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Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesEnergy Wave

Kamehameha Return (かめはめがえ Kamehameha Gaeshi)[4][5][6][7] is a variation of the Kamehameha.


The technique involves the process of a Kamehameha being erased by another Kamehameha. The collision of both techniques cancels out each other as a result. The end result is a beam clash between the two energy beams, that results in two blasts of equal power creating an explosion that knocks both users off their feet,[1] or a battle for supremacy where one Kamehameha entirely overpowers the other.[2]


Goku used the Kamehameha to counter Jackie Chun's Original Kamehameha.[1]

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan used the Father-Son Kamehameha to counter Super Perfect Cell's Solar Kamehameha.[2]

Gogeta Blue used the True Kamehameha counter Super Saiyan Rosé 3 Crimson-Masked Saiyan's Super Black Kamehameha.[3]

Video Game Appearances[]


  • The Kamehameha Return was the first instance of an Energy Clash within the series, and is to date, the only one officially named.
  • This technique is technically usable in any video game where the player character can consciously use the Kamehameha in response to the opponent's Kamehameha.


