- This article is about the transformation. For the manga chapter, see Super Saiyan?. For the anime volume, see Super Saiyan?! (volume).
"Dad... I understand. What Vegeta kept saying was true... You were able to become... a Super Saiyan!" |
Super Saiyan (超サイヤ人 Sūpā Saiya-jin) is an advanced transformation utilized by members and hybrids of the Saiyan race that have sufficient amounts of S-Cells in the Dragon Ball series. Earthlings with Saiyan heritage in Dragon Ball Online can also assume the transformation by wishing to have their dormant Saiyan powers unlocked.
The Super Saiyan form first debuted on March 19, 1991, within chapter 317 of the Dragon Ball manga, entitled "Life or Death". It made its anime debut in June 1991, within Dragon Ball Z episode 95, "Transformed at Last". During Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, three further powered up transformations: the second[20][21] and third[22][23] forms succeed Super Saiyan, while the premier form also has two additional graded states[5] that focus on power, and also the final form[24][25] which is superior to the graded forms. The original Super Saiyan form can also be mastered[26] to improve some of its traits and remove some flaws.
Quick Answers
What is the significance of S-Cells in the transformation to Super Saiyan?
Who was the first character to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation in the Dragon Ball series?
What are the different levels of the Super Saiyan transformation?
How can Earthlings with Saiyan heritage transform into a Super Saiyan?
"The fires of Goku's temper have flared, and his rage now burns with the heat of a mighty inferno! Will Goku's unsettling transformation prove to be Frieza's nightmare?!" |

The depiction of Yamoshi in Vegeta's story
The ability to become a Super Saiyan was once considered to be nothing but a legend, as it had not been performed for over one thousand years.[27] Vegeta stated that a Super Saiyan has achieved a level of power so overwhelming that it could only be maintained in a transformed state. Despite only being told through legend, Frieza, who had Saiyans in his army, became paranoid over the possibility of truth behind the legend due to the constantly growing power of the Saiyan race. After receiving informal permission from the God of Destruction Beerus, Frieza finally decided to annihilate the Saiyan race by destroying Planet Vegeta,[28] thus apparently sparking the end of the Super Saiyan legend. However, twenty-five years later, the Super Saiyan legend was proven true when Goku accomplished the feat during his titanic battle with Frieza.[29]

After Bardock transforms into a Super Saiyan, the environment keeps changing constantly
It was originally believed that the Super Saiyan transformation comes in response to a need, not a desire.[30] Any Saiyan can become a Super Saiyan, however, they require a large amount of S-Cells in order to take on the form, Saiyans who have a gentle spirit gain more S-Cells, but when a Saiyan increases their battle power, they steadily gain more S-Cells. Once the Saiyan has enough S-Cells, a feeling such as strong anger or sadness can transform a Saiyan into a Super Saiyan.[31][32][33] Once a Saiyan has achieved the form they can transform into it any time by focusing their energy into their back to make it tingle. A Saiyan who has a very large battle power can turn Super Saiyan without needing a trigger, due to their tremendous number of S-Cells. Saiyan offspring will inherit S-Cells from their parents. This is why Goten, Trunks and the hybrid clone Cell were able to become Super Saiyans so easily.
Super Saiyan Goku unleashes an intense rage as he prepares to assault Frieza
Goku achieves the form out of anger over the murder of his best friend Krillin, and in a what-if scenario Bardock achieves the form out of anger after Chilled attacked a Plant child called Berry, while Vegeta achieves the form through sheer frustration at his original inability to achieve it, especially when Goku already had.[34] While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Goku informs Gohan that becoming a Super Saiyan is powered by rage and told him to imagine Cell and then Frieza (after Gohan stated he had never seen Cell) killing all his friends in order for him to transform into a Super Saiyan. As the Saiyans train during Dragon Ball Z, they discover uncharted levels beyond the first Super Saiyan level. The power increases of subsequent Super Saiyan forms are so high that by the Buu Saga, the original transformation has been literally reduced to a "child's plaything" (as stated by Vegeta, as both Goten and Trunks can transform and harness the power adeptly at such a young age).[35]
While female Super Saiyans did not debut in the Dragon Ball manga or anime until Caulifla achieved the transformation in Dragon Ball Super, several female Super Saiyans were shown in the video games, such as Note from Dragon Ball Heroes and Sesamy from Dragon Ball Fusions. The Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File states that Pan and Bulla have the potential to transform if the right conditions are met and that they may transform if the evilest of dangers appears, also stating that Pan might become a type of Super Saiyan never seen before.[citation needed]
In Dragon Ball Super, while explaining Goku's Super Saiyan form to Beerus as they were watching parts of Goku's battle with Frieza, Whis mentions that the Saiyan's knowledge of the form was lost to their race at some point in the past, resulting in it being viewed by most Saiyans as little more than a legend until it was rediscovered by Goku and the surviving Saiyans. The Namekian Grand Elder Guru also showed some awareness of the existence of Super Saiyans when he mistakenly thought that the Nameless Namekian had been killed by a Saiyan while speaking to Krillin about Kami and Piccolo's deaths, unaware of their split until after he probed Krillin's mind. Guru implied that only a Super Saiyan would have the power to kill a Super Namekian like the Nameless Namekian. This indicates that Namekians may have encountered Super Saiyans in the distant past or had heard about them during the time the Namekian people were an interstellar race, as Guru possessed knowledge of them and the legend concerning the Original Super Saiyan God recorded in the Namekian Book of Legends.
In Dragon Ball GT, Old Kai was shown to be aware of both the Golden Great Ape and Super Saiyan 4 forms which are only accessible to Saiyans who have achieved the Super Saiyan form yet also capable of transforming into a Great Ape, indicating that Super Saiyans, Golden Great Apes, and Super Saiyan 4 had previously existed at some point in the past for Old Kai to possess knowledge of those transformations. However, he could have simply been relatively aware of the normal Super Saiyan form and used the preestablished naming scheme to name Super Saiyan 4.
In the Dragon Ball Super manga, it is shown that when a Super Saiyan's power surpasses the power of the Super Saiyan God form, it will naturally progress into a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.
Akira Toriyama stated in the Saikyō Jump's June 2014 interview that Goku realized mastering his normal state and Super Saiyan would raise his level more and sap less strength than Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3. This was eventually displayed in the story through the Saiyan beyond God and Super Saiyan Blue states in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ and the Dragon Ball Super series.
Concept and Creation[]
The concept of a "Super Saiyan" was first referenced by Nappa in "The Needs of the Many", as a term for the power hypothetical Saiyan-Earthling hybrids would wield. The concept of the Super Saiyan warrior of legend was eventually introduced as a major plot point in "The Dragon Balls Change Hands".
The Super Saiyan from 1000 years ago prior to the Frieza Saga - Yamoshi - first appeared in a filler visual in "Goku's New Power", well before the debut of the Super Saiyan form proper. Here Yamoshi was depicted using a Golden Great Ape form.
The initial incarnation of the Super Saiyan form was created by Toei Animation and used in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, however this was later retconned into being the Pseudo Super Saiyan form after the debut of the real Super Saiyan state in the manga.
The primary reason why Akira Toriyama created the Super Saiyan state with blond hair was so that his assistant would no longer have to spend so much time coloring Goku's hair black - thus saving time. Due to also having the effect of making Goku appear stronger, it killed two birds with one stone.[36]
Goku's Super Saiyan form was heavily influenced by the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee. According to Toriyama, Goku's piercing eyes were based on Lee's paralyzing glare.[37] Dragon Ball Z anime character designer Tadayoshi Yamamuro also used Lee as a reference for Goku's Super Saiyan form, stating that, when he "first becomes a Super Saiyan, his slanting pose with that scowling look in his eyes is all Bruce Lee."[38][39]
The Super Saiyan Form[]
"The power comes in response to a need, not a desire." |

The Super Saiyans who appear in the original manga series featuring Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Kid Trunks, Vegito, and Gotenks (Tadayoshi Yamamuro)
The first Super Saiyan transformation occurs when a Saiyan who has reached a very high level of power loses himself in a fit of rage.[31] It can be achieved by any Saiyan who has a high battle power above the standard level.[31] However, in the anime, the transformation must be triggered in response to a great need, an example being in Goku's case to defeat Frieza. Intense rage may not be the actual or only source, but merely a focuser, as Goten proved able to obtain his form instinctively. To which, in Dragon Ball Super, Cabba described the process of as experiencing a tingling sensation of focusing one's energy emanating from the user's back (seemingly centered in a point along the spine) between the shoulder blades, Caulifla simply followed these instructions to transform into the state.
The transformation has a common and noticeable effect on the Saiyan's personality. Any Saiyan that had previously demonstrated a calm, collected, laid back, kind and even peaceful demeanor becomes ruthless, overcome with rage, impulsive, even becoming noticeably vengeful and unusually violent towards anyone around them in their rage, even their own allies; any Saiyan that had demonstrated those traits previously will only have them amplified to a greater degree. This is first demonstrated when Goku turned Super Saiyan during his battle against Frieza where his personality was warped from a calm, collected fighter into a vicious and vengeful warrior, hellbent on avenging his fallen friend Krillin even at his own peril. When warning Gohan to leave with Piccolo immediately, Goku snapped at his own son in his fury, demanding he obey his order "before I lose what little sense of reason I have left!" (as stated in the manga and Japanese and Kai dubs), implying that if not for his pure heart, his transformed rage would cause him to indiscriminately attack anyone in his way. Later, despite regaining some sense of self, upon being urged by King Kai to finish the fight with Frieza quickly, Goku defied his orders, determined to make Frieza bleed for what he did to Krillin and refusing to take his best friend's second and presumed permanent death sitting down. During the Tournament of Power, Kale was shown to fall victim to the same initial tendencies of rage upon transforming over Caulifla disregarding her (anime)/Frieza harming Caulilfa (manga), wiping out several of her own teammates by accident along with other contestants during her rampage. Likewise, Broly did not care who he fought upon transforming over his father's death, blindly assaulting everyone around him, which Goku and Vegeta used to their advantage to buy time by siccing Broly on a nearby Frieza, despite Frieza technically being his ally.

