
  • Goku and Vegeta vs. Harmira and Prum
  • Tien Shinhan vs. Harmira
  • Goku and Vegeta vs. Prum
  • Dr. Rota vs. Prum
  • Vegeta vs. Dr. Rota and Prum
  • Dyspo vs. Maji-Kayo (Base/Muscular Form)
  • Jiren vs. Maji-Kayo (Muscular Form)
  • Master Roshi (Base/Max Power) vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Goku vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Vegeta vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Auta Magetta
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Frost (Final Form) and Auta Magetta
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) and Master Roshi vs. Frost (Final Form) and Auta Magetta
  • Master Roshi vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Frost (Final Form) and Auta Magetta
  • Goku vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Cabba vs. Top
  • Gohan vs. Borareta
  • Gohan vs. Jimizu
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jimizu
  • Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed) vs. Frieza (Final Form/True Golden Frieza)
  • Frieza (Final Form/100% Full Power) vs. Frost (Final Form/100% Full Power)
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne/Super Ribrianne)
  • Vegeta vs. Borareta
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken) vs. Jiren
  • Zirloin vs. Paparoni
  • Pancéa vs. Monna
  • Koitsukai vs. Cabba
  • Vegeta vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Pilina vs. Catopesra
  • Saonel vs. Biarra
  • Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) vs. Top & Dyspo
  • Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-/Base) vs. Jiren
  • Hit vs. Jiren
  • Piccolo and Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed) vs. Saonel and Pilina
  • Vegeta vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne)
  • Vegeta vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) and Su Roas (Roasie)
  • Cabba vs. Catopesra
  • Jiren, Top, and Dyspo vs. Biarra and Catopesra
  • Goku vs. Koitsukai, Pancéa, and Borareta
  • Cabba (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Monna (Base/Expansion)
  • Vegeta vs. Monna (Expansion)
  • Cabba (Base/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Monna (Expansion)
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Top
  • Cabba (Base/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Frieza (Final Form/True Golden Frieza)
  • Caulifla vs. Koitsukai, Pancéa, and Borareta
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Caulifla (Super Saiyan 2)
  • Catopesra vs. Zarbuto
  • Goku (Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan God) vs. Caulifla (Super Saiyan 2) and Kale (Base/Super Saiyan C-type/Legendary Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan 2)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan God) vs. Kefla
  • Kefla vs. Rabanra and Zarbuto
  • Android 18 vs. Catopesra (Whirlwind Speed Mode)
  • Android 17 vs. Catopesra (Whirlwind Speed Mode)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken/Base/Ultra Instinct -Sign-) vs. Kefla (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Strengthened Super Saiyan 2)
  • Vegeta vs. Catopesra (Whirlwind Speed Mode/Battle Mode)
  • Android 17 & Android 18 vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) & Su Roas (Roasie)
  • Android 17 vs. Su Roas (Roasie)
  • Android 18 vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne/Base/Lovely Love, Love Ribrianne)
  • Android 17 vs. Biarra
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Zarbuto, Rabanra, & Zirloin
  • Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed) & Piccolo vs. Saonel & Pilina
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan Blue), Android 17, & Android 18 vs. Zirloin (Formation), Rabanra (Formation), & Zarbuto (Formation)
  • Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Catopesra (Raging Battle Mode/Ultimate Mode)
  • Gamisalas vs. Catopesra (Ultimate Mode)
  • Vegeta vs. Gamisalas
  • Gohan vs. Gamisalas
  • Android 18 vs. Gamisalas
  • Piccolo vs. Gamisalas
  • Piccolo vs. Hop (Illusion), Sorrel (Illusion), and Basil (Illusion)
  • Goku vs Botamo (Illusion)
  • Android 18 vs. Prum (Illusion)
  • Android 17 vs. Sanka Coo (Kakunsa; Illusion)
  • Gohan and Piccolo vs. Bergamo (Illusion), Lavender (Illusion), Basil (Illusion), Hop (Illusion), and Sorrel (Illusion)
  • Piccolo vs. Shantza
  • Piccolo vs. Damon
  • Android 17 vs. Damon
  • Goku vs. Damon
  • Goku and Android 17 vs. Damon
  • Goku vs. Pancéa
  • Vegeta vs. Borareta
  • Android 17 & Android 18 vs. Biarra
  • Gohan vs. Koitsukai
  • Goku and Vegeta vs. Pancéa and Borareta
  • Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed) vs. Pancéa and Borareta
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Pancéa, Koitsukai, and Borareta
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Paparoni
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Koichiarator
  • Goku and Vegeta vs. Koichiarator
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue), and Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Koichiarator and Paparoni
