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Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesRush Attack

Infinity Rush (インフィニティラッシュ Infinitirasshu)[2] is a technique used by Jiren.


With a glare, Jiren is able to land a flurry of blows so fast, it seems like he's not moving at all. His immense speed also allows him to use these strikes on a much larger scale, surrounding the user with his powerful punches. By witnessing this technique up-close from a perspective viewpoint one can see through the attack pattern and potentially evade the attacks, as shown by Vegeta. Alternatively, this assault can also be automatically evaded by heightened enough reflexes and instinct.


Jiren uses this technique several times during the Tournament of Power, such as on Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Hit, Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta, and True Golden Frieza. However, Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku was able to deflect this technique due to his sharpened senses and immeasurable power, and he continues his assault on Jiren.



Infinity Rush portion of Power Rush in the anime

  • Power Rush - A variation of the Power Rush that incorporates Infinity Rush which is used by Super Full Power Jiren in Xenoverse 2.

Video Game Appearances[]

Infinity Rush was named in FighterZ. In this appearance, Jiren tenses up as he unleashes a barrage of red energy blows in front of him at high speed. Jiren can also use Infinity Rush in the air, halting all forward momentum and frozen in the air as he performs the technique. As a reference to the anime, Infinity Rush is one of a few techniques in the game that consistently matches against Ultra Instinct Goku's Autonomous Fist, producing a semi-cinematic clash whenever both techniques collide.

DBXV2 Legendary Pack 2 DLC Jiren (Full Power)'s Power Rush (Ultimate Skill - Infinity Rush)

Jiren (Full Power) performing the Infinity Rush portion of Power Rush in Xenoverse 2

As part of the Legendary Pack 2 DLC, this technique is named Impact Flare in Xenoverse 2 where it appears as a Super Skill for Jiren (Full Power). Additionally, it can also be randomly obtained by the Future Warrior in New Parallel Quest 150: "Battle of the Mind". In Xenoverse 2, Impact Flare is depicted as an Invisible Eye Blast (which resemble the Kiai produced by Soaring Fist) that can be followed up with a rush attack that can be performed via additional input. Additionally, Jiren (Full Power) utilizes Infinity Rush as part of his variant of the Power Rush Ultimate Skill before the final Energy Punch.