Vegeta as a Super Saiyan
When Vegeta became a Super Saiyan, he became even more rash and belligerent, and became obsessed with defeating the Androids by himself, a drastic change from his smart, covert style he demonstrated in the Vegeta and Namek Sagas. Goku Jr., a timid boy with no will to fight even in self-defense, undertook the same violent change in emotions as the other Super Saiyans upon witnessing Lord Yao's attack on the forest, but soon regained his sense of self, potentially due to his pure heart or beating Lord Yao rather quickly.
Over time, the users of the form have developed methods of getting around the emotional upheaval of the transformation. Goku and Gohan trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to use the Super Saiyan form as naturally as they do their base form, regaining emotional control and developing the stronger Super Saiyan Full Power (though Gohan's amplified anger returned upon becoming a Super Saiyan 2). While Cabba achieved the form via rage like most other Saiyans, he remembered the aforementioned focal point on his back from the first time he transformed and instructed Caulifla to concentrate her ki there and replicate the sensation, resulting in her drawing out her transformation without any sign of rising anger, reinforcing the transformation's changes being purely physical and the psychological changes being dependent on the method of transforming.
Furthermore, initial users of Super Saiyan may struggle creating and launching a Spirit Bomb while using the form. During the events of Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, Krillin theorized that Goku's Super Saiyan form prevented such usage, and despite Goku's pure heart, the rage brought about by the form clashed with the technique's principles, thus causing Goku to lose control of his Spirit Bomb energy after transforming and instead choosing to absorb it to become a Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan.[40]
The most noticeable physical change is that the Saiyan's hair becomes golden blond in color and seems to stand on end, giving it a rising, flame-like appearance. This applies to all of the Saiyan's hair except (in most cases) the tail, including scalp hair, eyebrows, and the fur when a Golden Great Apes. In Dragon Ball Online, bald Saiyan characters will gain a mohawk of golden hair when transforming. In Xenoverse 2, Nappa does not display such a mohawk, though the rest of his facial hair still changes to gold. Natural eye color changes to a greenish-blue, muscle tone becomes more defined, and the skin tone (and clothing) becomes lighter mainly due to the energy and light output of the golden aura. As the natural floodgates of the body are opened with the transformation, excess energy is radiated from the body in the form of a pulsing, flame-like aura. On occasion, an extremely potent Super Saiyan form may give off bio-electric sparks like its successor Super Saiyan 2.

Caulifla, the first female Super Saiyan in the main series
The Super Saiyan transformation also has an interesting, unique effect on Goku's family (and to a lesser extent the original Broly) in addition to its normal effects: the way their eyes are drawn changes slightly. Normally, the outline around the eye is not fully drawn and it circles around about 3/4 of the way the eyeball while the overall shape of the eyes is rounder. When in Super Saiyan, their eyes are fully surrounded by an outline and are sharper and narrow in shape, the same way that all villains are drawn; this is mainly due to Akira Toriyama wanting to show the anger and hatred that must be present for a Super Saiyan transformation.
Super Saiyans from evil hybrid races will sometimes exhibit white hair. Examples of this include Fused Zamasu in his Super Saiyan Rosé form in Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta's Super Saiyan form and Strongest Forms when his body was infected by the Tuffle Baby in Dragon Ball GT, as well as Mira's own unique transformations as his identity as a hybrid Saiyan in Xenoverse 2 and Heroes. However, it has never been stated in any Dragon Ball media (anime, manga, video games, etc.) that the reason these Saiyan hybrids have white hair in their Super Saiyan forms is due to them being evil Saiyan hybrids.
Usage and Power[]
"You've only seen recordings of these monkeys in action! Until you've felt the heat of a Super Saiyan staring you down, you can't possibly comprehend their power!" |

Super Saiyan Goku battles 100% Full Power Frieza
While physical change is not too drastic apart from a slight increase in muscle mass,[41][42] the power output increase is colossal; it was stated by Akira Toriyama that when he was writing the manga the form was meant to be 10x what Goku had previously accomplished, and one non-English guide also acknowledged it as being a 10x boost,[43] in Daizenshuu 7 the form is said to multiply the Saiyan's power level by 50x its normal amount,[31] which Toriyama considers to be an exaggeration.[44] In the Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game, the multiplier for the form is 2.5x the user's normal amount of power). The form's multiplier seems to have changed in Dragon Ball GT, When Goku utilizes the Super Saiyan form against General Rilldo, the Machine Mutant indicates that Goku's power has increased to just over double his base form (in the English dub he states that it has increased a hundredfold),[45] and the 50x power boost mentioned in prior guidebooks is said to simply be a theory.[1]
The form was achieved by Goku after witnessing his best friend Krillin's death at the hands of Frieza. In this form, Goku's power grossly outclasses the evil tyrant's, a feat made more impressive by the fact that, prior to the transformation, Goku was no match for him, even with the Kaio-ken multiplying his power 20-fold. This suggests the transformation multiplies the user's power by considerably more than 20. In order to combat Goku's sudden burst of strength and power, Frieza utilized 100% of his power, only half of which he used to stop Goku's Kaio-ken x20 Kamehameha attack. Though he seemed to gain the upper hand while Goku holds back, he loses faith when he realizes that his attacks are no longer debilitating, with Goku merely shrugging off his most forceful blows. This is evident, because, in his 100% final state, Frieza had gained power and speed, but also gained increased energy consumption to the point where his damaged body could no longer handle the amount of power he was controlling.

Super Saiyan Future Trunks dominates King Cold
Two years following the titanic battle on Namek, Future Trunks would arrive from the future already possessing the ability to transform, much to the astonishment of Vegeta and other present company, and effortlessly disposed of the synthetically restored Frieza, and his father, King Cold.[46] Sometime later, Vegeta also achieves the Super Saiyan transformation, mainly due to his belief that he had pushed himself to his utmost limits without actually transforming and due to seeing that Goku had achieved the form whilst he did not. By his own admission, it was anger at himself that triggered the intense emotion required to transform. He also noted that he too possessed a pure heart, only one of pure evil as opposed to Goku's good. With this new power under his belt, Vegeta confronts and overcomes Android 19 and Dr. Gero, blithely killing #19 with the powerful Big Bang Attack.[47]

Super Saiyan Vegeta battles Android 18
However, the Super Saiyan form is truly put to the test when the true Androids of Future Trunks' grim prediction, Android 17 and Android 18, arrive. Super Saiyan Vegeta does battle with Android 18 until he is eventually overpowered and even has his arm snapped by a fierce kick from the deadly beauty.[48] Future Trunks jumps in on the battle, prompting #17 to intervene. The Androids easily defeat both Vegeta and Future Trunks in their Super Saiyan forms along with the other Z Fighters; Future Trunks, in particular, being felled by a single blow from #17, as opposed to the trained Vegeta who withstood a much longer beating, signifying his superior strength.[49] This power is noted by Kami as he brings up the topic of how Vegeta is now more powerful than Future Trunks, who "killed Frieza and his father in an instant."

Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan for the first time
The limits of the Super Saiyan transformation were pushed even further with the introduction of Cell. With the basic Super Saiyan form now unable to combat the power of the Androids, Goku advises training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber because he believes that there is a way to ascend past the normal limitations of an untrained Super Saiyan and doing so would make them strong enough to take down the Androids. By the time Cell had reached his Perfect Form after absorbing both the Androids, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Goku, and Gohan had all spent time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, advancing to new Super Saiyan forms. The Super Saiyan's standard output of power would be outclassed by the second and third stages. Unlike Vegeta and Future Trunks who made use of these stages (which either consumes one's energy rapidly and produces an increasingly higher level of strain, or reduces the Saiyan's speed to nil, with the latter doing both), Goku and Gohan work to perfect the initial transformation after deciding that it was the best form to use overall, prompting their transition into Super Saiyan Full Power, the concept of making the Super Saiyan form no different in energy output and strain than the basic form of the user's body. The initial transformation and its advanced grades are later rendered obsolete by the introduction of a far more powerful level, Super Saiyan 2 (which is the form used by Gohan to defeat Cell), followed by Goku's introduction of Super Saiyan 3 during the Majin Buu Saga, and finally, Super Saiyan Rage, introduced in the Dragon Ball Super anime. Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan Rage are nothing more than powered-up variations of Super Saiyan.[50]

Future Gohan as a Super Saiyan
In the special chapter "Trunks The History - The Lone Warrior" and the television special Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, Future Gohan is shown to have gained the Super Saiyan transformation long ago, most likely after witnessing the Z Fighters being slaughtered by the Androids. Therefore, Future Gohan may have assumed his transformation before his present timeline counterpart (by technically a matter of days), although he was far weaker because he was never trained by his father in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and never mastered the Super Saiyan form. After he is killed, Future Trunks transforms for the first time (only in the anime, for Trunks seemed to already have attained the transformation rather recently in the original manga), thus showing his original transformation.

