"Wow. Look at all the Piccolos" |
Namekians (ナメック星人 Namekku-seijin, lit. "People from Planet Namek"), also commonly known as Nameks (ナメック人 Namekku-jin, lit. "Namek People"),[2] are a race originating from the Demon Realm.[2][3] They exist in both Universe 6 and Universe 7, inhabiting Planet Namek in these universes, having moved there from the Demon Realm long ago.
Namekians are able to make their own set of Dragon Balls. They are humanoid with plant and slug-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae. The name "Namek" is taken from the word namekuji, which means "slug" in Japanese. In the original Japanese versions of the King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr. Sagas of Dragon Ball, the Namekians in the series were originally thought to be supernatural entities of earthly origin.
The Namekians were originally from the planet Namek located in the Second Demon World of the Demon Realm. Over a thousand years ago, the Namekians left for the outside world due to being treated as slaves by the Supreme Demon Kings for their abilities. Only Neva stayed behind to protect the Demon Realm Dragon Balls.[3][4][5] They settled in both Universe 6 and Universe 7, primarily on a planet which they named Namek but also on other worlds like planet Cereal.[2]
Universe 7[]

A plethora of Namekians during King Kai's explanation of the race
Approximately three-hundred years prior to the beginning of the Dragon Ball series, the earliest Namekians encountered on Earth (King Piccolo and his sons, though not counting Kami) were evil, destructive and caused chaos throughout the Earth until their eventual narrow defeat at the hands of Master Mutaito and his pupils (including Master Roshi and Master Shen).[6]
It is clear that they were a well-known, space-faring race at some point in the not-too-distant past, as most of the Saiyans who came to Earth immediately recognized Piccolo as a Namekian.[7] The Daizenshuu says that they used to trade with other planets, but stopped after the cataclysm.[8] It is also known that Namekians had a vast knowledge of technology, because the Nameless Namekian was spirited away to Earth in a spaceship (with Namekian Language voice recognition) prior to the massive climate shift disaster.[9] Also, Lord Slug is an avid space-traveler Namekian.
In the era of the Dragon Ball series, there were just over 100 Namekians alive on their home planet, as they had been killed off a generation before, by a great tempest.[10] The only known survivors are Grand Elder Guru, and the nameless Namekian, who was sent to safety on Earth.[11] Another survivor, Lord Slug, is introduced in Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug.[12]
Approximately forty years ago, a tribe of Namekians existed on planet Cereal and lived peacefully with the native Cerealians but a majority were eradicated by the invading Saiyan Army. However, the sole survivor Monaito was spared thanks to Bardock.[13]

Cargo and Dende while Frieza attacks their village
In Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, a Namekian is shown to be a member of the Galactic Patrol around the time of the Genocide of the Saiyans though they are implied to be deceased by the time of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga as the sole survivor of Moro's invasion of New Namek Esca notes that he, Dende, and Piccolo are the last surviving Namekians after he is brought to Earth by Jaco. Up until the arrival of Nappa and Vegeta, Piccolo and his mutated brothers were considered demons (monsters in the Funimation dub) due to the evil nature of King Piccolo and his sons and their fearsome appearances.
Kami's status as a Namekian was not generally known, though he would not have been considered a demon. Some point after Kami came to Earth, he lost memory of his home-world, and thus, Kami forgot where he originated from, but remembered most of his native language.[9] During the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament Kami (in the human Hero's body) and Piccolo speak a strange alien language to each other, which is later revealed to be the Namekian language.[14] Upon meeting Piccolo, Raditz strangely does not identify him as being from Namek, however Vegeta and Nappa do.[7]
King Piccolo spawned a number of mutated sons who were considered Namekians due to retroactive continuity.[15] It is possible that King Piccolo's evil caused his own sons (including Cymbal, Drum, Piano, and Tambourine) to be mutated and malformed, so much so that they did not even resemble normal Namekians.

Nameks on their new planet, as seen in the Kid Buu Saga
In Age 762, during the Namek Saga, their home-world Planet Namek was terrorized by Vegeta, Frieza, his henchmen: Dodoria and Zarbon, as well as a host of his other soldiers. The planet was ultimately destroyed by Frieza as a last-ditch effort to kill Goku, in their battle during the Frieza Saga.[16] All of the Namekians were temporarily transported to Earth, where they lived for nearly a year before being resettled on New Namek.[17] During the Cell Games Saga the young Namekian named Dende, is chosen by Goku to be Kami's replacement as a new guardian of the Earth's Dragon Balls on Earth.[18]

Dark Namekian Village in Dragon Ball Online
In Dragon Ball Online, Namekians fled to Earth in Age 853 after having their home of New Namek attacked by Miira. In Age 940, Dark Namekians begin to spawn eggs on Earth and, in the area which they live, there is an empty throne where King Piccolo's "demon" kanji can be seen. This Demon Clan is composed of evil Namekians, most of them mutated, like it was the case for King Piccolo's Demon Clan, and possibly, Slug's Demon Clan. Earth's conflict with evil Namekians led by First Narak begins in Age 972 as their numbers start to grow. The Dark Namekian General Gamelan also seeks to become the God of the Narak with Chocolay Tower acting as his equivalent to The Lookout and Korin Tower, allying himself with Korin's evil counterpart Chocolay and apparently creating Mr. Poko Poko, the Black Mashenlong who serves as a counterpart to Mr. Popo (in name & clothing), Porunga (whom Mr. Poko Poko resembles), and Shenron implying that Gamelan seeks to create a dark mirror of the divine hierarchy of Earth. Additionally, Gamelan is shown to have surpassed Piccolo and is strong enough to take on members of the Time Patrol, though he is ultimately defeated and is betrayed by Dark Namekian Elder turned Time Breaker Week who kills him for allowing Chocolay Tower to fall. However, Week himself is later defeated by the Time Patrol.
In Dragon Ball Fusions, a Namekian survivor named Fargo is introduced and he is revealed to have been sent off world in a spaceship as a baby (similar to the Nameless Namek) and was found by the Frieza Force who raised him to serve as a Combatant in Frieza's Army causing him to develop a somewhat evil personality, though not as megalomaniacal as King Piccolo or Lord Slug.
In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, during the Sub Story "Victimized Namekian" set during the battle on Planet Namek, Gohan finds some Frieza Force soldiers threatening to take a surviving Namekian Child to interrogate him about the Dragon Balls. Gohan defeats the soldiers and tries to console the child, but he tells Gohan to stay away as he suspects Gohan of being a Frieza Force Soldier. Gohan tells him he's not one of them and tries to approach but the child doesn't believe him as he suspects Gohan is evil too due to have come from another planet.
Gohan apologizes for failing to save his village. The child is surprised by Gohan's words and Gohan promises he's there to help. Suddenly Gohan hears the child's stomach growling and asks if he's hungry though the child denies it saying Namekians only need to drink water to survive. Gohan gathers some clean water and brings it back. Despite his suspicions, the child drinks the water. He seems fine at first but starts coughing and holding his stomach. Gohan suggests he eat some fruit, but the child says he's never had it before. After Gohan gathers some fruit, he gives him some. Gohan asks what he thinks about the fruit he ate, but the child says it tastes bitter. The child says that though it's bitter, he can eat it and feels a little better now.
Gohan decides to ask Bulma her opinion given she's a scientific genius. After explaining the situation to Bulma she suggests all the recent stress he's gone through might have triggered abnormalities in his head and body, so instead of absorbing nutrients from water, he had to get his nutrients from food. Gohan returns to the child and tells him what Bulma said. However, Gohan is confident his body will naturally go back to normal eventually, though the child is unsure.
After collecting more fruit, the child asks Gohan why he's being so kind to him. The pure hearted Gohan simply says it was the right thing to do. The child reveals his name is Necke. Necke says that though things are tough for him right now, knowing there are nice people out there makes what he's going through easier to take. Gohan says he'll do all he can to help and Necke thanks Gohan for his kindness.
Universe 6[]
According to Champa, the Namekians of Universe 6 found the Super Dragon Balls and broke off pieces to create their own set of Dragon Balls and suggests that their Universe 7 counterparts did the same when talking about the Super Dragon Balls with Beerus, Whis, Goku, and Vegeta. Thus, it is implied that the Namekians in both Universes created Dragon Balls through the use of pieces from the Super Dragon Balls which are spread throughout the Sixth and Seventh Universes.
In Universe 6, a large number of inhabitants of Planet Namek fused with Saonel and Pilina before the Tournament of Power, giving birth to a pair of very powerful Namekians. They were erased when Team Universe 6 lost in the Tournament of Power. They were later revived when the erased universes were restored.
Appearance and physiology[]