  • Agnilasa vs. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 17, Android 18, Frieza (Final Form), and Jiren
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan God), Vegeta (Super Saiyan), Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed), Android 17, and Android 18 vs. Agnilasa
  • Goku (Super Saiyan God), Vegeta (Super Saiyan), Gohan (Potential Unleashed), Android 17, Android 18, and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Agnilasa
  • Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue), Gohan (Potential Unleashed), Android 17, and Frieza (Final Form/True Golden Frieza) vs. Agnilasa
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (Final Form/True Golden Frieza) vs. Dyspo (Base/Super Maximum Light Speed Mode)
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) and Android 17 vs. Top
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Base) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken/Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Jiren
  • Android 17 vs. Top
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) and Frieza (True Golden Frieza) vs. Dyspo (Super Maximum Light Speed Mode)
  • Android 17 and Frieza (True Golden Frieza) vs. Top (Base/God of Destruction Mode)
  • Android 17 vs. Top (God of Destruction Mode)
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Top (God of Destruction Mode)
  • Android 17 vs. Top (God of Destruction Mode)
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Top (God of Destruction Mode)
  • Android 17 and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Top (God of Destruction Mode)
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Top (God of Destruction Mode)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved), and Android 17 vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved/Base) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken/Base) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Android 17, Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken), Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved), and Android 17 vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Frieza (Final Form/True Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Vegeta vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Base/Ultra Instinct -Sign-/Perfected Ultra Instinct) vs. Jiren (Full Power/Burning Ultimate Warrior)
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (True Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (True Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren (Base/Full Power)
  • Frieza (True Golden Frieza/Rage Mode Golden Frieza/Final Form) and Android 17 vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku, Android 17, and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren (Full Power/Burning Ultimate Warrior)
  • Goku and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Goku and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren


  • Android 17 vs. Murisam
  • Android 17 vs. Rubalt
  • Android 17 vs. Dium
  • Android 18 vs. Prum
  • Catopesra vs. Nink
  • Vegeta vs. Catopesra and Nink
  • Goku (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Vewon, Kahseral, Tupper, Zoire, Kettle, and K'nsi
  • Jiren vs. Nigrissi
  • Jiren vs. Maji-Kayo and Pancéa
  • Comfrey vs. Obni
  • Mulithim vs. Hop
  • Sorrel vs. Dercori
  • Harmira vs. Shosa
  • Hyssop vs. Zircor
  • Methiop vs. Zarbuto
  • Rabanra vs. Dium
  • Za Priccio vs. Roasie
  • Napapa vs. Saonel and Pilina
  • Bergamo, Lavender, and Basil vs. Pancéa, Koitsukai, and Narirama
  • Frost (Final Form) vs. Oregano
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed), Piccolo, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, and Master Roshi vs. Auta Magetta
  • Krillin vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Tien Shinhan and Master Roshi vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Bergamo, Lavender, and Basil
  • Piccolo vs. Hyssop, Sorrel, and Roselle
  • Tien Shinhan vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Vegeta vs. Murichim
  • Goku (Super Saiyan) vs. Vewon, K'nsi, and Kettle
  • Goku (Super Saiyan) vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Roselle
  • Frost (Final Form) vs. Bergamo, Lavender, Basil, Hyssop, Sorrel, Chappil, Oregano, Hop, Comfrey, and Roselle
  • Vegeta vs. Obni
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Frost (Final Form)
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Lavender and Basil
  • Piccolo vs. Bergamo
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Lavender and Basil
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Bergamo
  • Botamo vs. Jirasen
  • Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Top and Dyspo
  • Shosa vs. Unknown Warrior (off-panel)
  • Kakunsa vs. Unknown Warrior (off-panel)
  • Hit vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Hit vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) and Hit vs. Jiren
  • Hit vs. Jiren
  • Vegeta (Super Saiyan/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Dyspo and Top
  • Android 17 vs. Botamo
  • Piccolo vs. Jirasen
  • Gohan vs. Methiop