Future Cell uses Super Saiyan via his Saiyan cells
Goten and Trunks, the sons of Goku and Vegeta respectively, attain the ability to transform at a remarkably young age, again to widespread surprise from the main cast. Goten, who was about a year younger than Trunks' age of eight, stated that his transformation was so long ago that he was unable to even remember it occurring.
When the Bio-Android Cell, and his counterpart from Cell's timeline fight at their full power in their Imperfect and Perfect forms, and are surrounded by a golden aura, they are in the Super Saiyan form - thanks to their cells from Future Goku and Future Vegeta. This is especially notable in the anime, as when Cell powers up to max he gains the golden Super Saiyan aura, and the Super Saiyan transformation sound effect plays.
In the anime version of the God of Destruction Beerus Saga, during the Super Saiyan God ritual for Goku, Videl temporarily takes on a "Super Saiyan" state with her hair going golden and floating slightly due to the power. This form was due to Pan in the womb of Videl giving energy.

Goku Black as a Super Saiyan
Goku Black uses his standard Super Saiyan form in battle with Super Saiyan Vegeta in the Dragon Ball Super manga. After managing to gain a huge amount of power from a near-death experience, Goku Black's Super Saiyan form evolved into his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form: Super Saiyan Rosé. It is unknown if Goku Black can still become an ordinary Super Saiyan, and what level of power it would possess, as when Goku's god-enhanced Super Saiyan form evolved into Super Saiyan Blue, it also caused him to re-acquire his non-god-enhanced Super Saiyan form.
In Dragon Ball Fusions, as well as the Dragon Ball Super anime, the Super Saiyan Rosé form is the result of a Saiyan who is an actual deity transforming into the first Super Saiyan form.

Super Great Saiyaman in Dragon Ball Super
During the "Future" Trunks Saga, Gohan is forced to use the form while fighting the Watagash-possessed Barry Kahn as his alter-ego Great Saiyaman. While using the form as Great Saiyaman, it was dubbed Super Great Saiyaman by the director of "Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan". Due to his Great Saiyaman helmet concealing his hair and eyes, Great Saiyaman's appearance doesn't change as much aside from his Super Saiyan aura and Great Saiyaman suit glowing brighter. In this form, he easily defeats the Watagash with his Super Great Saiyaman Beam.
In Nekomajin, Onio becomes a Super Saiyan to battle Neko Majin Z but is easily defeated. Later, Vegeta turns into a Super Saiyan to also battle Z but retreats due to not wanting to face another gag manga character. In the final chapter, Goku becomes a Super Saiyan to battle Super Neko Majin Z, he is at a disadvantage but wins by taking advantage of Z's cat-like tendencies.

Super Saiyan Goku Jr. and Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. fighting
In the last episode of Dragon Ball GT, Goku and Vegeta's descendants, Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr., are shown to be able to transform into Super Saiyans from a young age, as well. Goku Jr.'s first transformation in particular was shown in Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy, aired at around the time that episode 40 was broadcast. This heavily contradicts the Daizenshuu books' explanation that Pan could not transform due to the minuscule percentage of Saiyan blood in her, as being a grandson of the already 1/4 Saiyan Pan would reduce hers to no more than one sixteenth, making she almost completely human.
Film Appearances[]

Super Saiyan Goku concept art for Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge, by Akira Toriyama (Daizenshuu 6)
The Super Saiyan transformation made its movie debut in Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge. Goku uses his Super Saiyan power to defeat Cooler, Frieza's older and stronger brother, thus finishing off the family. In the concept art drawn by Akira Toriyama for this movie, Super Saiyan Goku has red eyes (as seen to the left).
The Super Saiyan form is also used in Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler by Goku and Vegeta to combat and finally kill Cooler. In the original version of The Return of Cooler, Meta-Cooler Core states that he intends to take Goku and Vegeta's energy and use it to make an army of Metal Super Saiyans. However, Goku and Vegeta used their energy to overload the Big Gete Star, preventing Meta-Cooler Core from following through with his plans.
In Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks use it to take down Android 14, Android 15, and Android 13.

Broly as a Super Saiyan
In Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, the Saiyan Broly is also shown to harness the original Super Saiyan transformation, which is what he uses to battle Goku for a few moments when attacking him in the dead of night. When Master Roshi is drunk and is changing masks, at one point he takes off his mask and his beard appears in a Super Saiyan form, before reverting to normal.
In Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming, Broly uses it against Goten and Trunks until he was forced to unveil his Legendary Super Saiyan form once again when fighting Gohan in his Super Saiyan 2 form.
In Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, Gohan is the only one who uses the regular Super Saiyan form in the film (aside from a brief flashback of Future Trunks defeating Frieza, and Super Saiyan Goku's appearance in the prologue from the "Future Trunks Special Edition" of the film). Goku and Vegeta use a new Super Saiyan form that has blue hair and godly ki, after mastering Super Saiyan God, named Super Saiyan Blue.
In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, both Goku and Vegeta use their regular Super Saiyan forms while fighting Broly individually before they each power up to their higher forms. Broly himself achieves this form for the first time after Frieza kills his father Paragus. When Goku and Vegeta fuse into Gogeta, he too powers up to Super Saiyan (and eventually Super Saiyan Blue) while fighting Broly.
In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Gohan initially takes on his Super Saiyan form in rage when he sees the footage that shows Pan having been kidnapped by the resurgent Red Ribbon Army. He later transforms once more into the form while facing Gamma 1, though he is at a disadvantage at first. When Piccolo, disguised as a Red Ribbon soldier, feigns harming Pan, it allows Gohan to go from Super Saiyan to his Potential Unleashed state. When the fighters have to face Cell Max, Gohan only has enough strength to go Super Saiyan at first. When Goten and Trunks mess up the Fusion Dance and fuse into Fat Gotenks, their failed fusion attempts to transform into a Super Saiyan but fails.
Other Dragon Ball stories[]
During the events of Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, Bardock is sent back in time during the destruction of his people and becomes a Super Saiyan on Planet Plant while fighting Chilled, an ancestor of Frieza.
Appearances in other media[]
Dr. Slump[]

Sourman transforms into a Super Saiyan-esque Form in a spoofing manner
The Okakaumeboshi-seijin Sourman once displayed the ability to transform into his own Super Saiyan-like state when he tries to stop a runaway Ferris wheel in the 8th Dr. Slump film, "Dr. Slump Arale-chan: Hoyoyo!! Follow the Rescued Shark....". Though it is identical to the Super Saiyan form in terms of appearance (from its golden hair to even the appearance of its aura), it apparently lacks the power of the true Super Saiyan form as Sourman was crushed by the runaway Ferris wheel when he attempted to stop it using this transformation.

The long-haired boy in his silver haired Super Saiyan-like form
In the Dr. Slump remake, a long-haired boy who fights Arale shows the ability to transform into a silver-haired Super Saiyan-like form. In response Arale takes on a form that makes her hair rise like a Super Saiyan. While in these states they display greatly enhanced power.
Super Saiyan Transformation Line[]

The evolution of Super Saiyan
In Dragon Ball Z, the possibility of a power greater than that of a Super Saiyan is first theorized in the episode "Laboratory Basement", when Krillin and Future Trunks contemplate how Vegeta plans on retaining his dominance in power among the Z Fighters. The first of these new heights in power is the Super Saiyan Second Grade stage obtained by Vegeta, Future Trunks and, later, Goku. This technique (as well as the Super Saiyan Third Grade technique that follows) is essentially a method of enhancing the abilities of a Super Saiyan, rather than a complete departure from it in favor of newer and more unique power. It is not until the Cell Games that this uncharted level of power makes its debut, in the form of Super Saiyan 2. Saiyan characters continue pushing their limits during the series, ultimately discovering a third level.

