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"I am the supreme master of this universe! I am the great destroyer, the taker of life! It is my will that this planet and everyone on it, BE ANNIHILATED!"
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge

Cooler (クウラ Kūra, lit. "Coora"[8]) is the eldest son of King Cold and Frieza's older brother. The boss of the Cooler Force division, he is just as cruel as the rest of his family and was the first known member of his family to discover a transformation beyond his race's true form.

Cooler is the titular main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge. An emulation of him known as Meta-Cooler acts as the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler.

Quick Answers

Who is Cooler in the Dragon Ball Z universe? toggle section
In the Dragon Ball Z universe, Cooler is Frieza's brother who surpasses his sibling's strength after discovering a transformation beyond Frieza's. Despite Goku's use of Kaio-ken and Kamehameha, Cooler's power remains superior. However, Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan turns the tables. Cooler, undeterred, unveils his Final Form in a bid to vanquish Goku.
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What is the relationship between Cooler and Frieza? toggle section
Cooler and Frieza, siblings with ruthless personalities, view each other as rivals for universal control. They often underestimate each other, but can unite against common foes, particularly the Saiyans. Cooler, initially weaker, surpasses Frieza's strength after discovering a new transformation. Their rivalry is so intense that they would seize any chance to eliminate each other.
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What is the significance of Cooler's transformation beyond his race's true form? toggle section
Cooler's transformation beyond his true form signifies his supremacy over Frieza, his brother. This transformation, kept secret even from his followers, was first witnessed by Goku. It resulted in a significant increase in Cooler's height and ki, exceeding Frieza's. Despite this, Goku defeated Cooler, and he was later overpowered by the Z Fighters in Dragon Ball GT.
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Who is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge? toggle section
In Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge, the main antagonist is Cooler, Frieza's older and more powerful brother. He lands on Earth with Frieza Soldiers, aiming to wipe out the last Saiyan. Cooler is ultimately defeated by Goku, who employs his Super Saiyan strength to end the family feud.
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What is the role of Meta-Cooler in the Dragon Ball Z series? toggle section
In the Dragon Ball Z series, Meta-Cooler, also known as Metal Cooler, is a reincarnated version of Cooler, resurrected by the Big Gete Star. This new form is more powerful and streamlined, with the ability to mimic the Fourth Form Cooler and utilize Cooler's techniques. Meta-Cooler is a formidable adversary, capable of defeating Super Saiyan Goku and requiring the combined strength of Super Saiyan Vegeta and Goku for his destruction. He possesses an auto-repair ability, enabling him to recover from injuries.
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Creation and Concept


Cooler concept art drawn by Akira Toriyama

Cooler and his Armored Squadron were designed by Akira Toriyama, the original manga author, for Toei's theatrical production (and later adapted as needed for future appearances).[6]


Cooler's appearance in his base form is similar to that of Frieza's Final Form, though Cooler's skin is deep purple as opposed to the pure white of his brother. Cooler is also much taller than Frieza, being similar in height to Goku. Along with this, Cooler has a distinctively more masculine appearance than that of Frieza, who is leaner built (excluding the engorged muscle mass when at 100% full power). Cooler also sports several armor-like carapaces on his chest, shoulders, shins, and head; these are apparently natural given how they too change when he transforms.


Cooler's Revenge - Cooler gloating at a defeated Goku

Cooler taunts Goku

Cooler's personality is quite similar to that of his younger brother and his father, though with a few noticeable differences. Like Frieza, Cooler handles problems in an intellectual and serious manner. Though, unlike his brother, Cooler is not as consumed by his ego and is less likely to underestimate his opponents, as seen when he acknowledged that Goku was still alive despite taking a direct hit from his Darkness Eye Beam, due to the latter managing to utilize a counterattack against him, and thus ordered his subordinates to search for and kill him, and in the English dub also deliberately refuses to use the easy solution of ensuring Goku's death by blowing up the Earth specifically in order to make sure he had confirmed Goku's death with his own eyes despite his preference of blowing it up. Even when they had demolished a large portion of the surrounding environment with continuous barrages of energy blasts, he insisted that they continue their pursuit. Likewise, he does not get overly proud of accomplishments that require little effort as he found Frieza's gloating at destroying Planet Vegeta so childish. This is also implied by his admission that he and his forces deliberately target planets that are considered more difficult to conquer in contrast to his brother. Cooler is also apparently more positively inclined and respectful towards his subordinates than his brother and father, as he has never once been seen abusing, ridiculing, executing them or anything of the sort. He also offers to take on opponents who outmatch them personally, which likely contributes to their undivided loyalty and respect for him. He even seems to be inclined to take his subordinates' advice. However, Cooler still underestimated his opponent, as by allowing Goku's space pod to escape instead of following his subordinates' suggestion of shooting it down, he was paving his own downfall years later when Goku defeated him. Cooler himself lamented that when he looked down on Frieza for being soft that day, he himself was no better for not shooting down Goku's pod.

Cooler Newshot


Despite these honorable qualities, Cooler is a ruthless killer, even by his own admission. While he does not appear to relish in the agony and despair of his opponents like his brother does, he is willing to attack children, ambush enemies from behind and inflicting great harm upon an already incapacitated opponent without a second thought. Upon entering his final form, Cooler displays a personality similar to the one shown by his younger brother in his second form, though not quite as pronounced: Cooler becomes exceedingly more brutal in his efforts to kill Goku. Other similarities he has with Frieza is that he is completely assured of his own superiority over his opponents, and his ego is also quite pronounced as he denotes himself as the "supreme master of the universe". After merging with the Big Gete Star, Cooler also ends up ironically adopting some of his brother's traits such as his sadism (as especially evident by his referring to Goku and Vegeta's agony from being drained as "absolutely exquisite" and laughing maniacally) and his knack for underestimating foes (as especially evident by his boasting that Goku can't win against him in his ultimate form and ignoring Vegeta until it was too late).


