Dragon Ball Wiki

"Now attack! And when you see me go in for the last blow, get away from here as fast as you can!"
Gamma 2 before performing the technique in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Core Breaker (コアブレイカー)[4] is a technique used by Gamma 2 in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.


By ascending into the atmosphere and bringing forth all of his energy, into a Nova Strike-like aura, Gamma 2 comes crashing down on the target in a humongous explosion.


In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Gamma 2 used this technique in a sacrificial ploy against Cell Max while the titan is distracted by Gamma 1 and the Dragon Team. Cell Max raises his arm to block the Core Breaker at the last second but cannot hold off Gamma 2 for long and falters, allowing the superhero to shred Cell Max's arm off. After completing the attack, Gamma 2 perishes and turns to ash, but he is later avenged by the combined efforts of Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo.

Video Game Appearances[]

Core Breaker was named in Heroes, added in Ultra God Mission 5 as the Super Attack of Gamma 2's "UGM5-068" card. Additionally, both Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 use it together with Ultimate Piccolo's help as part of A Superhero Unit That Pierces Justice.

In Xenoverse 2, as part of the Hero of Justice Pack 1 DLC, it appears as Gamma 2's Ultimate Skill which can also be randomly obtained by the Future Warrior in New Parallel Quest 158: "Beat Bulma's Minions!".

In Legends, it is used by Gamma 2 (as part of the Gamma 1 & Gamma 2 DBL60-03S iteration) as an attack via waiting for the Preparation Mode's gauge to go down and causing a Legendary Finish to trigger.

In Dokkan Battle, it is used by Gamma 1 & Gamma 2 as their Finish Skill under the name All-Out Full Energy Release.