Super Saiyan forms (Supplemental Daizenshuu)
- Super Saiyan: The standard Super Saiyan transformation. It is achieved when a powerful Saiyan reaches varying levels of anger, as shown by Goku when Frieza killed Krillin, and Vegeta when Goku surpassed his abilities, though some half-Saiyan hybrids have been shown to attain the form without any stressful circumstances. In Dragon Ball Fusions, as well as the Dragon Ball Super anime, the Super Saiyan Rosé form is the result of a truly divine Saiyan transforming into the first, standard Super Saiyan form, and the Super Saiyan Rosé form is considered to be Goku Black's divine version of the first Super Saiyan form in these media only. However, Akira Toriyama's own notes on the Super Saiyan Rosé form state it is a Super Saiyan of a slightly different color, separate from Black's ordinary Super Saiyan form.
- Pseudo Super Saiyan: A movie only pseudo-Super Saiyan form[51] with an orange-yellowish surge of aura. It only appears in Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. It was originally conceived as being the Super Saiyan form but was later re-labeled as "Pseudo Super Saiyan" when the true Super Saiyan form was shown.
- Powerhouse: The results of a forced power output increase in the initial Super Saiyan form.
- Super Saiyan Second Grade: An advancement in the power of the original Super Saiyan state. This is Vegeta's primary state in the Perfect Cell Saga.
- Super Saiyan Third Grade: An even stronger advancement in the power of the original Super Saiyan state, however, it lacks speed as increased muscle size restricts movement. Future Trunks uses this form in the Perfect Cell Saga.
- Super Saiyan Full Power: A form identical to the first grade of Super Saiyan in almost every way. However, unlike the first grade, it possesses great ki control and removes the restless feeling of the form, making it like a natural state. Goku and Gohan would be the first to master this state during their training in the Perfect Cell Saga.
- Super Saiyan Power!: The result of a Saiyan manifesting Super Saiyan power in their base form without actually turning into a Super Saiyan.
- Super Saiyan with the mastered energies of a god: A powered-up version of the Super Saiyan form which acts as the predecessor to Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Once the user of this state manages to get it to a high enough level of power, it evolves into the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form, and thus re-allows access to the ordinary Super Saiyan form. Goku gained this state by retaining the strength of Super Saiyan God in his Super Saiyan form, while Goku Black gained it through a near-death power up.
- Broly-type Super Saiyan:[4] The heightened Super Saiyan forms only displayed by special members of the Saiyan race, most notably Broly and his counterparts. It's a different evolution of Super Saiyan from the graded forms and levels 2 and 3.
- Super Saiyan A-type: Broly's Super Saiyan in his first appearance has blue and/or purple hair due to the use of a Mind Control Device.[4]
- Super Saiyan C-type: This is the Legendary Super Saiyan's first, standard Super Saiyan form, being an evolution of the latter form.[4]
- Legendary Super Saiyan: This form is the Final Form of the ordinary Super Saiyan state. In Universe 6, it is known as the Legendary Saiyan, a demonic mutant Saiyan warrior born every thousand years.
- Super Saiyan 2: The second Super Saiyan transformation. Achieved either through intense rage, or training. Further intense training allows the user to power their Super Saiyan 2 form up to Super Saiyan 3 level power.
- Ultimate: Gohan-type Super Saiyan 2.[52] This form is achieved via Old Kai's Unlock Ability.
- Beast: Gohan's unique evolution to his Potential Unleashed state.
- Legendary Super Saiyan 2: This form is the Final Form of the Super Saiyan 2 state.
- Ultimate: Gohan-type Super Saiyan 2.[52] This form is achieved via Old Kai's Unlock Ability.
- Super Saiyan 3: The third Super Saiyan transformation. Achieved through training.
- Super Saiyan 3 Full Power: A more powerful version of the Super Saiyan 3 form.
- Legendary Super Saiyan 3: The Final Form of the Super Saiyan 3 state.
- Super Saiyan Rage: A powered-up version of either the Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan 2 form first displayed in the Dragon Ball Super anime. The transformation is gained when the user harnesses the power of intense rage.
- Super Saiyan (Berserk): A berserk version of either Super Saiyan (in the manga) or Super Saiyan 2 (in the anime).
While not normally said to be part of the main Super Saiyan line, in the Dragon Ball Super manga Goku Black refers to Super Saiyan God and the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan forms as Super Saiyan forms, implying that these forms are part of the normal Super Saiyan transformation line.
Hybrid forms[]
- Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan: The result of a Super Saiyan form absorbing a Spirit Bomb. This form has been utilized with the first, standard Super Saiyan form as well as the Super Saiyan Rage form.
- Power-Weighted: Perfect Cell can utilize his Namekian physiology to increase the size of his powerhouse form; granting him a form that acts as a combination of Great Namekian and Super Saiyan Third Grade. Used against Super Saiyan 2 Gohan in a desperate and futile attempt to beat Gohan though proved useless as its speed is even worse than his normal Powerhouse form due to his increased size.
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan: A hybrid Super Saiyan form which is the result of a Saiyan combining the power of Super Saiyan God with the standard Super Saiyan form. The color of the resulting form differs depending on whether the user is mortal or an actual deity when obtaining the form. Introduced in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’.
- Super Saiyan Blue: The result of a mortal Saiyan mastering the power of Super Saiyan God and then transforming further into a Super Saiyan, resulting in a new transformation combining these two forms.
- Perfected Super Saiyan Blue: A manga-exclusive form in which the user seals the overflowing power of the Super Saiyan Blue form inside themselves, allowing them to constantly utilize the form's full power.
- Super Saiyan God SS Evolved: A form beyond Super Saiyan Blue achieved when a Super Saiyan Blue breaks their limits.
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Berserk): An Evil Aura corrupted version of Super Saiyan Blue.
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Berserk Controlled): A form achieved by gaining control over the berserk Super Saiyan Blue.
- Super Saiyan Rosé: A Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form that can only possibly be obtained by Saiyans who are actual deities. The transformations alternate coloration in contrast to Super Saiyan Blue is due to its user being an actual god with natural Godly Ki when they obtained the form.
- Super Saiyan Rosé 2: An enhanced form of Super Saiyan Rosé at Super Saiyan 2 state.
- Super Saiyan Rosé 3: An enhanced form of Super Saiyan Rosé at Super Saiyan 3 state.
- Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power: An enhanced form of Super Saiyan Rosé beyond the Super Saiyan Rosé 3 state.
- Super Saiyan Blue: The result of a mortal Saiyan mastering the power of Super Saiyan God and then transforming further into a Super Saiyan, resulting in a new transformation combining these two forms.
- Golden Great Ape and its Legendary Super Saiyan equivalent: A Saiyan Great Ape transformed into a Super Saiyan. Introduced in Vegeta's flashback on Namek in Dragon Ball Z (anime) and appears in Dragon Ball GT.
- Super Saiyan 4: The fourth Super Saiyan transformation despite not being traditional Super Saiyan transformation which occurs when a Saiyan is able to regain control while in Golden Great Ape form. Introduced in Dragon Ball GT.
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4: An enhanced version of the Super Saiyan 4 form, where the user gathers an extreme amount of energy, pushing themselves dangerously beyond their normal limits for a brief period of time.
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker: A limit broken version of the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 form, where the user's body is filled to the brim with ki.
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4: An enhanced version of the Super Saiyan 4 form, where the user gathers an extreme amount of energy, pushing themselves dangerously beyond their normal limits for a brief period of time.
- Super Saiyan 4: The fourth Super Saiyan transformation despite not being traditional Super Saiyan transformation which occurs when a Saiyan is able to regain control while in Golden Great Ape form. Introduced in Dragon Ball GT.
- Evil Saiyan-Super Saiyan: An Evil Saiyan is capable of taking on the Super Saiyan state, retaining the unique characteristics of their Evil Saiyan state whilst transformed.
- Tuffleized Super Saiyan: A white-haired variant of the Super Saiyan form used by a fully Tuffleized Saiyan. A user of this form can ascend further into the Strongest Forms by obtaining more energy. Introduced in Dragon Ball GT.
- Strongest Form 1: A powerful form that can be taken on by a fully Tuffleized Super Saiyan.
- Strongest Form 2: A powerful form that can be taken on by a fully Tuffleized Super Saiyan.
- Super Saiyan (Demon Realm Race): The Demon-Saiyan hybrid version of the first Super Saiyan transformation that replaces the golden glow and green irises with white pointed hair and blood red eyes. Introduced in Dragon Ball Heroes.
- Mira's Final Form: A form used by Mira in which his hair grows out and white fur covers much of his body like a Super Saiyan 4 - though he lacks a tail - and it is the result of Mira absorbing Towa.
- Super Saiyan (Dark Dragon Ball Enhancement): The result of a user of the Dark Dragon Ball Enhancement turning Super Saiyan.
Super Saiyan Game Variations[]
Several video games introduced alternate variations of the Super Saiyan transformations, which while treated as just "Super Saiyan" in the manga and anime, are featured as different transformations here.
- Mainline
- GT Super Saiyan: In the Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game only, the Super Saiyan form used by characters in GT is treated as a separate transformation: the "GT Super Saiyan" form. This form multiplies the user's base power by around double (in the dub it is said to power the user up to a hundredfold).

Female Future Warrior using the Super Vegeta Awoken Skill in Xenoverse 2
- Super Vegeta: An alternative variant of the Super Saiyan form usable by Vegeta and the Future Warrior in Xenoverse, it has greater ki manipulation than a normal Super Saiyan and a different transformation scene.
- Super Vegeta 2: An alternative variant of the Super Saiyan 2 form usable by Vegeta and the Future Warrior in Xenoverse, it has greater ki manipulation than a normal Super Saiyan 2 and a different transformation scene.

Future Super Saiyan Time Patrol Trunks in Xenoverse 2
- Future Super Saiyan: An alternative variant of the Super Saiyan form used by Future Trunks, Time Patrol Future Trunks, and Future Gohan in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, which the Saiyan Future Warrior can also use. This transformation has a greater ki recovery than a normal Super Saiyan. This transformation's stance is taken from Future Gohan when he transformed during his initial fight with the Androids in the Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks TV special.
- Super Saiyan (Special Move) - In Dragon Ball Fusions, Saiyan Tekka (Lv. 88), Skwash (Lv. 99), or Sesamy (Lv. 100) can learn the Super Saiyan special move that allows users to temporarily transform into a Super Saiyan and grants Super Saiyan (or SS) status effect which doubles all stats and boosts speed.
- Hybrid forms
- Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan): A Villainous Mode enhanced Super Saiyan form used by Future Trunks and Gotenks, it has the appearance of Super Saiyan 3 when used by Gotenks. In Xenoverse 2 it is used by Teen Gohan in a parallel quest.
- Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan 2): A Villainous Mode enhanced Super Saiyan 2 form used by Vegeta and Gohan, it has the appearance of Potential Unleashed when used by Gohan.

