- This article is about the out-of-control form not accessible by normal Saiyans, referred to as the "Legendary Super Saiyan". For the form accessible by demonic Saiyans, see Rampaging. For the mastered version of the standard Super Saiyan form, see Super Saiyan Full Power. For other forms thought to be the "Legendary Super Saiyan", see Legendary Super Saiyan (disambiguation).
"He's the one... The Saiyan of legend!" |
Legendary Super Saiyan (伝説の超サイヤ人 Densetsu no Sūpā Saiya-jin), known simply as the Legendary Saiyan (伝説のサイヤ人 Densetsu no Saiya-jin) in the manga,[17] is an extremely powerful and rare Super Saiyan transformation[18] that appears once every thousand years alongside the users.[17] As a Berserk[19] state, this transformation seemingly has an endless supply of energy.
It is the Super Saiyan B-type (超サイヤ人Bタイプ Sūpā Saiya-jin Bī Taipu) of Broly's branch of Super Saiyan transformations, and it is a Super Saiyan which has evolved differently from the graded forms and levels 2 and 3.[4] It is also the Final Form of the standard Super Saiyan[3] form, which it is a powered-up version of,[1] though one source considered it as Super Saiyan Third Grade, which itself is a powered-up version of the first Super Saiyan form.[8] Vegeta states that this state may be the "true form" of a Super Saiyan.[20]
The Legendary Super Saiyan is a being of immense power spoken of in an ancient Saiyan folklore,[21] and Broly's form is referred to as being the "Legendary Super Saiyan" due to the user's love of destruction and slaughter - similar to the Super Saiyans of legend,[4] and it is noted that perhaps this instinct-driven form is the true Super Saiyan spoken of in legends.[1] It is the true appearance and form of a Saiyan.[22]
In video games, when used by the Dragon Ball Super incarnation of Broly, it is generally just referred to as Super Saiyan in its initial stage, and Full Power Super Saiyan when bulked up fully,[23][24][25][26][27][28] while under Kale's usage it is known as Super Saiyan Berserk.
In supplementary material for the anime version of this form, it is often referred to as being Kale's Super Saiyan 2 (超サイヤ人2 Sūpā Saiya-jin Tsū) in relation to her standard Super Saiyan form.[29][30][31]
Concept and Creation[]

Concept art and notes detailing Broly
This form was created by Dragon Ball's animation company Toei Animation and in particular Takao Koyama. Koyama cited the Super Saiyan Third Grade form, and in particular Future Trunks' transformation sequence into the form in the anime episode "Trunks Ascends", as being the direct basis for the form's overall design.[32] Its golden hair design was created by the original Dragon Ball manga author, Akira Toriyama.
In the initial promo for Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly was shown to have gold hair in his Legendary Super Saiyan form immediately upon transforming, but in the final release, his hair is colored lime green and doesn't become golden until late in the movie, and also remained gold in the sequels.
Kale's original character bio referred to this state as the "Berserker state" of Super Saiyan.[33]
The official production design for the Tournament of Power arena refers to Kale's form as "turning into Broly" (ブロリー化 Burorī-ka).[34]
When Toriyama created the Dragon Ball Super incarnation of Broly, he chose to ignore the Legendary Super Saiyan form's green hair when creating his design, and so Naohiro Shintani decided to add it as a "Full Power" version of the form.[35]
The Legendary Super Saiyan's appearance is quite distinguishable from the regular forms of Super Saiyan.
In Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, the hair color is yellowish green. When powering up to his full power in this state Broly's hair changes from a green color to the golden glow of an ordinary Super Saiyan, as he does at the end of Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan and for the entirety of Broly - Second Coming. However, his hair is more so a dull yellow color, just like his Super Saiyan C-type transformation. Bio-Broly also possesses that hair color at all times when in this form. In Budokai 3, Broly's hair is gold here when fighting Gogeta in the game's intro.

Broly's appearance in the colored manga
In the colored manga, Kale and Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form possesses golden hair similar to a Super Saiyan, though of a slightly different color. Under Kale's usage the form starts off with just a slightly taller toned body before having a dramatic increase in muscle mass when she begins to power stress herself.

Artwork of Kale in the form
When transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan in the anime Kale's hair is solid green, and her eyebrow is still yellow like ordinary Super Saiyans. During its initial appearance under Kale's usage, the form possessed the electricity sparks similar to Super Saiyan 2. Later, when teamed up with Caulifla against Goku, Kale surpasses her limits in the Legendary Super Saiyan state, her hair glows, and her veins bulge, eventually leading to her achieving the controlled version of this form.
With Broly in Dragon Ball Super: Broly, when he initially transformed into a Super Saiyan he possessed golden hair, but when powered up to his Full Power state, his hair and eyebrow color is completely bright green. However, in some promotional material for the Broly film[36] and for most of the battle in the Dimension of Strange Swirling Lights in the film itself, Broly's full power form has golden hair like it does when he is in the standard Super Saiyan form.
The most noticeable difference between the form of the Legendary Super Saiyan and the regular Super Saiyan is the body size. When a Saiyan transforms into this form, their body grows in height and their muscle mass greatly increases, making it similar in appearance to the Super Saiyan Third Grade transformation (Side note, a female Legendary Super Saiyan's body seems to be more in proportion to itself than that of a female Super Saiyan Third Grade, which has a normal torso size, but massive limbs). In addition, unlike the Third Grade of Super Saiyan, this Final Form of Super Saiyan actually increases the user's height. In Broly's case, he's said to grow to be 3 meters tall.[37]

