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It's Over 9000!

It's Over 9000! is a particularly famous change made for the English localizations of the Dragon Ball Z episode "The Return of Goku" (and its unedited counterpart, "Goku's Arrival") that was spoken by Vegeta's original English voice actor, Brian Drummond in the Ocean dub of the series. It has since become a popular internet meme that spread across YouTube, with the original video clip getting over 15 million views and spoofs of the clip getting a large number of views as well.



"What!? 9000!? There's no way that can be right!"

Originally posted on October 17, 2006, the meme was started by user Kajetokun. It shows Vegeta angrily crushing his scouter several times while repeating "It's Over 9000!!!" in response to Nappa's questioning of Goku's power level. The meme has spread across the world, with the video having received millions of views and is even referenced in certain games of the series, like Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

In most versions, Vegeta actually says "It's over 8000!" However, even in the Remastered Uncut Funimation dub, Vegeta still says "It's over 9000!", now performed by Christopher Sabat. However, fans complained about the Funimation version lacking the drama and energy in the original version. They also complained about Christopher Sabat's voice being too calm sounding for the scene, unlike Brian Drummond's, which had a lot of anger in it.

It is possible for over 9,000 to be correct, since it is over 8,000. This has occurred several other times where power levels are given more as estimates than accurate figures. For instance, Gohan's retaliation against Nappa is given as over 2,800, and Frieza's power level is given as "over one million!". Later on, Frieza claims his power level is only 1% of his full power, when in actuality, it is 10% of his maximum power according to Daizenshuu 7. Despite such, however, Vegeta has a given power level of being 18,000 to which, Goku with Kaio-ken of at least 3x would be above, making Goku the superior in their fight. However, the opposite is shown making it near impossible for Goku to actually have a power level figure above 9,000.


Interestingly, it seems only English, Hindi, Croatian and new Serbian versions have this change:

In the original Japanese version
  • Nappa: カカロットの戦闘力はいくつですか。
    • (How much is Kakarot's battle power?)
  • Vegeta: 八千以上だ!
    • (Over 8000!)
  • Nappa: 八千以上?それは何か間違いだ!故障だぜ!
    • (Over 8000!? There must be some kind of mistake! It's a malfunction!)
In the Ocean Group dubs - Dragon Ball Z
  • Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?
  • Vegeta: (removes his scouter and crushes it) It's over 9000!
  • Nappa: What!? 9000!? There's no way that can be right! Can it!?
  • Goku: I think it's right. After all, I was trained in the art of Kaioken.
In the Funimation dub - Dragon Ball Z
  • Nappa: Vegeta! What did you say his power level is!?
  • Vegeta: (while crushing his scouter at the same time) It's over 9000; raagh!
  • Nappa: 9000!? There's no way that can be right! It can't!
  • Goku: Don't be so sure. I'll have you know I was trained in the art of Kaioken!
In the Funimation dub - Dragon Ball Z Kai - Nicktoons/Toonzai Version
  • Nappa: Vegeta! Vegeta! What's wrong with you!? Tell me what his power level is!
  • Vegeta: (while crushing his scouter at the same time) It's over 9000!
  • Nappa: What!? 9000!? You've got to be kidding me, that thing's a piece of junk!
In the Funimation dub - Dragon Ball Z Kai - DVD/Blu-ray/Toonami Version
  • Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level!?
  • Vegeta: (while crushing his scouter at the same time) It's over 8000! Daugh!
  • Nappa: 8000!? C'mon, that can't be right! It must be broken or something!
  • Goku: You're going down. I doubt I'll even have to use the Kaioken against you!
In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
  • Nappa: V-Vegeta, what's Kakarot's power level?
  • Vegeta: It's over 9000!
  • Nappa: Over 9000!? That's got to be some kind of mistake! It's a malfunction!
In Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
  • Nappa: V-Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level!?
  • Vegeta: (while crushing his scouter at the same time) It's over 9000!
  • Nappa: What!? Nine thousand!? That can't be right! It must be broken! (to Goku) Cause there's no way you're stronger than me!
In Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
  • Nappa: What does the scouter say about his power level?
  • Vegeta: It's over 9000!
  • Nappa: What!? Nine thousand!?
In Dragon Ball Z For Kinect
  • Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?
  • Vegeta: It's over 9000!
  • Nappa: What!? Nine thousand!?
In Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
  • Nappa: V-Vegeta...What does the scouter say about his power level?
  • Vegeta: It's over 9,000!
  • Nappa: What?! 9,000?! That scouter's a piece of junk. It's gotta be a mistake!
In the Korean version
  • Nappa: 카카로트의 전투력은 얼마나 되지요? (How much is Kakarot's battle power?)
  • Vegeta: 8000이상이다! (Over 8000!)
  • Nappa: 8000이상이요?! 그건 뭔가 잘못된 겁니다! 고장이라고요!! (Over 8000!? There must be some kind of mistake! It's a malfunction!)
In the Hebrew dub
  • Nappa: ?מָה עָצְמַת הַלָּחִימָה שֶׁל קָקָרוֹטוֹ עַכְשָׁיו, מַקִיטָה (What is Kakaroto's fighting power now, Makita?)
  • Vegeta: !הַרְבֵּה יוֹתֵר מִשְּׁמוֹנַת אֲלָפִים (A lot more than 8000!)
  • Nappa: !שְׁמוֹנַת אֲלָפִים!? זֶה לֹא יָכוֹל לִהְיוֹת! הַמַּכְשִׁיר וַדַּאי מְקֻלְקָל (8000!? That can't be! The scouter must be broken!)
In the Mandarin version
  • Nappa: Quick, tell me, what is his power level?
  • Vegeta: It's already over 8000!
  • Nappa: Huh? Over 8000? This must be wrong! The scouter must be broken!
In the Cantonese dub
  • Nappa: 格古洛的戰鬥力數值是多少?
    • (How much is the fighting capacity of Gaakgulok?)
  • Vegeta: 超過了八千!
    • (It has exceeded 8000!)
  • Nappa: 什麼? 機器肯定有問題! 不可能的!
    • (What? The machine certainly has a problem! It's impossible!)
In the German dub TV version (Dragon Ball Z, 2001)
  • Nappa: Rück mal raus mit den Daten. Wie hoch ist seine Kampfkraft jetzt?
    • (Spill the data. How high is his fighting power now?)
  • Vegeta: Sie liegt weit über achttausend! Arrgh! (achttausend: eight thousand)
    • (It's way over 8000! Arrgh!)
  • Nappa: Weit über achttausend?! Aber das ist doch gar nicht möglich, besorg' Dir sofort 'n neuen Apparat!!
    • (Way over 8000?! But that's in no way possible, you better get a new device!)
In the German dub TV version (Dragon Ball Z Kai, 2015)
  • Nappa: Vegeta, sag mir was hier los ist! Wie hoch ist Kakarotts Kampfkraft?
    • (Vegeta, tell me what's going on! How high is Kakarot's fighting power?)
  • Vegeta: Sie beträgt inzwischen über achttausend! (achttausend: eight thousand)
    • (It is already over 8000!)
  • Nappa: Über achttausend?! Das kann doch nicht stimmen! Das Mistding muss kaputt sein!
    • (Over 8000?! That can't be right! That damn thing must be broken!)
In the Brazilian Portuguese dub
  • Nappa: Por favor, diga logo qual é o poder de luta do Kakaroto.
    • (Please, say at once what is Kakarotto's fighting power.)
  • Vegeta: Argh, é de mais de oito mil! (oito mil: eight thousand)
    • (Argh, it's more than 8000!)
  • Nappa: Mais de oito mil?! Isso deve ser um engano, esse aparelho deve estar quebrado!
    • (Over 8000!? This must be a mistake, that device must be broken!)
In the Brazilian Portuguese dub (Dragon Ball Z Kai)
  • Nappa: Vegeta! Afinal, quanto é o poder de luta do Kakaroto?
    • (Vegeta! After all, how much is Kakarotto's fighting power?)
  • Vegeta: É superior a oito mil! (oito mil: eight thousand)
    • (It's over 8000!)
  • Nappa: Superior a oito mil? Mas deve ter alguma coisa errada! Isso aí deve tá quebrado!
    • (Over 8000? But something must be wrong! This thing must be broken!)
In the European Portuguese dub
  • Nappa: E agora onde está ele? Quantas unidades está sua força?
    • (And now where is him? How many units is his (Goku) force?)
  • Vegeta: Ugh, é acima das oito mil unidades! (oito mil: eight thousand)
    • (Ugh, it's above the 8000 units!)
  • Nappa: Não é possível, o teu aparelho está avariado com certeza! Não pode ser assim tão forte!
    • (That's not possible! Your device is damaged for sure! He can't be that strong!)
In the Latin American Spanish dub
  • Nappa: Por favor, dime ¿cuál es el poder de pelea de Kakaroto?
    • (Please tell me, how much is Kakarroto's battle power?)
  • Vegeta: ¡Es de más de ocho mil! (ocho mil: eight thousand)
    • (It's of more than 8000!)
  • Nappa: ¿Qué? ¿Ocho mil? Debe ser un error, la máquina sufrió una descompostura.
    • (What? 8000? Must be a mistake, the machine has suffered a breakdown!)
In the Latin American Spanish dub (Dragon Ball Z Kai)
  • Nappa: Vegeta, ¿qué pasa contigo? Dime cuál es su poder de pelea.
    • (What's wrong, Vegeta? Tell me how much his battle power is.)
  • Vegeta: ¡Es de más de nueve mil! Arghhh! (nueve mil: nine thousand)
    • (It's of more than nueve mil! Arghhh!)
  • Nappa: ¿Qué dices? ¿Nueve mil? Tiene que ser una broma, esa porquería no sirve.
    • (What did you say? 9000? Must be a joke, that piece of trash is useless!)