Piccolo Jr. hatching from his egg

Piccolo bleeding red blood
Namekians are green-skinned humanoids with slug-like characteristics. They have short antennae above their brow, which is protruding and pronounced while hairless. They also have long pointy ears, pronounced canine-teeth, and talon-like nails on their fingers. They have patches with red outlines on their forearms, biceps, shoulders, abdomen, thighs, knees, and shins. They also have three red conjoined rings on their ankles and wrists, appearing as bands. Namekians have five-fingered hands (four in the original manga). While still young, Namekian skin-coloring are light green with pink patches. Elderly Namekians have darker green skin while their patches become dull orange. Most full-grown Namekians are roughly the size of normal Earthlings. However, some Namekians, such as King Piccolo and Guru, are shown to have a height and size beyond normal humans. Their blood color is red (purple in the original FUNimation).
As stated in the Trunks Saga and witnessed, Namekians have developed a very strong senses of hearing: Despite Goku and Future Trunks having a private conversation from hundreds of meters away, Piccolo was accurately able to hear their every word. Also seen in the movie, Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, Namekian ears are very sensitive to high-pitched sounds like whistling. Likewise, their antennae also appear rather sensitive, as noted by Piccolo and proven when he grabbed Lord Slug's set, reacting very irritated by it.

Namekians do not need food to survive, only water
They require only water for sustenance, as their bodies have enzymes that allow them to transform water into nutrients.[19] They are still capable of enjoying food and getting sustenance from it.[20] In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, it is revealed that Namekian Time Patrollers also enjoy other liquids besides water such as milk as the Future Warrior occasionally delivers milk to Namekians during Krillin's milk Delivery training minigame. This also implies that a Namekian's digestive system is able to process milk with no difficulty. Additionally Lord Slug eats some of the Demon Realm-tainted strain of the Fruit of the Tree of Might in the story and tries to steal some of untainted fruit the Tree of Might while training the Future Warrior alongside his "ally" Turles (Lord Slug considers Turles a potential rival and was using the sparring session as a cover to steal some of the fruit for himself) though he fails but swears that he will one day claim it for himself.
The Namekian Future Warrior can learn the Fruit of the Tree of Might skill which allows them to eat the fruit to power up. Additionally at first the Namekian Future Warrior wants to try some of the pudding Chronoa makes for Beerus in the story, but fortunately stops when the notoriously horrible cook Chronoa reveals to Whis she made the Pudding which tastes horrible given Goku and Beerus' reaction after consuming it and leaves Goku incapacitated by stomach cramps. As a result, the Namekian Future Warrior in Xenoverse 2 never has to suffer consuming Chronoa's cooking as their predecessor had.
Additionally, two Namekian Farmers in Conton City's Ajisa District are talking about the vegetables they grow and one of them wonders what it would be like to eat some as other races seem to enjoy them. His fellow farmer advises him to be careful though notes that he heard of a Namekian living on Earth who enjoyed eating solid food, presumably a reference to Piccolo (presumably both Piccolo and King Piccolo as Piccolo is King Piccolo's reincarnation thus, they are technically different incarnations of the same individual).
In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, it suggested by Bulma that Namekians can absorb nutrients from water and solid food (which may explain why Piccolo receives the same benefits from eating solid food like other characters). However, Namekians can apparently get all the nutrients they need from water alone explaining their water-based diet. This explaination comes about as a result of Gohan's attempts to help a Namekian Child survivor named Necke. Necke demonstrates a stress disorder that prevents him from getting nutrients from water, showing that eating solid food can act to supplement a Namek's normal water-based diet if their ability to absorb nutrients from water is impaired.
According to Bulma, the Frieza Force's attack on Necke's village was so traumatic that it caused abnormalities in his head and body impairing his ability to absorb nutrients from water forcing Gohan to feed him Namekian Fruit to give his body the nutrition it needs to survive as he could still absorb nutrients from solid food. Additionally, according to the Z-Encyclopedia, Namekians that live on Namek do not fish, which means the Namekian Whitefish and its subspecies native to Namek can be easily caught due to the Namekian's lack of fishing culture due to their water-based diet, demonstrating the effect it has had on Namek's ecosystem as animals and fish native to planet are not hunted or fished, though this leaves them vulnerable to alien fishermen and hunters.
Though Piccolo can eat raw food, campfire cooked meat & fish, and single dishes, he is never actually seen eating and during Chi-Chi's Full Course Meals he will sit there while the others in his party eat. If he is a support character, there will be a glass of water on the table which is presumably a reference to Namekians only drinking water for nutrients. If he has the meal solo without any support characters in his party, there is no cutscene of him eating though he receives the stat boost. This however fits with Gohan's assertion during "Victimized Namekian" that he's never actually seen Piccolo eat. However, considering the food is gone from the table during the status boost scene, it is implied that Piccolo eats the meal off screen. During periods when he or his party don't have stat buffs from food, Piccolo will simply note he isn't at his best or comment that the others in his party should eat.
In Dragon Ball Fusions, it is shown that Namekians can become fat and overweight from overeating solid food thus like other races need to be careful how much they eat and must be sure to eat healthy and get plenty of exercise should they partake in consuming solid food (Piccolo likely avoided this as he actively trains and is a dedicated martial artist). As Guru and Moori (in Dragon Ball Online) both show signs of becoming overweight in advanced age, it implies that they gain excessive water weight apparently from a lack of exercise and/or as a side effect of giving birth in old age (both likely play a role in Guru's case), as water retention can result in swelling in humans in real life so the same may had true for Namekians as they share some biological similarities with Earthlings.
However, in the case of Kami and King Piccolo they did not gain weight in old age as they were apparently not as old as Guru (who remembered Namek the way it was before the cataclysm) and were still capable of moving about and fighting. Additionally, genetics may play a role in Guru and Moori's weight gain as Moori is Guru's child, thus it could simply be a hereditary trait Moori inherited from Guru that simply becomes more pronounced with age.
According to an interview with Akira Toriyama, Namekians are hermaphrodites that possess physiques similar to those of human males. Despite the fact that hermaphrodites can reproduce sexually, the Namekians in series are seen reproducing only asexually, using a mode of reproduction similar to the parthenogenesis, and spitting an egg out from their mouth. Despite this asexual reproductive system, there is still diversity in the species as the offspring is usually not an exact copy of the parent, like with King Piccolo or Grand Elder Guru.

