Dragon Ball Wiki
"Outside Space" is not this article's official English name, it is used as there is currently no official translation or suitable name.

Directory: TechniquesOffensive Techniques

Outside Space[1] is a variation of Vice Shout used by Super Buu (Gohan absorbed) while enraged in the anime.


Powering up in anger, Buu lets out all of his energy and generates a space that quickly grows to cover the living world and wipes it out.[1]


Super Buu (Gohan absorbed) uses Outside Space as a last resort against Super Vegito. Super Buu claims it possesses enough power to destroy the whole universe and uses the Vice Shout to create an energy shield to protect himself, but Super Vegito powers up and, with some effort, punches through the shield, preventing the attack.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Daizenshuu 7, 1996