Dragon Ball Wiki


Also Hercule sucks (surely the most stupid/hated/annoying character of the saga) and can't get past 20 because he's talk.

I would say somewhere in the range of 60-80

Oozaru Goku was 100 when he wrecked Pilaf's castle and Tao was 110 in his first appearance, and Hercule was of course way weaker than either of them, so that's my estimate.


First of Hercule smashed only 12 soft tiles well the average human can chop 6. Plus he's way way under Pilaf Saga Goku whos at 10 - 12. So Hercules 7 - 8, better then the average human but crap compared to superhumans. Soilder5679 00:57, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

I would say around 40

I think its about 20 at most.Supreme Gohan 11:00, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Start of Dragon Ball Goku was at 50 and he could crush huge boulders and smash cars, Krillin at the start of dragon ball was at 35 and could lift up cars and kill a sabertooth tiger in one hit. Hercule can't do that, plus he only chopped 13 soft tiles, the average human power level is averages 5, so 12 - 15 is his power at the most, the same with Videl. Soilder5679 18:03, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

12-15 is WAY too high for Hercule. Videl was stronger than her father before she learned how to fly and stuff. After she learned that she got a lot more stronger. Hercule is probably at an 7...8 at the most. Colonel Silver and General White from Dragon Ball are probably on his level. Abc539 20:36, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

I think General White is way stronger then Hercule and Colonel Silver by my numbers.

Goku 21st Budokai = 124

General White = 58

Goku Pilaf Saga start of dragon ball = 50

Colonel Silver = 25

Videl = 18

Mr Satan = 14

Soilder5679 20:38, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

  • Where do you get your power levels from? Because according to you, I'm gathering that Tao would be way 200, Blue would be sitting around 130 and King Piccolo would be maxed out at 800 at the very least. Abc539 21:00, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

Wait, didn't Hercule pull four buses tied together, and then punch through one of them? I'm also not sure if those tiles were "soft." After all, Hercule, after managing to break them, did end up having a slightly strained hand, where he had to subtly blow on it. Weedle McHairybug 00:16, August 11, 2011 (UTC)


I'd say He's about 100-200. He stinks in the games. Enough said.

He's pretty strong compared to a human, after all he did win all those martial arts tournaments, presumably fairly, plus the time when he pulled a string of 4 buses and then punched a hole in them.

Ok wait a second! who the helll said Hercule had a power level of 100-200 I mean seriously?? Kid goku had a power level about that in the 22nd martial arts tournament so there's no way Hercule can be up to that level I mean first he can't even fly or even use energy and second he was practically dying from a single bullet to the chest while Goku when he first met Bulma could most easily stand a bullet with near no injuries and he had a power level of like only 30 at that point so yeah... Supreme Gohan 12:28, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

Bitch Please, Goku learned to do the Kamehameha wave after seeing Master Roshi do it but didn't master it...the point is Master Roshi took 50 years to master that technique while Goku too at least 1 year to master it... and on the 22nd martial arts tournament Goku made a Super kamehameha against Tien xD, while Hercule only depends on brute strength which is very stupid...

If you taught him to use his energy right then he would be A LOT stronger. If he knew Popo's way of not using redundant movements (being able to move without making a bell on his waist make noise) or how to boost a punch with energy he would be able to get his power level up a good amount. I think he's weak but has potential. Total Badass

My guess

Low. Very very low. Tokeupdude 16:12, June 30, 2011 (UTC)


I am guestimating his power level at about 20. Whoever said within the hundreds range, are you implying that Mr. Satan is stronger than Master Roshi? No. Just no.

hercules power

when Master Roshi was champion, he was an 100 or so. id say Hercule would be a 75-80

Well that makes sense, considering the fact that Hercule can without a doubt destroy half a planet, but cannot manage to destroy 15 tiles.

Hercules true power

Ok first off lets remember king piccolo was below 200 kid goku was a bit stronger i think piccolo minions each would be at 100 while kid Krillen would be at 70, Goku couldn't fly until he trained with King Kai but Videl learned fast by Gohan while chichi was pretty good at fighting id put her on 44 and teen Yamcha at 55 so Hercule would be around this level and king piccolo could fly so id say to fly you should be stronger than 50 and the farmer thing isnt right that shotgun was also scanned so id put him at 2 and lets not forget Yajirobe who most people say is very strong i think id put him at 25 and with sword at 125 and after training with Kami at 30 and with sword at 130 that why he's stronger than piccolo minions so what's Hercule true power ok he's way stronger than a human this he proved when he beated a bus and a bunch of baby minions down in GT and if Videl can fly she should be at 51 a little stronger than kid Goku before he trained with roshi so hercule would be at 30-40 because he cant be stronger than yamcha or kid goku so id say 44 like chichi and Yajirobe hasn't really shown that much fighting without his sword and his size really affects his stamina and endurance and no hercule cant be at 5 because id say that how strong a normal person can be so he must be at least higher than 30 to be able to beat everyone in the tournament and became champion like kid Goku.

With a power level of 40 (about 3.5 times weaker than Roshi's 139) he should be able to destroy 1/4 of the Moon. You underestimate the guys from Dragon Ball. To reach a power level of even 20 would be a great achievement.

I'm gonna guess an average human is 5, like the farmer, Hercule is probably 7-10.Shakuran13 (talk) 07:41, August 11, 2011 (UTC) (Reply) No your wrong because think about it Krillen is human and Goku didn't know martial arts until Master Roshi taught him, master roshi trained all his life and was probably 50 years old when he did a basic kamehameha while goku is a low class saying with a power level of 50 before he trained with master roshi also tien didn't train with master roshi and was very young when he became stronger than him while mr Satan trained in dojo and tried his best that's why he became champion of strong people who also train and are at least higher than 10-20 the farmer was at 5 and is below an average person power level or what ur gonna say the farmer knows martial arts NO so don't underestimate the power of the human race of dragon ball or Z. ALSO even Hercule can train with master roshi then with kami and then with King Kai and then his power would OVER 9000

So, first of all I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, but I'm gonna guess that you're saying Hercule is much stronger...and that he's as strong as Master Roshi? I'm gonna say that the farmer is an average person. You're saying someone who trains to fight has TWICE or FOUR TIMES the power level, at 10-20 (which doesn't make too much sense, but whatever), and that Hercule is even higher. You also seem to be comparing Krillin and Tien to Hercule which is ridiculous, because Tien and Yamcha are superhumans and they have mastery over their ki. Hercule lacks this, and thus is much weaker. Roshi's power level is 139, and with that, his full power Kamehameha can destroy the moon. THE MOON. That's impressive destructive power. Hercule couldn't break 15 tiles. Also Hercule can't train with Roshi, Kami, and King Kai. By the time Goku was training under Roshi, he was able to easily crush boulders and tree stumps, and chop wood by kicking it. By the time he trained with Kami, he had drunk that Blessed Water or whatever it was, and trained many times. Don't even start on King Kai, Hercule would be crushed by the gravity, or not make it all. Shakuran13 (talk) 07:41, August 11, 2011 (UTC) (2 Reply) Ok first of all I never said Hercule was as strong as master Roshi what im trying to say is Krillen was trained by roshi which Roshi is one of the strongest martial artist if Hercule trained with him he would have been as strong as Krillen also do you have any proof that Tien and Yamcha are super humans NO if they had trained like a regular martial artist they would be as strong as Hercule also the dragon balls help a LOT because King Kai trains dead people, Kami trains people who have a great understanding of kai so tien and Yamchas limit is 1000 just like anyone who trains with an alien but because they died they trained with king kai and are very strong if Hercule trains with Roshi he would have a power of 70 or more but Hercule trained with normal martial artist and is known to be the strongest normal martial artist alive while the farmer is just any regular person id say a person who worksout a lot would be 7-10 while a person who knows good martial arts and is able to punch a hole on a bus would be 20-30 not only that but hercule beated down a couple of humans in GT so id say 30-40 I mean really could a farmer do that NO 10-20 sounds illogical sense he's the strongest normal human while master Roshi trained with energy and is really old he even said it himself that it would take many years for Goku to do a basic kamehameha i imagin that Roshi when he was young would be 40-70 while a normal martial artist would be at 10-15 2-3 times stronger than a farmer, so Hercule would be 25-35 remember that teen yamcha was a pretty good challenge to Goku, they didn't know anything about martial arts but Goku survived a bullet would put him at 50 and yamcha trained with the wild and had a sword while mr satan didn't but could like any human. Also if Hercule would have beaten down a couple of humans then lets say a strong human was 7 so Hercule can beat that person down with a punch, so I do say he's 5 times stronger than a strong human and 2.5 times stronger than a martial artist that means he's at 35 a martial artist would be max 17, 2.5 times stronger than a strong human like sharpener who id say is 7 because the farmer is 5.