An adult and a young Namekian: Piccolo and Dende
Rather, it appears that the parent has some control over what type of child will be formed (it is shown that King Piccolo has the ability to determine the appearance and traits of his offspring). This is carried to the extent that they may be mutated and not closely resemble others of the species. King Piccolo was able to spawn demonic Namekians that did not resemble a Namek at all to help him in his quest for eternal youth and complete domination. It appears Namekians are usually close to their children, and though King Piccolo treated his sons as minions, he appeared to care for the sons he gave life in his old age (in contrast, he was seemingly unfazed by the deaths of his sons at the hands of Mutaito and his students, as well as Drum after his youth was restored).
Namekians are also telepathically linked to their sons and can reach them from seemingly anywhere, as well as sense their deaths (as seen by Guru). Though technically all Namekians are capable of this, by the time of Guru it was customary for only the Grand Elder to give birth though before the cataclysm Katas gave birth to the Nameless Namekian indicating that it was customary at one time for other Namekians to have children regardless of their position. Kami and the reformed Piccolo presumably never had any offspring presumably out of fear that they might become tainted by the evil of humanity or simply because they had no desire to produce offspring.
Piccolo saw Gohan as a surrogate son so he may not have felt the need to father offspring whom he likely knew he would outlive anyway due to his Eternal Youth while Kami may have seen Piccolo after he reformed as surrogate son or nephew of sorts as he was the offspring/reincarnation of Kami's evil counterpart. Additionally his role as Guardian of Earth presumably would made raising children difficult and he may have feared his children could be corrupted by the simple fact of being the children of the Earth's Guardian which he may have feared would make them arrogant or feel entitled due to their father's divine position and he already had plenty of guilt over the fission that created King Piccolo thus may have feared he could end up giving birth to another Demon King or worse.
Given their long-life spans, it's likely Namekians normally breed after reaching a certain age and in the case of Guru he was responsible for repopulating Namek after the cataclysm which may have led to the custom of the Grand Elder giving birth (though it's possible that none of his children were old enough as all the elders were younger than Guru as they were his eldest children). Additionally, it is highly likely Namekian culture would have some rules or customs regarding breed to avoid overpopulation (which would be problematic for any species capable of asexual reproduction).
Additionally due to Guru's advanced age he was unable to care for his younger children such as Dende and Cargo who grew up in villages with their elder siblings who assist the Grand Elder in raising their younger siblings, though Guru was still connected to his children through telepathy thus could keep an eye on his children telepathically even in his old age and in Dragon Ball Fusions is shown to be worried about Moolin who has been misbehaving while innocently emulating the Demon King Piccolo to the point he asks Tekka's team to help convince him to stop misbehaving (Kid Goku mistakenly assumes Moolin has become evil just like King Piccolo only to discover the "Demon King Moolin" is nothing more than a rude child who insults people and plays childish pranks, though Goten manages to teach him to follow Piccolo's example instead of King Piccolo's) showing that Namekians can still be good parents even when debilitated by advanced age, though they require assistance from others such as their elder children, other unrelated Namekians, or even non-Namekians they trust to deal with any children that misbehave.
However, in contrast, King Piccolo encouraged his offspring's evil nature and used them as underlings to conquer the Earth, though he was shown to care about his offspring especially in his old age. Mutant Namekian Demon Clansmen can apparently procreate as in Dragon Ball Online it revealed that some of King Piccolo's offspring that survived the King Piccolo wars were able to produce their own offspring in places such as under Pilaf's Castle. Piccolo discovered their existence but could do nothing about it by himself (as his father's memories may have prevented him from killing them and they were technically family so Piccolo may not have had the heart to kill them by the point he discovered them) though Moori and the Namekians that settled on Earth later helped him contain them which lead the Dragon Clan to develop the Poko Priest class through studies of King Piccolo's mutant descendants allowing these mutant creatures to be used as summons.
It is implied in at least two video games that occasionally Namekians can be born pure evil such as the Black Namekian First Narak in Dragon Ball Online who was born from the Evil Egg created by the evil in the hearts of the Namekians that settled next to King Piccolo's old throne after the destruction of New Namek by Mira and after his birth he eventually became the founder of the new Narak Demon Clan. Eventually a civil war breaks out between the good Namekians of Earth and these new evil Dark Namekians who seek to conquer Earth like King Piccolo and his Demon Clan had in the past. Additionally, in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Chronoa state that the Lord Slug is a Super Namekian born with a heart full of malice and Lord Slug himself states he has been pure evil since birth, has never had a just thought in his life, considers himself to be evil incarnate, embraces darkness, and calls himself the Nefarious Super Namekian.
King Piccolo also demonstrated the unique ability to reincarnate himself into the egg that hatched into his final offspring Piccolo, after being fatally injured by Goku, a process which transferred his abilities (including his Eternal Youth and Life Link with Kami) and memories though Piccolo did not inherit King Piccolo's pure evil heart as he was capable of an act of pure altruism even before he reformed as shown when he saves a mother and her child by blasting falling debris during a storm before the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament in the Piccolo Jr. Saga back when he was technically a villain.
However it is implied that Piccolo himself was unable to utilize it as he choose to train Gohan which Kami believed was to leave behind some kind of legacy as both Piccolo and Kami had a premonition they would die in Age 762 when the two Saiyans invaded, though neither knew the manner of their death as Kami believed it was possible that he might die of old age which would kill Piccolo regardless of whether he reincarnated or not due to the life link (ironically him training Gohan and befriending him lead Piccolo to sacrifice himself) which Piccolo may have been aware of or he may have wanted to save it in case he was fatally injured though his heroic self-sacrifice prevented him from doing so (if that was the case Future Piccolo must have been unable to reincarnate himself to save Kami due to the manner in which he was killed) and he was unconscious when he was killed by Kid Buu (in GT he choose to die to ensure the Black Star Dragon Balls were depowered permanently).
Piccolo may have also realized the danger of reincarnation as his father had intended his reincarnation to carry out his revenge and conquer to Earth but he instead reformed and became friends with his former enemies and mentored Goku's son Gohan, thus Piccolo may have feared that his reincarnation might turn out far differently than himself and he knows it would take at a couple years to reach full maturity (thus reincarnation itself is risky tactic even if it does allow a Namekian to survive death). It is unclear if this ability is related to King Piccolo's Demon Clansmen status as no other Namekian has ever been shown using it, not even Piccolo (who lost his Demon Clan status by the time he killed Raditz and Goku as both went to the afterlife as souls killed by Namekian Demon Clansmen remain in limbo).

King Piccolo, the first elderly Namekian to appear
Namekians appear to have very long lifespans, ordinarily Namekians live for around 200 years, while those born with special abilities can live well past that limit.[21] The oldest known Namekian, Neva, has existed since even Shin was young. Namekians can withstand more cold than humans without being affected, as proven when it was revealed that the nameless Namekian spent several years in the cold Yunzabit Heights as a child and when Piccolo stated humans are so delicate after Krillin said he was freezing during the Androids Saga.
Namekians also appear to be quite capable as warriors, as evidenced by Vegeta and Nappa concluding that it was not surprising that it would be a Namekian that would be capable of killing Raditz, as well as Vegeta specifically stating that one trait among Namekians are their unusually high power levels;[7] in addition, Namekians have the innate ability to not only sense the overall magnitude of someone's power, but also the inherent alignment within that person's heart. This is especially apparent when Tsuno declined Vegeta's request to get a Dragon Ball because he could sense the evil within Vegeta's heart, as well as Dende initially refusing to heal Vegeta because of the evil in Vegeta's heart.

Namekian Elders
Namekians are philosophical warriors, being broadly divided into two classes: Warriors and Dragon Clan.[22] Before Frieza attacked Namek, the Namekians were composed 86% Dragon Clan Namekian and 14% Warrior-Type Namekian.[8] There are six Elders, each to a village: Elder Moori has seven Dragon Clan Namekians (himself, two elders, two unseen members, Dende and Cargo) and three Warrior-type Namekians within his village. Elder Tsuno has sixteen Dragon Clan members and three Warriors in his village. The four unnamed Elders have a total of sixty five Dragon Clan and eight Warrior-type Namekians amongst them. Grand Elder Guru has only one Namekian with him, his bodyguard, the Warrior-type Nail.[22]
Piccolo can be considered a half Warrior-Type and half Dragon Clan Namek hybrid because of his fusion with Nail (a Warrior) and Kami (a Dragon Clan member), giving him his vast abilities. With a mix of Warrior-Type and Dragon Clan, he is an excellent combatant and has many Dragon Clan type mystical abilities. He also is the most powerful Namekian by the end of the series, which places him in an entirely different caste of Namekians, Super Namekians.
In Dragon Ball Fusions, another Namekian caste known as worker-type is mentioned in the profile of Toronbon who is described as a silent worker-type Namekian. Though little about this caste is revealed, presumably its members specialize in labor-intensive tasks such as farming and construction.
- Dragon Clan