In the Spanish version

  • Nappa: ¿A cuántas unidades de combate se eleva su fuerza ahora?
    • (In how many battle units does his strength increase now?)
  • Vegeta: ¡Está muy por encima de las ocho mil! (ocho mil: eight thousand)
    • (It's way above 8000!)
  • Nappa: ¡Eso es impossible!
    • (That's impossible!)

In the Catalan dub

  • Nappa: I ara com está? Quantes unitats de forc̨a de combat té?
    • (How is it now? In how many battle units does he have?)
  • Vegeta: Supera de molt les vuit mil! (vuit mil: eight thousand)
    • (It's way above 8000!)
  • Nappa: No pot ser!
    • (It can't be!)

In the Basque dub

  • Nappa: Eta oraina, zenbat unitate ditu bere borroka indarra?
    • (And now, how many units his fighting power has?)
  • Vegeta: Zortzi mila unitatetik oso gora dabil
    • (It is well above eight thousand units!)
  • Nappa: Ez zitekek!
    • (That can't be!) (note: The dialogue was adapted from Spanish)

In the Galician dub

  • Nappa: Á cantas unidades de combate se eleva a súa forza neste momento?
    • (How many battle units does his strength increase in this moment?)
  • Vegeta: Está bastante porriba das oito mil! (oito mil: eight thousand)
    • (It's way above 8000!)
  • Nappa: Iso é imposible! O aparello non funciona! Os humanos non son tan fortes!
    • (That's impossible! Your device doesn't work, humans aren't so strong!) (dialogue was adapted from Spanish)