Karoly in his Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan hybrid form
- Broly•Supervillain: A Supervillain Mode enhanced version of the Legendary Super Saiyan form used by Broly after having some of his life shaved off to increase his power. In the first phase, he gains glowing eyes and a dark black & white aura though it simply acts as a powered-up version of his Legendary Super Saiyan form and only becomes a true hybrid transformation until it reaches the second phase. In the second phase, his body transforms causing his eyes to glow pink and gain a glowing Time Breaker infinity symbol on his forehead, while his hair to turn white while his skin and clothing to become luminously pale, as well as emitting a more intense black & white aura. The second phase is playable in Xenoverse 2.
- Super Saiyan Kaioken - In Dragon Ball Fusions, it is possible to stack the effects of the Super Saiyan Special Move and Kaioken or Max Kaioken Special Moves by transforming into Super Saiyan then use Kaioken or Max Kaioken. This allows SS to be stacked with either the Kaioken or Kaioken+ effect. Skwash, his EX-Fusions, and Tekka's EX-Fusions (Non-Saiyan require Skwash while Saiyan require a Kaioken/Max Kaioken user). Freeform Fusions of Skwash or a Super Saiyan and Kaioken/Max Kaioken user can also use it.
- Fusion Super Saiyan forms: Several apparent hybrid Super Saiyan forms created via fusion, which only appear in Dragon Ball Fusions.
Demon Realm Race[]
A Demon-Saiyan hybrid is able to become a Super Saiyan due to their Saiyan DNA.[53] This transformation is preceded by the Rampaging state in some cases, and features spiked up silver-white hair as well as yellow/green eyes with red sclera. This variant debuts in the manga in "Dispatch! Time Patrol", and in the anime during "Rage! Super Fu Appears!".
The only Demon Realm Race hybrids who achieve this state are Mira (as well as Damira; his fusion with Dabura) and Fu. Mira is referred to as Super Mira (超フミラ Sūpā Mira)[53] in this state, while Fu is Super Fu (超フュー Sūpā Fyū). Mira is also known as "Dark Warrior Mira"[54] in this state.
Mira uses it during the Dark Demon Realm Saga due to snapping at losing control over the Masked Saiyan. As Super Mira, he is capable of fighting against both Super Saiyan Xeno Trunks and Xeno Bardock for a brief period of time, but is overwhelmed and forced to retreat. In the game version of the Dark King Mechikabura Saga, Super Mira absorbs Fin to become more powerful. During the Prison Planet Saga, Fu transforms into Super Fu (超フュー Sūpā Fyū) in order to protect Goku and Vegeta from Golden Great Ape Cumber. After proceeding to cut off his tail in the manga or using reversed phase waves to revert him to base form in the anime, he immediately retreats. Later in the anime, in anger over his laboratory being destroyed, Fu transforms into Super Fu once more to battle Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku and Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Vegeta, forcing them on the defensive. In the Universe Creation Saga, Fu takes on the transformation once again, this time to confront the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, Vegito, but is shown to have a disadvantage during the battle.

Super Mira (Fin absorbed)
Mira displayed the ability to enhance his Super Saiyan form by absorbing Fin - a fellow creation of Towa. This state is a fusion of the two Androids.[55]
Related transformations and techniques[]
There are many transformations related to the Super Saiyan form, but despite their names or traits, they are not part of the main transformation line.
- Super Saiyan God: A godly transformation initially achieved through a special ritual.
- God Broly: A godly transformation only displayed by Broly. Its power surpasses Super Saiyan Blue.
- Super Mr. Satan: In his false retelling to the people of Earth of how he defeated the Destroyer God "Beavis", Mr. Satan explains that he turned into a "God" form that looked almost identical to Super Saiyan (as all his hair including his mustache turns golden).
- Super Neko Majin: The Neko Majin equivalent of Super Saiyan, which is gained from a Neko Majin copying a Super Saiyan transformation.
- Metal Super Saiyan: A form taken on by Mecha Goku that emulates the Super Saiyan form.
Video Game Appearances[]
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu
- Dragon Ball Z: Taose! Garlic Jr.
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Barcode Wars
- Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu Jinzōningen
- Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinzōningen
- Dragon Ball Z: Saikyō Taiketsu! Cell VS Gokū
- Dragon Ball Z: Gekitō Tenkaichi Budōkai
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden
- Dragon Ball Z
- Dragon Ball Z: Senritsu! Bio Soldier
- Dragon Ball Z: Pawā Sakuretsu Son Gohan!
- Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans
- Dragon Ball Z: Z Senshi Dai Shugyō!
- Cult Jump
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 2
- Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S.
- Dragon Ball Z: Buyū Retsuden
- Dragon Ball Z: P-1 Mini 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Syugyouda! Gohan! Mezase Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z: Touch Panel game
- Dragon Ball Z Side Story: True Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans - Earth Saga
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Son Goku Densetsu
- Dragon Ball Z: Goku Hishōden
- Dragon Ball Z Side Story: True Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans - Space Saga
- Dragon Ball Z 2: Super Battle
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Gokuden: Totsugeki-Hen
- Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu! Majin Buu
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
- Dragon Ball Z: Goku Gekitōden
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Gokuden: Kakusei-Hen
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Butōden
- Dragon Ball Z: Manga Kasetto
- Dragon Ball Z: Taisen Kata Game Kasetto
- Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension
- Dragon Ball Z: The Legend
- Anime Designer: Dragon Ball Z
- Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout
- Dragon Ball Z: Collectible CD Picture Cards
- Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku
- Dragon Ball Z: Collectible Card Game
- Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
- Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu
- Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
- Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
- Data Carddass Dragon Ball Z
- Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
- Jump Super Stars
- Dragon Ball GT: Transformation
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2
- Super Dragon Ball Z
- Data Carddass Dragon Ball Z 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai
- Battle Stadium D.O.N
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
- Jump Ultimate Stars
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle Taikan Kamehameha - Omee to Fusion
- Dragon Ball Z TV game
- Dragon Ball Z: Bakuretsu Impact
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
- Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle Taikan Kamehameha 2 - Ossu Omee Gokū Tenkaichi Budōkai
- Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha - Ora to Omee to Scouter
- Dragon Ball Z: W Bakuretsu Impact
- Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
- Dragon Ball RPG
- Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
- Dragon Ball Z × One Piece: Battle Taikan Gomu Gomu no Kamehameha - Omee no Koe de Ora o Yobu
- Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
- Dragon Ball Online
- Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes
- Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden
- Dragon Ball: Zenkai Battle
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z For Kinect
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD Collection
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission
- Dragon Ball: Tap Battle
- J Legend Retsuden
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
- J-Stars Victory Vs
- Dragon Ball: Ultimate Swipe
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse
- Dragon Ball Discross
- Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden
- IC Carddass Dragon Ball
- Dragon Ball Fusions
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X
- Dragon Ball Super Card Game (2017)
- Dragon Ball FighterZ
- Dragon Ball Legends
- Jumputi Heroes
- Jump Force
- Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
- Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
- Dragon Ball: The Breakers
- Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
- Dragon Ball Super Divers
- Dragon Ball Project: Multi
Since the release of Super Saiya Densetsu in January 1992, the Super Saiyan form is featured in all the Dragon Ball Z video games.

A Male Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Online
Dragon Ball Online is the very first video game that allows the player to transform his created character into Super Saiyan. The Human race can acquire the transformation at level 40 after obtaining the Dragon Balls and having the wish granted by Shenron; Humans can take on the Super Saiyan transformation due to them being direct descendants of both Goku and Vegeta, therefore possessing Saiyan blood.

The Male Super Saiyan as he appears in-game
Like in the original series, those under the influence of the Super Saiyan transformation discharge a golden aura that surrounds their bodies and acquire the trademark green eyes and golden, altered hairstyles (in the game, each Human hairstyle [male and female] has a Super Saiyan counterpart). Players that choose not to allow their avatars age can acquire the Super Saiyan transformation as children. Also, unlike the other two transformations, techniques acquired in a Human's base form are still accessible, however, Super Saiyans does not obtain transformation-exclusive skills as the other races do.

"Super Corporate Freshman" Goku faces Frieza in Part 2 of the Society Survival Saga
Dragon Ball Heroes also features female Super Saiyans and other characters who attained forms similar to it. Starting with Mira in July 2015, Mira attained a similar Super Saiyan-like form known as Super Mira. Fu also achieved a very similar Super Saiyan-like form as well back in August 2018. In Surviving City Life Part 2 of Society Survival Saga in Dragon Ball Heroes, when Frieza of Cold Co. tricks Krillin into quitting his job at DB Incorporated due to false promises of better pay and treatment, Goku having learned the truth of Frieza's deception from Android 18 of Gero Corp., confronts him and transforms into his Super Saiyan form which he dubs Super Corporate Freshman. After transforming, Goku explains to Frieza that society's twisted ways have sparked a rage within that has transformed him into the suited warrior of legend. The scene itself is a self-parody of Goku's first Super Saiyan transformation as the Society Survival Saga was originally developed as an April Fool's Day inspired spoof of the Universe Survival Saga.
In Xenoverse, the Super Saiyan transformation is an ultimate skill that constantly drains the user's energy and completely drains their stamina once the transformation is over. The benefits are that all abilities are increased for the duration, and all super and ultimate attacks no longer cost ki. A Saiyan Future Warrior can obtain this transformation after the Frieza Saga via Parallel Quest 14: "Legendary Super Saiyan" or after the Android Saga via purchasing it at the Skill Shop. The ability comes in two variations, the normal Super Saiyan transformation which raises the power of strike skills, and Super Vegeta which raises the power of ki blasts. It is also shown in a time fragment timeline that Captain Ginyu can utilize the Super Saiyan form while in Goku's body.

