Directory: Techniques → Offensive Techniques → Energy Beam
Eye Lasers (光線眼 Kōsengan[1]) is a technique used by many fighters.
The user shoots laser-like beams from both eyes. The potency of the Eye Laser technique varies, but most of them are very fast and able to nullify weak attacks and small projectiles, as well as cripple opponents and damage other objects. The Eye Lasers can vary in color from red to a bright, blue-tinged white.
This attack is first shown in the series when used by King Piccolo aboard Pilaf's Airship to destroy the Electric Rice Cooker used by Master Mutaito to trap him for centuries. Later on, aboard the airship while on his way to King Furry's castle, King Piccolo uses it to zap a hole in East City on Pilaf's model of the Earth, and later to kill one of the gate guards of the King's castle when he and his son Piano invade the base. He also uses it to zap Goku in the right kneecap during their second fight, when Goku's speed began to give him too much difficulty.
In the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, Tien Shinhan his variation, the Mystery Ray, after performing the Multi-Form technique to stun an airborne Goku. He is thus far the only human shown to be able to shoot eye lasers.

Piccolo Jr.'s Eye Lasers
In the same tournament, Piccolo Jr. uses it to nullify Krillin's Double Tsuihikidan and again in an attempt to break a grapple with Goku.
Piccolo uses it near the beginning of Gohan's combat training to silence Gohan's complaints about harsh conditions, and again as a surprise attack to halt Gohan's offensive.
In the anime, Yetti uses it against Nappa and Vegeta on Arlia. Also only in the anime, Nappa uses the Eye Laser when attacking the Earth's Military forces while he and Vegeta are waiting for Goku to arrive.
Frieza is shown using the attack in Namek Saga as well as Frieza Saga; his Eye Lasers are much more powerful, allowing him to blast huge holes in walls and attack weaker opponents. It is shown in a flashback that all the leading Saiyan members of King Vegeta's force attacking Frieza's base are repelled by just one Eye Laser attack of the untransformed Frieza. Frieza also uses the attack during his battle with Goku, with it appearing similar to the Darkness Eye Beam this time.
Piccolo uses the attack while grappling with Frieza.
In the anime, Guldo uses eye lasers while attacking Chiaotzu on King Kai's Planet.
Kami also uses this technique during the Garlic Jr. Saga in an attempt to slow down Garlic Jr.'s attempt to take over the Lookout.

Cell's Eye Lasers
Later in the series, Android 20 uses an even more powerful version of this technique, the Bionic Punisher, to destroy a large section of South City.
Android 19 uses this during his battle against Super Saiyan Goku.
Android 20 uses this technique to attack Piccolo when the latter attempts to help Goku.
Cell uses Eye Laser against the Earth's Military while he is fighting with Piccolo in Gingertown.
Android 16 uses it against Imperfect Cell in order to free himself from a stranglehold.

Super Buu's Eye Lasers
Super Buu (w/Gohan absorbed) uses this to destroy several surrounding buildings after he "absorbed" Vegito.
During the Tournament of Power, Borareta uses this technique against Gohan.
Film Appearances[]

Kami's Eye Lasers in Dead Zone
In Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone, Kami uses this technique against Garlic Jr.
In Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, Piccolo uses this technique to free himself from Angila's grasp. Lord Slug uses a variation of the Eye Lasers, the Darkness Eye Beam, in both his base and Great Namekian forms against Goku.
In Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge, Cooler uses Darkness Eye Beam in an attempt to kill Gohan but Goku gets in the way of the blast, however.
In Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler, Meta-Cooler uses a variation, the Lock-On Buster, against Goku and Vegeta but they escape via Goku's Instant Transmission; Meta Cooler's version of differs in function and overall power: his is nearly invisible sparks of light that explode after a certain distance.
In Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, Bio-Broly uses a similar technique, the Bio-Hyper Beam.
- Soumasen – A powerful, red-colored Eye Lasers used by both King Piccolo and Tambourine. Named in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
- Mystery Ray – A variation used by Tien Shinhan.
- Darkness Eye Beam – A variation used by various villains in both the anime and Dragon Ball Z movies.
- Bionic Punisher – A variation used by Dr. Gero and Android 19.
- Lock-On Buster – A variation used by Meta-Cooler in Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler.
- Bio-Hyper Beam – A stronger variation used by Bio-Broly in Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly.
- Doll Beam – A doll variation used by Luud.
- Sigma Sky Laser – The Super Mega Cannon Sigma's version.
- Ice Ray – A ice variation used by Eis Shenron.
- Super Ice Ray – A more powerful version of Ice Ray used by Eis Shenron.
- Ignite Vision - A variation used by Majin Ozotto.
- Nappa's Rampage - A rush attack variation used by Nappa in Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden.
- Super Twin Beam Cannon - A powerful variation of Eye Laser that is fired in a sweeping arc that produces a large explosion and mushroom cloud. Used by Fargo, Ghiro, Moolin, Makma, and Rumoss in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Paralyze Beam - A variation of Eye Laser used by Piccolo and Lord Slug in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
Video Game Appearances[]
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
- Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game
- Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
- Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers
- Dragonball Evolution: The Game
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse
- Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden
- Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
- Dragon Ball Fusions
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- Dragon Ball Legends
- Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, King Piccolo and Tambourine's versions is named Sōumasen.
In Xenoverse 2, Android 16's version is named Eye Beam.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Daizenshuu 7, 1996
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors, 2002
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game, 2000
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 U.S. version, 2003
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, 2006
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, 2007
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, 2007
- ↑ Dragonball Evolution: The Game, 2009