Dragon Ball Wiki

Tag-Team Steal is a team attack utilized by Broly and Cheelai in Dragon Ball Legends.


Broly charges forward at the opponent while protected from enemy Ki Blasts by an aura of Blast Armor and delivers a rush attack before grabbing the opponent by the neck, with Cheelai appearing and pickpockets a Dragon Ball from the helpless opponent. She then drops the Dragon Ball into her Battle Armor's breastplate concealing it within her cleavage before flying off as Broly throws the opponent finishing the attack.

Video Game Appearances[]

Tag-Team Steal was named and first appeared in Dragon Ball Legends as DBL22-09S Broly: Cheelai (Assist)'s Special Quirk Skill Arts. Like most Special Quirk Skill Arts, the attack does no damage to the opponent's health, however it does randomly trigger three different effects: Destroys all the opponent's held Arts Cards, reduces the opponent's Dragon Ball count by 1, or cancels the opponent's Attribute Upgrades. It also grants Blast Armor to Broly's forward charge though it will not protect Broly from enemy Strike Arts, Special Move Arts, or Awakening/Ultimate Arts, though it will trigger an Impact if he collides with the opponent's Special Quirk Skill Arts.


