Super Bardock Saga is a saga exclusive to Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission.
Journey through time and see the battles of Saiyan warrior Bardock!
- Beat vs. Bardock
- Beat vs. Bardock, Borgos, Tora, Fasha, and Shugesh
- Beat and Bardock vs. Frieza (1st Form), Dodoria, and Zarbon
- Beat and Bardock (Super Saiyan) vs. Chilled and Tobi
- Beat vs. Super Mira, Dark Towa, Dabura: Xeno, Black-Masked Saiyan, Masked Saiyan, Shun Shun, and Haru Haru
- Beat and Goku (Normal) vs. Xeno Bardock (Base/Super Saiyan 3), Gine, and Supreme Kai of Time