Kami, creator of the Dragon Balls on Earth
The Namekian support caste. These Namekians have abilities that pertain to magic. The greatest unique trait of the Dragon Clan is their ability to create objects, and if they reach genius-class they can even create Dragon Balls.[22] Nameks in this class include Guru, Kami, Moori, and Dende.
In Dragon Ball Online Dragon Clan is noted to be the only core class that requires the player to have a weapon (Staff) equipped. This is the core of a Namekian that will branch off to either the supportive Dende Priest or the offensive Poko Priest.
- Warrior-type Namekian

Nail, the most powerful Warrior-type Namekian during the Frieza Saga
The combat caste. These are Namekians who are proficient in combat, and their power levels are usually around the 3,000 range. As stated previously, Nail is by far the most powerful warrior-type Namekian, with a power level of 42,000.[23] Warrior-type Namekians are unable to use some of the magician-like abilities of members of the Dragon Clan, as shown by how when Piccolo merges with Kami and uses his body as the base, the Dragon Balls lose their power and another Dragon Clan member (Dende) is needed to restore it. The Daizenshuu states that the first batch of three Namekians who fought Frieza's men were warrior-types. The anime states that all combat capable Namekians (including Nail) were of the same caste and that Nail was far more powerful because he was the best of them. In both the anime and manga, Guru states that Nail was the only Namekian born a fighter-type.
In Dragon Ball Online, once reaching the required level of skill, a Warrior-type Namekian may choose to become axe-wielding Shadow Knight or a Dark Warrior which fights equipped with claw weapons.
- Demon Clan

Cymbal, a Mutated Namekian
With a desire for world domination, King Piccolo gives birth to several Namekians with severely warped characteristics. It is believed that the evil mind and soul of King Piccolo is what changed them into these horrible monsters. At least in the case of Cymbal his Draconic appearance was the result of King Piccolo giving him an appearance that matched his task of finding Dragon Balls. Their output of energy varies, as almost all can do nothing more than a Chou Makouhou, but Tambourine uses several energy attacks, in order to kill all martial artists.
Their appearance continuously varies, as Tambourine had gargoyle features, and there was an unnamed spawn looking like Godzilla. King Piccolo's final spawn, Piccolo Jr., was the only son that looks like a normal Namekian. Tambourine, Piano, Cymbal, and Drum were all killed, though some of his unnamed offspring that had survived the King Piccolo wars where later discovered by Piccolo to have produced mutant offspring of their own which he himself accepted he could not deal with on his own, though after the Namekians settled on Earth, Moori suggested they help him round up these mutants until a decision could be made during which time they were studied by the Dragon Clan who managed to tame them resulting in the development of the Poko Priest class.
Many decades later, a successor to this clan referred to as the Dark Namekians surfaced as a result of Namekian refugees who settled on Earth after the destruction of New Namek settling near one of King Piccolo's old thrones which slowly corrupted them and lead to the birth of the Evil Egg which later hatched in the evil Black Namekian First Narak who became their leader along with a hand full of Dark Namekian Elders one of whom became a member of the Time Breakers. Additionally Dark Namekians also utilized mutant Namekians as underlings.
Namekians who fail to discard their evil thoughts will turn into Black Namekians known as Narak.
The pure evil Super Namekian Lord Slug also possessed his own Demon Clan, though he was the only Namekian member. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, it is stated by both Chronoa and Lord Slug himself that Slug was born pure evil indicating that he was born a Demon Clansmen. He also hopes that the Namekian Future Warrior will eventually become corrupted by evil (as he notes they are not pure evil like himself though presumably believes them to have an impure heart) through training and serving under him and even hopes to one day go the Planet Namek so he can create an empire of evil Namekians after seeing the Future Warrior is a capable fighter despite their weak Namekian body (as Slug apparently does not consider them strong enough to be considered a Super Namek when he first starts training them).
Demon Clan Namekians are implied to possess demonic powers and anyone killed by them will have their soul end up in a hellish limbo instead of passing on to Other World, though as shown by Piccolo when he killed Raditz and Goku he lost this status presumably due to his lack of a pure evil heart (as he heart was effectively impure as he possessed good and evil traits by that point) and was no longer the evil Demon King he had once been as their souls passed on to the afterlife which was noted by both Kami and Mr. Popo in conversation.
However in the Garlic Jr. Saga, Piccolo possesses an immunity to the Black Water Mist presumably due to his former Demon Clan status as it turns those effected into vampire-like Demon Clansmen that serve Garlic Jr. and the Spice Boys. Additionally Demon Clansmen of other Demon Clans and/or demonic races can recognize other Demon Clansmen as Wings recognized Piccolo as a Demon Clansmen and even tried to convince him to join Slug's Demon Clan unaware that Piccolo had since rejected his demonic heritage and evil ways, though Piccolo did use it to his advantage to kill Wings when he thought Piccolo was going to accept his offer (showing that Piccolo retained some ruthlessness at least towards those that threaten the lives of Gohan and the rest of Earth's inhabitants).
Though Lord Slug despises sunlight like the rest of his clan he is shown to be unaffected by sunlight in Xenoverse 2 as he can walk helmet-less on Namek despite its three suns. However this makes sense as King Piccolo and Demon Clan offspring are unhindered by the light of Earth's single sun as well. This is likely a result of their Namekian physiology being adapted to a planet with three suns thus they are naturally immune to being weakened by sunlight due to the simple fact of being Namekian. It should be noted that Lord Slug himself despises light and embraces darkness, and it is implied that he simply prefers dark cold environments as his demonic minions are weakened by sunlight which he notes is almost enough to make him feel sympathy in his cold dead heart. Additionally Lord Slug's preference for cold may be due to his Namekian physiology as well as Namekians have a strong tolerance for low temperature environments which is simply compatible with his Clan's practice of Terra-Freezing as it renders worlds both dark and cold.
Special Abilities[]
In the series, Namekians demonstrate a wide variety of abilities, many of them magical in nature. These abilities are seen mostly by important characters, such as Piccolo, so it is unknown how many are common to the species versus the individual.

Piccolo using his heightened hearing
- Enhanced Hearing: Namekians sense of hearing is far greater than that of Humans. Emperor Pilaf discourages his servants Mai and Shu from whispering things to him, exclaiming King Piccolo could hear everything (implying he had displayed the ability already). Piccolo told Goku that the large ears were not just to frame his face and that he heard all that Future Trunks told him, indicating that their large outer ear structure gives them heightened hearing. It is stated that very high-pitched sounds like whistling can be irritating to Namekians, to the point of causing them pain, particularly when they are in their Great Namekian form (as their eardrums are massive in size). However, removing the ears beforehand can lessen the effects, as demonstrated by Piccolo ripping out his ears so he will not have to be affected by Gohan's whistling after stating Gohan to whistle to weaken Lord Slug.[12]
- Hardened Skin: Namekians evidently have thick skin capable of shielding them from extreme drops in temperature. After his spaceship lands on Earth in the frigid Yunzabit Heights, the nameless Namekian spends his life alone in the region from youth through adolescence. Polar regions are also a common venue for Piccolo's training, as seen throughout Dragon Ball Z as well as the film The World's Strongest. In the episode "Nightmare Comes True", Piccolo speaks aloud his satisfaction in not being an Earthling, in response to Krillin's complaints that the vicinity of North City is too cold. Lord Slug also Terra-Freezes planets to turn them into Star Cruisers for his clan which turns them cold and dark, though Lord Slug has no problem with the cold thanks to his Namekian physiology while his demon minions thrive in darkness of these Star Cruisers due to their weakness to sunlight.