Ghost Warrior Cooler in Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans with incorrectly colored wrist carapaces

With regards to his relationship with his family, Cooler appears to have had a simple sibling rivalry with Frieza, labeling him as arrogant, foolish, a spoiled brat and a pest, and even goes as far as to admit that if Goku had not killed Frieza, he himself would have done so. He also says that Frieza was the "favored" one in regard to their parents. In Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, however, Cooler and Frieza appear to be more than capable of working together to defeat a common foe, though this is likely due to the both of them having been defeated by Saiyans and their subsequent desire for revenge. Cooler is never shown with King Cold, but dialogue implies that he holds the same lack of respect for his father as Frieza did. The English dub of Cooler's Revenge has Cooler privately blame King Cold "spoiling [Frieza] rotten" for the latter's defeat at the hands of what he believed at the time to be a standard Saiyan. Cooler appears to not care for his father, as upon Cold trying to get help from him in the Prison Planet Saga, Cooler proceeds to kill him. In the Quest Mode of Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Cooler also kills King Cold for being defeated by Super Saiyan Bardock, remarking that it was reflective of Cold dismissing Frieza's earlier death as a stain upon the clan's honor. In Cooler's only interaction with Cold in Supersonic Warriors 2, he opposes him. In Cooler's ending in Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road, Cooler and Frieza are shown to have a good relationship, as they plan to destroy the Saiyans together, and the two complement each other at several points.

In Frieza's arcade mode in Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, Frieza mentions that Cooler believes that violence is the answer to almost anything, something which Frieza disagrees with. Cooler also has a certain sense of pride and lust for battle as he took Videl hostage, then quickly releases her after present Gohan agrees to have a one-on-one match.

In the Xenoverse series, while his sibling rivalry with Frieza is still present, he is willing to begrudgingly work with him to defeat the Saiyans and even travels to Dying Namek to aid his brother against Super Saiyan Goku in Age 762 after having been transported there by Towa, whom Cooler notes to Frieza when he asks why he is on Namek (that he might as well repay his debt to her by killing Goku, before asking himself why he should be explaining any of it to his brother). This shows that Cooler is able to feel gratitude to those who assist him like Towa did and even possesses a sense of honor when it comes to those who assist him in such a manner (though admittedly he had his own reasons for killing Goku, for tarnishing his family's name by defeating Frieza which he himself planned to erase from history by killing him in Age 762, only to be defeated by the 2nd Future Warrior). In one parallel quest, he reveals the only reason he did not kill his brother was out of familial respect, though he himself has no real qualms about committing fratricide, demonstrating the same lack of caring for blood kin as his Frieza demonstrated. Frieza did not want to revive Cold and did not care if his father or brother's souls were erased when Roh pointed out his family and/or loved ones would be erased with Universe 7 if he betrayed them for Universe 9, with Frieza coldly acting unconcerned, and even confused by, his remarks as Frieza had no loved ones but himself.

However, during the main story Cooler does note that it doesn't hurt to act like a big brother every now and then when helping Frieza on Namek, showing that he understands how an elder sibling should act (by protecting and guiding their younger siblings when they need help or guidance) while Frieza fails to even look up to his elder brother (Frieza himself despises Cooler due to what he perceives as his perfectionism due to the latter's tendency to criticize Frieza for his failures, even if it were to Frieza's benefit to actually listen to Cooler). Cooler still has no qualms about killing his own family as he states his intention to kill Frieza and his father to the Future Warrior when they train under him in Xenoverse 2. However, he does spare Frieza after defeating him in the Frieza's Spaceship time rift anomaly if the Future Warrior joins the Cooler Force (Cooler's faction within the Galactic Frieza Army) and leaves the Frieza Force (Frieza's faction) under the Future Warrior's control to do as they see fit, having earned his complete trust for their assistance in aiding him in becoming Emperor of Universe 7. These acts show that he is willing to reward such loyalty (even offering to allow the Future Warrior to reestablish their race if they are a Saiyan).

"Although I'm MORE than enough to crush these pathetic lice... fine. Don't say Uncle Cooler never gave you anything!"
— Cooler permitting Final Form Kuriza to fight alongside him against the DBH Team in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, it is revealed that Cooler cares for his nephew Kuriza and allows him to fight alongside him against the Dragon Ball Heroes, Beat and Note. However, it should be noted that their interaction occurs within an anomalous extra dimensional space within Age 764 of the game world timeline thus it is unclear if the nature of their relationship was altered by the game world anomaly responsible for the alterations to the history of Age 764 that resulted in Kuriza and later his uncle coming to the aid of Mecha Frieza and King Cold in the first place.

Owing to Chilled's warning about the existence of Super Saiyans, Cooler was shown to be fully aware of the concept. While he wasn't paranoid about the transformation unlike his brother, he nonetheless knew enough about what it entailed that he became more cautious about confronting Goku after deducing he ultimately survived his earlier ambush due to parrying his attack earlier, even admitting that might have been the reason Frieza had been defeated earlier.



Like the rest of his family, Cooler is shown to be involved in the Frieza Force, although he does not appear to work closely with his family. He also leads his own squadron of warriors as a planet subjugator for the Frieza Force. According to an issue of Shonen Jump, Cooler has control of at least 256 planets, as his henchman, Dore is stated as hailing from planet Coola No. 256.

In Age 737, while Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, the home planet of the Saiyans, a newly born Kakarot was being sent to subjugate Earth. Seeing that Goku had escaped the explosion, Cooler's henchmen made plans to shoot the space-pod down. Cooler unexpectedly belayed the order, lamenting that his brother was still far too soft to allow a child's escape and that Frieza's conceit would delay the annihilation of the Saiyan race and jeopardize his family's absolute control over the galaxy. He and his squad were also tasked with the subjugation (destruction in the FUNimation dub) of seven planets by the end of that day.

Cooler always had a sibling rivalry with Frieza and even went as far as to admit that if Goku had not killed Frieza, he himself would have tried to kill him. At some point, Cooler found the means to gain a clear advantage over his younger brother: he transformed into a Fourth Transformation, with power surpassing even his younger brother's full power at the time.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Prison Planet Saga

Cooler Heroes 1

Cooler confronts Future Trunks

At some point, Cooler is kidnapped by Fu where he is then brought to his created Prison Planet to unwillingly take part in his experiment. When Future Trunks wakes up in his cell, the doors open up for him allowing him to leave. As Trunks heads out into the Slum Area, he soon runs into Cooler in his final form who demands that Trunks hand him over one of the Special Dragon Balls that are needed to escape the planet though Trunks is not in possession of any.