Dude, you need to learn grammar and formatting, I almost got a headache looking at this. Let's do this another way.

"Krillin was trained by Master Roshi who is one of the strongest martial artists, if Hercule trained with with him, he would have been as strong." False. Krillin was much stronger than Hercule when he started training with Roshi. At the Cell Games, Hercule struggled to break 15 tiles. Krillin was about as strong as Goku, and Goku could easily break boulders, and they could both move giant rocks and mountain type formations.

"Also, do you have any proof that Tien and Yamcha are super humans, NO". Actually, I do. In the second Tenkaichi Budokai that Goku and co. enter, the first one with Tien, Goku, Krillin, and Jackie Chun are talking about how easily Goku beat Panpoot or whatever his name was, and Jackie says that that's because Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chaozu have gone beyond human levels. That they are super humans.

"Also the Dragonballs help a lot because King Kai trains dead people, Kami trains people who have a great understanding of ki so Tien and Yamcha's limit is 1000 just like anyone who trains with an alien, but because they died, they trained with King Kai, and are very strong." That doesn't make sense. But from what I do understand, first of all, King Kai trains people who can cross Snake Way and can make him laugh. Hercule can't cross Snake Way because he's weak, and because not every dead soul is given a physical body like Goku. You need a body to be trained by King Kai. I have no idea you mean by the rest, but the "limit is 1000" is utter nonsense, nowhere does it say that there is a limit.

"If Hercule trains with Roshi, he will have a power of 70". Where'd you come up with this?

"Hercule trained with normal martial artists and is known to be the strongest normal martial artist alive." He is known to be the strongest, but he isn't actually the strongest. Remember Dragon Ball? Remember the World Tournament then? A lot of the people came close to beating Goku, like Giran and Nam. I'm sure there are many martial artists out there stronger than Hercule, but everyone thinks Hercule's the strongest because he supposedly beat Cell. Nowhere does it say (in the manga at least) that Hercule is the strongest human or whatever.

"The farmer is any regular person". Do you know what farmers do? They're pretty strong.

"I'd say a person who works out a lot would be 7-10, while a person who knows good martial arts and is able to punch a hole in a bus would be 20-30." That's just ridiculous. You're saying that anyone who lifts weights or something could be TWICE the power of a regular guy, and a martial artist is up to SIX TIMES the power of a normal person. That's pretty stupid.

"Hercule beat down a couple of humans in GT". So? Anyone can do that. My Karate instructor could do that no problem, and he's not even close to the strongest guy in the world. Even I could beat down a couple of people. Try again.

"Could a farmer do that?" Yes.

The next section I don't really see the point of, and you sound half literate, so I'll skip that.

"Hercule could beat a person with a punch, so I'd say he's five times stronger than a normal human (followed by a bunch of math)" Okay, you don't understand how martial arts works at all, do you? Anyone can beat another person with a good punch.

"Sharpener, who I'd say is 7 because the farmer is 5." Yeah. Right. A high school kid who plays some sports and maybe works out is 1.4x stronger than a grown man who works in fields all day.

IN CONCLUSION. I think your use of proportions are way off. No human is FIVE TIMES or even three times stronger than a farmer. That's a lot of energy, man. Shakuran13 (talk) 22:14, August 12, 2011 (UTC) (3 Reply) I like that at least you know some facts, your karate instructor would have a power level of ten or more because he could beat me up in a punch I'm sure, so sorry for the bad grammar this is my first time ever doing a post other than Youtube, now tell me this a high school teen vs. a martial artist there's a big difference like Vegeta vs. Buu also Tien and Yamcha would had never become as they are after training with King Kai the same goes for piccolo unless he fuses with Kami, but his limit is, would be 1000-42000 (Possibly over 9000!!!) like nail and the nameks but his training with King Kai helped a lot even Goku would had died against nappa if he some how managed to defeat radiz with piccolo while staying alive, everyone's max would be 2000 and even humans can be this strong and no there not super humans like superman there just very strong and lucky but wouldn't stand a chance without the dragon balls, Now tell me the differnts between a human and a strong human like a boxer or something, a martial artist like Nam and Mr.Satan who has beaten a lots of martial artists like spopovich so if hercule isn't 5 times stronger than a farmer how much is he then? And no your very wrong about the farmer and when i said a couple i mean 10 or more with a single punch could a farmer do this? no it would take a lot of dodging and being way stronger than a farmer, hercule could beat the farmer with a punch and could even beat someone like general blue if he doesn't use his paralyzing attacks so Hercules power would be 20-35 and yes he is the strongest human other than the old martial artists like Nam even the announcer at the tournament said without goku or the great fighters like nam everything has been boring. Also before I forget you are right about something there is a super human KRILLEN who had hidden potential beyond a saying, that's why he was so strong as a kid I'm pretty sure that Tien was no were near that strong as a kid and Krillen didnt have to train with King Kai and manage to barely survive against Friezas 2nd form while King Vegeta died with a hit by Frieza, Krillen is a legend that didn't cheat like Tien and Yamcha and Goku. Also if Hercule had trained with crazy people like Tien did, Hercule would be the same and would have to wait a few years to train with Kami unlike Goku and then king kai, he would pretty much be a Tien clone kinda like Yamcha but Yamcha is a slacker and this is just a possibility if Hercule had Tien's life, like any human could as well.

Hey your so wrong about Hercule's power. At Cell games he had to use all of his best possible strength and can barely destroy the 14 out of 15 tiles and when he did his hand was so itching. In the beginning of Dragonball when Goku wasn't even trained by master Roshi yet, he's probably about 50 and when he used a finger and broke 2-3 (easily without getting hurt like Satan.so those breaks are way harder then tiles and it was stacked about 8 tiles tall so if he used a hand, he could crack easily about 40 tiles so lets say 40 is easy then 80 is super hard to Mr.Satan hardest try got 14 so he is like almost 6 times stronger than Satan when he is beginning and only about level 50. So 50 divide 6 is probably about 8. And when Goku trained under Master Roshi, he almost defeated him in tournament which Roshi is 139 so Goku should be close about 125. And he didnt defeat nam so easily so nam could be considered between 75 to 100. And then Satan's power is about 8 so how the heck do u believe he can defeat nam???? 01:23, August 6, 2012 (UTC)

It's ridiculous

My thoughts says his power level would be nearly 6 to 15:30, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

NO hercules power level is not 10 or below. (But he still UNDER 9000!!!)

in the begining of dbz raditz said a farmer had a power lv of 1. hercule sucks, but if he somehow is the best guy in a bunch of tornuments(besides the sayains, krillin, tien, choutzu and yamcha) his power lv must be atleast 15-20, no more then 30 definetaly.

-He didn't say the farmer was 1, Raditz said the farmer was 5, ya silly goose.


Around 20 or 30. He is skilled in comparison to NORMAL humans. But in comparison to the human fighters of the Z Fighters he's weak as hell.