In the Valencian dub

  • Nappa: I ara, com está? Quina es seua força de combat?
    • (And now how it is? What is his combat power?)
  • Vegeta: Pasa de les vuit mil unitats!
    • (It's way above the 8000 units!)
  • Nappa: No es posible!
    • (This is not possible!) (dialogue was adapted from Spanish)
In the Danish dub
  • Nappa: Sig mig bliver den ved med at stige eller hvad!? Hvor meget er den oppe på nu!?
    • (Tell me does it keep rising or what!? How high is it now!?)
  • Vegeta: Den er på langt over ottetusind! (ottetusind: eight thousand)
    • (It is much more than 8000!)
  • Nappa: Ottesuind!? Det kan ikke passe! Der må være noget i vejen med sensoren!
    • (8000!? That can't be true! There must be something wrong with the sensor (scouter in Danish)!)
In the Danish Manga First Edition vol. 29
  • Nappa: Vejita?! Hvor stærk er han nu?
    • (Vegeta?! How strong/powerful is he now?)
  • Vegeta: Over 8000!
    • (Over 8000!)
  • Nappa: Over 8000?! Det kan ikke passe!
    • (Over 8000?! That's impossible!)
In the Italian dub
  • Nappa: A quanto è arrivato il livello di combattimento di Kaharot?
    • (How high has Kakaroto's battle level got?)
  • Vegeta: A più di ottomila, accipicchia! (ottomila: eight thousand)
    • (More than 8000, damn it!)
  • Nappa: Non è possibile! Quello stupidissimo aggeggio non funziona, te l'ho giá detto!
    • (That's impossible! That stupid tool doesn't work, I've already told you!)
In the Italian Manga First Edition vol. 29
In the Manga Comic-Vol. 3
Earth vs. The Saiyans
  • Nappa: Ve-Vegeta! Quale' la sua forza combattiva?!
    • (Ve-Vegeta! What is his fighting strength (power level)?!
  • Vegeta: Piu' di 8000!
    • (Over 8000!) (literally "More than 8000!")
  • Nappa: 8000! Dev'esserci un errore! E' guasto!
    • (8000! There has to be a mistake! It's broken!)
In the Hindi dub - Dragon Ball Z
  • Nappa: वेजीटा! स्काउटर में इसकी ताकत का लेवल कितना है?
    • (Vegeta! How much is his level of power by the scouter?)
  • Vegeta: 9000 से भी ज़्यादा! अररररर!
    • (More than 9000! Arrrrr!)
  • Nappa: क्या! 9000? इतना तो हो ही नहींं सकता! क्यों है ना?
    • (What! 9000? That much is not possible! Right?)
  • Goku: बिलकुल सही है। आखिर मैंने केओकेन की कला सीख ली है।
    • (It's absolutely right. After all, I have learnt the art of Kaioken.)
In the Hindi dub - Dragon Ball Z Kai
  • Nappa: वेजीटा! स्काउटर में देखकर बताइए इसका पावर लेवल क्या है।
    • (Vegeta! Please look into the scouter and tell what his power level is.)
  • Vegeta: धत। ये तो 8000 से भी ज़्यादा है!
    • (Damn. It is even higher than 8000!)
  • Nappa: क्या! 8000? नहीं, ये सही नहीं हो सकता! शायद ये खराब हो गया है!
    • (What! 8000? No, that can't be right! Perhaps it is broken!)
  • Goku: अब तुम खतम। मुझे नहीं लगता है कि मुझे तुम्हारे खिलाफ़ काइओकेन इस्तमाल करना होगा।
    • (Now you're done. I don't think that I will even have to use Kaioken against you.)
In the Greek dub
  • Nappa: Πού έχει φτάσει η δύναμή του τώρα; Για λέγε!
    • (Where has his power reached now? Τell me!)
  • Vegeta: Έχει ξεπεράσει τις οκτώ χιλιάδες! (οκτώ χιλιάδες: eight thousand)
    • (It has surpassed 8000!)
  • Nappa: Πάνω από οκτώ χιλιάδες; Δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω! Μάλλον θα χάλασε ο ανιχνευτής!
    • (More than 8000? I can’t believe it! Probably the scouter is broken!)
In the Spanish Manga First Edition vol. 29
Issue 106-Goku's Rage
  • Nappa: Ve...Vegeta! Where does Kakaroto's attack capacity arrive?
  • Vegeta: [It arrives] As far as 8000...?
  • Nappa: Over 8000...? It has to be a mistake!! This device is a junk!
In the Spanish Manga Remastered Edition
Vol. 19-Go Son Goku
  • Nappa: Ve...Vegeta! Where does Kakaroto's attack strength arrive?
  • Vegeta: Over 8000...!