GolCooler Heroes 0 (4)

Golden Cooler transforms after being goaded by Fu

Trunks and Cooler arrive in the Green Area shortly after Goku takes on his Super Saiyan: Berserk form announcing to Vegeta that he is on their side because their goals align for now. Cooler transforms into Golden Cooler during his confrontation with Goku telling Fu that if his brother can achieve it then so can he. Upon doing so he immediately defeats Goku with a single punch which returns him to normal before launching a Golden Supernova at Cumber, though the attack does not damage him at all.

In the manga while Vegito battles Cumber, Golden Cooler follows Majin Ozotto through a portal, bringing Future Trunks through as well, to travel to the Chaos Area of the Prison Planet. When Trunks asks why they came here, Cooler explains that it's because Ozotto appeared to know a lot about the Special Dragon Balls. Cooler finds his father, King Cold injured up against a rock and he compliments his son's strength in his new Golden Form.

Cold and Cooler

Cooler and King Cold

When King Cold asks Cooler to join him, Cooler fires a Death Beam through his father saying that he will not be used and collects the Dragon Ball from him. He then turns his attention on the Ghost Warriors, Kid Buu, Bojack, Lord Slug, Turles, and Cell and battles them alongside Trunks. When Ozotto gets Hatchiyack to destroy the machine and gathers his Six-Star Special Dragon Ball, Ozotto uses his teleportation abilities to send Trunks and Cooler back to the Green Area.

There Goku and the others are fighting Cumber and when Fu creates a portal to teleport away from the soon to be destroyed Prison Planet, Cooler chases him through it before it closes.

Universal Conflict Saga

After Cooler chased after Fu during the events of the Prison Planet Saga, he was captured, and was transformed by Fu into Meta-Cooler via the Big Gete Star,[9] this time crafting his body from the same glass utilized by the Glass People.[10]

Gold Meta Kura3

Golden Meta-Cooler

In the anime, watching the Core Area Warriors battle the Dragon Team and Pride Troopers, Fu decides it is time to unleash Meta-Cooler. Later, in Universe 3, Cooler almost defeats Lagss until Cumber inadvertently saves her and transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 to continue the fight. The battle proves to be evenly matched at first, with Cumber mocking Cooler for turning himself into a machine. Cooler however tells him that he has a new power before gaining an edge in the battle. Cooler then transforms into Golden Meta-Cooler at which point Cumber's attacks are shown to have no effect and is greatly overpowered. After knocking Cumber down to the ground, Cooler launches three Golden Metal Supernovas at the Saiyan but overheats and flees the battle. Cumber survives the blasts but collapses and falls unconscious soon after.

Universe Creation Saga

Meta Cooler UC arc


Meta-Cooler appears alongside the rest of the Universe Creation Planners at the Universe Tree when Fu has an audience with them.

New Space-Time War Saga

Meta-Cooler arrives in the Pseudo Universe where along with his brother Frieza, he hunts down Goku as he runs through West City. When Goku flies outside of the city, Meta-Cooler and Frieza give chase, kicking Goku to the ground.

SDBH 33 02

Golden Meta-Cooler with the Dark Dragon Ball

As they go to attack him once more, they suddenly find themselves pinned to the ground by Hearts' Gravity Cage. The two re-emerge in their Golden state and Meta-Cooler attacks Hearts, recognising him as an ally of Cumber's. During the battle, Meta-Cooler and Frieza are suddenly given Dark Dragon Balls by the Crimson-Masked Saiyan to power up the pair radically.

SDBH 34 01

Meta-Cooler and Frieza fling themselves at Goku and Hearts

In a berserk state, Meta-Cooler and his brother quickly show superiority over their opponents. They are soon interrupted by the appearance of Broly who has also arrived in the New Space-Time and easily dispatches of the two tyrants at the same time with a single mighty blast. In a weakened state, Cooler is ambushed by the mysterious Warrior in Black and his Dark Dragon Ball is removed from his chest.

Meta-Cooler and Frieza make their return in their Golden states when Goku and Vegeta are in the middle of their battle with the Crimson-Masked Saiyan and announce their plan to get revenge for their earlier humiliation. Not wanting to be disturbed, the Crimson-Masked Saiyan pulls out a Scroll of Eternity containing the King of Destruction Omega Shenron who quickly blasts the two intergalactic tyrants away. They make another attempt at attacking the Crimson-Masked Saiyan shortly after though the result is the same.

Supreme Kai of Time Saga

SDBH 41 05

Golden Meta-Cooler as a member of Team 5 for the Super Space-Time Tournament

Meta-Cooler returns as one of the many contestants of the Super Space-Time Tournament where he is a part of Team 5 along with his brother Frieza. In the manga, after Yamcha interrupts Hit and Hearts when they finish of Vidro, Meta-Cooler blasts an energy beam that goes through Vidro's arm, stating that he only cares about surviving in the tournament and then proceeds to try and kill everyone in his way. However, Yamcha tries to counter Cooler's energy blast with a Kamehameha followed by Hearts who uses his heavy energy cubes to restrain him.

Olibu vs

Transcended Golden Meta-Cooler confronting Olibu

In the anime, due to his villainous status, Meta-Cooler is overwhelmed by Dark King Demigra's influence and is consumed by evil energy, turning against the rest of Team 5. He then confronts an incarnation of Olibu, who appears to help.

Demon Invader Saga

In one particular Space-Time, Cooler is absorbed by Majin Ozotto.[11]

Dragon Ball GT

Super 17 Saga


Cooler and other past villains escape from Hell

Cooler makes a cameo appearance when most previous villains escape from Hell when Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu open a Dimensional Hole. He and the rest of the villains are sent back to Hell shortly afterward.

Film appearances

Cooler's Revenge

"Well, well... not bad. Rather impressive, actually. Frieza... yes, I could see how he would have trouble with you. My brother was a pest - I would have killed him myself sooner or later. He was always trying to beat me, trying to prove that he was the best, and he definitely had the edge. But then it happened. As you know, I'm in the third transformed state, but I found a fourth beyond it! You should feel privileged, you will be the first one to witness this form! First you will see, then you will DIE!"
— Cooler to Goku before transforming

Cooler first appears in the prologue to the movie, where he orders for Salza and the rest of the Armored Squadron to delay an order to intercept and destroy an attack pod containing a Saiyan infant, citing that Frieza made the mistake of letting him escape, and sees absolutely no reason why he should interfere with his schedule regarding seven planets that day to cover for Frieza (depending on the version of the movie, he either intended to conquer [Japanese] or destroy [Funimation dub] the planets in question), and also figured that the Saiyan would pose no threat to them due to only being an infant. In the Funimation dub, when complaining about how Frieza is too blinded by his arrogant pride to notice the space pod, he stated that the space pod could have contained King Vegeta for all Frieza knew. He then had the ship flee the system, due to wanting to evade the destructive waves posed by the planet's destruction.


