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Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesEnergy Wave

Double Masenko (ダブル魔閃光 Daburu Masenko, lit. "Demon's Double Flash of Light") is a two-handed version of the Masenko used by Gohan.


Gohan puts both of his hands out at his left and right sides, and he then fires a Masenko energy wave out of each hand in opposite directions, inflicting a huge amount of damage.


Dual Masenko

Gohan uses a Double Masenko on two monsters

Gohan uses this attack during the battle against Garlic Jr. and his remaining henchmen, Spice and Vinegar. After Krillin is beaten and kicked over the edge of the Lookout by a transformed Vinegar, Gohan attempts to rescue his friend, but is soon interrupted by Spice and Vinegar. However, after witnessing Krillin about to die, Gohan explodes with rage and fires the Double Masenko against Spice and Vinegar, killing them both at the same time. Gohan then rescues Krillin and carries him up back to the Lookout to help Piccolo continue the fight against Garlic Jr.

Other Dragon Ball stories[]

In Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, Super Saiyan Gohan uses this technique against two monsters, Skud and Gure, at the same time during a battle in the Land of Ice.


  • Dual Masenko - A variation used by Future Trunks (DB Super) in Xenoverse 2.


