Dragon Ball Wiki
This article is about Grand Supreme Kai. For other character, see Grand Kai. For other uses, see Supreme Kai (disambiguation).

Directory: CharactersDeitiesSupreme Kai

The Grand Supreme Kai (だいかいおうしん Dai Kaiōshin, lit. "Great God of Kings of Worlds"), known as Daikaioh in the initial Funimation dub, is the highest of all Supreme Kais and ruled over the entire Universe 7 before the series takes place.

He still exists through Good Buu (じんブウ(ぜん Majin Bū (Zen), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Good)") and briefly acted through him thanks to being awakened to help stop Moro.

Quick Answers

Who did the Grand Supreme Kai rule over in Universe 7? toggle section
The Grand Supreme Kai, or the Great King of Worlds, held authority over the four Kais of Universe 7: North Kai, West Kai, South Kai, and East Kai. Each of these Kais governed a quadrant of the universe. Additionally, the Grand Supreme Kai exerted influence over other Supreme Kais within Universe 7, encompassing former Supreme Kais and the Attendant Supreme Kai.
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What is the relationship between Grand Supreme Kai and Majin Buu? toggle section
Grand Supreme Kai identified Kid Buu as the legendary Majin Buu and engaged in battle with him. Despite the intense fight, he succeeded in rescuing Shin from Buu. In a sudden turn of events, Kid Buu absorbed Grand Supreme Kai, leading to his transformation into Innocent Buu. Grand Supreme Kai, known for his peaceful disposition and fondness for food, resided on the Sacred World of the Kai.
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Is the character of Grand Kai considered canon in the Dragon Ball series? toggle section
Grand Kai, although not visually present in the Dragon Ball manga, is referenced within it. His anime portrayal was proposed by Akira Toriyama, the manga's creator. He's also cited in the Majin Buu Saga and Bio-Broly film, suggesting his canonical status in the Dragon Ball series.
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What is the difference between Grand Kai and Supreme Kai? toggle section
Grand Kai, or Dai Kaio, rules over the four Kais who govern the universe's four quadrants. Supreme Kai, or Kaioshin, governs the eastern area of both the living and Other World in Universe 7. Grand Supreme Kai, or Daikaioh, holds a superior title and did not fuse to halt Majin Buu, potentially due to unawareness of the Potara time limits.
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Who is the 'Great Supreme' referred to in Dragon Ball? toggle section
The 'Great Supreme' in Dragon Ball is the Grand Supreme Kai, also known as Dai Kaioshin or Great Lord of Lords. He is a deity who debuted in the manga 'The Boo of Pure Evil' and the anime 'End of Earth'. He also features in the game Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury. His godly power is notable, especially in fusion forms like Majuub from Dragon Ball GT.
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Grand Supreme Kai resembles the fat form of Majin Buu that his absorption would eventually create. He has pink skin and the same pointed ears as his other kin, as well as a mohawk similar to Shin's but of a darker bluish color. His outfit consists of the shirt and trousers usually worn by Supreme Kais but without the regal tunic-like garment over the top. He wears blue potara earrings, an orange knotted cloth around his waist, as well as the same navy and yellow waistcoat and purple cape as Fat Buu. Also, like Fat Buu, he has generic squinty eyes as well.



10 million years ago, the Grand Supreme Kai alongside South Supreme Kai battled Moro after he destroyed the Iragi Star System and brought about the mass extinction of life on 320 planets. By giving up most of his godly power, Grand Supreme Kai was able to seal Moro's magic power, and together they were able to defeat and imprison him.

GSK absorption

Majin Buu absorbs Grand Supreme Kai.

Grand Supreme Kai lived on the Sacred World of the Kai along with the four other Supreme Kais. He was very peace-loving and gorged himself with food. When Majin Buu came to the planet, Grand Supreme Kai managed to save Shin from Buu. He battled Majin Buu but was overwhelmed and absorbed. In the anime, he unleashed a powerful attack of his own that blasted Buu into pieces, however, Grand Supreme Kai was absorbed seconds later, when Buu's floating particles converged on him.