Cooler before going to the Earth

Roughly 27 years after the genocide of the Saiyans, Cooler is given the word that his brother had been killed by a Saiyan. Initially skeptical, he soon comes to believe it, and heads to Earth to restore his family's honor (he makes the point that he is not doing this to avenge Frieza. In the Funimation dub, he also bitterly states that part of the reason Frieza got beaten was that their father, King Cold, "spoiled Frieza rotten"). Upon arriving, he makes his henchmen encounter a Saiyan, who of course is Goku. As Goku was unaware of Frieza having a brother, he mistakes Cooler for Frieza and is shocked at the apparent survival of "Frieza". Cooler wounds Goku in a blast intended for Gohan but loses sight of his quarry after Goku is washed down a waterfall. This encounter leads Cooler to suspect that Goku did, in fact, kill Frieza, since Goku had thrown a powerful ki blast from a very compromising position after he had been hit by Cooler's eye beams. Not content to blow up the planet & being too proud and eager to smite the one who injured his family name, Cooler goes to some lengths to have him tracked down.

With Dore and Neiz killed by Piccolo and Salza almost defeated by him, Cooler finally enters the battle himself, with Piccolo expressing shock, believing him to be Frieza and stating that he should be dead. Cooler punctures a hole through Piccolo and has Salza go after Gohan. Goku, revived by consuming a Senzu Bean, encounters Cooler, learning he is Frieza's brother as Cooler demonstrates how much mercy he lacks, by dropping Piccolo, (pretending to let Piccolo go for Goku to rescue him) and then blasting Piccolo before Goku could catch him. Goku, enraged, condemns Cooler as ruthless as his brother before beginning his battle with Cooler. Initially, he and Cooler are a fairly even match; Cooler then understands how Goku gave his brother trouble. He soon reveals to Goku that Frieza was always trying to beat him at everything and that he would have killed him sooner had it not been for his father; this implies that Cooler was planning on killing Frieza before his confrontation with Goku, and desired to kill Goku mostly for robbing him of his chance of doing so, rather than family matters. Cooler soon tells Goku of his ability to transform once more than Frieza and shows him his recently acquired ultimate transformation (in Funimation's dub). He additionally implies that not even his Armored Squadron knew about this transformation and tells Goku to consider this to be an honor due to Goku being the first to witness the transformation as well as vowing he'll also be the last. After the transformation concludes, Goku privately notes in shock that Cooler's ki was superior to Frieza's in his form (the English dub omits this by having Goku loudly declare in utter shock Cooler's extreme increase in overall height instead).

Lightning Attack

Cooler's new power decimates Goku on the battlefield


Cooler after throwing the Supernova

Cooler now easily overpowers Goku in this form and keeps to his word to make sure the Saiyan suffers for bringing shame upon his family's legacy, by attacking Goku with back-breaking techniques, almost bringing Goku to death, until at length he grows tired of the fight and feels Frieza had further shamed his family by dying at Goku's hand. As he makes plans to destroy the planet, Goku's rage transcends, transforming him into a Super Saiyan. Off-guard and arrogant, Cooler is overpowered by the Saiyan; he realizes how Frieza lost to Goku and laughs crazily at it. Finally becoming desperate, he gathers enough energy to form a Supernova Cooler to obliterate the Super Saiyan and Earth. However, with a powerful Super Kamehameha, Goku is able to offset his attack and send Cooler hurling into the Sun (In the Funimation dub, when Cooler first notices the Sun while being knocked back by Goku's Super Kamehameha, he considers destroying the Sun with the intention of causing the Earth and the surrounding Solar System to freeze in darkness, but stops when he realizes that he is heading right towards it). Cooler realized that Goku was the Saiyan child he had allowed escaping nearly three decades ago and that in scolding his brother and not lifting a finger, he had been far too soft himself. Cooler is then incinerated in the Sun.

The Return of Cooler

1032769-metal coola smirk super

Meta-Cooler appears to Goku

Cooler's remains float around in space and eventually fuse with the Big Gete Star, a giant machine. The Big Gete Star revives Cooler by finally fusing with his brain, causing him to fuse with it into Meta-Cooler Core. Meta-Cooler Core set a course for New Namek, intent on draining the planet and using the Namekians as fuel for the star. Dende, learning of this horrible news, calls to Earth's warriors for help; Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo, as well as Krillin, Master Roshi, Oolong, and Yajirobe, travel to New Namek, ready to assist its people.

Meta-Cooler appears before the Dragon Team. Stronger than ever, he is able to face Goku and Vegeta. The two Super Saiyans have trouble defeating Meta-Cooler, but eventually do so. However, they discover that it was not Cooler himself but a remote-controlled duplicate. An army of Meta-Coolers emerge to attack and overwhelm the duo, who are taken into the star.

True Coola

The core of the Big Gete Star, made by what little remains of the organic Cooler

Goku and Vegeta encounter the remains of the actual Cooler, an obscene and grinning head split with one remaining eye, strung up by wires and sheets of metal and integrated into the Big Gete Star's main computer. After a conflict with Meta-Cooler Core's Battle Form, what is left of Cooler is destroyed by Goku.

Other Dragon Ball Stories

Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans


Cooler with the other Ghost Warriors

Ghost Cooler, along with what appears to be a resurrected Frieza, Turles, and Lord Slug, attack Goku and his friends in Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans. They are in fact Ghost Warriors meant to harass the heroes.

Xenoverse 2

During an altered history of the final battle with Frieza on Planet Namek, Cooler is transported from another time period by Towa and Mira to aid his brother in the fight against Super Saiyan Goku and the Future Warrior. During the battle, Cooler transforms into his Fourth Transformation while Frieza transforms into his 100% Final Form. However, Cooler is eventually defeated and falls into the molten core of Dying Namek. Afterward, Goku continues his battle with Frieza alone and the Future Warrior leaves to help Future Trunks and Ace deal with Mira.

