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Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesRush Attack

"Every force you create has an echo. Your own bad energy will be your undoing."
Super Gogeta to Janemba before his attack in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn

Stardust Breaker (スターダストブレイカー Sutādasuto Bureikā)[9][10][11][5] is an Energy Sphere used by Gogeta.


Stardust Breaker 1

Gogeta attacks with kicks

Gogeta uses Punisher Drive to barrage the opponent with a series of prismatic blows, using Rapid Movement to dash behind them and turn to deliver two hard knees to the back of their head/neck, finishing the preceding rush with a backflipping kick. After landing on the ground, Gogeta raises his left hand above his head, generating a ball of rainbow light before either crushing it in his palm, pivoting and flinging the scattered energy at his charging opponent, or flinging the prismatic sphere itself to deal immense damage to the opponent, resulting in an enormous explosion.

In the Funimation dub of Fusion Reborn, Super Gogeta's warning to Super Janemba implies that the Stardust Breaker possesses the additional effect of dealing critical damage to an opponent depending on the amount of evil within their soul, as the attack completely purifies the Saike Demon of the evil energy that caused him to transform into Janemba to begin with. While the statement is not present in the original Japanese version, the Stardust Breaker's supposed property is similar to how Gogeta used what he referred to as "positive energy" to counter the negative energy of Omega Shenron's Negative Karma Ball in GT. Additionally, Dragon Ball Super Card Game refers to the technique as Soul Punisher, the Cleansing Light.


Fusion Reborn - Stardust Breaker

Super Gogeta uses the Stardust Breaker to obliterate Janemba

In Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Gogeta uses this attack to defeat Janemba. While Pikkon is fighting Janemba, only to be defeated by the monster, Goku and Vegeta successfully perform the Fusion Dance to fuse into Gogeta. As Janemba powers up and prepares to fight, Gogeta attacks and destroys Janemba with the Stardust Breaker rush, restoring the young ogre, Saike Demon, back to his former self.


Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta using Stardust Breaker against Broly

In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta uses the Stardust Breaker after avoiding Broly's Gigantic Breath, blasting him in the back several times with God Punisher before finishing it with the Stardust Breaker, causing a massive prismatic explosion and injuring the Legendary Super Saiyan.


Video Game Appearances[]

In Carddass, it is named Crystal Wave (クリスタルウェーブ Kurisutaru Uēbu).

In Budokai 3, Shin Budokai - Another Road, and Infinite World, it is named Soul Punisher (ソウルパニッシャー Souru Panisshā), In Infinite World, the kicks are called Soul Strike.

In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, it is named Stardust Breaker where it is Super Gogeta's Ultimate Blast. In Budokai Tenkaichi and Budokai Tenkaichi 2, only the energy sphere at the end of the rush is used while in Budokai Tenkaichi 3, the rush attack is also used.

In Ultimate Butōden, only the energy sphere at the end of the rush is used.

In Tenkaichi Tag Team, the Raging Blast series, and Ultimate Tenkaichi, the rush attack is also used.

In Dragon Ball Heroes, Golden Great Ape Gogeta can use a more powerful version of the attack named Super Soul Punisher (超ソウルパニッシャー).

In Xenoverse, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta uses the last three melee hits as part of his standard combo.

In Dokkan Battle, Soul Punisher appears as one of Super Gogeta's Super Attacks. Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta also uses it under its original name Stardust Breaker, where the prismatic sphere is preceded by the first two blasts of the God Punisher. Super Gogeta also uses it in tandem with Pikkon's Trap Shooter as part of the latter's Unit Super Attack.

In Xenoverse 2, the invisible attack portion appears as one of Gogeta's Super Skills under the name Punisher Drive. The energy sphere portion of the technique is named Soul Punisher and is one of Super Saiyan Gogeta's Ultimate Skills. It can be obtained by the Future Warrior by purchasing it from the Skill Shop after completing the Battle of Gods section of the main story. Even if it fails to hit the target it will explode dealing damage and can also be fired backwards.

In Dragon Ball Legends, the energy sphere portion is named Soul Punisher where it appears as the Special Move Arts for Super Gogeta (DBL05-10S) which he can teach to Shallot after reaching Friendship Rank 2. The combo variant of Soul Punisher appears under the name Judgment as the Ultimate Move Arts for Super Gogeta (DBL05-10S).

In FighterZ, it appears as a follow up to SSGSS Gogeta's God Punisher, requiring an extra bar of super to perform. It is also used in his Dramatic Finish against Janemba, recreating the climax of Fusion Reborn leading to Janemba's destruction and first-person reversion back to the Saike Demon. Humorously, Gogeta depowers to his Super Saiyan form to make the scene more accurate.

In Sparking! Zero, it is named Stardust Blaster.



Super Gogeta kicking Super Janemba during a frame mistake and mixing with Super Saiyan 3 Goku

  • When Super Saiyan 3 Goku goes up into the air to blast Janemba, Super Gogeta kicking Super Janemba (being part of his Stardust Breaker) is shown in the background.


