Dragon Ball Wiki

Shamo (シャモ Shamo) is a Shamoian.


Shamo is a small Shamoian with yellow skin and a purple mohawk.



Shamo and the rest of his race are enslaved by Paragus after Broly left their homeworld in ruins.

Dragon Ball Z[]

Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan[]

While working on New Planet Vegeta, Shamo checks on his grandfather when he collapses and meets Gohan, Future Trunks, and Krillin. He tells them how he and his people were taken from their planet after a Super Saiyan ravaged it. Shamo is attacked by Angol for not working until Gohan rescues him. While they were eating, Shamo and the other children tell Gohan, Krillin, and Future Trunks about the Legendary Super Saiyan and that Paragus wasn't the one that destroyed their planet. When Gohan, Krillin, and Future Trunks bring the slaves to the palace, Shamo identify Broly as the one that attacked their planet. He then watches Broly destroy his people homeworld.

Voice Actors[]

