Dragon Ball Wiki

The "Dragon Ball Heroes" arcade machines ("Super Dragon Ball Heroes" arcade machines in media released after Dragon Ball Heroes was rebranded as Super Dragon Ball Heroes) are arcade cabinets created by Capsule Corporation that appear as the primary setting of the Dragon Ball Heroes series. They allow people to interact with the history of Dragon Ball by controlling a Hero Avatar in the game world, with the ability to use cards to summon people to aid them in battle.

In Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission, people are able to physically enter the game world by materialising as a Hero Avatar. When somebody is KO'd they are simply transported back into the real world, however it is impossible to leave the machine if the machine's link to the real world is cut off, causing a KO to result in death. While the machines in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission initially lack this functionality, instead being shown to use holograms to represent the characters, Great Saiyaman 3 and Leggings develop the Hero Switch to allow players to utilize their Hero Avatars both in the game world and the real world.

In Promotional Trailers for Dragon Ball Heroes, Beat and Note are shown using Dragon Ball Heroes machines to travel into the world of Dragon Ball Heroes where they and other players become members of the Time Patrol.

World Mission[]

In World Mission, the machines used to play Super Dragon Ball Heroes lack the time travel aspect as the game world is just a virtual representation based upon the official history and its history is separate from the history recorded in the Scroll of Eternity as alterations to the game's timeline do not effect history outside of it, however they do compromise the stability of the game world which is actually a separate virtual world existing in another dimension and if left unchecked these anomalies can cause the game world to collapse allowing characters and enemies to manifest themselves in reality.

SDBH World Mission Hero Stadium Beat Promo Art Deck (Jiren, UI Goku, SSJ Gogeta, & SSJ Vegito)

Promotional Artwork featuring Holographic display of Full Power Jiren, Ultra Instinct Goku, SSJ Gogeta, & SSJ Vegito representing the cards in Beat's deck from World Mission

The general public utilize the SDBH game machines which feature holographic displays allowing players to fight in-game without actually physically entering the game world. In the cinematic opening of World Mission, Note and Froze are shown using the SDBH game machines in a Hero Stadium exhibition match. Xeno Trunks and Leggings discover a way into the game world and develop the Hero Switch, a bracelet-like device that allows the Dragon Ball Heroes Team to physically enter the game world by taking on the form of their Hero Avatar. However the Hero Switch is not available to the general public and one must be Hero Switch-compatible to use it.

According to Xeno Trunks and Note, the inhabitants of the game world are technically real from the perspective of the game world and behave much like their counterparts. However Sealas takes advantage of this fact to create anomalies within the game world timeline so he can gather data without endangering the official history and doing so makes it harder for the Time Patrol to stop him as investigating the game world is difficult.

While investigating the anomalies, Xeno Trunks as Great Saiyaman 3 researched SDBH to better combat the game world anomalies becoming a talented local celebrity in Hero Town known as the Hero Master in the process. Eventually, Great Saiyaman 3 worked out an arrangement with the Hero Stadium's receptionist Moden which lead to the Secret Battle event as special privilege available to any SDBH player who've won an S Rank Tournament. In Secret Battle, the player faces off against the Hero Master in a one-on-one match. When Beat enters the Secret Battle event, Great Saiyaman 3 reveals the arrangement he made with Moden as fighting powerful opponents makes for good research. Like tournaments, Beat and Great Saiyaman 3 use the Hero Stadium's machines to compete in Secret Battle. Great Saiyaman 3 also uses one during his tutorial match with Beat in Chapter 1, Sub Chapter 1, though before they can fight for real, Great Saiyaman 3 is forced to leave to investigate a disturbance caused outside by the game world Cooler. Additionally Beat's first battle in Chapter 1, Sub Chapter 1, is an exhibition match held for new players where he fights Yuto using the stadium's machines, which leads to Great Saiyaman 3 challenging Beat with him offering to teach Beat some of the basics due to his relative inexperience at the time. In Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 2, while Beat and Note were searching for Hero Switch compatible players at the Hero Stadium, Froze and Lody used the machines to battle with Froze winning. After Beat's Hero Switch reacts to Froze, Beat approaches him and upon learning of his affinity for Frieza cards, Beat who has an affinity for Goku cards suggests a friendly Goku vs Frieza inspired match using the stadium's machines which Beat wins.

Locations and time periods accessed[]

Victory Mission



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