The Toei Cartoon Festival (東映まんがまつり Tōei Manga Matsuri) is a festival established by Toei Company and its subsidiary, Toei Animation, in 1969 as a way to showcase their popular children's series as theatrical films during seasonal breaks in the school year (spring vacation, summer vacation, and winter vacation). The festival is where every Dragon Ball film had its Japanese premiere; however, 2013's Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods had a nationwide theatrical release, due to Toei starting to save the Toei Cartoon Festival for less known franchises, by the end of the 90s - start of the 2000s.
The Toei Carton Festival is one of the largest sources of revenue from Toei Animation, producing on average more than 1.5 billion yen each festival. The publicity surrounding the release of the movies from Toei is usually large, with advertisements on television, magazines and the like. The event takes place simultaneously in major cities of Japan, and the public can check out beforehand the films that will be released next in nearly 1000 theaters throughout Japan. Most festivals would last roughly one month, or as long as the seasonal vacation allowed. Toei films are screened together back-to-back, with a typical total running time of roughly three hours. Tickets can be purchased at the theater, or discount tickets could be purchased in advance which covered the cost of admission, as well as a bonus item such as a promotional pamphlet describing the featured movies, and various other special presents such as posters, paper hats, cards, and toys. Additional items, including the official theatrical pamphlet and a variety of other commemorative goods, are available for purchase at cinemas or by mail during this period. Every event has a good amount of released products related to anime that will go on the big screen, mostly are products that are not sold in stores, so as a result become collectors' items, such as tickets and posters of the films, and promotional materials for toys and other trinkets.
In March 1990, the event's name was changed from its original name to Toei Anime Fair (東映アニメフェア Tōei Anime Fea) to make a distinction with the tokusatsu heroes' version Toei Super Hero Fair (東映スーパーヒーローフェア Tōei Sūpā Hīrō Fea), but the name Toei Manga Matsuri had been restored after 1995 but was used for anime only after 2002.