Broly's irises in this form
In this form, the user's pupils and irises vanish, making them look much more maniacal than normal. In rare cases, the blank eyes even give the appearance of glowing either white or, in some cases, red. When used with the Wrathful state, on occasions where the user's pupils and irises do re-appear, they are the same as that of the Wrathful state, being yellow in color. Their skin also appears noticeably paler in this form compared to their base form and even to a certain extent their Super Saiyan C-type forms.
Differing depictions across media[]
This transformation is depicted and named differently depending on the media it appears in.
In its original usage under the incarnation of Broly who first appeared in the Dragon Ball Z films, this form was depicted as having green hair initially but changing to golden when powered-up (and then staying golden in subsequent films), Akira Toriyama's artwork of this form also depicts it with golden hair. In this first appearance it was identified as "Legendary Super Saiyan". Guidebooks however have given differing terms to describe it: Trunks anime comics section on Super Saiyan referred to it as "Super Saiyan (Final Form)", Daizenshuu 7 would simply talk about its usage under its section for the regular "Super Saiyan" form, the Supplemental Daizenshuu calls it "Super Saiyan B-type", while Dragon Ball GT: La Revista Oficial referred to this form as being "Super Saiyan Third Grade".
In its usage by Kale in the Dragon Ball Super anime, this form is always depicted with green hair. Vegeta identifies the berserk version of this state as possibly being the "Legendary Super Saiyan" form (in the Funimation dub) or the "Saiyan's true form" (in the Japanese version). The controlled version is described as the "True Legendary Super Saiyan" in the next episode preview. Some concept art and video games call the form "Super Saiyan Berserk" and describe it as "turning into Broly". Other concept art, as well as Dragon Ball Carddass, refers to it as "Super Saiyan 2", with the controlled version of the state also being referred to as such in video games. Some video games simply refer to the berserk form as "Rampaging" or "Berserk", without mentioning the Super Saiyan aspect.
In its usage by Kale and the Super incarnation of Broly in the Dragon Ball Super manga, this form is always depicted with golden hair. Witnessing Kale in this form, Cabba and Caulifla identify it as potentially being the "Legendary Saiyan". The initial Viz translation called it "Legendary Super Saiyan", but this was changed to the proper Legendary Saiyan to avoid the inconsistency of Cabba not knowing what a Super Saiyan was in the Universe 6 Saga. It was also referred to as being the "Legendary Super Saiyan" in the Dragon Ball Super Interval Special.[38] When Kale powers up and becomes bulky in this form, Vegeta describes it similar to how Super Saiyan Third Grade was.
In its usage by the Super incarnation of Broly in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly film, this form initially appears with golden hair, before changing to green in its Full Power enhancement. This form's initial state is simply referred to as "Super Saiyan" in promotional material, while its enhanced state is called "Full Power Super Saiyan" or "Super Saiyan (Full Power). Promotional material as well as the Xenoverse games identify it as being the "Legendary Super Saiyan".
Usage and Power[]
In Dragon Ball Super, this form is first awakened with intense sorrow.[37] In Shin Budokai - Another Road, Broly was heavily implied to have achieved this form from his witnessing and narrowly surviving the destruction of Planet Vegeta. In the Dragon Ball Super: Broly film, Broly takes on this form while previously having already been in his Wrathful state, though on no other occasion has this been shown to be a factor in the transformation.
As noted by Cabba and Caulifla, this form is known in Universe 6 as a demon Saiyan who rampages and whose power grows constantly - eventually to the point that it kills them, meaning the transformation cannot be used for long without risk of death if it is used for too long in the manga. When bulked up beyond its initial state, the form is an extreme example of a transformation that relies on power[39] and so is predictable and easy to evade despite its great speed. When the form starts to have an effect on the user's health, their power and speed start to drop drastically.[17]
The Legendary Super Saiyan form is a powered-up version of the first Super Saiyan form,[4] Due to this, taking enough damage in this state will revert the user to the previous form.[40] It is similar to the Super Saiyan Third Grade level but unlike Third Grade, Legendary Super Saiyan's speed is "ultra first-class",[3] which is demonstrated by how Broly in this form managed to effortlessly dodge a combined front from both Goku and Piccolo as well as Broly using several clothesline maneuvers. In addition, unlike Super Saiyan Third Grade, the form has the user increase in height significantly. The power increase given from this form is unconfirmed, though according to one guidebook this form is stronger than an ordinary Super Saiyan[1] but weaker than Super Saiyan 2.[3] In this form, Broly's power, speed, strength, energy, and endurance increase drastically, exceeding the power of the Dragon Team at the time they fought him. Since his power level in this form is so massive, Piccolo stated that Broly's ki can be felt all the way from the Lookout. Broly has been shown to take extremely powerful attacks without so much as flinching, meaning he was at least twice as strong as the individual Z Fighters who fought him.[1] According to V-Jump, Broly's power level in this form during his battle against the Z Fighters on New Planet Vegeta was around the 1,400,000,000 range.