Piccolo uses the regeneration ability to regrow an arm
- Regeneration: Namekians are an extremely resilient race, capable of surviving nearly any damage to their anatomy and able to regrow it instantly, provided at least that their brains are intact, and they retain enough ki. This does not make them completely invulnerable, though, as the more extreme levels of self-healing like restoring entire limbs take a large amount of reserve energy to perform and is quite painful. As such, if a Namekian is sufficiently exhausted, the injuries they take can ultimately cause them to die.
- Body Flexibility and Stretching: A Namekian's body and limbs are also extremely flexible. They can elongate their arms and legs at will. With considerable effort, they are even able to grow many times their size (although Goku claims in the Piccolo Jr. Saga that growing like that does not increase the Namekian's power level, and essentially does nothing but make them a bigger target).
- Drawing out Dormant Power: A somewhat mystical ability used by Grand Elder Guru, he was able to raise the power level of individuals by awakening their potential. It is not just a normal power boost; it makes the person as powerful as they possibly could be at that point in time, assuming they already are not. If the individual is already at their max, and they already meet their potential, the technique will do them no good. In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Dende reveals that it is a Dragon Clan ability that can only be accessed late in life. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Namekian Tekka and Lugo also possess this ability as a Special Move named Unleash Potential which allows them to unleash the potential of a single ally to grant them the Release status effect.
- Magic Materialization: Namekians of the Dragon Clan can create items like clothing out of thin air. Prodigies of the Dragon Clan can even use it to create Dragon Balls,[22] but it is unclear whether their creation is a learned skill or innate to the species, as Kami created them based on a racial memory of sorts.
- Namekian Fusion: Namekians have an assimilation technique where they are able to permanently join themselves with other members of their race. When this is done one of the Namekians serve as the base and gains the skills, memories and many of the personality traits of the other. It is unknown what happens to the soul of the fused Namekian, but it is hinted that the other soul simply remains with the body until it perishes, or that, at least, the personality and memories are, to some extent, present within the host being. This is evident when Nail talked to Dende through Piccolo, proving that Nail's knowledge and personality were still present (although this was only in the anime), to an extent, or when, after the fusion of Kami and Piccolo, Piccolo's personality changed somewhat. The Namekian fusion will not obtain any caste specific abilities from the other. This is shown when Piccolo, a fighter-type, is unable to restore the Dragon Balls, even though he had fused with Kami, who was a member of the Dragon Clan. However, in Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, Piccolo fusion with Kami caused the Black Star Dragon Balls to be restored as they had been created by the Nameless Namekian before his fission however this is a special case caused by the Nameless Namekian becoming whole due to Piccolo and Kami's fusion effectively negating their fission.
- Fission: The reverse of fusing, a single Namekian can also split into different copies of himself. One instance of this ability being used was when Kami purged all the evil within himself by casting it off into a separate being, resulting in his evil twin brother King Piccolo. Both Namekians were able to read each other's thoughts, and if one died the other would as well. Because of the drawbacks this ability should not be considered a perfect fission as they, in all considerations, are still one being. However, if one half were to die and give life to another Namekian, the other half would remain intact. Just before King Piccolo died, he spawned his final son Piccolo, and Kami did not perish, though it should also be noted Piccolo is his own parent reborn in the form of a son and very well may have been the only reason Kami lived.
- Soul Control: Kami has demonstrated this ability, as he was able to incarnate his soul into another being, essentially possessing them. Additionally, when King Piccolo was near death, he was able to transfer his essence into the egg that later spawned King Piccolo's son/reincarnation, Piccolo Jr. who inherited all his father's memories and techniques as well as his connection to Kami. It is also likely that in Namekian fission, the soul is shared between the two new Namekians.
- Healing: Certain Namekians, like Dende, are shown with the ability to heal other beings of virtually any injury within seconds.
- Enhanced Lifespan: Guru was several hundreds of years old before he passed on. The Nameless Namekian's good and evil counterparts, Kami and King Piccolo, are the first Namekians to be portrayed in advanced age.
- Telekinesis and Telepathy: Piccolo was able to mentally lift a pyramid in the anime. King Piccolo and Guru communicated with their offspring, despite their locations on Earth and Namek respectively.
- Ki Manipulation: Namekians are shown to be capable of controlling their ki, as they surprised Frieza and his troops when they raised their power levels after arriving at a village being attacked and the scouters showed that they initially had low power levels.
Great Namekian[]

Piccolo as a Great Namekian
In this transformation, the user grows in height by concentrating the nerves throughout their entire body, invigorating their cells. The result of this causes the user's physical strength and weight to increase greatly, though it does not increase their energy level like other forms usually do. The height of the user varies depending on how big they wish to get, with there being a total of three known heights that can be taken on.
This form is only usable by a Demon Clan Namekian.[22]
Super Namekian[]

Lord Slug, one of the Super Namekians
Super Namekians is an unofficial term coined by Krillin, representing a Namekian whose power has vastly exceeded the capacities of normal Namekians. The only such confirmed Namekian was the one who separated into King Piccolo and Kami. It was noted by that his power could have defeated Frieza when he was on Planet Namek. During the Android conflict, when the androids proved too powerful, Piccolo reunited with Kami to regain their original power, pushing his power well-beyond any other, thus, he is called a Super Namekian as his power eclipsed that of a Super Saiyan,[24] and hold an advantage over the androids.[25]
In the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, King Kai explains that some extremely powerful Namekians, including Slug, found the ancient secret to unlocking a higher consciousness within, becoming Super Namekians. However, most of these Super Namekians were extremely aggressive and very different from their agrarian counterparts. They were banished from the planet using the Dragon Balls.
Alternatively, a Namekian can reach this level of might by using their natural ability assimilate another Namekian. This was first seen by Piccolo, who merged Nail into his being, giving Piccolo enough power to overwhelm Second Form Frieza. He later used this same method to reunite with Kami. Prior to the Tournament of Power of power, Saonel and Pilina both merged with numerous Universe 6 Namekians respectively. The countless fusions at once initially left their respective bodies unstable, forcing them to hold back until their newfound power matured. Upon which, they both gained a tremendous boost of power and likewise in stamina, granting them near limitless regenerative might. During the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, in response to Moro's invasion of New Namek several Namekians fused to create a Planet Namek Savior though he was quickly killed by Moro and presumably his fusion either did not have a chance to stabilize or Moro was simply too powerful.

Kagyu with his bio-armor.
By accessing each of his Class-up states in Dragon Ball Heroes, Kagyu was shown to grow a bio-armor with spikes and red gems, varying between tan and white in color before settling on dark grey once he reaches Super God Class-up. In his God Class-up and Super God Class-up states, he gains a half-mask with a red right eye and a full headpiece with a blue right eye, respectively. His grey armor also lacks any spikes aside from two on the front of his helmet, and has blue gems instead of red.
Red-eyed Namekian form[]

The Dark Warrior takes on the red-eyed form.
An unnamed red-eyed Namekian form has appeared in several video games. This state is implied to be some kind of Namekian equivalent to the Super Saiyan forms, as in its first shown usage, it's user took on the form to counter his opponent's transformation into a Super Saiyan.
In Dragon Ball Heroes, after using the God Class-up, the Namekian avatars takes on this form, putting their power on a level similar to the likes of Super Saiyan God avatars and gain the ability to use Godly ki.
In Dragon Ball Fusions, the Namekian EX-Fusion Rumotal has the Red-Eyed Namekian state as their default form.
Blue-eyed Namekian form[]