Cooler later appears as Metal Cooler in Age 779, history having been changed so that Cooler is revived alongside Frieza when Sorbet wishes him back to life by using the second wish originally taken by the Pilaf Gang. Metal Cooler is then upgraded to have far greater power and enhanced by dark magic, he appears during Golden Frieza's fight with the Future Warrior and Goku after Whis notices him, but Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta steps in to fight Metal Cooler. Frieza destroys the planet and kills everyone, but Whis rewinds time and the Future Warrior stops this. Frieza and Metal Cooler then both use the Supervillain form, however, they are still defeated.

Frieza's Spaceship side-quests

While working undercover as a member of the Frieza Force to investigate the time rift anomaly around Frieza's Spaceship, the Future Warrior will encounter Cooler onboard after defeating the entire Ginyu Force twice. Impressed by the Warrior's fighting ability and power after watching them defeat the Ginyu Force, Cooler offers the Warrior a chance to work under him. The Warrior can choose to ally themselves with either Cooler or remain under Frieza. If they chose to join up with Cooler, he will give them a mission to defeat Frieza in order to prove Cooler is the strongest. After defeating Frieza, Cooler will assign the Warrior to spar with him for his training as mentor. During the training, Cooler will explain his goal is to keep getting stronger in order to defend his family's place as the strongest in the universe. After sparring against Cooler in his fifth form four times, Cooler will evolve into Metal Cooler. If the Future Warrior is a Saiyan, out of respect for their loyalty, Cooler says he will allow them to rebuild the Saiyan civilization on any planet they choose. He also gives them command over Frieza's men, though he doubts they will be much of any use to someone as powerful as the Future Warrior.

World Mission

Chapter 1, Sub Chapter 1 - "My Thrilling First Battle!"
SDBH World Mission Ch1, Sub Ch1- "My Thrilling First Battle" Game World Cooler (Final Form) in Hero Town (Dialogue Cutscene)

Final Form Cooler finds himself in Hero Town in World Mission

In Chapter 1, Sub Chapter 1: "My Thrilling First Battle!", Cooler (Fourth Transformation) suddenly finds himself on Earth in Hero Town. Two local SDBH players, Mint and Chamile notice him and Chamile mistakes him for a cosplayer and wants to take a picture with him, but Mint is reluctant to approach as she notes Cooler seems too real. Fortunately, the Hero Master Great Saiyaman 3 arrives to confront Cooler asking why he's there. Cooler notes the Hero Master is different from the other locals and attacks him with a Ki Blast. Cooler is unimpressed by Great Saiyaman 3 and notices Beat who had followed the Hero Master. Beat realizes Cooler is no cosplayer and wonders what is going on as Great Saiyaman 3 tells him to stay back. Cooler decides to attack Beat with a Ki Blast, but to Cooler, Great Saiyaman 3, and even Beat himself, Beat guards and is unaffected by the blast. Great Saiyaman 3 notes Beat somehow used his Ki defensively to cancel out Cooler's blast, though Beat himself doesn't understand what he did indicating he did so subconsciously (unbeknownst to any of them, Beat is part Saiyan due to being a descendant of Goku).

SDBH World Mission Ch1, Sub Ch1 - "My Thrilling First Battle!" Great Saiyaman 3 protects Beat from Final Form Cooler (Final Form Cooler VS Base Beat & Great Saiyaman 3)

Final Form Cooler's punch blocked by Great Saiyaman 3's Sword in World Mission

Recognizing Beat's talent, Cooler decides to fight more seriously and physically attacks him, however Great Saiyaman 3 uses Rapid Movement to intercept him and draws his sword, using it to block Cooler's punch. Catching Cooler off guard, Great Saiyaman 3 uses a Kiai to send him flying then attacks him with a Burning Slash the same technique that killed Mecha Frieza in the past and like his brother before him, Cooler is slain by the attack. Mint and Chamile assume it was just a show, though Beat realizes it was all real and asks Great Saiyaman 3 what's going on. After finding a private place to talk, Great Saiyaman 3 reveals that the Cooler he fought was an enemy from the game world of SDBH who had escaped into the real world due to an anomaly in the game world that he has been secretly trying to resolve but can't handle it alone and asks Beat to join him in his mission. Beat agrees and ends up joining the Hero Master's team of SDBH players turned Time Patrollers, the Dragon Ball Heroes which combats the anomalies created by the mysterious individual that the Hero Master dubs "the menace".

Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 3 - "An Unthinkable Appearance"

In the extra dimensional space in Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 3: "An Unthinkable Appearance", Beat and DBH teammate Note are dealing with an anomaly in Age 764 during Mecha Frieza and King Cold's invasion of Earth. Due to the anomaly, Future Trunks is a no show forcing the pair to confront Mecha Frieza and his father, while their new teammate Froze takes Kagyu a Hero Switch compatible SDBH player who was accidentally sucked onto the game world by a tear in space created by the game world anomaly. They manage to hold their own against the two but upon entering the extra dimensional space the anomaly causes Kuriza's Spaceship to appear. Kuriza (First Form) arrives with Abo and Kado to back up his father and grandfather. However, they are unable to stop Beat and Note from defeating Mecha Frieza and King Cold. Suddenly the anomaly causes Cooler's Armored Squadron and Cooler of the Cooler Force to appear on the scene.

"My father and Frieza are embarrassments to the clan. I'll handle this myself! You lack both shame and backbones. Unable to defeat mere children?! Pah!"
— Cooler insulting his brother and father for their defeat at the hands of Beat and Note in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

This version of the game world Cooler is different incarnation from the one Beat previously encountered with Great Saiyaman 3. Cooler admonishes his father and brother calling them both embarrassments to the Frieza Clan and that he will handle this himself. Beat is surprised to see Cooler again and Note says that he's the last creep she expected to crawl out of the woodwork.

"So, you are familiar with the name of space's mightiest warrior? If only you had left my clan's honor unsmirched, I would have given you an autograph... ...instead of tortuous, searing AGONY! Followed, of course, by your inevitable deaths."
— Cooler as he confronts the DBH Team in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

Like the previous Cooler that Beat encountered, he is surprised they have heard his name and notes that if they hadn't besmirched his clan's honor, he would have given them his autograph, instead of tortuous searing agony and the inevitable death that will follow before attacking them together with his Armored Squadron backing him up.