In the Dragon Ball Super anime, Kale in this form is able to overpower Super Saiyan Blue Goku, though later in the tournament her more powerful controlled state is only shown fighting on par with Goku's Super Saiyan God form, most likely meaning that Goku underestimated her and held back. In the manga, Kale's power in this form is strong enough to knock around the non-serious Golden Frieza, as well as break Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Goku's guard - though Frieza notes he could defeat her if he got serious. After she powered up further she is able to knock the likes of Top and Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta off the tournament arena at the same time, eventually eliminating a majority of the fighters, including several of her own teammates such as Auta Magetta - whom she threw off the arena, as well as the Universe 3 fusion Agnilasa, though a combination of her berserker mentality and effectively being weakened and by her own power taking a toll on her causes her to struggle against the lesser Pride Troopers.
In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Broly is powerful enough that in the initial version of this state he is able to simultaneously overwhelm Goku and Vegeta while they were in the Super Saiyan Blue state in the film, battle Golden Frieza for an hour and then fight on par with Super Saiyan Gogeta, however even after reaching full power he is no match for Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta. In the manga he is able to overwhelm Goku and Vegeta together in their Perfected Super Saiyan Blue forms but is in turn easily taken down by Gogeta in the aforementioned transformation.
Users of the Legendary Super Saiyan form, or at least Broly, seem to have enhanced regenerative abilities and healing factor in comparison to normal Saiyans.
This form is the B-type of the Broly-type Super Saiyan forms - and is the most powered-up Super Saiyan form of the three basic types, the B-type Super Saiyan form is referred to as being the "legendary Super Saiyan" due to the user's love of destruction and slaughter - just like the Super Saiyans of legend.[4]
When a Saiyan transforms into this form, they cause the sky and the environment to change color twice or three with the new Broly (DBS), often ending in a gray/dark blue look. Directly before he transforms, Broly's cheeks quiver and then simply rip apart; the same occurs for his eye sockets and chest. It seems that instead of Broly simply enlarging when he transforms, the Legendary Super Saiyan form bursts forth from his body. This also occurs in Kale on the final occasion that she takes this berserker state. Normally, however, the bursting forth from the body does not occur in Kale, nor does it occur in Bio-Broly or Broly (DBS). Broly (DBZ) also seemed to just grow in size before Paragus narrowly reasserted control over him on New Planet Vegeta. In addition, unless forced out of the transformation, the user also simply has the transformation fade out normally, which is shown with Broly prior to going into a seven-year coma in Broly - Second Coming, as well as Kale similarly fading out when calming down upon learning from Caulifla that she doesn't have any romantic interest in Cabba (as Kale had initially transformed into the form due to misinterpreting Caulifla's focusing on Cabba as her crushing on him). Once this form is in use the user is usually taken over by rage with little judgment to spare and solely becomes a rampaging monster with the lust to kill. Largely because of this, it also ran the risk of the user indiscriminately attacking even their own allies, which is best demonstrated with Kale in both the manga and anime, where she upon ascending into this form ended up attacking even members of her own team, and with Broly in Super, where he was tricked by Goku and Vegeta into attacking Frieza during his rampage, despite Frieza being his handler, by flying by him.
Unfortunately for the user, maintaining the form usually requires a massive release of a significant amount of energy, if left unchecked, the buildup of energy would destroy the user from the inside out at least in the manga. Venting the energy also causes varying levels of fatigue, at a bare minimum forcing the user to pant, and in more severe cases even causing the user to emit steam from their body afterwards. Keeping the energy might cause the form's user severe fatigue as seen before he released their energy in a devastating way and may cause them to revert to their normal form and tire them out very quickly. Interestingly, Broly did not suffer from this stigma in his second appearance, hinting that he may have overcome the form's limitations. The form can also be incredibly hard to maintain for early users, causing them to pass out after being in the form for too long. When used by Broly in Dragon Ball Super: Broly, it was noted in the novel that he seemed to possess unlimited stamina when using the golden haired non-full power version of the form, as he never tired nor did his power drop even after more than an hour of battling Golden Frieza. Nor did his power drop when he transformed into the full power version.
Users of this form possess a heavyweight fighting style; using crushing moves and grabs to overpower his/her opponents rather than lots of fast and powerful punches and kicks like most other fighters in the series use. Their energy is also unique, being a shade of green (though Paragus is shown to have green ki too). The form's physical prowess and strength was also significant, even by Saiyan standards, which is demonstrated with Broly managing to not only lift, but even crush an Attack Ball with his own bare hands despite it being heavily armored, as well as Kale in the manga managing to easily lift up Auta Magetta despite it weighing over a thousand tons.
Dragon Ball Super[]
In the anime, Kale achieves the form through self-loathing and anger through Cabba and Caulifla being friendly with each other. She proceeds to attempt to kill Cabba, however she drops out of the form after Caulifla tells Kale that she has no interest in Cabba.

