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Shapeshifting (変身) is the ability to change one's shape or, more commonly, one's form and appearance.



Oolong, just transforming into a fish (puffs of smoke)

Shapeshifting is first seen in Dr. Slump, done frequently by Donbe to trick people.

In Dragon Ball, we learn that there is a shapeshifting school existing on Earth, which Oolong and Puar both attended. Puar graduated, but Oolong was expelled because he stole the teacher's underwear (in the English dub, he steals the teacher's papers). As a result of his expulsion, Oolong never masters the technique and can only shapeshift for up to five minutes at a time,[5] while Puar can shapeshift indefinitely.[6] Neko Majins are also capable of shapeshifting.

Later, in Dragon Ball anime, a mysterious entity named Darkness might have the ability to shapeshift into anyone but there is also the possibility that he is just creating illusions and toying with people's minds.


Oolong and Puar shapeshifted to fly like bats

In Dragon Ball GT, Bon Para uses this technique to disguise himself as a Gelboian in order to steal a Black Star Dragon Ball. Sugoro and his son Shusugoro were also shown to be the masters of shapeshifting. Shusugoro played an important role to extend the tail of Goku by transforming into a pair of giant pliers which was helpful beyond measure to defeat the incredibly powerful Baby Vegeta by transforming into the Golden Great Ape and eventually into Super Saiyan 4.

In Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy, this was used several times. First, Mamba uses this to turn herself into a beautiful young woman. Next, Susha and Torga use this to turn themselves into goo and a candle respectively. Finally, Lord Yao uses this to turn his arm into several things such as a cannon, a sword, and a tree root.

Video game appearances

Piano is able to shapeshift into Goku's form to fight in Dragon Ball 3: Gokuden. Ozotto, the final boss of the arcade game Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S., has the power to shapeshift into certain Z Fighters and use their techniques. In Dragon Ball Online, the Time Breaker Churai shapeshifts into Mrs. Bon.

In Adventure Mode of Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden, Bubbles can shapeshift by having a magic spell placed on him by King Kai, however Bubbles is limited to transforming in small children.

In Xenoverse, two Time Patrollers named Tennile and Nema can shapeshift, with Tennile referencing that he learned how to at the Southern Transformation Kindergarten shapeshifting school. They use this technique to transform into several Dragon Ball series characters:

Tennile's Transformations

Nema's Transformations



  • In Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, some characters mention shapeshifting in special dialog. When fighting GT Kid Goku, Yamcha will believe it is Puar shapeshifting into Kid Goku, causing Goku to state he is not Puar. When fighting Bardock, Goku will question if he is actually Oolong shapeshifting to look like Goku.
  • Oolong's shapeshifting into Bulma is one of the few instances of gender-bending (the other being Captain Ginyu's Body Change with Bulma in the anime) in the Dragon Ball series.


  1. Daizenshuu 7, 1996
  2. Dragon Ball 3: Gokuden, 1989
  3. Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden, 2015
  4. In both of the live-action films she appears in, Mai has the ability of shapeshifting.
  5. "The problem is I can only hold a shape for five minutes and then, poof!" - Oolong, Dragon Ball episode 4, "Oolong the Terrible"
  6. Dragon Ball: Bouken Special, 1987