Lol, no. The only reason he's considered the strongest human is because people think he beat Cell. The Z-Fighters heard this rumour, and knew he didn't beat Cell, but they assumed he was the strongest human. Nice try. Shakuran13 (talk) 22:16, August 12, 2011 (UTC) At least someone agrees that hercule is 20-30 also shakuan dude realy hercule is the champ because he won all the tourements before cell even exist he is the champion of the world unless someone who trains with roshi enters and beats his ass but it never happen before the buu saga after that he became a cheater. and plus who even said he is the strongest human (he is skilled in comparison to NORMAL humans) I say he is the strongest NORMAL martial artist before the BUU SAGA.

Lemme tell you the only reason why he won the tournament before the claiming of cell's defeat oh and he only won 1 before the cells. Its because all the opponents he faced were only weaklings and none of them are really much of a fighter. So lets use 21st tournament to compare. without goku, krillin, bacterian, nam, jackie(roshi), giran, and yamcha, he could win against those other weaklings but with one of them in, he would lose. (way tooooooo easily.

Lol, did you read the manga? There were no tournaments. That's why Videl was talking to Gohan about how "they're bringing the old Tenkaichi Budokai back". Shakuran13 (talk) 18:06, August 13, 2011 (UTC) Thats all your gonna say? the manga? well if there werent any tournaments than mr satan wouldnt be champion and to be honest i only read db manga because some dbz facts differ from the dbz manga, i prefer watching then reading, everyone does i think but yeah looks like you have nothing to say and before you say hercule is champ because of cell you should watch dbz at animefreak and a episode gives all the proof that mr satan became champion without cells help the only thing cell caused is hercule being treated as a hero but he isnt of course, hes only the champion of the world. A martial artist = 12-17 hercule before cell games = 20, hercule destroys a TOWER of tiles in bojack unbound unlike in cell saga, he only broke like 19 but then a TOWER = 25-35

Wow, a tower of tiles holy shit! Than doesn't put him above 10. You do remember Kid Goku was like 15 power level and was busting shit in the first episode. His power was 50 or higher. His power level was not 50 in the first episode. His power level was 10 and he was still capable of destroying far more than Mr. Satan. Don't believe me? Go look up list of power levels. I did they all say differnt opinions and if goku was 10 then why did the sayins sent him to earth if master roshi was at 139 how would goku kill him if his power is 10x when transforming into an ape? His power is 50.

The manga just so happens to be the main source of all info regarding DBZ. On the other hand, whatever the anime may state, the manga says that Hercule was a just a wrestler who said he'd take down Cell. In Bojack Unbound it's still a pile. Is that all your gonna say dude the anime also counts or are you saying it doesnt?

Manga > Anime.(Manga is OVER NINE THOUUSAND!!!!) Any contradictions between the two have the manga as the winner. This debate is getting old though. Agree to disagree? Shakuran13 (talk) 17:52, August 14, 2011 (UTC) All facts in anime or manga are 100% no matter what, that said you should agree that hercule became champ by his hard work not by cell or else hercule wouldnt had stepped up to face cell if he wasnt sure about his strenght. Even if it's UNDER 9000!!!


Hercule was a cocky idiot. That's why he fought Cell. Shakuran13 (talk) 21:10, August 16, 2011 (UTC) Nobody would even come close to cell unless they thought they could win like the army they did the same with majin buu and hercule was the champion of the humans and thats why he thought cell was weaker than him he isnt cocky he just didnt know since he never fought an alien, he thought cell was any ordinary human with a custume i would imagin that hercule thought that cell used traps, im saying that hercule was sure that he could win like any of his fights but we all know cell is 80 million times stronger. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

@Comment #4 Master Roshi was at 139. Raditz even said himself that Goku wasn't as strong as he would have hoped when he was at 300-ish. They weren't expecting him to kill everyone as baby or even a kid but over years of time. Korin and Kami's were also higher than Roshi's. Kami was stronger than King Piccolo. Even Mr. Popo was stronger than King Piccolo. Korin was on Earth hundreds of years and he was undoubtly over 100. No one knows when and how the Saiyans gathered their intel on Earth, how accurate it was, or their expectations of Goku's power growth. They were expecting (kid) Goku to become a great ape and destroy everything on earth as stated by radiz on the anime, so the best opinion is 50 theres a wiki that shows facts that gokus power level was at 10 and mr popo while training the z fighters at 1080 thats bullshit why didnt mr popo help beat radiz then how funny that these are all based on the manga but not on the anime.

Mr satan power level

when raditz vame to earth he checjed the power level of a human and it was only 5. so mr Satan, being skilled in some martial atrs would probably be 7


Yup. Shakuran13 (talk) 21:45, August 17, 2011 (UTC) (reply to noobs) SO how strong is a boxer campared to a farmer and a martial artist and hercule the champion of many martial artists? farmer = 5 Goku = 50 krillen = 45 Yamcha = 30 training in the wild his whole life, Tien = 77 training endlessly with fucked up people, and a boxer = 7, martial artist = 12-17 or master roshi wouldnt be as strong if his challeges are a bunch of farmers and finally hercule = 20 at the least.

His power level surpasses all the DB characters. It is obviously over 9000!!!!! because if you multiply the power times 50 and square root it you will end up with the quadratic formula 9000.If your talkin about satan over 9000, your way outta your universal mind. At 9000, people are more than strong enough to blow a city because nappa was 5000 and he destroyed a city with a hand without charging. and satan can barely break a pile of tiles easily so u better not be talking about hercule.

And where did you get the idea that all db characters are DRASTICALLY BELOW 9000!!!?!

P.S. I own trolls

Wait. Did u just imply that u think some db characters have a power level over 9000!!!!! lololol. at the beginning of dbz! The z fighters couldnt beat raditz whose power level was 1200 or under 1500 (Still under 9000!!!!) i think u r smart enough to realise if raditz couldnt be beaten at the start of dbz then anyone in db is basically a toy for raditz to blow up. Im sorry i went of topic but some people are unbelievable stupid

NO FOR FUCKS SAKE THATS NOT WHAT I IMPLIED! When I said Db in that instance I meant Db/Z/GT. Fiest you insult me and then you insutlt me again. And I mean did you even read what that guy said? You multiply by 50 and square it. We don't need trolls in these forums.

Then why are you here? XD

SP Gohan (talk) 04:45, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

Punching Machine

That is < Master Roshi (139) but not terrible. Id say hercules power level is 37 his max, but 20-30 sounds better.

I have no idea what you just said, but none of it makes sense. Are you saying that Roshi's score would be 139? I'm sure Roshi would have no rouble scoring 1000. And I wouldn't put Satan above Goku in the first episode, which his level was 10. Another fail, 37 = 137, 139 = 1139 thats what i meant and goku is 50 because radiz said goku was meant to destroy everything on earth so master roshi is at 139 your saying a human is stronger than a giant ape who is one of the most strongest race in the universe like vegeta said.

ok dude, are you serious? the punching machine is punching power, not power level. he can't even chop 15 tiles

Well actually he did chop 19 to prove his strength after the Cell Games. I'd say Hercule Satan is at least solid 8 because did break a decent rock over his head without seriously injuring himelf and pulled some buses. It's hard to say whether he was stronger than Kid Goku at the beginning of the series or not though because Goku was at ten and displayed a little more strength than Hercule(i.e. Goku's rock was bigger) and Goku broke a few tiles with one finger(watch Oolong the Terrible). Roshi even said that Krillin and Goku were still within normal human limitations when he was first starting training them. He may well be a little higher than Pamput(the celebrity) or even King Choppa was. One things for sure he is definitely far lower than 50. So basically he's in between 8-20-ish and Videl is like 30-50 by the end of the series. Theres a problem with your logic, first you said goku was at 10 and then that hercule is between 8-20 no hercule is way weaker than goku, also many power levels list are differnt opinions the best opinion would be 30-50 for gokus power level seeing that his ape form is 10x his power level, i would say hercule = 20 at the least.