  • Nappa: Over 8000...!!? It's a mistake!! That device is a junk!
In the Hungarian dub
(adapted from the French dub)
  • Nappa: És hol van most? Hány egységet ér el harci képessége?
  • (And where is it now? How many units does his fighting capacity reach?)
  • Vegeta: 8000 felett!
  • (Far above 8000!)
  • Nappa: Ez nem lehet! Biztos jól látod? Nem lehet ilyen erős!
  • (That cannot be! Sure you're seeing it right? He can't be this strong!)
In the old Serbian dub
  • Nappa: Kolika mu je moć sada?
  • (How much power does he have now?)
  • Vegeta: Preko osam hiljada. (osam hiljada: eight thousand)
  • (Over Eight thousand)
  • Nappa: Molim?! Nemoguće! Sigurno je neka greška!
  • (Please?! Not possible! There must be some mistake!)
In the new Serbian dub
  • Nappa: Vegeta, što si rekao? Kolika je moće?
    • (Vegeta, what did you say? What's his power level?)
  • Vegeta: Preko devet hiljada! (devet hiljada: nine thousand)
    • (Over 9000!)
  • Nappa: Devet tisuća? Nemoguće to ne može biti točno! Nemoguće!
    • (9000? That can't be right! Impossible!)
In the Thai dub
  • Nappa: ตอนนี้พลังของเจ้าคาคาล็อตเท่าไหร่แล้วเหรอครับเฮีย?
    • (How much is Kakaroto's battle power?)
  • Vegeta: มากกว่า 8 พันน่ะ!
    • (It's higher than 8000!)
  • Nappa: โอ้! มากกว่า 8 พัน!?
    • (Oh! Higher than 8000?)
In the Thai dub (Dragon Ball Z Kai)
  • Nappa: เบจิต้า ตอนนี้พลังต่อสู้ของเจ้าคาคาล็อตมันเท่าไหร่กันห๊ะ!
    • (Vegeta, what's Kakaroto's power level?)
  • Vegeta: มากกว่า 8 พันน่ะ ฮึ้ย!
    • (It's higher than 8000!)
  • Nappa: มากกว่า 8 พัน...!? โอ๊ย! แบบนั้นมันไม่ใช่แล้วมั้ง เครื่องพังรึเปล่า!?
    • (Over 8000...!? It's a mistake! Is the device broken!?)
In the Croatian dub (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Nappa: Vegeta, što si rekao? Kolika mu je moć?
    • (Vegeta, what did you say? What's his power level?)
  • Vegeta: Preko devet tisuća! (devet tisuća: nine thousand)
    • (Over 9000!)
  • Nappa: Koliko? Devet tisuća? To ne može biti točno!
    • (How much? 9000? That can't be right!)
In the Polish dub (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Nappa: A teraz? Ile wskazuje? Ile wynosi jego siła ciosu?
    • (And now? How much does it show? What is his attack's strength?)
  • Vegeta: Grubo ponad osiem tysięcy! (osiem tysięcy: eight thousand)
    • (Far above 8000!)
  • Nappa: Niemożliwe! Popsuł ci się detektor! Nie może być tak silny!
    • (Impossible! Your detector (scouter in Polish) has broken down! He cannot be that strong!)
In the Polish dub (Dragon Ball Z Kai)
  • Nappa:Vegeta, jaki Kakarot ma teraz poziom mocy? Mam złe przeczucia.
    • (Vegeta, what is Kakarot's power level now? I have a bad feeling.)
  • Vegeta: Grubo ponad osiem tysięcy! (osiem tysięcy: eight thousand)
    • (Far above 8000!)
  • Nappa: Grubo ponad?! Przecież to jest jakaś pomyłka! Usterka!
    • (Far above?! This has to be a mistake! Malfunction!)
In the Russian version
  • Nappa: Платье происходит! Таков уровен его делает?
    • (It's not happening! What's his power level?)
  • Vegeta: Больше Большими Тысяч! (Большими Тысяч: eight thousand)
    • (Over 8000!)
  • Nappa: Больше Бозми! Какого не может быть! Это ошибка! Он сломан!
    • (Over 8000! It can't be! It's a mistake! It must be broken!)
In the French dub (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Nappa: Et maintenant, où en est-il? A combien est sa force de combat?
    • (And now, at where is it? How much his is fighting force?)
  • Vegeta: Elle est largement au-delà des huit mille! (huit mille: eight thousand)
    • (It's high above 8000!)
  • Nappa: Ce n'est pas possible! Je suis sûr que ton appareil est dereglé! Il peut pas être aussi fort!
    • (That's impossible! I'm sure your device is broken! He can't be that strong!)