  • Piccolo vs. Napapa
  • Android 17 vs. Zium
  • Android 17 vs. Mulithim
  • Piccolo vs. Obni
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Zircor
  • Android 18 vs. Ribrianne, Kankunsa & Roasie
  • Android 18 vs. Gamisalas
  • Gamisalas vs. Ribrianne, Kankunsa, Roasie, Murichim, and Zircor
  • Piccolo vs. Gamisalas
  • Piccolo vs. Damon
  • Android 17 vs. Damon
  • Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (Final Form/Golden Frieza) vs. Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan)
  • Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Top
  • Kale vs. Dercori
  • Cabba (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Za Priccio
  • Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan) and Kale
  • Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan) and Cabba (Base/Super Saiyan)
  • Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan)
  • Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Kale (Super Saiyan C-type)
  • Goku (Super Saiyan), Gohan (Potential Unleashed), and Master Roshi vs. Tupper, Zoire, and K'nsi
  • Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Kale (Super Saiyan C-type)
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) and Top
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Ganos and Shantza
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Agnilasa
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Rabanra and Zarbuto
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Obni
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Auta Magetta
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Saonel and Pilina
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Cabba (Super Saiyan)
  • Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Kahseral, K'nsi, Tupper, Zoire, Cocotte, Kettle, and Vewon
  • Cabba (Super Saiyan) and Caulifla (Super Saiyan) vs. Dyspo
  • Kefla (Super Saiyan) vs. Dyspo, Kahseral, K'nsi, Tupper, Zoire, Cocotte, Kettle, and Vewon
  • Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Kefla (Super Saiyan)
  • Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Top (Base/Aura of a God)
  • Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Jiren
  • Android 17 vs. Dyspo
  • Master Roshi vs. Kahseral
  • Master Roshi vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Base/Ultra Instinct -Sign-) vs. Jiren
  • Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Evolved) vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Top
  • Android 17 vs. Dyspo
  • Frieza (Final Form) vs. Top and Dyspo
  • Frieza (Final Form) and Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren
  • Frieza (Golden Frieza) and Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Android 17 vs. Jiren
  • Goku (Autonomous Ultra Instinct -Sign-/Autonomous Ultra Instinct/Base) vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku and Vegeta vs. Jiren (Full Power)
  • Goku and Frieza (Final Form/Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren

Order of Eliminations[]


# Fighter Universe Eliminated By Universe Eliminated By Elimination Method
1 Rylibeu Universe 10 Basil Universe 9 Basil's Shining Blaster, forgot she could fly back up.
2 Nink Universe 4 Goku Universe 7 Goku's transformation to Super Saiyan Blue
3 Comfrey Universe 9 Goku Universe 7 Super Saiyan Goku's ki blast
4 Chappil Universe 9 Goku Universe 7 Super Saiyan Goku's ki blast
5 Hop Universe 9 Vegeta Universe 7 Vegeta's Amazing Impact
6 Hyssop Universe 9 Vegeta Universe 7 Super Saiyan Vegeta's Final Galick Cannon
7 Oregano Universe 9 Vegeta Universe 7 Super Saiyan Vegeta's Final Galick Cannon
8 Sorrel Universe 9 Unknown (presumably Android 18) Unknown (presumably Universe 7) Unknown, off-screen Android 18 seemingly eliminated her, the Toei website states she was knocked off during Universe 9's battle with Goku and Vegeta
9 Roselle Universe 9 Frieza & himself Universe 7 & Universe 9 Final Form Frieza intimidated him to jump off the arena
10 Lavender Universe 9 Goku & Vegeta Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku & Vegeta's God Final Kamehameha joint attack
11 Basil Universe 9 Goku & Vegeta Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku & Vegeta's God Final Kamehameha joint attack
12 Bergamo Universe 9 Goku & Vegeta Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku & Vegeta's God Final Kamehameha joint attack
13 Dium Universe 10 Master Roshi & Krillin Universe 7 Struck down by Krillin's Destructo Disc Triple Blade, then hit mid-fall by Master Roshi's MAX Power Kamehameha
14 Shosa Universe 4 Krillin & Android 18 Universe 7 Krillin & Android 18's ki blast
15 Majora Universe 4 Krillin Universe 7 Krillin's stinky shoe & Kamehameha
16 Krillin Universe 7 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's Tail Attack
17 Murisam Universe 10 Cabba Universe 6 Cabba kicked him out of the arena
18 Nigrissi Universe 3 Unknown (presumably Cabba) Unknown (presumably Universe 6) Unknown, Cabba kicked him towards the center of the arena but he was immediately after shown being launched the opposite direction from where Cabba kicked him and off the edge.
