Directory: Techniques → Offensive Techniques → Energy Sphere
Cosmic Illusion (コズミックイリュージョン Kozumikku Iryūjon)[2] is a counterattack used by Janemba in his second form.
When the opponent attempts to attack, Janemba uses the Bunkai Teleport to avoid them. He then reappears beside the opponent as he charges a pink energy sphere over their chest and blasts them away, creating an explosion and inflicting a great amount of damage.
Majin Ozotto used this technique against Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta while in Janemba's form.[1]
Film Appearances[]

Janemba blasts Goku away in Fusion Reborn
In Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Janemba uses this attack against Super Saiyan 3 Goku. When Goku fires a blast at Janemba, the latter creates a portal to send the energy sphere behind Goku, blasting the Saiyan away. Regaining focus, Goku lands a few hits on Janemba and tries to blast him again, but Janemba counterattacks with the Cosmic Illusion, blasting the surprised Goku away.
Video Game Appearances[]
Cosmic Illusion was named in Raging Blast 2, where it is one of Super Janemba's Super Attacks.