Notable references to the meme[]

In addition to being referenced in future English Dragon Ball media, the Over 9,000 meme has been referenced in numerous other venues.

In other Dragon Ball media[]


Dragon Ball Z 'It's Over 9,000!' When Worldviews Collide by Derek Padula

  • The book Dragon Ball Z 'It's Over 9,000!' When Worldviews Collide by Derek Padula, explains the Over 9,000 meme's full history and relevance in pop culture, while providing a complete psychological analysis of Goku and Vegeta's colliding worldviews.
  • Dragon Ball Z Kai has two separate dubs of the line: the edited TV version (aired on Nicktoons and The CW's Toonzai block) stating "it's over 9000", while the uncut home video version (also shown on Adult Swim's Toonami block) has the correct "it's over 8,000".
  • In Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Vegeta again says "It's Over 9,000", as in the English dub of the anime. The game was localized by Funimation, based on their version of the anime.
  • The meme was directly referenced during the trailer for the Dragon Box. Vegeta, who presents the trailer says, "Can you feel the Dragon Box's power? It's Over 9000!"
  • TeamFourStar, as part of their abridged series of Dragon Ball Z, had a minor running joke of seemingly avoiding saying the infamous "9000" line. In one instance (during a trailer promoting episode 9 of the abridged series), Nappa scolds Vegeta for not doing the line correctly, saying "8000" instead of "9000", though Vegeta retorts that he did. (Referencing the proper "Over 8000" translation). In episode 9, where the fourth wall-breaking Nappa is blatantly goading Vegeta into delivering the line, Vegeta's scanner reads Goku as having a power level of 1,006, later realizing he had his scouter upside down after Nappa is beaten badly. When he does carry out the line, it is in a completely deadpan manner, crushing the scouter with a completely indifferent, bored "Rah." grunt. When asked why he sounded so bored, Vegeta merely replies that Goku is still not a threat to him. The "proper" line was finally delivered in Dragon Ball Z Kai Abridged, a gag clip summarizing the entire Saiyan story arc within a few minutes.
  • In the PlayStation 3 version of Ultimate Tenkaichi, the name of the platinum trophy obtained by collecting all other trophies is "OVER 9000!!!!"
  • The trophy gained for unlocking all achievements in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is called "Over 9000".
  • A Toonami promo for Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters features a clip from the Cell Games Reenactment of Fake Vegeta (voiced by Nick Landis/Lanipator of Team Four Star using his abridged series voice for Vegeta) saying, "His coolness is over nine-thousand!" as Fake Mr. Satan fights Fake Cell.
  • In the second chapter of Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha, upon the reincarnated Yamcha's arrival to the battlefield Nappa asks what his power level is and Vegeta states that "It's Over 10,000!".
  • In the episode "I Will Defend the World! Trunks' Furious Burst of Super Power!", in the scene which Vegeta explains why they couldn't have defeated Goku Black and Future Zamasu, Vegeta says that Black's power "is more than 8000", a direct reference to "It's over 9000!" meme. This only happens in the Brazilian Portuguese dub of Dragon Ball Super.

Other popular comedic Dragon Ball videos[]

Other popular videos involving the Dragon Ball series include others by Kajetokun such as, "The Balls Are Inert", "THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS GOING TO DIE", "I HOPE MY BODY CAN TAKE IT" and "IF THEY SET THAT ANDROID FREE, IT WILL BE THE END OF ALL OF US! NOOOOOO!" There are also videos by other users exploiting funny scenes from different movies such as Future Trunks' $30 hair cut in movie #7, Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, young Gohan saying he wanted to be an orthopedist but cutting out "ortho" and "t" ;to make it sound like "pedis", and even one about King Kai saying the "F" word. Though it is clearly explained that King Kai said "talk" because he made "t" sound like "th" which sounded like "f". It is not edited. There are also a series of videos known as "Alternate Reality Dragon Ball Z" and "Dragon Ball Z Abridged", which have gained critical acclaim. Of course, there are many videos like these, all which receive thousands of views and have become common jokes around the globe.

The "Over 9000!" meme is also referenced in Ninjatown, Scribblenauts, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, Trinity Universe, and in the sketch "Grey's in Anime" in the TV show MAD.

In non-Dragon Ball related media[]