Kale surpasses her limits
Kale uses this form in the anime version of the Tournament of Power to easily overpower Goku while in his Super Saiyan 2 form and even proving able to withstand a point-blank Kamehameha from Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue state, walking right through it, although it's very likely that Goku was holding back. She then processed on her rampage against Goku as he was surprised at how powerful she is, she then grabbed his face and as she did, so her power seemed to overwhelm her body and forced her to toss Goku away and leak out her overflow of ki. Kale then demolished the entire Tournament of Power stage with her ferocious power and even caught the attention of all the Pride Troopers with her mighty voice. This form was finally defeated by Jiren with a Power Impact and forced Kale to revert back to base form. Caulifla refers to this form as "ultra super power".

Kale regains control
Kale's emotions allow her to control this form and attain her a controlled version of this state. Kale transforms in this form again from Super Saiyan 2 transformation and was able to take out three Pride Troopers with Caulifla, reverting back to normal afterward from exhaustion. In order to prove herself worthy in her own eyes to Caulifla in their tag battle against Goku, Kale once again goes berserk, however, her bond with Caulifla allows her to gain complete control of this state, turning her Super Saiyan 2 form into a "true legendary Super Saiyan".

Kale becomes the Legendary Saiyan
In the manga, Kale transformed into this state in anger at Frieza and proceeded to rush him down. As Golden Frieza prepared to get serious, Goku then interfered with the battle and fought Kale with his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue - to which she managed to break his guard, only for him to be kicked out of the way by Frieza. Kale then powered up before dashing past them and creating an explosion of energy from her body that knocks out several fighters in the tournament. As she begins rampaging in this state, Kale's strong enough to nearly knock out Vegeta (who had to use an energy blade to ground himself near the edge) and Top (who had to be pulled back into the arena by Dyspo). Kale proceeds to knock out the remaining fighters of Universe 4 and proceed to eliminate Agnilasa in a single kick, eliminating Universe 3. Following this, Kale eliminates the remaining members of Universe 2, before finishing off Universe 10 by eliminating Obni.

Super Saiyan Kale attacks Agnilasa
At this point, the drawbacks of the form begin to show themselves as Kale is unable to differentiate friend from foe, picking up Magetta and tossing him out of the arena single-handedly, before also knocking out Saonel and Pilina as they try to talk sense back into her. Cabba reveals that Kale is in fact the "Legendary Saiyan," and if she doesn't come to her senses she'll continue rampaging until she self-destructs. As Cabba attempts to reach her, Kale knocks him out of the ring, though Cabba is saved by Vegeta. Though the Pride Troopers are briefly shown struggling against Kale, Vegeta points out that they've seen through her and that she has begun losing power and is at her limit.

Super Saiyan Broly fighting Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta
Using this form, Broly battles Goku and Vegeta in their Perfected Super Saiyan Blue forms in the manga. However, they go on to fuse into Gogeta and defeat him.
In the Super Hero Saga, Broly manages to gain control over this form during a sparring match with Gohan Beast, he continues to use his newly controlled power in matches with Goten and Trunks, and then a battle royale among the aforementioned half-Saiyans as well as Goku and Vegeta.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes[]
In the anime version of the Universe Creation Saga, Broly uses this form when interrupting Dark King Fu's battle with Super Saiyan Blue Vegito and Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker Xeno Vegito, charging in to take on the two fused Saiyans himself. Later in the New Space-Time War Saga Broly uses the form in the Pseudo Universe to attack Goku, Hearts, Frieza and Meta-Cooler before he is lured off to fight the Warrior in Black.
In the manga version of the Supreme Kai of Time Saga, Broly uses this form against Jiren during the Super Space-Time Tournament but is quickly defeated.
Film Appearances[]
Dragon Ball Z[]

Legendary Super Saiyan Broly uses his full power, turning his hair golden
In his first appearance, Broly fought and completely dominated Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Future Trunks in their Super Saiyan (Goku and Gohan) and 2nd Grade Super Saiyan forms (Vegeta and Future Trunks), and Piccolo in his Super Namekian state, all at the same time, with his opponents being unable to hurt him in the least. Even a Super Kamehameha from Goku at point-blank range failed to inflict any damage to Broly. It was only after everyone donated their powers to Goku that he was able to focus all of their energy into a single punch, and it nearly killed him.
In his second appearance, Broly, after transforming into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, goes head-to-head with Gohan in both his Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 forms and easily overpowers him. However, Gohan puts up a much better fight than he did last time, and one of his blows even managed to stun Broly. Broly is only then defeated with the combined help from Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks.
In his third appearance, Broly's clone Bio-Broly transforms into his Legendary Super Saiyan form after simply catching sight of Goten to awaken both the Saiyan instincts and personal vendetta of his source material. However, the premature release from his containment has Culture Fluid fail to give him a set form, consequentially deforming his physical form to the point that he no longer resembles his source material. He easily dominates Goten, Trunks, Krillin, and Android 18, but is defeated by Goten, Trunks, and Krillin's Multiple Kamehameha when ocean water solidifies his culture fluid body.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly[]