19 Narirama Universe 3 Hit Universe 6 Hit's Time-Skip
20 Napapa Universe 10 Caulifla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Caulifla slammed him into the arena, causing it to crack apart
21 Methiop Universe 10 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Blaster Meteor
22 Vewon Universe 11 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale presumably punched him out of the arena
23 Za Priccio Universe 3 Master Roshi & Tien Shinhan Universe 7 Master Roshi's Thunder Shock Surprise & Tien's Neo Tri-Beam
24 Murichim Universe 10 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza's Tail Attack
25 Tupper Universe 11 Android 18 Universe 7 Android 18 tossed him to the edge of the arena, which crack off due to his Petrified form
26 Kahseral Universe 11 Caulifla & Kale Universe 6 Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Gigantic Blast
27 Kettle Universe 11 Caulifla & Kale Universe 6 Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Gigantic Blast
28 Zoire Universe 11 Caulifla & Kale Universe 6 Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Gigantic Blast
29 Cocotte Universe 11 Android 18 Universe 7 Android 18 tossed her out of the arena while in her Cocotte Zone
30 Jirasen Universe 10 Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) Universe 2 Ribrianne's A Maiden's Charge
31 Bikal Universe 2 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17 kicked her into the spectator bench
32 Sanka Coo (Kakunsa) Universe 2 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's Photon Flash
33 Botamo Universe 6 Gohan Universe 7 Gohan's Multiple punches & Kamehameha
34 Zircor Universe 10 Jimizu Universe 2 Jimizu's ki blast
35 Rubalt Universe 10 Piccolo Universe 7 Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade & blasted off the arena
36 Obni Universe 10 Gohan Universe 7 Potential Unleashed Gohan's Kamehameha
37 K'nsi Universe 11 Hit Universe 6 Hit's Time-Skip
38 Caway Universe 4 Master Roshi & herself Universe 7 & Universe 4 Max Power Master Roshi scared her into jumping off the arena
39 Dercori Universe 4 Master Roshi Universe 7 Master Roshi's Evil Containment Wave & tossed her in a bottle off the arena
40 Ganos Universe 4 Master Roshi Universe 7 Max Power Master Roshi's MAX Power Kamehameha
41 Harmira Universe 2 Tien Shinhan Universe 7 Tien's Multi-Form and dragged him down with him
42 Tien Shinhan Universe 7 Harmira Universe 2 Harmira destroyed the edge of the arena with ki blasts to make him fall
43 Prum Universe 2 Vegeta Universe 7 Vegeta's Galick Gun
44 Dr. Rota Universe 6 Vegeta Universe 7 Vegeta's Galick Gun
45 Maji-Kayo Universe 3 Jiren Universe 11 Jiren's punch
46 Auta Magetta Universe 6 Vegeta Universe 7 Magetta became completely vulnerable over an insult from Vegeta, then kicked off the arena while crying
47 Master Roshi Universe 7 Frost & himself Universe 6 & Universe 7 Roshi took Vegeta's advice and dropped out of the tournament to eat a Senzu Bean after being critically injured by Frost and using the Evil Containment Wave
48 Jimizu Universe 2 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza kicked him out of the arena after beating him to near death
49 Frost Universe 6 Frieza Universe 7 100% Full Power Frieza blasted him out of the arena.
50 Hit Universe 6 Jiren Universe 11 Jiren's Power Impact
51 Monna Universe 4 Cabba Universe 6 Super Saiyan 2 Cabba's Final Stream
52 Cabba Universe 6 Frieza Universe 7 True Golden Frieza's Golden Death Blaster
53 Caulifla (Kefla) Universe 6 Goku Universe 7 Ultra Instinct Sign Goku's Divine Kamehameha while fused as Kefla
54 Kale (Kefla) Universe 6 Goku Universe 7 Ultra Instinct Sign Goku's Divine Kamehameha while fused as Kefla
55 Su Roas (Roasie) Universe 2 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's Photon Flash
56 Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) Universe 2 Android 18 Universe 7 Android 18's Finishing Blow
57 Zirloin Universe 2 Goku Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha
58 Zarbuto Universe 2 Goku Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha
59 Rabanra Universe 2 Goku Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha
60 Pilina Universe 6 Gohan & Piccolo Universe 7 Potential Unleashed Gohan's Ultimate Kamehameha and Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon
61 Saonel Universe 6 Gohan & Piccolo Universe 7 Potential Unleashed Gohan's Ultimate Kamehameha and Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon
62 Catopesra Universe 3 Gamisalas Universe 4 Gamisalas kicked him out of the arena
63 Gamisalas Universe 4 Piccolo Universe 7 Piccolo's Explosive Breath Cannon
64 Xiangca Universe 4 Piccolo Universe 7 Piccolo's ki blast
65 Piccolo Universe 7 Damom Universe 4 Damom's multiple punches to the back
66 Damom Universe 4 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17 kicked him out of the arena after trapping him in an Android Barrier
67 Biarra Universe 3 Android 18 Universe 7 Android 18 kicked him out of the arena
