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Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesRush Attack

"Eight arms? is that it? Here, try a hundred!"
Tambourine in "Tambourine Attacks!"

One-Hundred Arms (百手拳 Hyakushuken) is a variation of Eight-Arm Fist used by Tambourine.


It is an advanced version of the Eight-Arm Fist.


At King Chappa's temple during the King Piccolo Saga, after mocking King Chappa's Eight-Arm Fist, Tambourine uses the One-Hundred Arms to attack King Chappa. The struggle ends up with Tambourine dodging the Eight-Arm Fist and sending King Chappa to a wall, killing him. After this, some of King Chappa's students attempt to avenge him, but they are murdered as well.
