Dragon Ball Wiki

damage and distance[]

Are we ever given a rough idea of to what degree the damage done by ki blasts goes down the further away a target is, and how that might vary for different key attacks?

I'm wondering if for example that's why part of Krillin was able to blast right through Vegeta's abdomen in the Namek Saga even though he was consistently at a much lower power level.

I figure part of that's also something like "Vegeta has a ki field allowing him to deflect attacks and he chose to lower it" (maybe for some it requires ongoing attention: like Goku/Goku not being able to deflect a needle/punch when distracted by Chichi/Videl criticism) but that perhaps "point blank" range (no dissipation of energy over distance) could have something to do with it?

I'm sure dissipation rate could also have something to do with establishing "effective range" of certain ki blasts, though I don't know any examples of range variance among them. Tycio (talk) 02:05, 18 February 2021 (UTC)