Dragon Ball Wiki

Photon Swipe (フォトンスワイプ)[3] is a variation of the Death Beam used by Android 21 and her fissions in Dragon Ball FighterZ.


The user charges a finger beam in their left hand, then swipes from right to left, mowing down enemies in its path.

Video Game Appearances[]

This technique first appeared in Dragon Ball FighterZ under the name Photon Wave.

DBXV2 Ultra Pack 2 DLC Android 21 VS Majuub (Android 21's Photon Wave Super Skill VS Majuub's Lightning Impact Ultimate Skill)

Android 21 charging her Photon Swipe as Majuub charges his Flash Chaser in Xenoverse 2

This technique was named in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 as part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC where it appears as one of Android 21's Super Skills which can be obtained by the Future Warrior in the New Parallel Quest 139: "War and Pieces".

In Dragon Ball Legends, it is also named Photon Wave where it appears as the Special Move Arts for Android #21. While it shares the same name as Android #20's Special Move Arts, Android #21's Photon Wave is based upon her Photon Wave Super Attack from Dragon Ball FighterZ. Additionally, Android #21 can also teach it to Shallot (DBL00-01) after reaching Friendship Rank 2.