Beat & Note manage to defeat Cooler (Final Form), Salza, Neiz, & Dore. With Cooler's Armored Squadron slain, Cooler, Kuriza, Avo, & Kado are the only enemies remaining. Cooler calls his Armored Squadron incompetent clods for their failure as Beat & Note prepare to take down both Cooler & Kuriza. Kuriza asks his Uncle Cooler to let him fight alongside him, wanting to pay them back for killing his father and transforms into his Final Form. Cooler says he is more than enough to crush Beat & Note but allows his nephew to fight alongside him. Avo realizes Kuriza is getting serious and asks Kado if he's ready to fuse, and Kado agrees with the brothers fusing into Aka. Beat tells them to change as many times as they like as they have seen it all before.

"Oh? Have you seen this? Hrrrrrnnngh... HAAAAA! Is there anything more sublime than the sight of young faces contorted in fear? Heh heh heh! Before you breath your last, you will have learned two things... The splendor of the Cosmo's superlative clan... and the might of its rightful leader--Cooler!"
— Cooler's words before & after his transformation into Golden Cooler in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

SDBH World Mission Ch 2, Sub Ch 3 - "An Unthinkable Appearance" (Extra Dimensional Space) Note's reaction to Cooler's transformation into Golden Cooler ("The Power of Brotherhood")

Note reacting to Cooler's ability to transform into Golden Cooler in Age 764 in World Mission

Cooler then asks if they have seen this before transforming into Golden Cooler (another result of the anomaly). Note is shocked by his ability to go gold, but after hearing his boosting, she points out that "striking gold really went to his head." before asking Beat if he's ready. Beat says he's been ready before telling Cooler the Earth is theirs, calling Golden Cooler a psycho before telling him to shove off. The two Heroes then face off against Golden Cooler, Final Form Kuriza, & Aka.

The two Heroes eventually come out victorious and Great Saiyaman 3 is finally able to contact his team, but they tell him he, Froze, and Kagyu are late to the party. Great Saiyaman 3 thinks sending Froze & Kagyu isn't necessary, only for Note to reveal it is as the fight against Golden Cooler, his nephew, & Aka had exhausted the pair to the point they can't even move, thus require Froze & Kagyu to help them get back to base.

What-if scenarios

Supersonic Warriors 2

In Supersonic Warriors 2, Cooler gets his own story mode that can either follow a standard storyline or branch off into a few what-if scenarios. In one scenario, Cooler and his mechanized brother join forces to take over the Earth, which ultimately ends in Cooler killing his brother for treachery and then going on to kill King Cold for complete control over the universe.

Sparking! Zero

As part of Frieza's Episode Battle mode, should Golden Frieza be able to defeat Goku and Vegeta within a short period, Beerus orders him to spare the Earth in exchange for allowing the revival of the Frieza Force. As the Tournament of Power approaches, Beerus authorizes Frieza to choose someone as part of Team Universe 7. He may then select Cooler, King Cold, Zarbon and Dodoria or the Ginyu Force. Regardless of Frieza's decision, Team Universe 7 ultimately emerges victorious.


Unlike his brother Frieza and father King Cold it's heavily implied that Cooler was not born into power and his whole life he was forced to work hard and train to attain it. This is further implied in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, where he states he must train until he dies in order to become the strongest in the universe. This is what most likely caused Cooler to be calmer and levelheaded while being less arrogant and overall, more practical than Frieza.

Movies and OVAs

In Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge, in his base form, Cooler is able to more or less fight evenly with Goku's base form (Goku was seemingly using the Kaio-ken - though unnoticeable, as it was in "Bold and Fearless").[12] When Cooler transforms into his Final Form, Goku states his ki is even greater than Frieza's. His degree of superiority over Goku is such that he flies through a Kaio-ken Kamehameha with no damage. However, Cooler was completely outmatched when Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, being caught by complete surprise by the Saiyan's speed and is unable to deal any significant damage even with a close-range energy wave. Despite being quickly overwhelmed, Cooler does not seem frightened, showing that he still believes that he is strong enough to defeat Goku. This is instantly proven when Cooler distracts Goku with a quick energy wave to prepare his ultimate attack: the Supernova Cooler. Once fired at Goku, it was able to give him significant trouble, but it is eventually forced back when Goku fires a Kamehameha into Cooler's Supernova, sending him into the sun. However, Goku was completely drained of his power after repelling Cooler. According to Cooler just prior to using his Supernova, he also was capable of gathering ki energy for the attack much faster than Frieza. The Funimation dub implies that he was also powerful enough to destroy an entire star if he wished immediately prior to his defeat.

Additionally, it is strongly implied that Cooler can control his ki far better than his other family could at the time, as the Z Fighters never detected his presence unlike how they were able to sense both Cold and Frieza while their ship had just entered Earth's orbit. Additionally, even while flying, Cooler could easily sneak up on the likes of Piccolo, who only noticed him once Cooler had made his presence known (normally flight would prevent one from concealing one's ki) indicating his ki control may even be on a level greater than any of the Z Fighters at that time.

In the Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans OVA, Ghost Cooler is able to put up somewhat of a fight against Super Saiyan Goku.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

In the Prison Planet Saga, in the manga, Final Form Cooler is able to kill base Bojack with a sneak attack Death Beam.

In the anime, final form Cooler is able to briefly grapple with Super Saiyan (Berserk) Goku - though he is struggling during the grapple while Goku laughs.

When encountering Super Saiyan (Berserk) Goku, Cooler became Golden Cooler. In the manga, he was able to easily swat back Goku's blasts and quickly defeated Goku using his Golden Supernova - however, he failed to kill him, which he was aiming to do so, and reverts to final form due to his stamina loss. In the anime, Golden Cooler is able to knock down Super Saiyan (Berserk) Goku with a single punch, freeing him from corruption, he fires a Golden Supernova at the restrained Cumber - which fails to do anything at all to the Evil Saiyan. Golden Cooler later attempts to blast Cumber with ki blasts to try and save Future Trunks from Cumber's death grip, which also have no effect. In the manga, final form Cooler is easily defeated by restrained Cumber and has to be saved by Future Trunks.