Chou Broly
In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Broly transforms into this form after seeing his father's dead body. Broly unleashes a vibrant, flaming green aura. His energy is capable of causing the atmosphere to violently shift colors. Right before transforming, his sclera flash red and his pupils and irises actually shatter into blankness, marking Broly's transition into his berserker rage. Upon fully transforming, his hair takes on the standard yellow hue and his skin is noticeably paler.

Super Saiyan Broly
Broly is able to outmatch Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms even diving through their Galick Kamehameha with ease. He fights Frieza in his final form and easily beats him around, he then proceeds to fight Golden Frieza for around one hour before finally beating him to the point he cannot fight back. Broly craves battles in this form and even tried to attack Whis, who easily avoids his attacks without effort, showing Broly in this form is no match for him. Later Gogeta, the Fusion Dance of Goku and Vegeta appears to fight him. In this form while fighting he was able to push base Gogeta to transform into Super Saiyan, and they both seems evenly matched in terms of power, as Broly could match Gogeta's Kamehameha with his own energy attack, with the resulting clash breaking through dimensions, but Gogeta's superior skills soon gave him a decisive edge to land many blows on Broly while Broly struggled to keep up with Gogeta and hardly landing any blows, although he still endured with little hindrance to his performance. In the end, Broly's power grows again, and he transformed into his Full Power Super Saiyan form. In the light novel however, Broly reverts back to his regular Super Saiyan form towards the end of his fight with Gogeta.[41]
Super Saiyan Broly and Super Saiyan Gogeta shatter through dimensions as they fight until Broly powers up into his Super Saiyan Full Power state, shrouded in a green aura. In response, Gogeta activates Super Saiyan Blue to regain the upper hand. Ultimately, Gogeta prevails over Broly, who is narrowly saved from a lethal Full-Force Kamehameha by Cheelai, who wishes Broly back to Planet Vampa, helping Broly calm down and return to his base form in the process. Cheelai and Lemo join him on Vampa, while Goku approaches them with supplies (including Capsules, a Capsule House, and two Senzu Beans) and offers to train with Broly.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, Caulifla." |

Kale in her controlled form
Kale manages to gain control over her Legendary Super Saiyan form after she goes berserk for the third time and Caulifla brings her back to her senses. In the anime, this state is only ever referred to as "true legendary Super Saiyan" in the next episode preview,[42] while it is always referred to as Super Saiyan 2 (超サイヤ人2 Sūpā Saiya-jin Tsū) in video game appearances.
In this form, her power greatly increases, as noted by Tien Shinhan. The form also allows her to fully control her berserk state while fighting Goku alongside Caulifla. This form makes Super Saiyan 2 Goku tremble with excitement, stating it is a Saiyan instinct. With it, she and Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla were able to initially overwhelm Goku with raw power and ultimately encouraged him to use Super Saiyan God. Initially, Kale was able to hold her own against him, with Caulifla being completely overwhelmed, however, Super Saiyan God Goku was able to resist a point-blank energy wave from Kale with no damage, and even when Kale and Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla used their energy blasts together, Goku was able to easily destroy both blasts at once with his own energy attacks, which Kale was able to deflect while Caulifa was severely damaged by it, though even after all that, Kale is shown to have remained undamaged.

Kale's controlled form in comparison to an ordinary Super Saiyan 2
In Xenoverse 2's Legendary Pack 2's story mode, Kale appears utilizing her controlled Super Saiyan 2 form alongside Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla sent by Fu to "even the playing field" and aid Gogeta who earlier had his power sealed, in fighting a rampaging Broly who was destroying everyone he comes into conflict with.
Kale's mastered version of the form looks near identical to Super Saiyan C-type but possesses the green hair and aura of the Legendary Super Saiyan form. Kale's hair also spikes up completely and her right bang falls down in this form.
In the Broly film, when he is about to be hit by Gogeta's Kamehameha, Broly briefly gains control of his Full Power Super Saiyan state, resulting in the yellow eyes of his Wrathful state re-manifesting. If Broly had been able to gain control over this form from the start, he could likely win against Gogeta.[43] During Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Broly has managed to gain more control over his transformations, but still goes berserk.