After Grand Supreme Kai was absorbed, Buu took a form that looks remarkably similar to Grand Supreme Kai. Grand Supreme Kai's presence within Buu pacifies him to a degree.

Dragon Ball Z[]

Majin Buu Saga[]

Innocent Buu would continue to show Grand Supreme Kai's spirit within him and later even becomes Mr. Satan's friend. After becoming Mr. Satan's friend, who told him about the error of his murderous ways, the aspect of Grand Supreme Kai existing within caused Buu to renounce his killing ways, leading him to split off his evil side and becoming a being of good. Grand Supreme Kai continued to exist through Good Buu from this point onward.

Dragon Ball Super[]

Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga[]

After Good Buu is carried off by the Galactic Patrol, Merus stuns Goku and Vegeta and boards them onto the ship. When the two Saiyans wake up, they're informed of the threat of Moro and are told of the battle that took place ten million years ago, where Grand Supreme Kai was forced to sacrifice most of his godly power to seal Moro's magic abilities away. Merus goes on, explaining how Moro has begun to regain his power, and that the only way to stop him was to somehow have Grand Supreme Kai stop Moro once again.

After Buu has awoken, the Galactic Patrol have their licensed hypnotist and aroma-therapist bring Grand Supreme Kai's memories to the surface within Buu, causing Buu to recognize Moro.


Grand Supreme Kai manifests through Buu


Grand Supreme Kai vs. Moro

During his battle with Moro, the Grand Supreme Kai completely manifests himself through Good Buu, specifying that he will only be switching places with Buu until Moro is defeated. Along with Goku and Vegeta, they teleport directly to Moro at the edge of New Namek's atmosphere where they all attack him together. Noticing that Moro's real body is in fact in outer space, Grand Supreme Kai heads off to fight him alone as he is the only one capable of breathing in space. Despite putting up a valiant effort, Grand Supreme Kai is outmatched and so plans to seal his magic power once again using the Kai Kai Matoru, though is unable to pull off the technique due to Goku having previously killed Kid Buu, destroying Grand Supreme Kai's power at the same time. Before receiving a finishing blow, he is saved by Merus who gives him the opportunity to grab a hold of Moro and teleport him back to New Namek where Goku and Vegeta are, which allows them to re-join the fight.

When Saganbo arrives with the rest of the escaped prisoners to join Moro's side, Grand Supreme Kai battles with Goku and Vegeta against the convicts but due to them being in an empowered state thanks to Moro's magic and Grand Supreme Kai's current injuries, he falls in battle. Under dire circumstances and New Namek's inevitable demise, Goku has no choice but to grab hold of everyone and make a hasty retreat. At some point shortly afterwards, Buu manifests himself back to normal and falls asleep.

During the final battle between Goku and Moro, Buu is woken up by Jaco so that he can provide Goku with enough god power to restore his Perfected Ultra Instinct. At some point shortly afterwards, the Grand Supreme Kai manifests himself through Buu once again and heads to Uub's village where he meets up with the young child Uub, whom he assists in channeling his god power, which originally belonged to the Grand Supreme Kai, to Vegeta so that it could be given to Goku. This proved instrumental in Moro's defeat at last.

The Grand Supreme Kai thanks Uub for his assistance before bidding farewell to him. The Grand Supreme Kai returns to the Lookout where he reverts back to being Good Buu.

Other Dragon Ball Stories[]

Dokkan Battle[]

Stop the Majin's Revival

Due to the dimensional distortion that Future Trunks and the Time Patrol are investigating causing the warping of timespace, Grand Supreme Kai and South Supreme Kai are not absorbed by Kid Buu who ends up sealed away inside the Sealed Ball instead of Innocent Buu. Additionally, this causes Babidi and Dabura to begin the Majin Buu conflict before Gohan reaches adolescence. Knowing Babidi requires Genk (or normal Good ki) to revive Majin Buu, Grand Supreme Kai seeks out Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo due to their strength and having the ki Babidi requires. Goku has King Kai contact Future Trunks, Krillin, and the Time Patrol who have just finished fighting with Shula, Melee, and Gola who leave to continue their search for the missing Dabura, the True King of the Demon Realm whom unbeknownst to them had been enslaved by Babidi hundreds of years ago causing Demon Realm to be king-less apparently forcing Shula to act as Demon King in Dabura's absence though the dimensional distortion allowed them to leave Demon Realm due to it removing the barrier separating Demon Realm from the rest of the universe.