6 - 5.876434539

1 power level is a lot. So hercule would be 6 or so. Videl may be 7-8. AND NO they are not the strongest humans! Cause... Krillin, yamcha, tien, and yeah, are all stronger. Raditz is Like 1,200-1,500 and that's weak! So Hercule is 6.

Srry for the ASCII I did it by accident (Reply) this is the biggest fail i wont even say anything more.

Bacteria : 14 (smell is his strength) Hercule is stronger than him Nam : 87

Lanfan : 14

Guilan : 71

Nam : 87

Hercule : 94

Videl : 127

Chi Chi : 120

Chi Chi in Rage: 139


Goku got shot by a pistol, not a shotgun. Very True.

Somewhere between 6 and 8.

Goku's Power Level is 10 in DB. Mr. Satan was weaker than that, so probably the area of 6 and 8. NomadMusik (talk)

Well this changes things...Then I would say Mr. Satan is 6. Well, maybe still 7. Shakuran13 (talk) 19:11, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Hercule is 6-7 (Reply) so your saying hercule is almost as strong as kid goku btw 10 is an error from the manga power levels didnt exactly exist until dbz and if goku is 10 then his ape form is 100 which many people say it was but it just errors very unlogical errors since this would mean master roshi can beat a giant ape who shoots beams everywhere, 50 is the best opinion that should be a fact.

As I recall, great apes weren't able to use ki until dbz. By the time Goku fought in the first tournament his power level was indeed around Master Roshi's. That would mean that he had a power level around 1300 when he became a oozaru, meaning that Roshi really couldn't beat him, so he blew up the moon. So gokus power was 130 and before he trained he was at 50 not 10 i would say.

Yeah i think Goku at 50 sounds about right I had a 200+ pound person jump on my back and i could hold him for a short time if my power lvl is 5 then a Kaio-ken x10 I could hold a light car that weighs a ton. that would put me at 50. Goku lifted a light car at the start of Dragon Ball so he had to have started at 50. I would say Mr. Satan is a 15. Vegito SSJ4The Legendary SSJ4 VegitoSSJ Future Gohan badass 04:01, August 23, 2011 (UTC) i agree.

Lets get 1 thing straight

We don't know the average strength of a normal human. A shotgun outmatches and outclasses any human on earth when shot from an unreachable distance (5+ yards). For all we know, the shotgun might have been what brought the farmer's level all the way to 5. It could actually be entirely accurate to say that an unarmed human could have a power level of 1. Now I actually be wrong, and humans may actually have a MUCH lower power level than 1. Lets make a calculation, the MAX Power Kamehameha that allowed Roshi to destroy the moon had a power level of about 200. If a normal human was 200 times stronger than they are, could they destroy the moon? The answer is NO. This may in fact mean that an actuall human's power level is more like 0.001. To get to 200, the average human would have had to be 100,000 times stronger than they are, which I believe still isn't enough to fully destroy the moon (when packed into 1 person, the strength of 100,000 is suprisingly large). I am taking into consideration that their power is somehow manifested into a beam or wave but forget that. Remember, I am not taking into account superhumans Goku has encountered such as Tao, the Indian guy, Nam, and so forth. Now bare with me here, if I am right and Human's power level ranges between 0.001 - 1, then it would be quite accurate to say Goku had a power level of 10 in the first episode. And for those of you that argue that Raditz expected Goku to destroy all life on the planet, it would be entirely possible that he expected Goku to grow up and then accomplish this. Besides, had Goku not bumped his head, he would have grown up much stronger (but probably would still be at a level of an average Saiyan). And for those that argue Goku level should be 50 so the Oozaru would defeat Roshi, Roshi probably would have beaten the Oozaru at Pilaf's Castle. But around the first tournament when Goku was much stronger, his Oozaru form did overwhelm Roshi. Remember if humans are as weak as I said, 10 is pretty strong (and it is what the Daishenzu or however you spell it, says).

"power level MUCH lower than 1" LOL dude even gohan, when he was 4 years old had a powerlevel of 1.

Whats your point? Normal humans were weaker than Gohan at 4 years old.

What are you talking about? Humans weaker than Gohan? Gohan had the power of a normal 4 year old kid (pre-Piccolo training).He never trained. His normal powerlevel was shown to be 1 by Raditz's scouter.

But if he had to he could whip out an attack that would easily kill any human.

'That was only because of hidden power that activates when he gets angry, which we aren't discussing here.'Gohan had a powerlevel of 1 without getting angry and it was a scouter that proved it.

"I may be just a pothole in the road to you big guy, but it's going to be one hell of a deep pothole." - Tien 00:42, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

I am going to destroy your argument in two seconds. Scouters measure ki. Shotguns don't have ki. The Farmer's power level was 5 with or without the shotgun. Shakuran13 (talk) 01:26, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

If weapons had ki...

How do you know what scouters measure?

Because I pay attention to the series. Any more questions? Shakuran13 (talk) 17:41, August 25, 2011 (UTC) Your 100% right also the dude who made this post thinks hes right but everything he said are guesses and opinions, i guess he thinks the sayins are dumb enough to send goku so that master roshi kills him even if goku becames great ape i guess roshi is stronger than sayins. XD i still think goku should be at 50 but whatever.

Like second above me said, Shotguns don't have ki or muscle mass. But I'd like to make an arguement: Humans power levels vary with their temper, if you remember, the farmer was terrified of Raditz, not in a top physical prepperation (not to mention, he looked middle aged and like a little bit of a chunker). An young, angry, fit man might be relitively high, between 30-100 possibly. Depending on ferocity and adrenaline.

An kid power level must be 1 and an average human must be 5 buty Mr.Satan power level is not bad for a normal human. Some people say his power level must be 140 that is stronger than Roshi but he still wins due to more experience in battle than Mark Satan ever will have. But if you want to give him the power level he suppose to have then it must be 5.6 to 6 or 7 since kid goku at dragon ball had a power level of 10 in the beginning so that it.SSJ4Trunks (talk) 14:23, May 8, 2013 (UTC)SSJ4Trunks

And the main reason Goku was sent to Earth even if he had a power level of 2 was because when the moon was full he could have turned Oozaru which would made him have a power level of 20 and because saiyans get stronger everytime. Weapons don't have ki unless you mean the ones in frieza saga which we don't know.SSJ4Trunks (talk) 14:26, May 8, 2013 (UTC)SSJ4Trunks

This argument is getting dumb!

Ive read everything everyone says, now goku is at 10 like the wiki and guide books say so hercule is at 7 and every martial artist are at 6-6.7 but nam and toa, tien would be at ? well if goku was at 50 (opinion) than hercule would be at 20-30 which sounds way better since roshi is at 139... i think the power levels of db is like comparing dbz to GT so hercule is at 7 if you compare db to dbz like dbz to gt is just the same bullshit, so hercule = 7 videl= 7.5 and kid krillen = 8.5 before training with roshi and goku at 10, now a better opinion that i think should be a fact is goku = 50,and krillen =-45 while mr satan at 20 and videl at 22 then at 35 after training with gohan but sadly there just opinions. So hercule is at 7. so sipovich is at 6.2, while in magin state hes at 12.2 with unlimited power thanks to babidi while videl is at 8.

Just wanted to add that I've reread the arguments, and I realized that the only way Roshi was able to destroy the moon was through harnessing ki. I wonder how much destructive power Mr. Satan, or any normal human would have with the Kamehameha. Could a normal person destroy a city? Lay waste to a mountain? Shakuran13 (talk) 01:44, August 30, 2011 (UTC) I didnt want to agree with you about hercule but i guess 7 is alright since goku is at 10 if goku was at 50 thats a differnt story then.