68 Android 18 Universe 7 Agnilasa & herself Universe 3 & Universe 7 Android 18 sacrificed herself to save Android 17 from falling out of the ring after he had been knocked out of it by Agnilasa
69 Koitsukai (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 17, and Frieza Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's God Final Flash, Potential Unleashed Gohan's Ultimate Kamehameha, Android 17's Android Barrier, and True Golden Frieza's Golden Death Beam
70 Pancéa (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 17, and Frieza Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's God Final Flash, Potential Unleashed Gohan's Ultimate Kamehameha, Android 17's Android Barrier, and True Golden Frieza's Golden Death Beam
71 Borareta (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 17, and Frieza Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's God Final Flash, Potential Unleashed Gohan's Ultimate Kamehameha, Android 17's Android Barrier, and True Golden Frieza's Golden Death Beam
72 Paparoni (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 17, and Frieza Universe 7 Super Saiyan Blue Goku's God Kamehameha, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's God Final Flash, Potential Unleashed Gohan's Ultimate Kamehameha, Android 17's Android Barrier, and True Golden Frieza's Golden Death Beam
73 Dyspo Universe 11 Frieza & Gohan Universe 7 True Golden Frieza's Golden Death Blaster while Gohan held him down
74 Gohan Universe 7 Frieza & Himself Universe 7 Held Dyspo down so True Golden Frieza could knock them off with a Golden Death Blaster
75 Top Universe 11 Vegeta Universe 7 Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta's Final Explosion
76 Vegeta Universe 7 Jiren Universe 11 Jiren's punch
77-79 Frieza Universe 7 Himself Universe 7 Final Form Frieza sacrificed himself with Super Saiyan Goku to drag Jiren down with Miracle of Universe 7
77-79 Goku Universe 7 Himself Universe 7 Super Saiyan Goku sacrificed himself with Final Form Frieza to drag Jiren down with Miracle of Universe 7
77-79 Jiren Universe 11 Goku and Frieza Universe 7 Super Saiyan Goku and Final Form Frieza's Miracle of Universe 7


# Fighter Universe Eliminated By Universe Eliminated By Elimination Method
1 Murisam Universe 10 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's kick
2 Rubalt Universe 10 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza stomps on his hand as he holds on to the edge of the ring, causing him to lose his grip and fall
3 Prum Universe 2 Android 18 Universe 7 Android 18's kick
4 Jimizu Universe 2 Android 18 & Prum Universe 7 & Universe 2 After receiving the kick, Prum collided with him, falling both outside the ring
5-6 Catopesra Universe 3 Vegeta Universe 7 Vegeta's Energy Wave
5-6 Nink Universe 4 Vegeta Universe 7 Vegeta's Energy Wave
7 Krillin Universe 7 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's kick
8 Dr. Rota Universe 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
9-11 Monna Universe 4 Unknown (possibly Botamo) Unknown (possibly Universe 6) Unknown, while facing off against Botamo she was knocked off the arena, eliminated at the exact same time as the Universe 3 fighters
9-11 Biarra Universe 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown
9-11 Narirama Universe 3 Unknown (possibly Trio De Dangers) Unknown (possibly Universe 9) Unknown, while facing Trio De Dangers he was knocked off the arena, eliminated at the exact same time as Monna and Biarra
12 Tien Shinhan Universe 7 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's punch
13 Oregano Universe 9 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's ki blast
14 Roselle Universe 9 Frost & Hyssop Universe 6 Final Form Frost Dragonthrowing Hyssop at him
15 Hyssop Universe 9 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's Dragonthrow
16 Chappil Universe 9 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's kick
17 Sorrel Universe 9 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's Multiple Punches
18 Hop Universe 9 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's Multiple Punches
19 Comfrey Universe 9 Frost Universe 6 Final Form Frost's Point Blank Explosive Wave
20 Frost Universe 6 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza's Choke Hold and Kick combination
21 Lavender Universe 9 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza's Death Beam as they charge at Gohan
22 Basil Universe 9 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza's Death Beam as they charge at Gohan
23 Bergamo Universe 9 Frieza Universe 7 Final Form Frieza's surprise kick while talking with Piccolo
24 Hit Universe 6 Jiren Universe 11 Jiren's Uppercut
25-29 Rylibeu Universe 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown
25-29 Caway Universe 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
25-29 Majora Universe 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
25-29 Harmira Universe 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
25-29 Bikal Universe 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