Grand Supreme Kai introduces himself to Future Trunks and Krillin before requesting their assistance in stopping Majin Buu's revival. Gohan asks to spar with Krillin and Future Trunks which Grand Supreme Kai allows due to wanting to witness their strength. Future Trunks and Krillin spar with Gohan, then Piccolo, then Goku. After defeating Goku's base form, Grand Supreme Kai requests Goku face them as a Super Saiyan. After sparring with SSJ Goku, Grand Supreme Kai decides to face them in battle himself though Krillin and Future Trunks are initially hesitant due to Grand Supreme Kai's position though Grand Supreme Kai tells them to go all-out. Future Trunks and Krillin defeat Grand Supreme Kai who is impressed with their strength and notes he was right about seeking their assistance.

Plot of Darkness

Grand Supreme Kai and his new allies begin their search for Babidi and encounter Spopovich and Yamu whom had previously tried to steal Future Trunks and the Time Patrol's Genki. They manage to defeat the pair. However Grand Supreme Kai decides that they should allow the pair to flee in order to lead them to Babidi's Spaceship. Eventually they reach Babidi's spaceship and find the pair talking to Pui Pui.

Goku asks Grand Supreme Kai if Pui Pui is Babidi only for him to inform Goku that Pui Pui is another one of Babidi's servants. Pui Pui orders Spopovich and Yamu to make up for their earlier failure by defeating their enemies. However, they are defeated forcing Pui Pui to summon Babidi's minions. However, they manage to defeat the henchmen. Babidi orders Pui Pui to kill them but he too is defeated. Babidi summons Yakon who is also defeated forcing Dabura to face then. Grand Supreme Kai is shocked that Babidi managed to enslave Dabura, while Future Trunks realizes he's the King that Shula is searching for. They manage to defeat Dabura forcing Babidi and Dabura to team up. However Grand Supreme Kai's plan to kill Babidi fails, and enough Genki is harvested to revive Kid Buu.

Gohan and Dabura are underwhelmed by Kid Buu's short stature. Dabura asks Babidi if the creature is the legendary Majin Buu though he notes the only one who can confirm this is Grand Supreme Kai. Grand Supreme Kai confirms Kid Buu is indeed the legendary Majin Buu. After fighting with Kid Buu, Piccolo asks Goku if he can kill Kid Buu and Goku thinks he can manage. Future Trunks asks his partner and Grand Supreme Kai if they will be able to defeat Kid Buu. Grand Supreme Kai suggests they can but reminds them not to underestimate him. Suddenly Kid Buu attacks and absorbs Grand Supreme Kai transforming into Innocent Buu though without South Supreme Kai's power.


Manga and Anime

At the peak of his power 10 million years ago, Grand Supreme Kai was able to compete against the dark wizard Moro. However, even with South Supreme Kai's aid, the Supreme Kais still had a noticeable disadvantage. It was not until Grand Supreme Kai sacrificed most of his godly power that he was able to seal away Moro's magic power and subdue him. This significantly weakened his abilities.

5 million years ago, he was weaker than the South Supreme Kai, but still seemingly stronger than the other Supreme Kais. He is stated to be much stronger than Shin and strong enough to defeat pre-training Frieza with a single blow. While ultimately absorbed by Huge Majin Buu, in the anime flashback, this was prompted by the Majin after Grand Supreme Kai launched an attack that cut the foe into several pieces, an attack that Shin noted would have surely killed anyone else.