No and your a complete fool for saying such a thing. Besides, it takes a power of at least 15000 to destroy a planet. And to the poster, you don't know tha standard power level of humans and whatever so why do you think 10 is a bad call? like i said its an opinion, goku was meant to destroy earth so if master roshi is at 139 then i find it pretty stupid for goku being at 10 also nobody knows the standard power level of humans, yamcha is 100% human and is way stronger than roshi at the end of dbz thats why its hard to believe it any human can be at least as strong as radiz if they train like tien and yamcha, Your the fool if a person trains and learns the kamahameha like yamcha and master roshi did there no telling how strong they can be, remember videl idiot and it takes a power of at least 4000 (Nappa) to destroy a city easily a planet shouldnt be a problem.

I have no clue what you just said, or what your point was, but I'll give you points for trying to be wise. I can tell you however, that it takes much less than a power level of 15000 to destroy a planet if Master Roshi could use a Kamehameha to destroy the moon with a power level of 139 (although max power mode may have increased his power level, but not ridiculously significantly). And it may take a power of 4000 to easily destroy a city, but no one said we're dealing with easily destroying a city. Just destroying a city. Shakuran13 (talk) 16:30, August 31, 2011 (UTC) Thats what i said, A person said (No your a complete fool for saying such a thing besides it take a power of at least 15000 to destroy a planet) Wrong, Nappa destroyed a city easily and still had power to defeat the z fighters so 15000 is a dumb guess, my point is that 4000 is enough to destroy a planet, even piccolo could, he destroyed the moon, my other point was that any human can be stronger than radiz with training, Do you dare to disagree?

I'm confused as to who said what, but that last bit made sense. Shakuran13 (talk) 21:28, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

I argee, just agree to disagree, because this are all just opinions about Hercule so don't make a fuss over it

plus what the first person said is understandable no which you but it Hercule whould still be weaker. 18:49, February 17, 2012 (UTC)SSJ2 Gohan badass76.0.179.166 18:49, February 17, 2012 (UTC)

The max human PL

1500 thats all i have to say for now. krillen doesnt count.

I'd say Hercule's power level would b no higher than say 35 (Reply) Your 100% right!

Not true. It way too high for DB/DBZ/DBGT unless you mean in the DBO timeline (sequel to the manga) when humans have power levels over 400. But if you mean at DB/DBZ/DBGT (sequel to anime GT is) then the max for the humans is 5. With a power level of 10 a human already have surpassed humans limit and become super human already.SSJ4Trunks (talk) 14:31, May 8, 2013 (UTC)SSJ4Trunks

so the answers clear?

Before it goes on,a few rules should be made.

• Ki and skill are 2 different things but both count towards power level

° Guns don't increase power levels but edged weapons do (Swords;spears;tridents,Ect.). The more skill with a weapon, the higher power level

How? Skill with the weapon might increase power level, but it would be the same PL all the time, and holding the weapon wouldn't help. Shakuran13 (talk) 21:32, September 7, 2011 (UTC)
All I could say in defence of the comment is that perhaps the scouter can anticipate someone's skill from their body posture and muscle reaction, giving a reading as to how dangerous someone is from a physical, and a Ki stand-point. But even then....bit flaky. I think the scouters were very vague, because Bulma had power level 4 and the farmer had power level 5. Bulma was a pretty weak girl with no fighting experience, yet she had 4 whole points of power level. And farmer had just 1 more. We all know farmer would beat Bulma, but if a single point is so vast in determining power, then how did she have 4? I think power level may in fact be no indication of physical prowess or actual combat ability, because moving cattle takes some skill, strength and movement, the farmer would have been a reasonable fighter for a human. And I definitely don't think the weapon itself comes into the debate, because Bulma had no weapon when she tested herself.
TrueCelt (talk) 23:01, September 8, 2012 (UTC)

• Ki increases power levels, not techniques (Flying as a prime example)

Ki is used in techniques. To fly, you need ki. To fly more, you need more ki. Shakuran13 (talk) 21:32, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

• The average human should be a power of 7

° The farmer was fat, so he was below average

Fat people can be strong (to a point), and the farmer was also a farmer, which is a tough job. Shakuran13 (talk) 21:32, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

° Martial artists are above average by groups of 10. Ki users are groups of 10 if human. Mastery of ki can launch people up to the high thousands. Tao as an example,was not a master

• Krillin,Tien,Yamcha and Chioutsu (I misspelled it) should be listed as super humans.

• Comical relief doesn't count (1st reply) yea but its king kais training that helped the z warriors and roshi/kamis training without that yamcha is 6 so yamcha before kamis training is at 142? then 1440 then stronger than the ginyu force but i think thats cuz the gravity is 10x making the ginyu force 10x weaker i think.

My thoughts

50- 75 becuase he did manage to pll four buses with a string and he won a few martial arts tournaments on his own also goku is a freakin saiyan and thats why he didnt die when bulma shot him with measly bullets. I would also like to say that those four buses must have been at least as much as the rock goku pushed under master roshis training. Finally, I would like to point out that flying doesnt mean you are stronger. Look at goku, he couldnt fly until he was an adult and he was stilll stronger then king piccolo. Sources: logic

uhmm isnt it the planet of frieza was 10x heavier too?

GalickExplosion's Guess

I'm gonna say about 15. Maybe a little less. He apparently is really powerful for an actual human, so yeah. 15. Kid Goku's was 10 in the first episode of Dragon Ball. I bet Hercule could beat that Kid Goku.

That is simply bullsh*t. Imagine Hercule being hit by a bullet and surviving...lolShakuran13 (talk) 23:19, October 7, 2011 (UTC)

uhmmm think idiot when goku is a kid so u mean Hercule nvr aged?then that means if goku was a kid then hercule is younger too then goku will still kick his butt and leave hercule crying..

The third guy on this post: Wow you're an idiot. We're talking hypothetically stupid.

hercule suks

his power level is 1-5 because he is the weakest character and if i was majin buu (fat one) i would turn him into chocolate and give him to someone i dont ike so they get poisened

post on my talk page if you agree

~~awesome gohan~~

my sig dont work so i will put a link insted Awesome gohan

Any question why he is the strongest normal human? He've already proved it so he must have a power level of 5.6 to 7.SSJ4Trunks (talk) 14:33, May 8, 2013 (UTC)SSJ4Trunks

Under Roshi.

Satan is strong for a human but I doubt if he is the strongest human. I mean he lies to get at the top and lies to stay there. Who knows how many other fights with other regular people he has lied through. There's no doubt that he has great skill and strength for a human but he lacks any knowledge of ki. I'm going to go with the idea that the average human we see in the cities is about 1-10 (DBO isn't as canon as the series IMO). I would put him at around 20, maybe even 40.

Do Your Research

Mr. Satan's power level is 137.

Punching Machine shows score

Anyone who has seen the Buu saga would know this. You are way too wrong. It doesnt measure power level and i can prove it. First of all lots of the normal martial artists got 70 to 100. And goku at 21st tournament was about 100 and can defeat any normal human martial artists. with a hand or finger doesnt matter. so do you think that somebody with power level 100 can defeat some other 70 to 100 with a hand and finger without trying. So it doesnt measure power level!!!!1


Oh Em Gee O_o

Thats over Goku in the first episode.

hmmm.. that doesnt measure ur power lvl coz it only measures the power of ur strength coz power requires ki and skill..

You fail. Unless you really think that a machine created by humans built on human standards uses the same units as someone from some unknown planet (who created Scouters?) across the galaxy for fighters of huge power. You fail. Shakuran13 (talk) 22:26, March 1, 2012 (UTC)

That machine definitely does not measure power level. Specialbeamkamehameha (talk) 23:25, March 1, 2012 (UTC)

I would say....

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!! Just kidding, I would say somewhere from 7-10.


