Dragon Ball Wiki

"The fear inside you swells, but I'll replace it with pain."
— "Then There Were Eight"

King Chappa (チャパおう Chapa-Ō) is a warrior who was once the world Martial Arts champion, known for his famous eight-handed technique. He lives at the address SSR 249905 C[1] with his wife Ruhna and their three children Sapa, Peruka and Chapu.


King Chappa is a dark skinned, tall and muscular man.


Dragon Ball[]

Tien Shinhan Saga[]

King Chappa DB Ep 86 001

King Chappa assumes a battle stance against Goku

King Chappa enters the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament where he faces the young Goku in the preliminaries. Yamcha, having heard of King Chappa, tells Krillin that last time he participated he won a World Martial Arts Tournament without being touched the whole time.

When Jackie Chun sees him, he exclaims Goku is in for a sticky fight, only to be proven wrong when Goku soundly gets the better of King Chappa even after he gets serious and uses his special technique. During the fight Goku takes to the air causing Master Roshi to believe he made a critical blunder as he can't move freely and is open to attack but just as King Chappa is about to strike, Goku lets out a powerful breath, slowing his movement and causing King Chappa to miss. Goku counters with a kick of his own, which knocks King Chappa out cold.

King Piccolo Saga[]


King Chappa confronts Tambourine

The night the Tournament ended; King Chappa is shown already training with a large group of loyal students at his temple. Soon, he is targeted by Tambourine, who announces that he is there to kill him. Chappa attempts to use his eight-handed technique to defend himself, but he is easily killed by Tambourine, who mocks the technique and uses an advanced One-Hundred Arms variant. Chappa dies from the powerful punches and the impact of the wall. Some of his students attempt to avenge him, but they are killed as well.

Later, along with everyone else who was killed by King Piccolo and his minions, King Chappa is revived by Shenron.

Piccolo Jr. Saga[]

Three years after being returned to life, King Chappa competes in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. He battles Goku in the preliminaries as his first opponent, but is defeated again, this time with much less effort. Chappa attempts to attack Goku, who uses his speed to quickly dodge his attacks, and get behind him to chop him in the back of the neck.

After Dragon Ball Z[]

King Chappa and Uub by Toyotaro

King Chappa with Uub

Toyotarou suggests that maybe King Chappa was the one who trained Uub until he turned ten. In artwork by Toyotarō, King Chappa suggests Uub enter the next World Tournament due to how gifted he is, which ultimately led to Uub's fateful meeting with Goku.


Manga and Anime

King Chappa is a powerful martial artist who was once able to become champion of an unknown previous World Martial Arts Tournament without taking even a single blow and has a high reputation amongst other acclaimed fighters like Yamcha and Master Roshi, with Yamcha described him as "godlike" and Roshi stating that Chappa would be a troublesome opponent for Goku (before Roshi saw how much Goku had improved since the previous tournament). Despite that he was no match for Goku or Tambourine.

Techniques and Special Abilities[]

  • Eight-Arm Fist – King Chappa's signature technique where he moves his arms fast enough that they seemingly have eight of them, allowing him to attack and defend himself much more efficiently.

Manga Appearances[]

Chapter Appearances
v  e
Tien Shinhan Saga
113. Return to the Tournament Absent
114. The Qualifying Rounds Debut
115. King Chappa Appears
116. The Doctored Lottery Absent
117. Yamcha's Kamehameha! Absent
118. The Cruelty of Tenshinhan Absent
119. The Full Moon Grudge Absent
120. Look Out! The Dodon Blast! Absent
121. Kuririn's Master Plan Absent
122. Goku vs. Panpoot Absent
123. Tenshinhan vs. Jackie Chun Absent
124. Young Tenshinhan Absent
125. Goku vs. Kuririn Absent
126. Goku vs. Kuririn, Part 2 Absent
127. Goku vs. Kuririn, Part 3 Absent
128. Goku vs. Tenshinhan Absent
129. The Volleyball Play Absent
130. The Fist of the Sun Absent
131. Tsuru-Sen'nin Absent
132. The Arms Race Absent
133. Desperation Move Absent
134. Up in the Air Absent
v  e
Piccolo Jr. Saga
162. The Niyoi-bo's Secret Absent
163. The Sanctuary of Kami-sama Absent
164. Enter God Absent
165. Shen Long Resurrected! Absent
166. The Reunion Absent
167. New Challengers Appears
168. The 8 Finalists Appears
169. Tenshinhan vs. Taopaipai Absent
170. The Assassin's Struggle Absent
171. Goku Gets Married! Absent
172. Kuririn vs. Demon Junior Absent
173. Kuririn vs. Demon Junior, Part 2 Absent
174. Yamcha vs. Shen Absent
175. Shen Absent
176. Goku vs. Tenshinhan Absent
177. Goku vs. Tenshinhan, Part 2 Absent
178. Tenshinhan's Secret Move! Absent
179. The Two Weak Points Absent
180. Kami-sama vs. the Demon King Absent
181. God's Miscalculation Absent
182. The Fated Showdown! Absent
183. Testing the Waters Absent
184. The Real Fight Absent
185. The Super Kamehameha Absent
186. Panic at the Tenkaichi Budokai! Absent
187. Piccolo's Super Giantification Spell Absent
188. Goku's Fight Absent
189. The Demon King's Final Gamble Absent
190. Piccolo Destroys Everything! Absent
191. The 10 Count Absent
192. The Last Gasp! Absent
193. The Fate of the Strongest Absent
194. The Gift of the Dragon Balls Absent

Video Game Appearances[]


King Chappa in Dragon Ball Online

Voice Actors[]


  • King Chappa is similar to Mr. Satan including the fact that he was once World Martial Arts Champion before Goku, and his friends enter the tournament. They also both have afros and the same styled mustache, only that Chappa is on the spiritual side while Satan is on the celebrity.
  • King Chappa's clothes and appearance are similar to Nam's, a fighter who also once faced Goku in a match held at the World Tournament. Interestingly enough, Nam's 2nd outfit in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is almost exactly the same as King Chappa's besides the turban. In Chapter 14 of Dragon Ball SD, these similarities are parodied by Master Roshi saying that Nam will later return as King Chappa.
  • When he meets Goku again after being revived, he recounts his battle with Tambourine, but strangely claims that he actually survived the encounter. It is unknown if this means he was merely rendered comatose during the fight, or if he had not realized his death was for real.
  • King Chappa's name comes from the Indian dish chapati.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Daizenshuu 7, 1996

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