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"No one escapes my Death Ball! You'll lose your sanity and die of terror long before your body disintegrates!"
Golden Great Ape Baby in "Baby Put To Rest"

Revenge Death Ball Final (リベンジデスボールファイナル Ribenji Desu Bōru Fainaru)[1][2][3] is a variation of the Revenge Death Ball used by Baby in his Golden Great Ape form.


Baby Put to Rest - RDBF Throw

Baby prepares to throw the Revenge Death Ball Final

The attack is charged and maintained the same way, but with much more power. The resulting sphere of energy is so large that it eclipses the size of Golden Great Ape Baby by nearly double. Baby claims the attack could damage the psyche of the target, as well as its power being enough to wipe out the planet in one go.


Golden Great Ape Baby uses this attack during his battle against Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku. However, Goku absorbs the attack's massive energy and converts it into a powerful 10x Kamehameha, which he then launches at Baby, severely damaging him.[4]

Video Game Appearances[]

In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, it is named Revenge Death Ball Final where it appears as Golden Great Ape Baby's Ultimate Blast.

In Dragon Ball Heroes, it is used by Great Ape Baby in a boss battle in the Super Baby Saga. Baby will begin using the attack after gaining 10 Hero Energy, and the move will deal a fixed 99,999 damage to the player's team.

In Dokkan Battle, it is one of Golden Great Ape Baby's super attacks.