My guess

I'd guess about 15-20... meh. In reply to he third guy on galick's post: You're retarded as hell.

I think the power lavel thing is stupid because. when goku fights frezia he has a power level of 180.000.000

I would say his power level is around 15 because the level 5 readout raditz gave us on was an average human and hercule is at the top of is game he's at least 3 times stronger than the average man but he hasn't taken his skills to super human level like mastr roshi has done and passed on to his students

Im pretty sure...

his power levels like 145 or something like that i remember reading either on this wikia or somewhere else but ots close or that No your wrong. His level isnt even close to 145. If he is he should be able to break the tiles at the cell tournament with 1 finger like goku would when his power levvel was 50, but he use a whole hand and broke 14 and not only that, he nearly broke his hand and was all red. SO that proves he is lower than 50.( wonder who wrote u that stupid thing.

Kingawesome77's Analysis

I think that Hercule's power level is around 12-18. A power level of 10 is considered superhuman, as that was Goku's power level at the beginning of Dragon Ball, and Hercule is certainly stronger than the average human, although he can't utilize Ki energy.

Well it is obviously no where near where near the z fighters power level. But he did have to be strong enough to beat everybody in the world martial arts tornament. And from DB we can see Master Roshi was able to win it with easy (and a little more difficulty with Goku) and he was at 139. Goku was probably at a similar level and still had some trouble with opponents. Also krillin was probably around level 10-12 when he first showed up in db and he was little more than a punching bad for the experienced fighters before his training.

I guess that means Hercule's power level was somewhere around 20-100. Realistically it is somewhere between 50-100

I'd say, 18 is realistic enough. There is no escape! 18:50, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

Well, Goku was said to be around a PL of 10 at the beginning of DB, and bullets didn't affect him. Maybe I'm remembering his power level wrong... Shakuran13 (talk) 04:38, May 23, 2012 (UTC)

Maybe that's because of Saiyan Skin being naturally tougher than humans, and not totally due to Goku's power level. GohanGoingIntoARockAndroid16Ep184Ssj2EpicgohanscreamgohanGohan ssj2GohanSSIIVsCellNV 08:55, May 23, 2012 (UTC)

Goku from beginning of Dragonball was about 30 to 50. This is a reason. In dragonball z a farmer had a power level of 5 and he is average. And goku was able to break 2 bricks with a finger. Any normal human cant break it with a hand. so goku is like at least 5 times stronger which is at least 25.

No he wasn't daizenshuu stated Goku power level was 10. The reason he was really strong it was because of the saiyan heritage here is an example:

Saiyan with a power level of 10:


Human with a power level of 10:

Strenght:20 to 50

Since Goku is a saiyan he have strenght that a human could never have with that kind of power level of course that is theory but trust me one of the reason goku was amazingly strong wasn't because of his power level but his saiyan heritage.SSJ4Trunks (talk) 14:42, May 8, 2013 (UTC)SSJ4Trunks

My data

honestly if u really think about it its about 80-83 Supahvegeta 11:55, March 17, 2012 (UTC)

i think 1 because i think the farmers power was added to the guns power and i dont think hercule would survive a gun

Guns don't have a power level. Shakuran13 (talk) 04:36, May 23, 2012 (UTC)

10-50 at the most

I would say it would be from 10-50 at the most, because we do see him do some incredible feats of strength (such as pulling multiple busses), and we also see that he can move pretty fast when Van Zant goes to shoot him. GohanGoingIntoARockAndroid16Ep184Ssj2EpicgohanscreamgohanGohan ssj2GohanSSIIVsCellNV 09:00, May 23, 2012 (UTC)

here's what you guys keep forgetting about, when roshi was scanned he was powered down, when he blew up the moon with the MAX power kamehameha he was in 100% power, judging from the fact that piccolo's makankosappo hap a power output of 1200, almost 4 times his own power so we must assume since its a MAX power kamehameha in 100% power we must assume it was probably a lot stronger than a mere 140, probably around 500 or 800 , plus it is proven multiple times in the series that if somebody charges all their power into an attack they can destroy something far stronger than themselves (ie vegeta final flash against perfect cell where cell said it would have destroyed him if he hadn't dodged, and again piccolo's makankosappo against raditz, and the spirit bomb against super buu) the only problem is it takes a long time to charge your attack so its impractical to do that when you are fighting unless you have somebody to distract them or hold the so they wont DOOOODGEEE!!1! or attack you so its obvious also just because they can't blow shit up doesn't mean they can't be in the thousands or hundred's area, yajirobe himself is probably around a few hundred in power level, he just doesn't have ki cintrol

so lets just say hercule is around 20-80 something in power, oh and by the way since the saiyan is a race of warrior's we can assume that they simply have very strong skin or a passive shield, since other strong humans have been shown to dodge bullets so it wouldn't kill them

Slightly under Roshi

Hercule's power is probably around 105. Which is slightly below Roshi's base form. -PrinceTrunks235

Hercule's Power Level

I personally think that the punching machine that was used during the buu saga represents their actual pL multiplied by 2. So if he scored a 147, he should be around 70.

Hercule's Power Level

I personally think that the punching machine that was used during the buu saga represents their actual pL multiplied by 4. So if he scored a 147, he should be around 35.

Farmer's Power Level

Remember. The Farmer's pL was including the power of the gun also. Without it his pL would be 1 or 2. Its impossible for him to be 1. Because Gohan 4 years old without anger and without training was power level 1 and ordinary 4 year old. do you really think an average human could be 1. if they do arm wrestle, an average human can use one hand and beat up to 10 normal 4 year olds. So he could be around 5 without the gun.!!!!

Lolwut? Guns don't have ki....Shakuran13 (talk) 03:19, June 16, 2012 (UTC)

you guys do not understand power levels because goku is over 20000 and vegetas is 20000 but vegeta cannot harnest his true power so hercule is about 20 and videls is 4596.28.51.133 00:31, June 17, 2012 (UTC) braaditz


The Average Human Power is 5, so his, being stronger then the average ho would be about 6 or 7,maybe 8. Basically, he would be able to be beaten up by Kid Goku in the Emperor Pilaf Saga who had a power level of 10.EmperorPeelaugh575 (talk) 00:39, June 17, 2012 (UTC)

16-20 (Above Kid Goku, Under Roshi)

When I say "Kid Goku", I mean his first appearance, when he had a PL of 10. Roshi has 139, and that's him powered down, so Full Power/Buff Roshi should be a bit lower than, like, 160-170. Kid Goku (PL=10) could lift up cars and stuff, and Hercule could pull a train, so he has to be above 10 but much lower than 100 (Roshi blew up the moon while in the 100s, Hercule is nowhere near this). I'd say he's like at 16-20.

First of all, Goku was wayyy stronger than 10 and because a normal guy is 5 so since he defeat a bear thief that is just as strong as any of those giants easily he is stronger than them. And during gokus training for the 22nd tournament, he went to a village that needed help to defeat 2 people with weapons. so a girl had to call someone that was smaller than the bear thief and he could defeat the 2 peoples. And the 2 bad guys were about 6 to 10 each which is up to 12 to 20 together. and since the small giant can defeat them, he is about 30 probably and bear thief the giant one must be about 40 and since goku defeat the bear thief, he should be about 50 or so. Also, For the car and train part, theres something kind of obvious. Pulling something is way easier then picking up something. an example is lets say my house organizing work. If i wanna organize the sofa to a different place, i push and pull it and i do it easily. but when my dad and i try to pick it up or something, we cant lift an inch. So Hercule pulling something was much easier than goku lifting something. Hercules power level would be say, 20 max. the farmer had a power level of 5 and hes probably up to 4 times stronger than that guy. None of this '70' bullshit because that would imply that he was approachign the strength of Goku as an Oozaru (100, 10* base level) Also, Goku getting shot in the head as a child has nothing to do with it, his Saiyan constitution gives him a much tougher body than a human, stated by mr. Brief when he was checking Vegeta. Personally i'd say around 15.