  • The meme is commonly spoofed in YouTube viral videos. One particularly famous reference occurred on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Someone posted on the Oprah.com message boards claiming to be part of a pedophile network that "has over 9,000 penises, and they're all raping children." Oprah famously read the message out loud on her show, believing it to be true. This incident became known as "Oprah 9000".
  • In LittleKuriboh's "Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series", the stinger for the end of Episode 14 featured the meme, with Weevil Underwood as Nappa and Rex Raptor as Vegeta - Noah's Life Point counter shows 9,300.
  • In Issue 22 of the Sonic Universe comic series, Marine the Raccoon guesses Omega's weight to be over 9,000. This is rather fitting as Omega is a robot with a multitude of hidden weapons.
  • In the Cartoon Network series MAD, in the skit "Grey's in Anime", Meredith Grey tells Dr. Owen Hunt (both characters from Grey's Anatomy) "His heart rate is over 9000!" with Owen replying "What? Over 9000!? That's impossible! I'm gonna have to power up to Super Surgeon!" Upon saying this, the doctor's hair becomes that of a Super Saiyan, and his shirt disappears. This episode also makes reference to other manga and anime series, like Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon.
  • In Carbot Animations' "StarCrafts" cartoon parody series of the PC game, StarCraft II (Wings of Liberty/Heart of the Swarm), in Season 2, Episode 11, "Power Overwhelming", when the High Templar and Dark Templar merged to become an Archon, a Terran Marine scanned it with his helmet; it read "9000+" before it shattered.
  • There is a reference in the game World of Warcraft. A player who gains 9000 achievement points gains the achievement "It's Over Nine Thousand!"
  • In Monday Night Combat, there is an unlockable Highlight ProTag called "Over 9000". It reveals an icon of a bag that has an obvious resemblance to the Four-Star Dragon Ball. This can be gained by receiving over $9000 in lifetime earnings in the game.
  • In Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, the famous "Over 9000" meme is referenced after the "Triple Wave Armor" is unlocked. The description for this is "Surprisingly, funneled Electroshock capacitor energy at the right frequency through both Wildfire and Sludge Mk. 9 armor parts created a recursive feedback loop that dramatically increased the potential peak power output, nearly into the Petagigawatt range. As one Gadgetron research scientist famously reported, "It's over nine thousaaand!!!"
  • Infamous 2 makes a reference to the Over 9000 meme when one of the posters in the city says, "Over 9000 clubs".
  • The Over 9000 meme is also featured in Scribblenauts and Scribblenauts Unlimited: if "Over nine thousand" is written, then a monocle (in reference to Vegeta's scouter) is offered.
  • In Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice, in the gallery of concept artworks for the television show, the description for the concept art of Knuckles' fantasy in "Dude, Where's My Eggman?" mentions that Knuckles' power level might be over 9000.
  • Ninjatown also features the well-known meme.
  • In Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, when you talk to a character named Sal Manella he'll say, "IT'S OVER 9000!".
  • World of Warcraft also features the "Over 9000!" meme as a Feat of Strength.
  • RuneScape has a monster named the "Ferret of Doom" with a combat level of 9001.
    • Also, during the quest Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Azzanadra is seen hitting Lucien for 9001 points of damage.
  • In Magicka, if a player manages to do over 9000 points of damage to an enemy, they will earn the "It's over nine thousand!!!!" achievement with an icon of a Wizard powering up in the same manner as Goku.
  • One of the achievements in Guitar Hero 5 is titled "Over 9000!" in reference to the internet meme.
  • In Jetpack Joyride, a clothing item called "Powered Up Hair" contains a head with green eyes and a hairstyle similar to that of Super Saiyan adult Gohan. It’s supposed to be a Super Saiyan version of the main character, Barry Steakfries. Its description says "We are not really sure what the power level of this hair is. It's probably a lot". It costs 9001 coins as an obvious reference to the popular meme "It's Over 9000!"
  • In Street Fighter X Tekken, Bryan Fury has JACK-X scan Guy and Cody to determine if they are tough. JACK-X reveals that each of them have battle power levels over 9,000.
  • In League of Legends, Pulsefire Ezreal asks his scouter what is the power level of the enemies and the scouter responds that there are no enemies with power level over 9000.
  • One of the skill challenges in Forza Horizon is called "Over 9000". It is awarded to the player for accumulating a skill point chain of at least 9,001 points.
  • In the space-flight simulator Kerbal Space Program, there is a science module named "SC-9001 Science Jr."
  • In the 2011 freeware independent game Nitronic Rush, there is an achievement earned by getting over 9000 points called "Over 9000".
  • In Pokémon X and Y, after defeating Psychic Robert, he says "Wow, your Pokémon's power levels are incredible! They're over 9,000 for sure!"
