Dragon Ball Wiki
Forum The era of Lord Chilled?

[[Category:{{{1}}}|The era of Lord Chilled?]]

So, I decided to put together a timeline of DBZ events leading up to Planet Vegeta's destruction. However, i've hit a snag. It's speculated, that in Episode of Bardock, the inhabitants of Planet plant at that time are under developed Tuffles, that eventually evolve into the fully developed tuffles (and the saiyans arrive on the planet later, and it eventually leads to the tuffle-saiyan war, and blah blah blah) however, I can't seem to find a year, or date that Bardock arrived on Planet Plant, or the year that Lord Chilled was pirating that part of the galaxy/universe. Does anyone know? is it ever stated? The only date I can find is Era 238 BC, but I don't know if that's correct. Anyone know?