We have a winner SSJ3GokuJr 01:49, July 23, 2012 (UTC)

Wait a second. Then how did Krillin and Roshi survive being shot? Shakuran13 (talk) 19:41, July 23, 2012 (UTC)

I can't see how Hercule can have a power level higher than 10, remember Master Roshi has a power Level of 139 and he trained his body to go beyond that of a normal humans limit Hercule is nothing more than a skilled martial artist that hasn't learned to control his Ki

Realistically - 184

Hercule is actually rather powerful if compared to the characters in the Dragon Ball series. That's Dragon Ball, not Dragon Ball Z. And yes, he was stronger than Goku as a child, who only had a power level of 5 on the first episode. Hercule's actual power level is 184, which actually makes him stronger than Master Roshi while he's holding back, during which time his power level is 128, and 348 at full power. Hercule actually has the potential to fight on the levels of Grandpa Gohan and Mercenary Tao if he learned how to fight "properly", meaning using energy blasts, super speed, and other special techniques. And Videl has even higher potential than him with a power level of 200, which goes up to 238 by the end of the DBZ series, excluding the 10 year epilogue. Still compared to the others who have power levels in the millions and billions, they're not very strong at all.

GOku is freakin not 5. A normal person is 5 and they cant do much to bricks and stuff. But Goku was able to crush rocks and stuff. Also if a normal person gets attacked by a lion or tiger, they have no chance without a weapon, and goku was chased by one in the beginning and he had no problem with it so he is way high than level 5, check it next time. also Master roshi can dodge bullets and catch them like when he fought the red ribbon soldiers at his island and there was like 10 bullets per second since there was about 10 guys. And hercule, lalala, in the buu saga, when he was friends with buu in the house, the bad guy with a gun was there to shoot him for revenge and Hercule wasnt even able to dodge or catch one of em and compared to 10, he is at the most 13.9 i believe. So You should check better next time.!!!!
I believe Goku's power level is 10 in the beginning of Dragon Ball. Shakuran13 (talk) 02:18, August 6, 2012 (UTC)
We don't really have much proof that Hercule is that strong. Master Roshi is a famous, accomplished, even legendary martial artist who trained himself to surpass human limits. He was much stronger than Goku, and Goku was shown to survive bullets, break boulders, and other amazing feats of strength. All we know about Hercule is that he was a wrestling champ who took credit for beating Cell. Even all the martial artists in the later World Tournaments are weaker than the ones in Dragon Ball. I just cannot bring myself to believe that Hercule is stronger than Roshi, nor is there any reason that I should believe that. Shakuran13 (talk) 02:01, August 6, 2012 (UTC)
I think that 184 is a little high, but I'm glad someone else recognizes Mr Satan as being relatively strong. Afterall, all of those tournaments he won he won fairly agianst other pro martial artists. He even took down pre majin Spopovich with zero effort. In relation to the Z fighters, Mr Satan is pathetic, but of course who isn't? Considering Chi Chi, or all people, has an official power level of 130, I'd say Mr satan has to be doing pretty good. My final guess is about 64, which still makes him not even half as strong as Chi Chi (somehow).
Anyone who says Mr Satan's PL is under 10 is crazy. Double digit power levels hardly have any difference any way. Besides, if Piccolo's Pl went up by 10, 000 no one would notice.
Yetimonster (talk) 03:42, August 6, 2012 (UTC)
It seems strange to think that by your logic, beginning of Dragon Ball Goku would be destroyed by Hercule. Shakuran13 (talk) 04:24, August 6, 2012 (UTC)
It's just impossible for Mr. Satan to have 184 PL. Except you're saying Satan is stronger than Yamcha (start of Saiyan Saga. There're a lot of normal human stronger than Satan like Panput (destroying wall with his elbow without effort), Chappa (acknowledged by Roshi, Yamcha and Krillin as a skilled fighter), General Blue ( I doubt Satan could survive his Telekinetic power), Nam ( just look at his jump power), Bora (Upa's father, he could throw 2 person without much trouble)... And don't forget about Yajirobe, the fifth strongest human in the world lol. I think his PL is beetween 10-20.Hiruman (talk) 05:38, August 6, 2012 (UTC)

==Hercule: The Ultimate Opportunist====

Hercule was never meant to be taken seriously, in any way shape or form. Somehow I've managed to mellow myself over him because I felt like he and the announcer totally ruined a large part of the Cell Games saga. Look at him like a joke because otherwise you're going to hate him.

And within that vein, I think it's quite possible that Hercule stayed World Champion through a massive amount of luck, as well as his fairly reasonable skill. I could just see him prodding someone out of the ring and then nervously laughing HaHaHaHA! with a bead of sweat on his forehead. As we saw with 18, he's not noble, he's more than willing to fix a situation so he wins. Maybe he managed to fool some of his opponents by ranting about something and then attacking. We just don't know. But I do think the idea of a power level for Hercule is very hard to decide upon.

Personally I'm staying away from an exact prediction, at the best it's hearsay, we have absolutely no way of proving a definite figure. I DO think he was more than power level 10, because Goku at the beginning of Dragonball really wasn't all that strong. He's not over power level 50 though, that's too high. So to define a range, I'm sticking to between around 15 and 50, I think he'd probably beat Goku at the beginning of Dragonball (others did, Goku took a lot of beatings back then) but I think his lack of any understanding or ability with Ki would really hold him back in a proper fight. Between power level 20-30 seems fine to me, twice or thrice as strong as Goku originally was, 4 or 6 times as strong as a farmer. That still gives Goku a chance to beat him though, he could use a Kamehameha or an after-image and Hercule wouldn't have any way of dealing with it.

The farmer might be strong, but he really has no fighting power, he'd never be able to beat Hercule, so the idea that Hercule is a single digit power level is just silly. Bulma's power level was 4, just a single point less than the farmer. She couldn't fight at all! So ANYONE that actually knew how to fight, had to be coming close to the double digits. I think Goku's Saiyan resilience comes into this as well, even if his power level was low, he could take a LOT of punishment. Another fighter with a power level of 10 would never beat Goku because he was a lot tougher than any earthling. Plus, while for instance Gohan was only a power level 1, he also shot right up to 700 from nothing, and made it up to 1300 when he was at or near to full power, so his power level 1 is meaningless. That means that while Goku had a power level of 10 at the beginning of Dragonball, he almost certainly could raise it, whereas Hercule would be stuck at the same level no matter what.

So with that in mind, look at some of Goku's feats in a different way, he would have raised his power level to do some of the things he did as a kid, so we can't really use his baseline power level as an example of his strength, his maximum was bound to a lot larger than his base.

The point about the tiles, I think it's quite possible Hercule just did that without ever training or preparing, he's a total fool so it wouldn't be a surprise. Just because you can throw a good punch doesn't mean you can break tiles, there is a technique to it, I think the use of Ki would be needed to do that effectively, and I believe any massive feat like smashing a boulder isn't just a physical contact in DBZ, it involves the use of Ki as well.

And about the bullet argument, as mentioned above, Hercule is human, his skin won't just deflect a bullet. Goku is a Saiyan, they're far tougher. And when Krillin or Roshi dealt with bullets, they had Ki to assist them. A Ki barrier would deflect as many bullets as were fired, so someone who understands and uses Ki would have zero problem with guns.

TrueCelt (talk) 17:24, August 8, 2012 (UTC)

The hundreds, at least

You have to remember that Hercule is the world champion and had been for years before the Cell Saga. This means that even though he can't use energy attacks, super speed, etc, he is capable of defeating powerful characters. Remember during Dragon Ball in the tournaments, the fighters had power levels ranging from 50-100, some higher, and this is excluding the Z Fighters, who never bothered with the tournament because they became too powerful. But Hercule must at least be capable of defeating people such as Nam, Bacteria, and Giran. My research shows that he actually has a power level of 134, and that seems realistic to me. He actually has potential if he learned how to fight "properly".