Eons later, it was shown that Grand Supreme Kai's godly power inherited by Good Buu made the Majin immune to Moro's magic. However, once Moro had his magic fully stored and had absorbed a great deal of New Namek's energy as well as one of the Grand Supreme Kai's attacks, the Grand Supreme Kai was shown to be at a disadvantage due to lacking the godly power he once had, since almost all of it had been transferred to Kid Buu.



Innocent Buu/Good Buu
Good Buu

Good Buu, Grand Supreme Kai's present-day incarnation

By being absorbed by Kid Buu, Grand Supreme Kai became the more dominant aspect of Innocent Buu and later Good Buu. Much later, thanks to the Galactic Patrol, Good Buu regained his memories of his time as Grand Supreme Kai and became capable of fully transforming into him. However, while the Grand Supreme Kai's persona exists as part of Good Buu, he does not retain his full godly power.

In Dokkan Battle, Grand Supreme Kai is absorbed by Kid Buu after being freed from the Sealed Ball by Babidi in the present due to history being altered by a dimensional distortion. Due to the absence of South Supreme Kai, Kid Buu's absorption of Grand Supreme Kai results in the birth of a slightly weaker Innocent Buu as only Grand Supreme Kai was absorbed.

Super Buu

After Good Buu is absorbed by Evil Buu, Evil Buu became the dominant aspect of Super Buu with Grand Supreme Kai goodness being suppressed. Due to Vegeta disconnecting Good Buu's absorption pod from Inside Buu, Super Buu was purified of his previous absorptions causing him to revert back to his Pure Majin self Kid Buu who retained most of Grand Supreme Kai's godly power as Good Buu's disconnected pod remained within Super Buu as he reverted back to Kid Buu, who later spit out Good Buu to remove his memories which prevented Kid Buu from harming Mr. Satan.

Majin Satan

The EX-Fusion of Good Buu and Mr. Satan which Grand Supreme Kai is a fusee of due to being part of Good Buu. Appears in Dragon Ball Fusions.

The fusion of Good Buu and Kid Buu's Earthling reincarnation Uub which Grand Supreme Kai is a fusee of due to being part of Good Buu. It is unclear if the fusion with Kid Buu's reincarnation restored Grand Supreme Kai's full godly power as it is unclear if Uub inherited Kid Buu's portion of said power from Kid Buu.

  • Potara - Earrings worn by Supreme Kais and their apprentices. Despite being worn so casually, they have incredible properties, allowing two individuals to fuse or permitting the wearer to use the Time Rings.

Manga Appearances[]

Chapter Appearances
v  e
Kid Buu Saga
508. The Boo of Pure Evil Death
509. Battle for the Universe Absent
510. Vegeta and Kakarrot Absent
511. Vegeta Puts His Life on the Line! Absent
512. The End of Super Saiyan 3 Absent
513. Vegeta's Plan Absent
514. A Message to Earth Absent
515. Just Not Enough Absent
516. Battle's End Absent
517. A Happy Ending... And Then... Absent

Video Game Appearances[]

Dokkan Battle Heart of Gold Grand Supreme Kai card (Grand Supreme Kai SSR-UR)

Heart of Gold Grand Supreme Kai card from Dokkan Battle

Voice Actors[]


Pre-Dragon Ball
  • Grand Supreme Kai and South Supreme Kai vs. Moro
  • Grand Supreme Kai vs. Kid Buu (South Supreme Kai absorbed)
Dragon Ball Super
  • Good Buu (Grand Supreme Kai), Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Moro
  • Good Buu (Grand Supreme Kai) vs. Moro
  • Good Buu (Grand Supreme Kai), Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Galactic Patrol Prisoners


  • Grand Supreme Kai's Funimation name, Daikaioh, is a mistranslation on Funimation's part. In Japanese, his title is Dai Kaioshin while Dai Kaio is Grand Kai's title. This is rectified in the dub of Dragon Ball Z Kai, where he's referred to as Grand Supreme Kai.
  • In the fourth volume of the Dragon Ball Super manga, there is a gag panel where Gowasu asks Shin why the Grand Supreme Kai didn't tell him about the Potara time limits. Shin suggests he didn't fuse to stop Majin Buu because he probably didn't know.



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