Broly's controlled state
In the Dragon Ball Super manga, after the defeat of Cell Max, Broly gains a controlled variation of his Legendary Super Saiyan, which he manages to achieve after being blown back during a sparring session with Gohan in his Beast form. In this state, he momentarily surprises Gohan and proves able to fight on par with him, but still appears to be overall outmatched. Later, he fights both Trunks and Goten, who appear to keep up with him in their base forms before their fight and Goku, Gohan and Vegeta's fight devolve into an all-out slugfest that ends in all participants knocked out of their transformations.[44]

Kale further bulks up her transformation
In the Dragon Ball Super manga, Kale dramatically bulks up her Legendary Super Saiyan form during her encounter with Goku and Frieza. Vegeta and Jiren refer to this bulked up state as an extreme transformation which emphasizes power, and thus a mistake to use, making it similar to Super Saiyan Third Grade in terms of its flaws.
Full Power[]

Full Power Super Saiyan Broly
The Legendary Super Saiyan form reaches its most powerful when it reaches its ultimate form,[45] referred to as Full Power Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan Full Power.[6] The potential of this form far exceeds the golden haired Super Saiyan state.[45]
In this state the user bulks up further and their hair changes from gold to a glowing emerald green. This Full Power form was created by Naohiro Shintani for the film[46] and as such does not exist in the manga's version of events.
Higher Levels[]
There also exist Legendary Super Saiyan equivalents to the Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 forms.
A Legendary Super Saiyan who manages to take on a godly form also achieves a state much different from either Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan Blue.
Hybrid States[]
Great Ape Broly
The Legendary Super Saiyan form can be combined with the Great Ape, creating Broly's equivalent of Golden Great Ape. Through this form, the Super Saiyan 4, Super Saiyan 4 Full Power and Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker forms can be attained.
- Super Saiyan

Kefla as a Super Saiyan 2 in the anime
As a fusion of the two, Kefla's Super Saiyan form possess traits from Caulifla's Super Saiyan form and Kale's Legendary Super Saiyan form.
In the anime, when Kefla transforms into this state her power is so massively great, that she was able to go toe to toe with Super Saiyan Blue Goku and was able to land massive damage to the older Saiyan when he let his guard down, despite being empowered by the Kaio-ken. This prompts Goku to activate his Ultra Instinct powers, Kefla then responded by ascending into the second level of the state. When backed into a corner, Kefla awakens a further power in this state, powering her up, darkening her hair, and allowing her to use her Ray Blasts.

Kefla in the manga
In the manga, Champa comes up with a plan to use the potara that Caulifla stole before the tournament. As Kale is knocked out of the arena by Tupper, Cabba jumps out to rescue her, attaching the potara to her ear as Caulifla attaches one to herself, before Cabba tosses her back into the ring, knocking himself out. Caulifla and Kale then fuse while in their respective transformations, combining into Kefla who is in a hybrid state of both Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan.
Kefla then proceeds to knock out all of the Pride Troopers except Jiren, Top, Dyspo, and Kahseral, before setting her sights on Goku and Jiren, before Gohan deflects a blast directed a Goku and challenges her. Despite the fusion, Gohan proves to be an even match for Kefla. Before lamenting the fact, she couldn't take down a single Saiyan, Kefla and Gohan take each other out in a double knockout, ending Universe 6's run in the tournament.
Karoly also possess a form which is a mixture of Goku's Super Saiyan form and Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form, though it is different from Kefla's.
- Super Saiyan Rosé
Karoly Black possesses a form which is a mixture of Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rosé form and Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form.
Dark Magic Enhanced[]

In the Xenoverse series, Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form is enhanced by Dark Magic. In this form, his hair and clothing take on a purple hue and his eyes turn red with black markings around his eyes along with a dark purple aura.
The second is the Supervillain state which turns Broly's hair white, and skin becomes a metallic pale color. His eyes glow pink and he gain a glowing pink Time Breaker symbol on his forehead. The form emits a sinister black and white aura.
Dark Ki Enhanced[]