Golden Cooler's power

Golden Cooler takes down Perfect Cell and Bojack

In the manga, final form Cooler is quickly overwhelmed by the two Ghost Warriors: Bojack (in his base form) and Perfect Cell, as a result Cooler is forced to become Golden Cooler - at which point he easily takes down the two Ghost Warriors. Golden Cooler is able to easily kill the heavily injured King Cold with a single Death Beam. Golden Cooler is lightly injured by the end of his battle with the Ghost Warriors and is unable to stop himself from being teleported away by Ozotto.

In the Super Dragon Ball Heroes anime, Rampaging Meta-Cooler was able to defeat Lagss and could hold his own against Super Saiyan 3 Cumber (who had already fought Top and Jiren) - though was at a disadvantage. After transforming into Golden Meta-Cooler, Cooler overwhelms Super Saiyan 3 Cumber and defeats him with a triple Golden Supernova - though it does not prove powerful enough to kill the fierce Saiyan.

In the manga, the full power Golden Meta-Cooler is able to overwhelm Super Saiyan Cumber when he is heavily injured and barely able to stand due to having been recently injured by Top and Kamioren. Golden Meta-Cooler attempts to finish off Cumber with a quadruple Golden Supernova, however Cumber manages to survive the attack by turning Super Saiyan 3 but collapses from his injuries.

In the anime, Golden Meta-Cooler is able to fight with base Hearts. In the manga the same is true, however he is unable to land a single blow on his foe, who quickly overpowers him, leading the Crimson-Masked Saiyan to refer to him as weak. In both his Rampaging and Golden forms he is able to fight well in combination with his brother's Final and Golden forms respectively, with the two performing multiple combined attacks in perfect unison.

Statements by authors and guidebooks

Daizenshuu 6 notes that Cooler can stay in his true form without worry, while Frieza was unable to due to how his power was too strong to allow him to remain in his true form - to the point where he could not restrain it. Indicating that in his normal form Cooler does not have the intense uncontrollable power that his brother did.

Daizenshuu 7 states that with his final form, Cooler's power is greater than Frieza's.

In an interview with Akira Toriyama, he stated that among the Frieza Race only Frieza and Cold had such incredible levels of power. It was also stated by Naho Ooishi in an interview for Resurrection ‘F’ that even though the rest of Frieza's family are strong, Frieza's power has always been in a completely different league from them, and that Frieza alone is the only one who possesses this level of power.

It was stated by Takao Koyama, that when making Dragon Ball movies was that the next movie villain that Goku fought would always have to be at least stronger than the previous villain Goku fought. Thus, Cooler was stronger than Lord Slug but weaker than Meta-Cooler.

Vjump 2004 p1 lg

Final Form Cooler's power level listed at 470,000,000

A 2004 V-Jump announcing his appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 places Final Form Cooler's power level at 470,000,000.

Video Games

In the Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinzōningen version of the Cooler's Revenge storyline, Cooler is depicted as being far stronger than he was in his movie appearance. In his base form, he is able to fight against Super Saiyan Goku, and it is not until Super Saiyan Vegeta arrives to assist Goku that Cooler actually gets worried. After the two Super Saiyans defeat his base form, Cooler takes on his Final Form, however even this is not enough to defeat the combined might of two Super Saiyans.

In the Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans game, Ghost Cooler and Ghost Frieza together are able to hold their own against the Z Fighters but are ultimately defeated.

In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, base Cooler's bio states that he has similar power to Frieza's regular final form.

In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai (which takes place two years after Buu's defeat), after getting stronger during his time in Hell, Cooler is able to hold his own against Super Saiyan Vegeta in base form and he is able to defeat Pikkon (wearing weighted clothing) - who was previously shown to be capable of easily defeating Cell - while using his final form.

In the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 character references, Cooler's base form is stated to have a power level similar to that of Frieza's final form, while his transformed state is said to raise his power massively. In the story mode of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, Goku will say "Amazing... he's even stronger than Frieza!" in the pre-fight dialogue when fighting base form Cooler. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z also describes base Cooler as having power equivalent to Final Form Frieza, though this is inconsistent with what is shown in-game, as base Cooler only has a power level of 410, inferior to Final Form Frieza's power level of 430. Battle of Z also describes Cooler's Final Form as "stronger than Frieza"; however, when using Frieza to battle Cooler in the scenarios in the game that are based on Cooler's Revenge ("The Revenge of Cooler" and "True Final Form"), Frieza's power is said to have increased to the point of him being stronger than Cooler in both of his forms by the time of the events of movie.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Chronoa states that Cooler in his fourth form is somewhat stronger than Frieza (50 percent) on Namek.

In Dragon Ball Heroes during the Prison Planet Saga, final form Cooler battles base Future Trunks to see how strong he is but is defeated. As Golden Cooler, Cooler is able to fight the damaged Evil Saiyan and Super Saiyan: Berserk Goku alongside Future Trunks and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta. Later, Golden Cooler and Super Saiyan God Goku fight base Cumber together but are overwhelmed and as such Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta have to take their place. During the Universal Conflict Saga, Golden Meta-Cooler teams up with Goku, Jiren and Hit to battle Super Hearts and Super Saiyan 3 Cumber, managing to emerge as the victors.

In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, the game world Cooler that invades Hero Town is strong enough to initially cause Great Saiyaman 3 some trouble though this was likely due to Great Saiyaman 3 being concerned by the presence of local bystanders. However, Beat was able to subconsciously use his ki to cancel out Cooler's Ki Blast, though Cooler himself admits he underestimated him and switches to physical attacking him. Unfortunately for Cooler he underestimates Great Saiyaman 3 who uses his sword to stop Cooler's attack and kills him using the same technique that killed Mecha Frieza, though unbeknownst to Cooler, Great Saiyaman 3 is actually a disguised Xeno Trunks thus his defeat is not surprising.

However, the game world Cooler that appears in Age 764 due to an anomaly is much stronger as he is able to survive a battle with Beat and Note who had managed to defeat Mecha Frieza and his father despite interference from Kuriza, Abo, and Kado and manage to kill Cooler's Armored Squadron while fighting Cooler in his fourth transformation. Additionally, this Cooler has achieved his race's Ultimate Evolution form allowing him to become Golden Cooler. However, despite Golden Cooler fighting alongside his nephew who had transformed into his final form and the fusion Aka, they are ultimately defeated and killed by the DBH Team.