30 Jirasen Universe 10 Piccolo Universe 7 Piccolo's Energy Wave
31 Botamo Universe 6 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's punch
32-34 Dium Universe 10 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's blast
32-34 Napapa Universe 10 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's blast
32-34 Methiop Universe 10 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's blast
35 Android 18 Universe 7 Gamisalas or Damon Universe 4 Gamisalas' sneak attack or Damon's physical blow
36-37 Kakunsa Universe 2 Gamisalas or Damon Universe 4 Gamisalas' sneak attack or Damon's physical blow
36-37 Roasie Universe 2 Gamisalas or Damon Universe 4 Gamisalas' sneak attack or Damon's physical blow
38 Ribrianne Universe 2 Gamisalas or Damon Universe 4 Gamisalas' sneak attack or Damon's physical blow
39-40 Zircor Universe 10 Gamisalas or Damon Universe 4 Gamisalas' sneak attack or Damon's physical blow
39-40 Murichim Universe 10 Gamisalas or Damon Universe 4 Gamisalas' sneak attack or Damon's physical blow
41 Gamisalas Universe 4 Piccolo Universe 7 Piccolo's Energy Wave
42 Piccolo Universe 7 Damon Universe 4 Damon's physical blow
43 Damom Universe 4 Android 17 Universe 7 Android 17's Finger Beam
44 Dercori Universe 4 Kale Universe 6 Kale's elbow to the stomach followed by a backward kick
45 Za Priccio Universe 3 Cabba Universe 6 Super Saiyan Cabba's rush punch
46-48 Maji-Kayo Universe 3 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Power Up
46-48 Shosa Universe 4 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Power Up
46-48 Zirloin Universe 2 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's Power Up
49-50 Xiangca Universe 4 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale dropped him off the arena
49-50 Ganos Universe 4 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale dropped him off the arena
51-55 Nigrissi Universe 3 Unknown[1] Unknown[1] Unknown[1]
51-55 Koitsukai (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's kick
51-55 Pancéa (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's kick
51-55 Borareta (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's kick
51-55 Paparoni (Agnilasa) Universe 3 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's kick
56-57 Zarbuto Universe 2 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's throw
56-57 Rabanra Universe 2 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's throw
58 Obni Universe 10 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's punch
59 Auta Magetta Universe 6 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's throw
60-61 Pilina Universe 6 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's blast
60-61 Saonel Universe 6 Kale Universe 6 Legendary Super Saiyan Kale's blast
62 Cabba Universe 6 Tupper & himself Universe 11 & Universe 6 Super Saiyan Cabba sacrificed himself to save Kale from falling out of the ring after she had been knocked out of it by Tupper
63 Tupper Universe 11 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's punch
64-68 Vewon Universe 11 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's punch
64-68 Kettle Universe 11 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's punch
64-68 Cocotte Universe 11 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's kick
64-68 Zoire Universe 11 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's punch
64-68 K'nsi Universe 11 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's punch
69-71 Gohan Universe 7 Kefla Universe 6 Super Saiyan Kefla's punch
69-71 Caulifla (Kefla) Universe 6 Gohan Universe 7 Potential Unleashed Gohan's punch
69-71 Kale (Kefla) Universe 6 Gohan Universe 7 Potential Unleashed Gohan's punch
72 Kahseral Universe 11 Master Roshi Universe 7 Master Roshi's leg sweep and chop
73 Master Roshi Universe 7 Jiren Universe 11 Jiren chopped Roshi to the back of his neck
74-75 Dyspo Universe 11 Frieza Universe 7 Frieza caused the platform he was on destabilize, soon resulting in it shattering
74-75 Top Universe 11 Frieza Universe 7 Frieza caused the platform he was on destabilize, soon resulting in it shattering
76 Vegeta Universe 7 Jiren Universe 11 Jiren's Kiai
77-79 Goku Universe 7 Frieza Universe 7 Golden Frieza's Nova Strike to Jiren while Goku was behind him
77-79 Jiren Universe 11 Frieza Universe 7 Golden Frieza's Nova Strike
77-79 Frieza Universe 7 Himself Universe 7 Pushed Jiren and Goku off the stage along with himself

Order of Erased Universes[]


# Universe
1 Universe 9
2 Universe 10
3 Universe 2
4 Universe 6
5 Universe 4
6 Universe 3
7 Universe 11


# Universe
1 Universe 9
2 Universe 4
3 Universe 3
4 Universe 2
5 Universe 10
6 Universe 6
7 Universe 11

Video Game Appearances[]

In World Mission, the Dragon Ball Heroes participate as an additional team. Later on in the tournament, Zeno decides to add the Gods of Destruction as another team. Towards the end, Sealas' team forcefully enter the tournament but forfeit when Sealas has collected enough data.