DRK Super Saiyan (Berserk) Kale after being empowered by Babidi's Dark ki 1st Stage in Dragon Ball Legends
In Dragon Ball Legends during the Tournament of Time, Super Saiyan (Berserk) Kale is empowered and enslaved with Dark Ki 1st Stage by Babidi, who was apparently the tournament's Mastermind, though was in reality being controlled the true Mastermind Zahha via Dark Ki.
Video Game Appearances[]
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu
- Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Bakuretsu Impact
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha - Ora to Omee to Scouter
- Dragon Ball Z: W Bakuretsu Impact
- Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
- Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
- Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers
- Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
- Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes
- Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden
- Dragon Ball: Zenkai Battle
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse
- Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden
- Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
- Dragon Ball Fusions
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- Dragon Ball FighterZ
- Dragon Ball Legends
- Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
- Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
In Budokai 3, in Broly's story, when Vegeta sees Broly, he mentions the past Legendary Super Saiyans, stating they were unstoppable.
In Dragon Ball Fusions a Saiyan named Sesamy believes that she is the legendary Saiyan and trains hard to prove it, managing to become an ordinary Super Saiyan however it should be noted that she may have been referring to the standard Super Saiyan form as it is sometimes referred to as the Legendary Super Saiyan. In Sub-Event: "An Unlikely Pair", Gine tries to stop a group of fighters led by Rubee and Yamma from killing a Saiyan whom they fear will become a Legendary Super Saiyan (it is unclear if they are referring to the Legendary Super Saiyan form or the standard Super Saiyan form) forcing Tekka's Team to come to her rescue when she is overpowered by the group. Karoly uses a fused version of the Legendary Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan forms while Karoly Black uses a fused version of Legendary Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Rosé forms.
In Dokkan Battle, Kale debuts in this form under the name Kale (Berserk). Broly (DBS) gains the form under the titles of the standard Super Saiyan, and when transformed, Super Saiyan (Full Power). Kale's controlled version also appears in the game.
In Dragon Ball Legends, Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (DBZ) and Kale are among those participating in the Tournament of Time. Kale's controlled version also appears in the game.
In Dragon Ball Heroes, Kale also gains the form, once again referred to as Out of Control[22][47] (暴走 Bōsō), with the transformation ability into the form being called Uncontrollable Saiyan (制御不能なサイヤ人 Seigyo Funōna Saiya-jin). Promotional material describes the form as an uncontrollable Super Saiyan.[48] Kale's controlled version also appears in the game.
In Xenoverse 2, as part of the Legendary Pack 2 DLC, Kale's controlled version is named Kale (Super Saiyan 2). Additionally, in New Parallel Quest 148: "Finding Out About Fusion", the Kale Wig accessory can be obtained, which is a wig based upon Kale's Super Saiyan 2 hairstyle.
In World Mission, Kale's version is named Rampaging. She can achieve the transformation through her CAA Transform Special Abilities Uncontrollable Saiyan and Kale's Rampage. Uncontrolled Saiyan has the beneficial effect that is triggered when her card action is successfully performed for a permanent 3x PWR & to permanently make Super Attacks available regardless of energy requirements, but unable to join co-op attacks. Kale's Rampage has the additional effect that is triggered when her card action is successfully performed for a permanent +5000 PWR. However, Broly's version is called Legendary Super Saiyan. Kale's controlled version also appears in the game.