  • WWE superstar Xavier Woods has "Over 9000" written on his tights.[1] In addition, on the January 8, 2014 episode of WWE NXT, he wore a T-shirt featuring a black silhouette of Vegeta in the famous scouter-crushing position (with a white glove), in front of a white silhouette of a powering-up Goku, with the words "It's over 9000!" underneath, and he made the claim that he himself is "over nine thousaaaaaand!" His team, The New Day, would later use attire originating from Dragon Ball Z for their entrance at WrestleMania 32, with Big E taking on Nappa's as the closest in terms of figure to Nappa.
  • In the mobile and PC game Deus Ex: The Fall, there's an unlockable achievement, "It's Over 9000!", earned by spending 9001 credits on the in-game store.
  • In 3DMark (Steam version), scoring over 9000 in Fire Strike unlocks achievement "It's over 9000!!!". achievement's description is "Fire Strike over 9000? There's no way that could be right."
  • In Transformice, you can earn the title «It's Over 9000» by collecting 9001 cheese in stats.
  • In Dota 2, Invoker has a cosmetic item called "Magus Apex", which highly resembles a Super Saiyan, while its description references the widespread meme.
  • In the Viz Media dub of Sailor Moon]], Umino, while discussing Ami's academic achievements, exclaimed that she had an IQ that was over 9,000.
  • In Conduit 2, a check box saying "Over 9,000" will appear once the protagonist, Michael Ford finds all Progenitors (before the final battle) with his ASE.
  • Sie Kensou's story mode intro against Maxima in The King of Fighters XIII makes a reference to the "Over 9000" phrase.
  • In The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 2: ASSimilation, after finding the Swear'n'Scout, the achievement "What, 9000??" is unlocked.
  • The Xbox avatar store has an avatar item called "Power Level 9000", with which the user's avatar powers up.
  • Payday 2 includes a weapon called the OVE 9000 saw.
  • In one scene of the Funimation dub of Danganronpa: The Animation, when discussing a previous contest between characters Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Mondo Owada, Ishimaru says "Kamehame-forget-about-it!" to which Owada replies, "You're over 9000!" Interestingly, Owada is voiced by Christopher Sabat, the voice of Vegeta in the FUNimation dub of Dragon Ball Z.
  • In Achievement Hunter's video "Let's Play Gmod: Murder Part 1", Michael and Gavin are both listed in the subtitles as 'Over 9000' versions of themselves, Michael yelling out that he had told the other players the murderer was Jack and Gavin followed up by asking who shot him in the face (which turned out to be Ryan). Michael and Ryan, along with Matt Bragg, are Dragon Ball Z fans, while Gavin is not.
  • During episode 6 of AlvinEarthworm's Super Mario Bros. Z, Red yells out the line after being asked what Turbo Mecha Sonic's power level was. Yellow follows up with Nappa's "WHAT, 9000?!?!?!?". Interestingly, the scouter simply read 'over 9000' while showing Pac-Man getting caught by a ghost.
    • Fanfiction author KhaosOmega uses this case through an effect called 'Meme Storm'; Red and Yellow, accompanied by Green, found themselves where Vegeta and Nappa were when Anise Azeat (not yet the Amethyst Angel she became legendary as in Khaos' stories given this happens in 'Angelic Prelude', which serves as a backstory/prequel to the Amethyst Angel stories) contacted Vegeta with a math problem regarding a bounty she had just claimed. Vegeta and Red simultaneously yell out "IT'S OVER 9000!!!!", with Nappa and Yellow equally simultaneous with their follow-up of "WHAT, 9000?!?!?!?!". Anise had specifically stated the math problem was one of division, indicating that one of the numbers was much smaller than the other.
Vegeta and Nappa Reference (Binbogami ga Ep 05)

Poverty God (left) doing her best Nappa impersonation.

  • While there is no direct reference to the actual line, in the comedy anime Good Luck Girl!, when the title character is turned into a child at which point the Poverty God has her assistant compare their bust sizes with a "Scouter" (which resembles a Groucho Marx disguise) when he responds with the result "about the same" the poverty god and her assistant recreate the scene of Nappa claiming it must be broken or malfunctioning, complete with her assistant (dressed as Vegeta) crushing the scouter.
  • In the DuckTales 2017 reboot series episode "Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!", when Huey Duck leveled up his character in a video game, his mother Della Duck describes his power level as "over 9,000!".
  • In Destiny 2, there is an emote available, which causes the Guardian to look through a scouter, then crush it, referencing what Vegeta does when reading Son Goku's power. It is called "Power Check" and has a description of "Impossible!"
  • In Stealing the Diamond from the Henry Stickmin video game series, In the Center of Chaos Containment after the player choose the "Mushroom" choice, the Corporal Bill Bullet gets information from Clyde Jenkins getting chaos reading at 10.6. He replys "My god, it's over NINE..." and then staying silent until Clyde replies "Yes."

See also[]

