The Norimaki family is a family residing in Penguin Village. They were the primary main cast to Dr. Slump, but are merely background characters in Dragon Ball. Most of the extended members of the Norimaki Family are shown to be adopted or created by Senbei Norimaki.
Family Members[]
Invented Members[]
- Arale
- Alarm Clock
- Barberman
- Fairy Tale Machine
- K-9 Robot
- Mr. Time
- Reality Machine
- Super Mecha "Ping-Pong"
- Video-kun
- Miss. Akiko
Adopted Members[]
- Gatchan 1 & 2
- Poop – An extraterrestrial dog the Norimaki Family adopted for a while.
- Unnamed Bear – A bear that was rescued by Arale.
- Unnamed Gorilla – A gorilla that was adopted for a while
Extended Members[]
Fused Members[]
- Arale 18 (Arale Norimaki & Android 18 EX-Fusion)
- Towale (Arale Norimaki & Towa EX-Fusion)
- Ultra Fusion (Arale Norimaki & any four fusee Five-Way Fusion)
Penguin Village residents | |
Norimaki Family | |
Kimidori Family | |
Soramame Family | |
Tsun Family | |
Penguin Village Police Force | |
Extraterrestrial Residents | |
Other Residents | |
Poops | |
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