Super God Class-up Namekians in their blue-eyed forms.
An unnamed blue-eyed Namekian form appears in Dragon Ball Heroes which can be acquired by Namekian avatars via Super God Class-up. It is superior to the red-eyed form gained via God Class-up and grants the user the ability to utilize Godly ki. Their power in this form is on the same level as the Saiyan avatars' Super Saiyan Blue forms.
List of Namekians[]
Full Namekians[]
- Banjo (son of King Piccolo)
- Bell (son of King Piccolo)
- Mandolin (son of King Piccolo)
- Maraca (son of King Piccolo)
- Marimba (son of King Piccolo)
- Conga (son of King Piccolo)
- Cymbal (son of King Piccolo)
- Drum (son of King Piccolo)
- Harp (son of King Piccolo)
- Organ (son of King Piccolo)
- Piano (son of King Piccolo)
- Tambourine (son of King Piccolo)
- Ukelele (son of King Piccolo)
- Bongo (Mutant Dark Namekian soldier)
- Cargo (child within Moori's village)
- Dende (child within Moori's village, later new Guardian of Earth)
- Esca (child within Moori's village)
- Galactic Patrol Namekian[26]
- Gamelan (Mutant Dark Namekian General & right-hand man of First Narak)
- Guru (Grand Elder of Planet Namek)
- Kami (originally the Nameless Namekian, Guardian of Earth until fused with Piccolo to fight Cell)
- Katas (parent of the Nameless Namekian)
- King Piccolo (evil exhumed from within the Nameless Namekian)
- Lord Slug (pure evil Super Namekian who appears in Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug)
- Monaito (a Namekian that lives on Planet Cereal)
- Moori (elder of a village, later appointed Grand Elder after Guru's death)
- Nail (son and bodyguard of Guru until fused with Piccolo to fight Frieza)
- Nameless Namekian (Super Namekian son of Katas, split his soul, evil exhumed as King Piccolo; became whole once more due to Piccolo's fusion with Kami though retained Piccolo's personality)
- First Narak (pure evil black skinned Namekian born from the Evil Egg who became leader of the Dark Namekians)
- Piccolo (son and reincarnation of King Piccolo, later fused with Nail and Kami)
- Tanta (Dark Namekian Boss)
- Tanissh (a Namekian of Tsuburi's village)
- Tsuburi (elder of a village)
- Tsuno (elder of the village destroyed by Vegeta)
- Vic (Dark Namekian Elder and member of the Time Breakers)
- 104 other children of Guru
- Time Patrol Namekians
- Namekian Future Warrior (grows strong enough to be classified as a Super Namekian)[27]
- Namekian Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2) (grows strong enough to be classified as a Super Namekian)[28]
- Imai
- Mefla
- Ukatz
- Umiu
- Planet Namek Savior (a Namekian formed from the fusion of dozens of the strongest Namekian warriors)
- Clone Piccolo (Mindless fast growing artificial clones of Piccolo created by Android 21)
- Dragon Ball Fusions Namekians:
- Ghiro (turned evil in Demon Realm)
- Shale (mercenary who has left Namek)
- Escart (came to Earth to find Piccolo)
- Lugo (moved to Earth)
- Toomlin (trained on Supreme Kai's world)
- Moolin (young child of Guru, looks up to Piccolo)[29]
- Jijee (old Namekian who travels the galaxy)
- Mekuji (old Namekian who looks young and lives on Earth)
- Mai Mai (an effeminate Namekian who lives on Earth)[29]
- Bongo (lives on Earth)
- Ryuto (turned evil in Demon Realm, uses magic)
- Scarl (mercenary who travels the galaxy)
- Datsum (wishes to fight Piccolo)
- Eemai (an effeminate Namekian who lives on Earth)[29]
- Uzma (moved to Earth)
- Toronbon (worker-type Namekian, studied strange arts in Demon Realm)
- Snei (moved to Earth, attends high school)
- Cital (thug who lives on Earth)
- Fargo (Namekian survivor raised by the Frieza Force)[29]
- Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Namekians
- Necke (Namekian Child survivor of the Frieza Force invasion of Namek saved by Gohan; due to traumatic stress his body developed an abnormality causing him to lose ability to absorb nutrients from water, forcing him to resort to solid foods to survive)
Universe 6 Namekians[]
Demon Realm Namekians[]
- Neva - (a Namekian that lives in the Demon Realm)
- Piccolo + Nail
- Piccolo + Maima & Tsumuri & Dende (Super Saiyan Densetsu)
- Piccolo + Kami (the reformed Nameless Namekian; named "Kamiccolo" by Goku)
- Piccolo + King Piccolo (the complete Nameless Namekian, Supersonic Warriors)
- Prilin (Piccolo + Krillin; hypothetical joke fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- EX Prilin (Piccolo + Krillin; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Den-Goku (Dende + Goku; hypothetical Potara fusion)
- Dailende (Dende + Nail; "Fusion Frenzy")
- Namekian avatar + Piccolo (Dragon Ball Heroes)
- Cell 17 (Cell + Android 17; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Celluza (Cell + Frieza; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Perfect 16 (Cell + Android 16; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Kallohan (Piccolo + Gohan; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Kibicollo Kai (Piccolo + Kibito Kai; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Demon King Daccolo (King Piccolo + Dabura; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Picohan (Piccolo + Pikkon; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Namekian Ultra Fusion (Namekian initiated Five-Way Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Rumotal (Rumoss + Cital; EX-Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Ultra Pinich (Pinich + Frieza + Cell + Paprika + Wanta; Five-Way Fusion, Dragon Ball Fusions)
Artificially created partial Namekians[]