Super Saiyan Future Warrior in Xenoverse 2
In Xenoverse 2, the Super Saiyan form and its higher levels no longer drain ki, allowing a Saiyan to stay in the form indefinitely, but the rate of ki gain during attacks decreases with each progressive form and Super and Ultimate attacks cannot be used indefinitely. It is no longer an Ultimate Skill and is instead accessible via the Super Saiyan Awoken Skill which can be attained by the Saiyan Future Warrior inside the Capsule Corporation time rift anomaly in a special quest with Vegeta. After sparring with Vegeta a few times, Vegeta will notice the Future Warrior is not transforming and learns that despite their power, the Warrior has not yet unlocked the transformation. After speaking with Bulma and Kid Trunks at Vegeta's suggestion, the Capsule Corporation Quest: "Saiyan Awakening" is unlocked. In this special quest, the Future Warrior faces off against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta and Super Saiyan 2 Goku to push them in unlocking their Super Saiyan form. The Awoken Skill is unlocked mid-battle and becomes permanently unlocked. In addition, the player can transform into a Super Saiyan 2 or 3 depending on how much ki they currently have. The Future Warrior can also unlock can unlock Super Vegeta Awoken Skill by completing Vegeta's final sparring session inside the Capsule Corp time rift which allows them to transform into Super Vegeta and Super Vegeta 2, which like Xenoverse increases the power of ki blasts. They can also unlock the Future Super Saiyan Awoken Skill by collecting all 5 Distorted Time Eggs to unlock the Unknown History Saga and then completing "Resolute Trunks - History Is Born". The Future Super Saiyan form charges ki much faster than other Super Saiyan forms, though unlike the other two Super Saiyan Awoken sills, it lacks higher forms. Like in Xenoverse, Captain Ginyu can utilize Goku's Super Saiyan form as an enemy. However, during The Ginyu Force Strikes Saga, after stealing Time Patrol Trunks' body, Captain Ginyu is unable to access Future Trunks' Future Super Saiyan form presumably due to his unfamiliarity with Trunks' body.
"We have a legend that a Super Saiyan will appear once every thousand years. We don't even know how much power a Super Saiyan would be packing, but they'd be the universe's strongest being for sure! Heh heh heh... If Vegeta and I keep training, one of us might be able to make that leap. Just imagine how awesome I'd look as a Super Saiyan..." |

Super Saiyan Nappa in Xenoverse 2
Nappa mentions the legend to the Future Warrior while working as their instructor and notes that if he and Vegeta keep training one of them might make the leap to Super Saiyan before thinking about how awesome he would look as a Super Saiyan. After the 1.09.00 Update, the Super Saiyan Awoken Skill can be added to Nappa's custom skillset after it has been purchased in Partner Customization. As a result, Nappa is able to achieve his Super Saiyan form, though due to his baldness only his facial hair changes color, his eyes turn green, and he gains a Super Saiyan aura. Nappa's Super Saiyan Awoken Skill is a single transformation and lacks higher level forms. If Nappa is wearing his Toupee Special Costume, it will be temporarily removed when he goes Super Saiyan.
"You will die here and now, Frieza! By my Saiyan hands! I'm going to bring back Vegeta's and the Saiyan race's pride!" |

Shallot achieves his Super Saiyan form in Dragon Ball Legends
In Dragon Ball Legends, the original protagonist Shallot first encounters the form when it is used by Future Trunks and Goku who had experienced the events of Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly ends up killing Super Saiyan Future Trunks, forcing Goku to order Shallot to run while he takes on LSSJ Broly to avenge Future Trunks. After using the form to help Shallot drive off the Saiyan in Red, present era Goku explains the Super Saiyan form to Shallot due to his amnesia before their sparring match to determine if Shallot's ki matches the Saiyan in Red. After the sparring match, Whis reveals Shallot is an Ancient Saiyan due to his ki being different from modern Saiyans like Goku. Shallot trains under Goku in order to learn how to achieve it. Shallot finally achieves his Super Saiyan form after his mentor Vegeta is murdered by Frieza. Enraged by the death of Vegeta (and Nappa whom Shallot assumes to have perished fighting the Ginyu Force alone, though unbeknownst to him actually survives), Shallot finally transforms and swears to restore the pride of the Saiyans by defeating Frieza. Like Goku before him, Super Saiyan Shallot defeats and kills Frieza. Shallot's Super Saiyan form causes the black fur of his tail to turn golden blonde like his hair and eyebrows.
"Oh, I think you know. Gentle by nature, I love my company. But society's twisted ways have sparked a rage within. One that has transformed me... ...into the suited warrior of legend... Goku! Super Corporate Freshman!" |

Beat in his natural Super Saiyan form in World Mission
In the Story Mode Chapter 3, Sub Chapter 4 of World Mission, the Earthling-Saiyan hybrid protagonist Beat achieves his natural Super Saiyan form during a confrontation with Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. Broly attacks Beat in his Great Saiyaman 4 form, convinced he is Kakarot despite the presence of Xeno Goku, causing Note to angrily fire a Ki Blast at Broly insisiting Great Saiyaman 4 is Beat and not Kakarot, but the blast has no effect. Broly fires a Ki Blast at her knocking her out cold, though Great Saiyaman 4 assumes she had been killed by the blast and in his rage transforms into his natural Super Saiyan form (causing his Great Saiyaman Suit to automatically deactivate). Enraged Super Saiyan Beat tells Broly he will punish him for what he did and won't let him get away. Sensing Super Saiyan Beat's power, Broly transforms into his Legendary Super Saiyan 3 form, but Beat overpowers him, even toying with the Legendary Super Saiyan 3, forcing Broly to resort to Super Saiyan 4 which allows him to overpower Super Saiyan Beat, though Xeno Goku & Xeno Vegeta go Super Saiyan 4 to help Super Saiyan Beat defeat Broly. After Super Saiyan 4 Broly is defeated, Super Saiyan Beat is able to kill the weakened Super Saiyan 4 Broly with a Ki Blast. Additionally in Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 1 Great Saiyaman 3 refers the form as Super Saiyan 1 when discussing the game world Vegeta's anomalous Super Saiyan 3 transformation during the game world Saiyan conflict.
In Kakarot, the Super Saiyan form is a transformation that can be used by Goku, Future Trunks, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Vegito. However, when first acquired on Namek by Goku, Goku cannot revert to base normally though using the Kaio-ken (which is treated as a transformation in-game) will cause Goku to revert to base then power up with the Kaio-ken. He will also revert to base to charge up a Spirit Bomb before transforming into a Super Saiyan and throwing it similar to how he would later perform the Super Spirit Bomb against Kid Buu. Upon returning to Earth, Goku's Super Saiyan form is fully unlocked as a transformation. Other characters acquire their Super Saiyan forms at different points in the story. During the Sub Story "The Mystery of the Missing Tail", Vegeta refers to the acquisition of Super Saiyan form as Super Saiyanhood when talking to Gohan who was trying to ask him about why their tails haven't regrown though Vegeta could care less as he notes he no longer requires the form due to his desire to achieve Super Saiyanhood like his rival Kakarot. Gohan, however, surmises that if a Saiyan's power level surpasses the power of a Great Ape then their tail will stop growing naturally implying that becoming a Super Saiyan guarantees that a Saiyan's tail won't regrow naturally.
In The Breakers, the Survivor can turn into a Super Saiyan when the Transphere to access Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Trunks, and Future Trunks' powers. Time Patrol Future Trunks uses his Full Power Super Saiyan form to hold off Perfect Cell. Also, after Ginyu takes his body, Future Trunks reveals he is a Saiyan Hybrid during their confrontation. Ginyu wonders if he is a Super Saiyan, but Future Trunks refuses to confirm or deny it.
- Since its first appearance in 1991, the Super Saiyan has become one of the most iconic forms in Dragon Ball Z and the franchise as a whole.
- The "Super Sonic" golden transformation from the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, is widely viewed as a homage to the Super Saiyan transformation.
- Before the Super Saiyan concept debuted, the term was first mentioned in the original English dub when Vegeta mockingly refers to Gohan as "the little Super Saiyan" in the episode "Stop Vegeta Now!". In the Japanese version, the term is first brought up by Nappa after Raditz was killed by Piccolo; Vegeta comments how a half-Saiyan like Gohan seemingly has the potential to become stronger than a full-blooded Saiyan, which Nappa then dubs as a Super Saiyan. However, in the Funimation re-dub of the same scene, Vegeta instead tells Nappa that they will become Super Saiyans after gaining immortality from the Dragon Balls.
- Cumber and Trunks/Future Trunks' eyes in Super Saiyan forms are often shown to have black pupils within the green irises rather than pupilless green eyes. This could either be a reference to them normally having colored irises or simply an art error.
- Super Saiyan and its higher forms appear to heighten the user's senses. While Gohan's eyesight was largely impaired by his deep studies to ultimately need glasses, while transformed, his eyesight is corrected.
- Goku, when transformed with his tail in Dragon Ball GT, his tail does change color to gold when he is a Super Saiyan 3 but remains brown for 1 and 2, when both the tailed Super Saiyan 3 appearance and the first Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File guidebook cover seem to indicate that the tail should have turned gold. In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World, and Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, for Vegeta in his Saiyan Saga outfit, the tail will not turn gold when Super Saiyan. Also, in Dragon Ball Heroes and the Episode of Bardock movie, Bardock's tail remains brown too while it changes its color to gold in one of the Episode of Bardock promotional posters. In Dragon Ball Legends, Shallot's tail turns gold when Super Saiyan.
- All of Goku and Vegeta's known male descendants have been able to transform into Super Saiyans.
- In Cooler's Revenge, when Goku goes Super Saiyan, a bird that was killed when Cooler prepared to tear the planet apart was revived by Goku's transformation, which implies that Super Saiyans have a degree of healing abilities, although this only appeared in the film and he may have just transferred energy to the dying bird, like when Goku transferred energy to Frieza.
- In "Saiyans Emerge" and Bojack Unbound, a Human is seen with a shirt that says The Super Saiyan in the background in the crowd.
- In Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, Master Roshi briefly appears as a Super Saiyan whilst wearing different masks.

Arale in her Super Saiyan-esque form
- In the Dr. Slump remake, Arale and a long-haired human boy both take on their own versions of the Super Saiyan form and then proceed to have a fight reminiscent of the ones in Dragon Ball Z. The form that the boy takes on turns his hair from black to silver.
- Chi-Chi's dislike for the Super Saiyan state is a reference to a social taboo in Japan, where a Japanese child dying his or her hair blonde is a sign of rebellion in the household due to the hair color being considered a stereotypical representation of Western/American culture. This is made more explicit in both the manga and anime of the Cell Games Saga, where Chi-Chi complains about Gohan becoming a rebel upon seeing Gohan in the Super Saiyan state for the first time.