My take

First of all, to the guy who originated this post, name one saiyan/human hybrid who is stronger than Goku or Vegeta, who are pure saiyans? There are none that's the answer. So for all of us retards who think that, we would like to say you're wrong.

Hercule has got to be in the low range, probably well below 100. I can't given an exact range because I'm not very familiar with the original DB.

I started this discussion and the comment at top about saiyan hybrids was NOT me

Okay here's the deal. Someone posted that above my original. I don't know how or why said person did that, but I had nothing to do with that post. Mine started at "Let's be serious here..." I have no idea about DBO.

I'd say Hercule's power level would be in between 15-25

No, in Dragon Ball Z, Goku raises to over 100,000, and Frieza has a power level of over 1,000,000....so obviously his power level is around the 10,000 marker by the end of that show. And no, I've never watched the original Dragon Ball, but I know Hercule's stronger than that, but he likes to brag, so he looks weaker than he is for not laying down a consistent beat down. That's right, over 9,000!!! 22:38, November 5, 2012 (UTC)Saskae123123

He's 137. Remember when they punch a machine in the Tenkaichi Budokai in the Buu saga? That's it.


As shown in gt he can knock some humans somewhat well. 04:16, November 19, 2012 (UTC)

I would say 40

Think about it. A tired, middle aged farmer had a power level of 5. The average person starts losing strength at around 40(I think, correct me if I'm wrong). A man whose relatively fit should have a PL that's probably around 6-10, maybe. A large man who goes to the gym everyday, MMA fighters, muscle freaks, martial artists, ect. should have PLs that are around 12-17, maybe 18. I remember one of the weaker fighters at the 25th Martial Arts Tournament was able to kick a tree in half. So... add in the fact that DBZ is fiction, and we have people who are able to split trees with PLs of 20-30. And since Mr. Satan was the martial Arts champion... I'd say he should have a PL of around 40.SpikeFuture (talk) 01:16, January 12, 2013 (UTC)

What is Majiin Buu's STRONGEST form?

Well, not that this has anything to do with the topic, but I'd say Super Buu.SpikeFuture (talk) 02:14, January 12, 2013 (UTC)

It does not matter

It does not really matter since the only reason they implemented power levels was to prove how pointless and unreliable they were./* It does not matter. */ exactly pl's don't matter. however, as we've seen the strongest humans are Krillin, Tien and Master Roshi. let's not get started on yamcha. according to toriyama, krillin is the strongest of the humans, also meaning that TIEN and Roshi are less powerful than Krillin. now disregarding ki usage and mastery, i believe Hercule would be placed above yamcha, but between roshi and tien, but definitely below Krillin.

80 to 200 (Yes I like to hear my own voice as I read this)

Just because of how inconsistent power levels are in determining a character's strength, there’s no way of making a truly accurate guess

Pilaf's power level was 40 while at the same time Great Ape Goku's was 100. Along with Shu and Mai at 20 each, would we really say they were that close to beating Great Ape Goku?

Heck, a character like Commander Red, who doesn't seem to have too much physical power, has a power level at 100.

The whole point of introducing them seemed to be just for making the villains under estimate the Z Fighters. They just plain stop bringing them up after awhile.

If we had to make a guess at Hercule's power level, we have to take into account a few things:

The power levels of fighters in the World Martial Arts Tournaments in Dragonball range from 80 (Ranfan) to 110 (Bacterian). Hercule has won the tournament before, and we have no reason to believe that fighters like Giran or Bacterian would be barred from entering, so Hercule would have to be at least on the same level as them.

We don't have anything to really suggest Hercule cheated in previous tournaments, so any victories we can attribute to his skill and power.

Hercule can, to some extent, actually fight. Comparing him to a Great Ape or the Z Fighters is like comparing a bike to a car; one clearly and completely outclasses the other. Hercule to other humans though, he has shown to much quicker and more powerful.

My best guess: somewhere around 80 to 200.

Since later tournaments seem to lack many characters using ki techniques and the like, Hercule could realistically win while having a lower power level, as characters like Ranfan and Nam were within that range, so Hercule would probably be around 100 if there are no exceptionally powerful fighters.

If the tournaments had characters like Giran competing, it would push Hercule a bit higher, probably around 120 to 130.

I bring it to a max of 200 just because members of the Red Ribbon army are pushing into that range, so there is nothing to suggest that Hercule couldn’t be around there too.

An clear explanation, answer on the main question

The question of this topic is: What is Hercule's Power Level.

What are the measure tools for Power Level?

Of course the scouter and other people.

So what is a scouter?

A tool which measure Ki.

How is an Power Level defined? Let's take a look at three examples::

  • 1. The farmer has a power level of 5, physical strength.

[The average Earthling power level is near 5, with exceptionally skilled Humans such as Master_Roshi, Krillin or Nam having power levels over that of 100, Power Level-

  • 3. Transformation/Special genetic build, for example Freeza has (over) 1,000,000, PL after her second transformation. Power Level

Next question which factors are calculated by winning an battle as human or warrior?

  • Speed
    • [Trained by sparring and physical exercise]
  • Strength
    • [Trained by sparring and physical exercise]
  • Technique
    • [Trained by sparring and martial arts teachers]
      • Conclusion: You learn to control your Ki from an martial art master (Master Roshi)

Next question which factors are important by raising you power level?

  • Fight opponents stronger then yourself (increase Ki, only saiyan) Saiyan Power
    • Conclusion: Is only possible when you have saiyan base, so you can conclude that aliens has different power level if they are born (human has a base PL of their limits).
  • Gravity training (acceleration training)
  • Unlock Potential (fore example Kai training, Grand Elder Guru) Old Kai, Grand Elder Guru

Looking at the scouter scale?

But if we looking human are on a scale of 0-5, so a farmer has 5, what would entities of lower then 5 have?

Would a sheep have a power level of 5 or would it be calculated from size?

  • if calculated from size then would a dinosaur has an higher power level then a human, so it would be around 6.
  • if calculated from size then would a bacteria has an lower power level then a human, so it would be around 1.

Important trivia: It's implied that there's a large margin of strength between each level, as Goku was able to crush boulders with his bare hands with a power level of 10, being only twice as strong as the average human. Power Level

Important trivia 2: Giran is an Pterodactyl-like monster beasts. Giras

Important trivia 3: Nam is a human, who has learned monk techniques, he can sense Ki Nam

Important trivia 4: An martial art master who can't control ki has a power level between [5 - 5.3 or 5.2 or 5.1], of course lower then 6, because they can't defeat a dinosaur with bare hands. Earthling Base

Answer on the question: Hercule power level is 5, because human anatomy and knowledge is limited by not able using Ki, for example Krillen has trained by Master Roshi and has learn to increase his power level by controlling his Ki, humans without a Ki technique wouldn't be able to crush boulders with bare hands.

A nice next question is: What is Videl Ki, because she is stronger then her father and is able to control ki, but the problem is how to measure her, she could maybe kill a dinosaur, so her power level could be 7 or 8, is she can crush boulders with his bare hands, then her power level would be 10 or higher. I hope this explain the power level well.

Yours Faithfully,

(Written by) Sarnagon (talk) 07:16, May 11, 2015 (UTC)

I dont have a guess for his power level, but if you are trying to compare it to master roshis power level, you have to consider that he wasnt at full power when bulma read 139, and if you try to relate it to him destroying the moon with the kamehameha wave, that has another increase in power past his full power. so maybe satan is as powerful as master roshi when roshi is in his powered down state. I also dont think that energy powers automatically come with power, unless you know about it already, are born with it, or get to such a high power that it just happens.