A Namekian from Online who shares Cell's head shape
- Cell - Genetically created using cells from Piccolo. His seemingly unique head shape is actually a Namekian trait.
- Cell Jr. – Offspring of Cell.
- Cell-X Jr. – Perfect offspring of Cell-X.
- Clone Cells - Mindless Artificial fast grown clones of Cell created by Android 21.
- Android 21 - An Earthling female converted into a Biotechnological-Type Android who possess Piccolo's cells.
- Android 21 (Good) - The original good personality of Android 21 that split from Android 21 through fission.
- Android 21 (Evil) - The evil personality of Android 21 created as a result of Majin Buu's cells going out of control that split from Android 21 through fission.
- Android 76 - A Namekian Android created by Dr. Gero's villain database. His cells may have been gained from either Piccolo or his father, King Piccolo.
- Fu - Genetic offspring of Towa and Mira who possesses Dragon Clan Namekian cells which grants him the ability to create the Special Dragon Balls.
- Fu-Lums – Characters from the live-action movie Dragonball Evolution. Genetically created using blood from Lord Piccolo.
- During a scene in the episode "A New Goal... Namek", when everyone is talking about Planet Namek and the Namekian race, a picture of several Nameks is shown, and one of them has a mustache. However, no other Nameks in the entire series have been seen with a mustache or hair of any kind, except for Piano, a mutated Namekian who had a few sprouts of hair on the back of his head.
- The picture of the Nameks shown was notably accompanying their description by an Earthling who had never seen another Namek besides Kami and Piccolo to fellow Earthlings who had also never encountered any other Nameks. Therefore, the mustache may reflect their imaginations much as when Krillin imagined Frieza's theoretical final transformation and Frost's theoretical second form resembling Frieza's second form (in reality Frost's true second form resembles Frieza's third form).
- After defeating Demigra in Dragon Ball Xenoverse, there is a cutscene in which a Namekian with a beard is seen. This is an accessory item, however, and may not be the Namekian's own facial hair.
- When Dende tells Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan about Grand Elder Guru, he says that the Grand Elder has given birth to all his siblings. Though, in one of his next sentences, he states that Namekians have no gender. This is only said in Dragon Ball Z Kai.
- Many Namekian names are derived from musical instruments or words for snail.
- In Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, scanning Piccolo with the scouter reveals that the Namek cellular structure is very similar to plants. However, in an interview, Akira Toriyama insisted on the point they are not plants. It should be noted that the game just notes the similarities in cellular structure and never actually identifies them as plants.
- It is possible that the similarity in cellular structure to plants is due to the fact that Namekians have the ability to subsist only water and their green skin. Given that their race developed on a planet with three suns, it is possible that they are capable of a form of photosynthesis (it should be noted that in the real world plants are not the only life forms that are photosynthetic).
- In Xenoverse, the Future Warrior can be a Namekian. In the game, a Namekian Future Warrior is considered a Warrior-type Namekian. If a Namekian Future Warrior talks to Android 18 while she is their Master, she will ask them if they can create Dragon Balls and is disappointed to hear they cannot as she wanted to have them create a set of Dragon Balls she could use to wish of money.
- Old Kai also mentions like Lord Slug and the Nameless Namekian, there were apparently other Namekians that escaped the cataclysm on Namek, though he notes that the creation of Dragon Balls by these Namekian survivors was apparently a rare event, otherwise there would be Dragon Balls all over the universe.
- Note this was before the Granolah the Survivor Saga introduced the Cerealian Dragon Balls.
- Old Kai also mentions like Lord Slug and the Nameless Namekian, there were apparently other Namekians that escaped the cataclysm on Namek, though he notes that the creation of Dragon Balls by these Namekian survivors was apparently a rare event, otherwise there would be Dragon Balls all over the universe.
- In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, in addition to water, some Namekians are shown to drink milk as the Future Warrior will sometimes deliver milk to Namekian Time Patrollers during Krillin's Milk Delivery special training classes. Also in addition to growing Ajisa, some Namekian farmers have taken to growing vegetables for non-Namekian races. The Future Warrior can overhear a conversion between two Namekian farmers in Conton City where one asks the other if it would be safe from them to eat some of the vegetables they grow, the other will mention hearing about a Namekian living on Earth who ate food, presumably referring to Piccolo and/or King Piccolo (they could also be referring to both collectively as Piccolo is King Piccolo's reincarnation/son).
- While Namekians lack binary genders (due to being hermaphrodites), most Namekians featured in the main series have masculine or gender neutral personalities, however in Dragon Ball Fusions there are some Namekian characters (such as Eemai & Mai Mai) who have effeminate personalities. In-game bios for these characters imply that they adopted effeminate behavior and traits as a result of being around female humans while living on Earth.
- Also in Dragon Ball Fusions, Android 76 is a Namekian Android created from Dr. Gero's villain database, though he is good natured like most Namekians. It is implied that he is a cyborg as he possesses the Namekian ability to regenerate, though is outfitted with detachable arms like Android 16. It is unknown if he was a Namekian converted into a cyborg or a Namekian created in the laboratory and augmented with cybernetics.
- Additionally, if a Namekian performs EX-Fusions with another fusee who does have a gender, generally their resulting EX-Fusion will share the non-Namekian fusee's gender. As a result, EX-Fusion can produce Female and Male Namekian hybrids. However, only if the resulting EX-Fusion is not classified as a Namekian or they will lack binary genders like pure Namekians. This implies that the resulting fusion's gender is determined by whether their Namekian traits are more dominant. If not then they take on the non-Namekian fusee's gender due to their traits being more dominant.
- The partial Namekian Android 21 and her fissions are also considered female as she was originally an Earthling female before being converted into a new type of Bio-Android. It is implied that her pointy ears in her true form are influenced by her Namekian cells as she has traits from various races (hair presumably due to her Earthling/Saiyan cells, a long tail from her Frieza Race cells, while her skin and overall appearance are due to her Majin cells which are most dominant). Her gender likely remains female due to the influence of her Earthling, Saiyan, and Majin cells as those races all have binary genders in addition to the fact it was her original gender before her conversion.
- Due to their lack of genders, Namekians apparently have no real concept of romance in their culture as concepts like physical and emotional attraction are foreign to them. In Xenoverse 2, Ein of the Romance Rangers describes it as "Romance is just not in their genes".
- However due to growing up on Earth, Kami, Piccolo, and Dende has at least some understanding of romantic relationships. Kami was willing to allow Goku's bride-to-be Chi-Chi to live on the Lookout if Goku chose to be his successor as Guardian of Earth when he offered him the position after defeating Piccolo. During the Trunks Saga, Piccolo humorously says "So even the Super Saiyan has a weakness" in reference to Goku's marriage to Chi-Chi (note there is running gag in the series that despite his power Goku is afraid of his wife's temper and that she is effectively stronger than him when it comes to their marriage) after witnessing the trouble Goku went through while trying to convince Chi-Chi to allow Gohan to train. In Dragon Ball Super, Piccolo finally realized the reason why Goku and Vegeta found their respective Earthling wives attractive was because of both women's strong willed personalities were similar to Saiyan females when he overheard the two talking about the subject (he is also much more familiar with romantic relationships by this point due to knowing several married couples which includes his student Gohan's marriage to Videl). Dende was willing to keep Videl's pregnancy a secret when he found out while healing her as she wanted to surprise Gohan and their family with the news, respecting her decision and understanding how important it was to her to the point he was willing to keep the secret from his friend Gohan (realizing it was not his place to do so), though as Namekians reproduce asexually they likely are more empathetic towards pregnant females and thus more understanding.
- In Xenoverse 2, A Namekian Time Patroller also admits he is curious about romantic relationships of other races.
- In "The Evolution of Planet Cereal", it is revealed by the Heeters that the Namekians previously lived on Planet Cereal.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Online, 2010
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Dragon Ball Super chapter 69, "The Evolution of Planet Cereal"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Dragon Ball Daima episode 1, "Conspiracy"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Daima episode 2, "Glorio"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Daima episode 10, "Ocean"