In Xenoverse 2, while the event itself is not shown, it's stage appears. As part of the Ultra Pack 1, a alternate version of the Tournament of Power appears in a time fragment timeline featured in New Parallel Quest: "Tournament of Power 2". This version of the Tournament of Power features a special rule as Zen-Oh states that now fighters are permitted to use ki-based Flight, as a way to "make it more fun." and the Time Patrol acts as its own team (represented by the player and their allies). As part of the Legendary Pack 1 DLC, Fu alters the history of the Tournament of Power leading him to take Dyspo's place as a member of Team Universe 11. To ensure Team Universe 7 wins, Chronoa sends Time Patrol Future Trunks and the Conton City Hero to aid Goku and Vegeta. However Fu empowers Destroyer Form Top with Supervillain. Fortunately Future Trunks and the Conton City Hero help even the odds and Time Patrol Trunks' presence only strengthens Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Evolved) Vegeta's resolve to defeat God of Destruction Top. The Time Patrol are ultimately successful in fixing the alterations and Fu flees through a time rift. The Goku of this altered timeline would later join the Time Patrol, Future Pikkon, and Future Gohan in combatting Supervillain Future Janemba and his clones, though Fu reveals Future Janemba never existed in said Future timeline and absorbs the energy from the changes he made before leaving through another time rift portal. Fu's fixed alterations to the Tournament of Power creates a time fragment timeline featured in New Parallel Quest 145: "Other World Challenger", where Pikkon is resurrected by Whis so he can participate in the Tournament of Power. However Pikkon is initially unaware of this fact as he was about to participate in the Other World Tournament only to find himself alive in the Null Realm. Goku does his best to explain the situation and reveals Frieza has been revived as well to Pikkon's confusion (indicating the time fragment timeline anomalously combines aspects of the Other World Tournament filler and the canon Universe Survival Saga) as he considers Frieza weak but Goku assures him that Frieza is much stronger and off fighting elsewhere. Pikkon and the Time Patrol confront Cabba, Frost, Hit, Kefla, Ribrianne, Top (God of Destruction), and Jiren. However Goku fails to mention that Universe 7 will be erased if they lose until Top and Jiren show up as the last two opponents. If Pikkon's health decreases below 10% he will leave to rest and Goku tells him he's earned it as the Time Patrol deals with the remaining fighters. However if his health is above 10% when Top (GoD) and Jiren are defeated, this will trigger a Legendary Finish where Zen-Oh and Future Zen-Oh decide to have the remaining fighters of Team Universe 7 fight each other to the last fighter standing. This results in the Time Patrol facing Pikkon, Goku (Base/SSGSS Kaioken), and Frieza (Final Form/Golden). Pikkon wonders if it is okay, but Goku says they have little choice but to to fight to please the Zennys, only for Pikkon to be confused by who he is referring to (either due to being unaware of the Omni-Kings position and/or unaware of Goku's nickname for Grand Zen-Oh and his counterpart.


  • In the anime, Basil is the first fighter to have eliminated another fighter. In the manga, Android 17 is the first.
    • In the anime, ironically, Universe 9 scored the first elimination of the tournament but was the first universe erased. In the manga, Universe 7 scored the first elimination.
  • In the anime, Rylibeu was the first fighter to be eliminated. In the manga, Murisam was the first fighter eliminated. Both fighters were from Universe 10.
  • In the anime, Bikal is the only fighter to get eliminated by being launched directly into the viewing stand.
  • In the anime, despite having an advantage, all winged members of all the teams—barring Agnilasa from Universe 3—proved to be quite useless as they were the first ones and/or quite easily eliminated (Rylibeu and Zium were the first ones from Team Universe 10, Bikal was the first from Team Universe 2, Za Priccio was the third from Team Universe 3 and Roselle from Team Universe 9 eliminated himself during the first 5 minutes of the tournament).
  • The Tournament of Power is the first tournament that Master Roshi has participated in since 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, however, it is also the first tournament within the Dragon Ball series where he participates as himself and not as his alter-ego Jackie Chun.
    • It is also the first Tournament in the Dragon Ball series where Frieza and Android 17 participate as Goku, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta, Android 18, and Gohan had all previously participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Gohan, Tien, Krillin, Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta also fought in the Cell Games, while Goku, Piccolo, and Vegeta also participated in the tournament between Universe 6 and Universe 7.