Kale and Broly using their respective versions of the form in Sparking! Zero
In FighterZ, both versions of Broly use this form in some fashion, while Kefla uses her hybridized state. While Z Broly is in this form by default, Super Broly only uses this form during his super attacks. When Broly (DBS) uses his Gigantic Roar super he takes on the Full Power state, after which his armor will be destroyed, and he'll receive a damage buff. This allows for both Brolys to be distinct from one another.
In Sparking! Zero, Kale's version is named Super Saiyan (Berserk) and Broly (Super)'s versions are named Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Full Power.
- Contrary to popular belief, in the Frieza Saga, Vegeta does not state that a Super Saiyan appears every 1,000 years, but rather that the last one appeared 1,000 years ago (3,000 in the English dub and possibly Bardock). It is however mentioned in Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai.
- The legend of the Super Saiyan is mentioned and Broly is believed to be the Legendary Super Saiyan in Shin Budokai, with Goku saying "The Legendary Super Saiyan, a powerful warrior that appears every 1,000 years."
- In Universe 6, the Legendary Saiyan is considered demonic. Ironically, Broly (DBZ) seems to have the same perception given his iconic line from the original Japanese version about being a Devil/Demon in response to Piccolo calling him a monster.
- In the English dub for Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan, just before venting his ki with Blaster Meteor, Broly says "I... I'm getting stronger... yes, much stronger...", which implies that he constantly accesses Saiyan Power while in the Legendary Super Saiyan state.
- Interestingly, the users of the transformation (Broly from the main timeline, Kale, and to a much lesser extent the original Broly) were shown to have a gentler demeanor.
Karoly Black in his Super Saiyan Rosé and Legendary Super Saiyan hybrid form from Dragon Ball Fusions |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Daizenshuu 7, 1996
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game, 2000
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Trunks anime comics - "Super Saiyan" section
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Supplemental Daizenshuu, 1996
- ↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, 2019
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, 2024
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Collectible Card Game. dbs-cardgame.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Dragon Ball GT: La Revista Oficial.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super episode 101, "Warriors of Justice Close In! The Pride Troopers!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, 1993, Funimation dub
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, 2004
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, 2007
- ↑ V-Jump refers to Broly (DBS)'s form as "Legendary Super Saiyan" 1. 2.
- ↑ Xenoverse 2: Parallel Quest 128 "Legendary Super Saiyan Smackdown" and 132 "The Ultimate Legendary Super Saiyan"
- ↑ Broly and Kale comic
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Dragon Ball Fusions, 2016
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Dragon Ball Super chapter 38, "Universe 6's Last Resort"
- ↑ Ep111 to 114 previews. pbs.twimg.
- ↑ Kale concept art.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super episode 100, "Rampage! A Crazed Warrior's Savagery Awakens!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury, 2004
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, 2015
- ↑ Xenoverse 2 Broly and Gogeta. Youtube. Retrieved on , 202.
- ↑ SSFP Broly. Twitter (July 20, 2018).
- ↑ Herms' tweet on the Broly website. Twitter (August 10, 2018).
- ↑ SSFP Broly
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
- ↑ DRAGON BALL: THE BREAKERS – 1st Anniversary Special Live Stream. Youtube. Retrieved on October 27, 2023.
- ↑ SS2 Kale art
- ↑ Dragon Ball Carddass (Card)
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle Card. Sprite.
- ↑ DRAGON BALL 大全集 6: MOVIES & TV SPECIALS (in Japanese). Shueisha. 1995. pp. 212–216. ISBN 4-08-782756-9
- ↑ Character bio source code. toei-anim.co.jp.
- ↑ Kale-Broly arena. pbs.twimg.
- ↑ “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” Theatrical Program (Super Edition), Shintani interview. kazenshuu (December 14, 2018).
- ↑ Gold FPSS Broly
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Cipher's tweet on the Broly (Full Power) card. Twitter (October 26, 2018).
- ↑ Interval Special 3: Kefla section.
- ↑ Herms' tweet on Chapter 38. Twitter (July 19, 2018).
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming, 1994
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Light Novel)
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super episode 114, "Bloodcurdling! The Explosive Birth of a New Super Warrior!" Funimation sub preview
- ↑ medium Saikyo Jump.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super chapter 103, "A Legacy Toward the Future"
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 Weekly ☆ Character Showcase #46: Broly from Dragon Ball Super: Broly!. dragon-ball-official. Retrieved on March 22, 2022.
- ↑ “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” Theatrical Program (Super Edition), Shintani interview. kazenshuu (December 14, 2018).
- ↑ Dragon Ball Heroes, 2010
- ↑ Dragon Ball Heroes Promo material. twimg (2017).
Demons | |
Kings of the Demon Realm | |
Majin | |
Demon Realm Race | Demigra (Mirage) • Fu • Glorio • Gola • Gravy • Halto • July • Makma • Marba • Master of the Demon World • Mechikabura • Melee • Miniature Demons • Mira (Dark Empire) • Mirayo • Panzy • Pipila • Putine • Robelu • Rubee • Salsa • Shula • Shroom • Towa • Yamma • Zahha • Dark Demon God Berserker • Aurora • Demon Realm Soldier (Σ • Ω • Δ • Λ • Reaper) • Haru Haru • Shun Shun |
Devils | |
Demon Clans | |
Demonic Entities | King of the Demon Realm • Demon Supreme Kai (Degesu • Dr. Arinsu Eternal Dragon (Black Smoke Shenron • Dark Shenron • Demon Realm Porunga • Mr. Poko Poko • Shadow Dragons • Xeno Syn Shenron • Xeno Haze Shenron • Xeno Eis Shenron • Xeno Nuova Shenron • Xeno Rage Shenron • Xeno Oceanus Shenron • Xeno Naturon Shenron) Demon Beast (Ankoku-seijin • Dragon) Janemba (Future • Majin Vegeta • Xeno) King Gurumes • Igor Devil (Nekomajin) • Fire Demons • Mount Paozu Demons (Lord Yao • Mamba • Susha • Torga) Vampires (Lucifer) Ogre (King Yemma • Saike Demon) Slug-jin (Angila • Commander Zeeun • Slug-jin Frieza Soldier • Gyoshu • Kakuja • Medamatcha • Slug Soldiers • Wings) Hirudegarn Pingyao Dogidogi |
Demonic Transformations | Dark Evolution Dark Towa • Dark Ki • Dark King • Demon God (Second • True Form • Transcended • Perfect (Time Power Unleashed)) Great Namekian • Super Giant-Form (Dark Super Giant-Form) Legendary Super Saiyan Manipulation Sorcery (Unlock Potential • King of Destruction • Brainwashed Berserk) Giant Form (Serpent Demon Clan) Pure Majin Super Saiyan (Demon Realm Race) (Super Mira (Fin Absorbed) • Rampaging) Villainous Mode • Supervillain (Ultra • Xeno-Evolution) God Class (Super God Class) |
Demon Power-ups | |
Fusions | |
Locations | |
Related | Blood Ruby • Dark Empire • Dark Energy (demonic) • Darkness Sword • Demon Clothes (Weighted Clothing) • Demon Realm Crystal • Demon Realm Dragon Ball • Demon Realm Plane • Demon Scythe • Dimension Sword • Energy Meter • Energy-Suction Device • Evil Egg • Evil Third Eye • Fruit of the Tree of Might (Demon Realm) • Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie Force) • Glind Tree • Kili • Magic • Magic Collar • Majilite • Majin Emblem • Makyo Star • Metamo-Ring • Nemophy Gang • PePiLu • Planet Cruiser • Offworlder • Shirogame • Sky Seed • Tamagami (One • Two • Three) • Time Cutter • Tokitoki • Yamma Gang |