Dragon Ball Wiki

Frieza's mother is a character mentioned a few times throughout the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Z, and several video games.


This female member of Frieza Race is the mother of Frieza and Cooler. Her and Cold's upbringing of their children is a troublesome story.[2]

She apparently died at some point, as Cooler states that he is the only living member of his family.[3]


She was apparently quite powerful, as Frieza noted during his battle with Goku that other than Goku, only his mother and father had ever managed to force him to dust himself off in his final form after a fight and/or harmed him in said form.

Manga Appearances[]

Chapter Appearances
v  e
Frieza Saga
291. Nail's Sacrifice Absent
292. The True Dragon God Absent
293. The Three Wishes Absent
294. The Last Wish Absent
295. The Assimilation Absent
296. The Transformation Absent
297. Freeza vs. Gohan Absent
298. Freeza vs. Gohan, Part 2 Absent
299. The Fourth Warrior Absent
300. Freeza vs. Piccolo Absent
301. Freeza vs. Piccolo, Part 2 Absent
302. Freeza's Third Form Absent
303. Vegeta's Ploy Absent
304. The Final Transformation Absent
305. Will It Be Freeza? Or Vegeta? Absent
306. Son Goku... Resurrected!! Absent
307. The Ultimate Battle Begins! Absent
308. The Death of Vegeta Absent
309. Underwater Battle Absent
310. Aerial Battle Mentioned
311. Hand to Foot Absent
312. 50% Maximum Power Absent
313. Kaiō-ken times 20!!! Absent
314. The Great Genki-Dama Absent
315. The Last Chance Absent
316. The Galaxy Strikes Back Absent
317. Life or Death Absent
318. The Super Saiyan Absent
319. The Tables Turn Absent
320. The End of Namek? Absent
321. Maximum Desperation Absent
322. Two Warriors, One Finish Absent
323. The Two Wishes Absent
324. The Quiet, Fierce Battle Absent
325. Son Goku Quits Absent
326. Son Goku's Choice Absent
327. The End of Everything Absent
328. Namek's End Absent
329. Where is Goku? Absent


Frieza parents statement

Frieza mentions his parents

  • Frieza mentions his "parents"/"loving parents" to Goku on Namek in the manga, anime, and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z whereas he simply mentions "his father" to Goku in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and Dragon Ball Z Kai. It should be mentioned that the plural form does not exist in Japanese and thus Frieza's mother is only mentioned in the English localization.
    • In Chi-Chi's commentary on First Form Frieza and Final Form Cooler in Budokai Tenkaichi 3, she mentions parents instead of just King Cold alone, stating that Frieza and Cooler's upbringing by their parents is a troublesome story. Chi-Chi also refers to Frieza's mother in King Cold's profile, wondering if Frieza's mother has the same face as Cold.
  • Although Frieza and King Cold are established to be mutants of their race, it is left ambiguous as to whether his mother was also a mutant. However, his comment about her alongside King Cold being the only ones prior to Goku to inflict pain/force him to dust off would imply that she was one.


  1. In Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, Cooler notes that at the time of his attack on Earth he is the only living member of his family.
  2. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, 2007
  3. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, 2003

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