- ↑ Dragon Ball episode 102, "Enter King Piccolo"
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Dragon Ball Z episode 22, "The Darkest Day"
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Daizenshuu 7, 1996
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Dragon Ball Z episode 37, "Plans for Departure"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 52, "The Past and Future"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 54, "Guru's Gift"
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, 1991
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super chapter 77, "Bardock, Father of Goku"
- ↑ Dragon Ball episode 142, "Kami vs. Piccolo"
- ↑ Dragon Ball episode 103, "Tambourine Attacks!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 106, "Namek's Explosion... Goku's End?"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 107, "Goku's Alive!!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 173, "Dende's Dragon"
- ↑ Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide, 2009
- ↑ Dragon Ball episode 126, "Eternal Dragon Resurrected"
- ↑ DBZ Kakarot
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Daizenshuu 4, 1995
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 75, "Password is Porunga"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 146, "Our Hero Awakes"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 150, "Up to Piccolo"
- ↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, 2013
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse, 2015
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Dragon Ball Fusions, 2016
Time Patrol | |||||||||||||||
Leaders | ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Members |
| ||||||||||||||
Squadrons | |||||||||||||||
Masters/Instructors/Partners | Android 16 • Android 17 • Android 18 • Bardock • Beerus • Bojack • Broly (DBS) • Captain Ginyu • Cell • Cooler • Dodoria • Frieza • Fu • Gogeta • Gohan (Future) • Goku • Good Buu • Gotenks • Hit • Jaco • Janemba • Jiren • Kefla • Krillin • Lord Slug • Mr. Satan • Nappa • Syn Shenron • Pan • Piccolo • Raditz • Super Buu • Tapion • Tien Shinhan • Future Trunks • Turles • Vegeta • Vegito • Videl • Whis • Yamcha • Future Zamasu (Goku Black) • Zarbon | ||||||||||||||
Allies | Android 17 (Hell Fighter • Super 17) • Android 21 (Good) • Beat's Mom • Bocacchi • Cooler Force (Meta-Cooler Corps.) • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Earth's Resistance • Saiya Squad • Team Universe 7 • Z Fighters) • Frieza Force (Ginyu Force) • Galactic Patrol • Giru • Kang • Kong • Minotia • Namekians (Dende • Kami • Grand Elder Guru • Nail) • New Crane School • Saibamen • Tapion • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • Bardock • Bee • Beerus • Bubbles • Bulma (Future) • Champa • Chi-Chi • Dr. Hedo • Earth's Military (King Furry) • Farmer • Fortuneteller Baba • Gamma 1 • Gamma 2 • Gregory • Majin family • Majuub • Mr. Popo • Nallej • King Kai • Oolong • Pikkon (Future) • Pride Troopers (Dyspo • Jiren • Top) • Scratch • Vados • Whis • Xeno King Vegeta • Xiaon • Yajirobe • Yuto • Zeno (Future) • Aeos • Warriors in Black (Future Warrior in Black • Namekian in Black • Vidro) • Demigra Army (Demigra • Chamel • Robelu • Shirogame) • Putine • Salsa • Shroom | ||||||||||||||
Conflicts |
| ||||||||||||||
Related Articles | Alternate Timeline • Capsule (CC Mascot • Vehicle Capsule 315 • Vehicle Capsule 318 • Vehicle Capsule 340) • CC Robot • Dragon Ball Heroes machines • Hero Suit (Great Saiyaman Watch) • Hero Switch • Hero Town • Toki Toki City • Conton City (Dragon • Dragon Ball Pedestal • Conton City Patroller Academy • Time Miniature • Time Nest • Tokitoki (race) • Tokitoki's Egg (Distorted Time Egg) • Gate • Hercule Badge • Mask • Scouter • Scroll of Eternity (Lucky Time Box) • Sealas' Staff • Super Soul • Key Sword • Ray Gun • Rocket Launcher • Rift in Time (Crack of Time) • Time Machine (Super Time Machine) • Time Patroller Suit • Transphere (Super) • World of Mind Control • Z-Soul |
Frieza Force | ||
Leaders | Chilled • Frieza Race Conton City Hero • King Cold (Future • Cell) • Frieza (Future • Cell • Xeno • Team 4) • Frost • Frieza's Honor Guard (Captain Wata • Rigll) | ![]() |
Sub-leaders | Captain Ginyu • Cooler (Meta • Future) • Froze • Garana • Sorbet • Tagoma • Kuriza • Frieza's Honor Guard (Bullgokin • Compression-01 • Toki Toki City Hero) | |
Executives and elite soldiers | ||
Mid-level soldiers | ||
Low-level soldiers | Combatants • Cranberry • Cyclopian Guards • Three Planet Frieza #79 soldiers • Bardock (Future • Xeno) • Blueberry • Borgos • Cheelai • Fasha • Fisshi • Frieza Soldiers • Frog-Face • Guprei • Iru • Kakarot (Future • Cell • Xeno) • Krumbo • Leek • Mei • Melone • Monre • Nabana • Namole • Navel • Orlen • Raspberry • Robery • Scarface • Shorty • Shugesh • Taro • Tora • Turles (Xeno) | |
Non-combatants | ||
Fused members | ||
Squadrons | Cooler Force (Cooler's Armored Squadron • Meta-Cooler Corps.) • Dried Fruitz • Team Dodoria • Frieza's Elite (Ginyu Force • Frieza's Honor Guard) • Namek Invasion Task Force • Frieza's Subordinates • Galaxy Soldiers • Third Stellar Region • Frieza Soldiers • New Frieza Army • New Gadget Super Lovers • Saiyan Army (Team Bardock • King Vegeta's Elite • Phantom Saiyans) • Team 5 • Team Zarbon | |
Races controlled | Aka's race • Ankoku-seijin • Appule's race • Arcosians • Arlians • Boulean • Beppa-seijin • Blueberry's race • Bowlean • Brench-seijin • Burter's race • Buonean • Cabira's race • Cranberry's race • Cui's race • Dodoria's race • Earthlings • Fishman • Frieza Race • Frieza Soldier race • Frog-Face's race • Ginyu's race • Hera Clan • Inhabitants of Plant • Iru's race • Jiggler • Kanassan • Kettlean • Ledgic's race • Litts • Malaka's race • Majins • Mixxileean • Namekians • Namekian Frogs • Recoome's race • Rejinean • Saibamen • Saiyans • Serpent • Sinkleean • Slug-jin • Sui's race • Toasterean • Tobi's race • Vewonean • Yardrat • Zalt-seijin • Zarbon's race | |
Planets | Arcose • Bas • Big Gete Star • Cereal • Cooler No. 6 • Cooler's Unnamed Planet • Frieza No. 17 • Frieza No. 79 • Cooler No. 98 • Cooler No. 256 • Frieza No. 448 • Frieza's Training Planet • Kanassa • King Cold's planet • Litt • Meat • Shikk • Tritek • Vegeta • Zeshin and Bun's planet | |
Motherships | ||
Technology | Attack Ball • Battle Armor • Cosmic Suit • Drones (Assist Drone • Attack Drone • Recovery Drone) • Fruit of the Tree of Might (Demon Realm) • Galactic Arena • Grenade • Hovercar • Hover Pod • Kiri Charging Machine • Laser Sword • Medical Machines • Metamo-Ring • Ray Gun • Rocket Launcher (Frieza's Rocket Launcher) • Saibamen Set • Scouter | |
Operations and Wars | Attack on Planet Plant • Occupation of Planet Vegeta • Kanassan war • Invasion of Planet Meat • Genocide of the Saiyans • Shikk conflict • Tritek conflict • Attack on Zeshin and Bun's planet • Attack on Gure's planet • Attacks on Earth • Fight on Planet Frieza 448 • Broly conflict • Frieza's Siege • Tournament of Time | |
Allies & Affiliated Groups | Beerus • Cells (Cell • Cell Jr.) • Dragon Ball Heroes (Froze) • Dark Empire • Dark Namekians (First Narak) • Frieza Race • Heeter • Mastermind's group (Mastermind • Giblet) • Pilaf Gang (Emperor Pilaf • Mai • Shu) • Red Ribbon Army (Red Pants Army) • Team Beerus (Shallot) • Team Universe 7 • Time Patrol • Whis | |
Related |
Demons | |
Kings of the Demon Realm | |
Majin | |
Demon Realm Race | Demigra (Mirage) • Fu • Glorio • Gola • Gravy • Halto • July • Makma • Marba • Master of the Demon World • Mechikabura • Melee • Miniature Demons • Mira (Dark Empire) • Mirayo • Panzy • Pipila • Putine • Robelu • Rubee • Salsa • Shula • Shroom • Towa • Yamma • Zahha • Dark Demon God Berserker • Aurora • Demon Realm Soldier (Σ • Ω • Δ • Λ • Reaper) • Haru Haru • Shun Shun |
Devils | |
Demon Clans | |
Demonic Entities | King of the Demon Realm • Demon Supreme Kai (Degesu • Dr. Arinsu Eternal Dragon (Black Smoke Shenron • Dark Shenron • Demon Realm Porunga • Mr. Poko Poko • Shadow Dragons • Xeno Syn Shenron • Xeno Haze Shenron • Xeno Eis Shenron • Xeno Nuova Shenron • Xeno Rage Shenron • Xeno Oceanus Shenron • Xeno Naturon Shenron) Demon Beast (Ankoku-seijin • Dragon) Janemba (Future • Majin Vegeta • Xeno) King Gurumes • Igor Devil (Nekomajin) • Fire Demons • Mount Paozu Demons (Lord Yao • Mamba • Susha • Torga) Vampires (Lucifer) Ogre (King Yemma • Saike Demon) Slug-jin (Angila • Commander Zeeun • Slug-jin Frieza Soldier • Gyoshu • Kakuja • Medamatcha • Slug Soldiers • Wings) Hirudegarn Pingyao Dogidogi |
Demonic Transformations | Dark Evolution Dark Towa • Dark Ki • Dark King • Demon God (Second • True Form • Transcended • Perfect (Time Power Unleashed)) Great Namekian • Super Giant-Form (Dark Super Giant-Form) Legendary Super Saiyan Manipulation Sorcery (Unlock Potential • King of Destruction • Brainwashed Berserk) Giant Form (Serpent Demon Clan) Pure Majin Super Saiyan (Demon Realm Race) (Super Mira (Fin Absorbed) • Rampaging) Villainous Mode • Supervillain (Ultra • Xeno-Evolution) God Class (Super God Class) |
Demon Power-ups | |
Fusions | |
Locations | |
Related | Blood Ruby • Dark Empire • Dark Energy (demonic) • Darkness Sword • Demon Clothes (Weighted Clothing) • Demon Realm Crystal • Demon Realm Dragon Ball • Demon Realm Plane • Demon Scythe • Dimension Sword • Energy Meter • Energy-Suction Device • Evil Egg • Evil Third Eye • Fruit of the Tree of Might (Demon Realm) • Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie Force) • Glind Tree • Kili • Magic • Magic Collar • Majilite • Majin Emblem • Makyo Star • Metamo-Ring • Nemophy Gang • PePiLu • Planet Cruiser • Offworlder • Shirogame • Sky Seed • Tamagami (One • Two • Three) • Time Cutter • Tokitoki • Yamma Gang |