Videl during the ritual
- When contributing towards the Super Saiyan God ritual for Goku in Dragon Ball Super, the golden energy from the rest of the Super Saiyans causes Videl's hair to appear to take on the blonde hue of a Super Saiyan, despite her being human, though presumably this was a side effect of her being pregnant with Pan who possesses Saiyan blood (and is said to possess the potential to transform) and has a righteous spirit (though during the ritual itself this was due to her being an innocent unborn child free of any malice).
- In Xenoverse 2, Pan reveals she hopes to achieve the form someday though it is implied that her desire is partially out of vanity as she thinks she would look great with blonde hair.
- It is noted by Goku in Dragon Ball Super that if this transformation, along with its further forms, is combined with the Kaio-ken technique, the user will die due to the immense strain on the body. This is why Goku never attempted to combine the two (besides in the anime during the Other World Tournament where he was already dead).
- However, this is ignored in Xenoverse 2 as the Future Warrior can use the Kaio-ken and Super Saiyan forms together when using Kaio-ken based skills.
- In the Xenoverse series, certain accessories that alter the Future Warrior's color and hairstyle will change color whenever they use any Super Saiyan transformations. However, it will not affect the hair color of accessories such as Goku's and Mr. Satan's wigs, nor Master Roshi's beard.
- In the AB Groupe dub of the movies (often nicknamed the "Big Green" dub) and some European dubs of the anime, the Saiyan race are called "Space Warriors", as such this transformation is termed "Super Space Warrior" or simply "Super Warrior", although Saiyans are occasionally referred to as "Super Warriors" while still in their base form.
- The Hero from Dragon Quest VIII's hairstyle resembles Goten during the final moments of Dragon Ball Z, and even spikes up like a Super Saiyan but purple in color when the Hero's tension is maxed. This little feature was added to the American and European release of the game, as a shout out to fans of Toriyama's work.
- In WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth, WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain, WWE 2k18, and WWE 2k19, there is a Super Saiyan hairstyle in the "Create a Superstar" mode.
- Super Saiyan Goku's bio in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is written entirely from Gohan's perspective, revealing that at some point after the battle with Frieza, Gohan made up a "Super Saiyan Observation Journal" and took notes on Goku's initial behavior as a Super Saiyan.
Kamin Kale and Oren Caulifla as Tuffleized Super Saiyans in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! manga |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File, 1997
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, 2019
- ↑ Trunks anime comics - "Super Saiyan" section
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Supplemental Daizenshuu
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Dragon Ball Z episode 155, "Super Vegeta"
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Dragon Ball Xenoverse, 2015
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Budokai, 2002
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 269, "Meet Vegito"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super episode 74, "For My Beloved Ones! The Indomitable Great Saiyaman!"
- ↑ Highlights from Toriyama's Saiyan Q&A. twitter (November 29, 2017).
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Dragon Ball FighterZ, 2018
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Dragon Ball Heroes, 2010
- ↑ Stated by Goku in Dragon Ball GT episode 29, "The Fall of the Saiyans"
- ↑ In Dragon Ball Heroes Raditz can use Super Sayan 3, which is a powered-up Super Saiyan
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Dragon Ball Fusions, 2016
- ↑ Dragon Ball Legends, 2018
- ↑ SS Broly TLSS
- ↑ Super Saiyan Broly's second costume in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2.
- ↑ Dragon Ball chapter 408, "Gohan Unleashed"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 185, "Awakening"
- ↑ Dragon Ball chapter 474, "Super Saiyan Level 3!!!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 245, "Super Saiyan 3?!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
- ↑ Trunks Anime Comics
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 168, "Meet Me In the Ring"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 66, "Goku's New Power"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, 1990
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 95, "Transformed at Last"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 156, "Bow to The Prince"
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Daizenshuu 7, 1996
- ↑ Toriyama Saiyan interview Part 1. pbd.twimg.
- ↑ Toriyama Saiyan interview Part 2. pbs.twimg.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 129, "Upgrade to Super Saiyan"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 207, "Take Flight, Videl"
- ↑ Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide, 2009
- ↑ Comic Legends: Why Did Goku's Hair Turn Blonde?. Comic Book Resources (1 January 2018).
- ↑ Dragon Ball Back Then Vol. 2: Interview with "Dragon Ball Z" character designer Tadayoshi Yamamuro. Kanzenshuu.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Anime Illustration Collection: The Golden Warrior, April 21, 2010, pp. 50–1)
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, 1992
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 103, "Pathos of Frieza"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 127, "A Handy Trick"
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT: La Revista Oficial.
- ↑ Akira Toriyama SEG interview. kanzenshuu.
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT episode 19, "A General Uprising"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 120, "Another Super Saiyan?"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 130, "The Secret of Dr. Gero"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 135, "Deadly Beauty"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 136, "No Match for the Androids"
- ↑ Saikyō Jump #6, 2014
- ↑ Daizenshuu 6 refers to it as Goku manifesting his Super Saiyan power, but not fully
- ↑ Super Saiyan chart Supplemental Daizenshuu
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Super Mira scan. shonenganez.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Card Game website card list. dbs-cardgame.
- ↑ Super Mira, Diabolical Fusion. dbs-cardgame.
Earthlings | |
Human-Type Earthlings | Agundas • Akai Tomato • Akane Kimidori • Alpha 12 • An Azuki • Android 17's Wife • Angela • Antique Shop Owner • Antoine the Great • Aoi Kimidori • Aosa • Bacterian • Barry Kahn • Basaku • Beat • Beat's Mom • Beta 7 • Bikini • Bimbo • Bocacchi • Bongo • Bora • Bullies of the Orin Temple • Bulma (Future • DBE) • Burdwell • Captain Bacterian • Captain Chicken • Captain Dark • Captain Ginyu • Captain of the Guard • Carey Fuller • Carmine • Caroni • Chamel • Chamile • Chao • Charmy Yamada • Chi-Chi (Future • DBE) • Chi-Chi's mother • Chiaotzu • Chico • Chin Taiken • Chocora • Chok • Chow • Chuu Lee • Coco • Cocoa Amaguri • Colonel Silver • Colonel Violet • Commander Red • Cynthia • Daigoro Kurigashira • The Dictator • Donko • Doskoi • Dr. Auto • Dr. Brief (Future) • Dr. Challenger • Dr. Collie • Dr. Flappe • Dr. Gero (Clone • Future • Cell) • Dr. Hedo • Dr. Hedo's Father • Dran • Dub • Eclain • Eclair • Emi • Ena • Erasa • Erito • Fanfan • Farmer • Fen • Fire Safety Kids • Forte • Fortuneteller Baba • Freddy Hein • Fyler • Gala • Gato • Geveta • Gevo • General Blue • General White • Gibachi • Grandma Hakkake • Grandma Paozu • Grandpa Gohan (DBE) • Gyaosu • Hacchi • Haru • Hasky • Hasky's Followers • Haya • Hero • Hero Stadium Announcer • Hijiki • Hondawara • Honey • Hyororot • Idasa • Idasam • Ikose • Intergalactic Fighters • Isaza • Jajee • Jam (Dragon Ball Fusions) • Jewel • Jimmy Firecracker • Jingle Village Chief • Juliana • Kabra • Kaede • Kagyu • Kajika • Kallon • Kalpochof • Kami of the Previous Generation • Kang • Karot • Kasal • Kasdan • Killa • King Chappa • King Kress • Kinoko Sarada • Kojiro • Kompas • Kong • Kooky Cook • Korinto • Krillin (Clone • Future • Cell) • Kurikinton Soramame • Lapis (Future • Cell) • Launch • Lazuli (Future • Cell) • Lime • Lody • Lord Jaguar • Lotta Cash • Mabon • Magenta • Mai (Future • DBE) • Maki • Mako Maruyama • Maloja• Mamako Omori • Manpuku Okawari • Maron • Marron • Master Mutaito (DBE) • Master Roshi (Future • DBE) • Master Shen • Men-Men • Mercenary Tao • Michael • Midori Norimaki • Mighty Mask • Miguel • Mint • Mint (World Mission) • Miss Piiza • Mizore • Moden • Momo-chan • Monty • Monster Carrot's Henchmen • Mousse • Mousse and Eclair's children • Mozuku • Mr. Borbonne • Mr. Kingery • Mr. Lao • Mr. Musuka • Mr. Satan (Future • Universe 6) • Mr. Shu • Mugley • Murasaki Brothers • Nain • Nam • Nareg • Nejishiki • Ninja Murasaki • Note • Nok • Note • Oats • Old Scientist • Old Woman Spring • Olibu • Omori's Wife • Otokosuki • Ox-King (Future) • Pagos • Pamput • Panna • Pansy • Paopao • Pare • Pasta • Paul • Peasuke Soramame • Peco • Penguin Village Junior High Principal • Pepper Johnson • Pete Kobayashi • Peter • Pharaoh Totenhotep • Pigero • Pintar • Pirozhki • Piscuit • Pit Bull Pete • Plague • Plamo • Pocawatha • Pochimura • Polly Buckets • Princess Misa • Puck • Queen Kress • Ranfan • Rezok • Richest man in Gingertown • Rising Dragon • Roche • Rock • Rocky Rivers • Rom • Rulah • Sachie Momochi • Satan City Mayor • Seki • Senbei Norimaki • Sharpner • Shen • Sergeant Nutz • Sheriff Rao • Sherman Priest • Shinseki • Shoken • Skale • Sky Dragon • Smitty • Soldier 15 • Sora • Spopovich • Staff Officer Black • Suno • Tamagoro Katayude • Tanmen • Taro Soramame • Terror • Thief Boy • Thunderbolt • Tien Shinhan (Clone • Future • Cell) • Tights • Tokunoshin Omori • Tommy • Traffic Agent Lady • Trunks • Tsubasa • Tsukutsun Tsun • Tsuntsunodanoteiyugo Tsun • Tsururin Tsun • Tsuruten Tsun • Turbo Norimaki • Udo • Upa • Uub • Uuby • Valese • Van Zant • Videl • Village Elder • Viola • Vodka • Vodka's bodyguards • Vomi • Wairu • Wanta • Wayan Budhiyasa • Weaver • Wild Tiger • World Tournament Announcer • X.S. Cash • Yajirobe (Future) • Yamcha (Clone • Future • DBE) • Yamu • Yaochun • Yoshito-kun • Yukio Kyumonji • Yurin • Yuzukar • Zalador • Zarid • Zen |
Animal-Type Earthlings | Agarizame • Bear Thief • Captain Yellow • Donbe • General Bon • Hasky's Followers • Jasmine • Jinku • King Furry • Kondanuki • Konkichi • Man-Wolf • Monster Carrot • Mr. Pig • Oolong (Future) • Oonaan • Pongitsune • Puar (Future) • Shu (Future) • Sunglasses Crocodile • Torahachiro • Turtle (Future) • West City Mayor • Wombat and Biker • World Tournament Chairman • Yordon |
Monster-Type Earthlings | Bandages the Mummy • Emperor Pilaf (Future) • Igor • King Gurumes • Paella • Vampire (Fangs the Vampire) |
Earthling-Saiyan Hybrids | Akina • Beat • Bulla • Bulma Leigh • Captain Ginyu • Gohan (Clone • Future • Cell • Xeno • Future Warrior in Black) • Gohan Black • Goten (Xeno) • Trunks (Clone • Future • Cell • Unknown • Xeno) • Pan (Xeno) • Goku Jr. • Vegeta Jr. |
Earthling Cyborgs | Android 8 (Future) • Android 17 (Future • Cell) • Android 18 (Future • Cell) • Android 21 (Evil • Good) • Android 25 • Android 26 • Genome • Cell (Present • Future • Unseen • Xeno) • Cell Jr. • Dr. Gero (Future • Cell) • Dr. Kochin • Dr. Mashirito • Dr. Wheelo • Fu • Magenta • Mercenary Tao • Mira (Dark Empire) |
Earthling Fusions | Arale 18 • Android 35 • Android 1617 • Android 1718 • Android 1920 • Bulpan • Butran • Cell 17 • Celluza • Chiaohan • Chiaoldo • Chiaoman • Chocof • Coohan • Eclon • EX Gohanks • EX Trunks • Failed Fusions • Future Gohanks • Gatob • Ginyuman • God Fusion Goku • Gokule • Gorilin • Gotenks (EX • Xeno) • Great Jaco • Great Saiyaman 12 • Great Satanman • Jacunks • Jamila • Kallohan • Krigohan • Majin Satan • Majuub • Miracora • Pandel • Pannan • Perfect 16 • Piratz • Prillin (EX) • Super 17 • Tanks • Tiencha (EX) • Tiradoola • Tiraf • Tirara • Ultra Fusion (Tekka) • Ultra Pinich • Vegenks • Xeno Vegeks • Yamta |
Earthling Transformations | Max Power • Power Pole Pro • Beastman • Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain (Ultra)) • Black Water Mist (Demon Clan) • Ghost • Hi-Tension • Jiang Shi • Zombie Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan (Demon Realm Race) (Rampaging) • Powerhouse (Second Grade • Third Grade) • Full Power) • Super Saiyan 2 (Super Saiyan Rage) • Super Saiyan 3 • Great Ape • Golden Great Ape (Super Saiyan 4) • Super Saiyan God (Saiyan beyond God • Super Saiyan Blue) Perfected Ultra Instinct |
Other Transformations | |
Squadrons & Companies | Police (Galactic Patrol • MIR • Sunset City Police Department) • Red Ribbon Army (Red Pants Army • Red Pharmaceuticals) • Ninja Clan • Karinga Tribe • Kawa Tribe • Peck Peck Tribe • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • Crane School (New Crane School) • Dog Dragon Gang • Panther-Fang School • Pilaf Gang • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Saiya Squad • Team Beerus • Team Universe 7 • Z Fighters) • Lucky Foods • Pod Corporation • Rabbit Mob • Royal Academy of Science • Dictator Army • Earth's Military (Earth's Resistance) • Gurumes Army • Kikoukenjutsu Sword School • Magical Pharmaceuticals • Mercenary Clan • Mutaito Training Academy • Mifan Army • Vodka Gang • Battle Ball Team • Red Shark Gang • Rockets • Taitans • Toad Warriors • Time Patrol (Dragon Ball Heroes • Hero Society • Nutz Gang • Romance Rangers • Warriors of Light) • Town Militia • ZTV (KBC News • Wide-Thigh Aerobics) |
Wars, Conflicts & Tournaments |
Androids | |
Red Ribbon Androids | Major Metallitron • Red Ribbon Robot • Prototype Android (Super Prototype) • Android 8 (Future) • Remote Tracking Device • Android 9 • Android 13 • Android 14 • Android 15 • Android 16 (Future • New Model) • Android 17 (Future • Cell) • Android 18 (Future • Cell) • Android 19 (Future) • Android 20 (Future • Cell • Clone (Supercomputer (Future)) • Android 21 (Good • Evil) • Clones (Clone Frieza) • Gamma 1 • Gamma 2 • Magenta • Destroyers • Android 25 • Android 26 • Android 33 • Android 44 • Android 55 • Android 76 • Android 8000 • Android 19000 |
Dr. Hedo's Androids | Alpha Series (Alpha 12) • Beta Series (Beta 1 • Beta 2 • Beta 7 • Beta 8) • Dinodroid 1 • Tentomaru • Hachimaru • Gamma 1 • Gamma 2 • Cell Max |
Bio-Android | |
Bio-Warrior | |
Other Androids | Ahms • Arale Norimaki • Asura Robot • Big Gete Star • C-6 • Caramel Man • CC Mascots • CC Robots (Waipa) • Compression-01 • Cyclopian Guard • Dr. Mashirito • Eggbot • Flying Camera • Godgardon • Guide Robo • Gurumes' Robot Servant • Hatchiyack • Helper Bot • Hope! • HWM 100 X • Dr. Kochin • Machine Mutants • Mecha 7 • Mecha Goku • Navigator • Oatmeel • Obotchaman • OG Soldier (Seven-Three) • Pirate Robot • Pusherbot • Reality Machine • Robotoriyama • TPP - EX • Zeno Orbs • Ziku |
Other Cyborgs | Boiled Octopus Robo • Bowlean • Cacao • Caramel Man (Dr. Mashirito) • Cyborg Tao • Kahseral • Kettlean • Machine Mutants • Mecha Frieza (Future • Clone) • Meta-Cooler Core (Meta-Cooler) • Rezok • Warlord • Dr. Wheelo |
Universe 3 | |
Universe 7 Fusions | Android 35 • Android 1617 • Android 1718 • Android 1920 • Android Saibaking • Android Biwala 33 • Android Gowry 33 • Android Leganon 33 • Android Huki 44 • Android Stroganof 55 • Android Vasabi 55 • Android Bukha 76 • Android Butor 76 • Arale 18 • Cell 17 • Celluza • Damira • Baby Hatchiyack • Fused Sealas • Fuki • Gaury • Kuwabara • Perfect 16 • Super 17 • Towale • Ultra Pinich |
Related | Android Bomb • Bio Suit (Cosmic Suit) • Built-in Scouter • Cell Games • Cells • Culture Fluid (Culture Fluid Absorption Gigantification) • Dark Evolution • Dark Ki • Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain (Ultra)) • Dr. Collie • Dr. Flappe • Dr. Gero's Confidential Disc • Dr. Hedo • Dr. Lychee • Dr. Mashirito • Flamethrower • Form Change • Frieza Race • Frieza's Rocket Launcher • Grenade • Gevo • Hell Fighter 17 • Machine Mutants • Nain • Red Ribbon Army (Red Pants Army) • Remote Tracking Device • Senbei Norimaki • Shut Down Remote • Metal Super Saiyan • S-Cells • Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan 2 • Powerhouse (Third Grade)) • Team Universe 3 • Team Universe 7 • Transcended |
Tuffles | |
Universe 7 Tuffles | |
Universe 6 Tuffles | |
Universe 2 Tuffles | |
Infected/Hybrids | Trunks • Goten • Gohan • Bulla • Pan • Vegeta (Xeno) • Earthlings (Bulma • Videl • Chi-Chi • Krillin • Android 18 • Marron • Master Roshi • Ox-King • Dr. Hedo • Oolong • Mr. Satan • Fortuneteller Baba • Launch • Farmer • Future Mai • King Furry • Yajirobe • Puar) • King Kai • Dende • Mr. Popo • Hirudegarn • Universe 6 Saiyans (Caulifla • Kale • Cabba • Caulifla's Gang • Renso • King Sadala) Jaco • Lemo • Cheelai • Unnamed Alien Boy |
Tuffle Fusions | |
Living Creations | Hatchiyack • Godgardon • Lychee's Monsters (Kinkarn • Arbee • Ponkarn • Kawazu • Jiku • Skud • Gure • Budo) • Machine Mutant (Dr. Myuu • General Rilldo • Giru • Commander Nezi • Bizu • Natt • Ribet • M-2 • Mutchy • Leon • Luud • Hell Fighter 17) • Bio-Warrior (White Bio-Man) |
Transformations | Ghost Warrior Formation Neo Machine Mutant Super Saiyan • Super Saiyan 2 • Tuffleized Super Saiyan (Strongest Form 1 • Strongest Form 2 • Golden Great Ape) Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain (Ultra)) Transcended |
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