    • Additionally, Goku, Tien, and Master Roshi are all former World Tournament champions, while Gohan is the true winner of the Cell Games. Piccolo made it to the finals of the 23rd World Tournament only to be defeated by Goku, while Android 18 managed to fight all the way to the finals of the 25th World Tournament, though choose to throw the fight and blackmailed Mr. Satan for double the prize money allowing him to maintain his reputation.
  • In the anime, it is the second tournament in which Good Buu was originally supposed to participate in but was unable to do so because he fell asleep. However, in the manga, Good Buu was originally supposed to take part in the Tournament of Destroyers but failed the tournament's written exam.
  • The Tournament of Power marks the second time a competition between multiple Universes is held in a vast, neutral space of some sort, this one being held in the Null Realm. The Tournament of Destroyers preceding this was held on the Nameless Planet that was located in the neutral space between Universes 6 and 7. In both cases this may be to avoid the possibility of the locations favoring certain Universes over others.
  • The Tournament of Power is the second (third if one counts the Timespace Tournament from Dragon Ball Fusions) Martial Arts tournament in the series to involve teams representing different Universes, the first being the Tournament of Destroyers.
  • All the flight-able warriors except for modified warriors from Universe 3 participating have different types of wings.
  • The anime version of the Tournament of Power has so far seen two incidents where a group of fighters has not only used a combined energy-based attack against two Saiyan opponents, but have been eliminated by being overpowered by their opponents in the Energy Clash as well. The first time was when the three warriors from Universe 9, Basil, Lavender and Bergamo, used their Triangle Danger Beam against Universe 7's Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, and lost to the latter duo's combined God Final Kamehameha. The second time was when the 4 warriors from Universe 11, Cocotte, Kahseral, Kettle, and Zoire, used their United Justice Stream against Universe 6's Caulifla (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Kale (C-type Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan), and lost to the latter duo's Gigantic Blast.
    • However, unlike her teammates, Cocotte did not get sent out of the ring by losing the beam struggle; she shielded herself from this initial wipe-out and was instead thrown out of the ring by Android 18.
  • In the anime, Frost is the only competitor to be erased separately from his universe, and is also the only competitor to blatantly violate the rules by attempting to launch an attack after he has been knocked out of the arena. In the manga Frost is not erased after his ring out.
  • In the anime, Goku eliminated the most competitors with 16 eliminations, Vegeta is second for the most amount with 14, at third is Frieza with 12 eliminations.
  • In the manga, Kale eliminated the most competitors with 17 eliminated (not counting those eliminated by Kefla), second place is a tie between Frieza and Frost with 9 eliminations each, third place are presumably Kefla and Android 17 with 6 eliminations each. It is possible that Gamisalas could have gotten up to 6 eliminations, and Damon could have gotten up to 7, though it is unknown which eliminations were performed by which invisible fighter aside from Damon's elimination of Piccolo.
  • In the anime, Universe 7 eliminated all other universes in the Tournament of Power, eliminating at least 52 of the 80 fighters and the last warriors of the 7 other universes consecutively. Also, Goku had participated in the elimination of at least 4 universes each by delivering the final blow: three through teamwork (Universe 9, 3 and 11) with another member from Universe 7 and one (Universe 2) individually.
  • In the manga, Universe 6 eliminated 4 universes, at least 34 fighters with Kale delivering the final blow to each one (Universes 4, 3, 2, and 10).
  • In the anime, Universe 10 is the only universe that hasn't gotten a single elimination.
  • This is the first tournament where fusion is specifically permitted by the rules (however it is a potentially risky technique to use due to the rules of a drop out, which adds balance as while fusions may be more powerful their power means nothing if they end up being eliminated).
    • This is why Beerus rejected the idea of using Potara Fusion to fuse Android 17 and Android 18 into Android 35, as they would both be eliminated if their fusion was eliminated and he was not willing to take the risk.
  • Frieza eliminated a member of the Son family alongside a Pride Trooper in both versions of the tournament. In the anime, Frieza eliminated Dispo - who was being held by Gohan. In the manga, he eliminated Jiren along with Goku (who was behind him), as well as himself.
  • In the anime, based on the Khai's observations, was said that both Jiren and Goku were the tournament's most potent participants to the point that the fall of one of them would result in a likely definitive victory of their respective universes over the others. In this analysis, the Pride Trooper was openly recognized as stronger than the Saiyan, having only been eliminated due to his personal personality.
  • Frieza is the only dead fighter in the Tournament of Power, until being revived after the tournament.
  • In the manga, participants that were eliminated from the Tournament of Power have their clothes restored and wounds seemingly healed.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Not seen in the stands after Ganos and Shantza's defeat, in the stands after Agnilasa's defeat.

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