  • Flight – The user manipulates their ki energy or magic so that they can levitate or fly.
  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Ki Sense - Although whether Cooler himself could sense ki or not is unclear, he was at least capable of suppressing his own ki, which is demonstrated by his ambushing Piccolo as well as Goku without either of them even sensing his arrival. Similarly, he was apparently able to suppress his ki to such an extent that not even the scouters of his Armored Squadron could detect him, as demonstrated by his arriving unannounced to his compatriots throughout the film, surprising even them.
  • Survivability - Like Frieza, Cooler is able to survive even the most horrific injury, even decapitation and incineration. He can also survive in space. Presumably as an extension of the latter ability, he was also capable of surviving an indefinite amount of period while underwater, which he demonstrated during the first part of his fight with Goku where the two proceeded to do a large portion of the fight while deep underwater, with Cooler only exiting after Goku forced him out.
  • Afterimage Technique – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • Arc Blast – Used against Goku in Cooler's Revenge.
  • Death Ball – Used in video games.
    • Supernova - Used in video games.
      • Supernova Cooler – The user raises his hand and gathers their energy in the form of a giant yellow orange, sun-like energy sphere. Once it is ready, the user launches the attack against the target. Like the Death Ball and Supernova, it is mostly used to destroy planets, or as a last ditch-effort to kill an enemy. According to Cooler, the energy charge rate for the attack is significantly faster than Frieza's own Supernova version to the extent that it only requires a few seconds to fully charge up.
        • DUAL Supernova (Cooler) - A team Dual Ultimate Skill variation of Supernova Cooler that can be performed by Final Form Cooler and Time Patroller including the Future Warrior. It can be added to Final Form Cooler's custom skillset via Partner Customization. By filling up Cooler's Dual Ultimate gauge increases its power.
      • Golden Supernova - Golden Cooler's super attack in Dragon Ball Heroes and World Mission.
  • Death Beam – Like most members of the Frieza Clan, Cooler can use the Death Beam as seen in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
    • Death Laser – The attack is used in the same way as the Death Beam, being a long straight beam fired from the finger. Though, this variant is usually pointed downwards to attack from above.
      • Chaotic Dead End - Cooler shoots a Death Beam through the opponent's chest, impaling them. Then, while laughing, he finishes by shooting several Particle Bombs at the falling opponent, inflicting a huge amount of damage.
    • Barrage Death Beam – Used as part of one of his rush attacks in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3.
  • Darkness Eye Beam - The user shoots two thin violet-purple energy rays from the eyes.
  • Particle Bomb – Cooler fires an explosive ki blast at the opponent.
  • Death Chaser – First, Cooler charges at the opponent and punches them up into the air. He then flies after the opponent and knees them in the stomach, before backhand punching them down to the ground. Finally, Cooler charges down at the opponent and hook kicks them in the stomach deeper into the ground, inflicting a great deal of damage.
    • Lightning Attack – Cooler rushes towards his victim and then kicks downwards, smashing the opponent into the ground.
  • Death Flash – In his first form, Cooler uses the Death Flash, charging the attack with both of his hands upward and firing with his hands forward. In his final form, Cooler charges the Death Flash with his one hand backward, as opposed to the first Death Flash he used in his First Form.
    • Fake Blast - The user fires a weak ki Blast to produce a brilliant flash of light that temporarily blinds opponents. The blast is so weak that it causes no damage to the opponent, hence its name.
    • Full Power Energy Wave - One of Cooler's Ultimate Skills in Xenoverse 2.
  • Dignity of the Conqueror – Used in Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans.
  • Honor Redeemed – A special power up used by Cooler in Supersonic Warriors 2. If Frieza is defeated by the opponent, Cooler's anger at his brother's defeat causes his power to increase.
  • Nova Chariot – The user surrounds themself with a purple barrier and flies at the enemy, ramming them and inflicting a great deal of damage.
    • Genocidal Uppercut – Cooler flies through the opponent's attack and then hits them with a heavy punch to the face.
    • Nova Strike - One of Cooler's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
  • Death Glider - Cooler backhands his opponent before teleporting and knocking them to the ground with a Double Axe Handle then rushes towards his opponent and punches them in the stomach into the wall before dragging to the ground and pushing the opponent through it. Used against Goku.
    • Fatal Combination – First, Cooler punches the opponent in the stomach, then he whirls the opponent around to the ground with the punch still on the stomach. Last, Cooler throws the opponent away in order to knock the opponent even further away, inflicting a great deal of damage. If the opponent is down on the ground while Cooler is above, he proceeds to drop down and then rush at the opponent.
  • Tail Attack - A technique used by those who have tails in order to attack their opponents. They can use it to whip or constrict the opponent.
  • Freeze Storm – Used in Supersonic Warriors 2.
  • Instant Transmission – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road.
  • Sonic Warp - Used in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Psychic Move Evasive Skill.
    • Psychic Move - Used by a non-playable version of Cooler in Xenoverse 2.
  • Psycho Barrier – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • Regeneration – Ghost Cooler can regenerate using Destron Gas, and also in his playable appearance in Dragon Ball Heroes.
  • Death Wave - Used in Dragon Ball Z 2 V, Dragon Ball Fusions, and Xenoverse 2.
    • Hi-Speed Earth Breaker - A stronger version of Earth Breaker that appears as one of Cooler's Special Moves.
      • S Hi-Speed Earth Breaker - An even stronger version of Earth Breaker that is stronger than Hi-Speed Earth Breaker that appears as one of Cooler's Special Moves. Can be learned by Cooler after reaching Lv. 63.
  • Salza Blade – Used in Budokai 3 and Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World.
  • Double Attack Full-Throttle Power – A special ability used by base Cooler in Dragon Ball Heroes. Cooler's attack doubles and he attacks with a partner who also powers up.
  • Blow of the Whole Body – A special ability used by final form Cooler in Dragon Ball Heroes. A powerful physical blow.
  • Eyes of Fear – Used by final form Cooler in Dragon Ball Heroes.
  • Super Spirit Sphere of Destruction – A special ability used by final form Cooler in Dragon Ball Heroes. Cooler goes into sparking mode and his attacks increase in power.
  • Sledgehammer - One of Cooler's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
  • Full Power Charge - One of Cooler's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
  • Charged Ki Wave - One of Cooler's Super Skills in his Super Evolution form in Xenoverse 2.
  • Telekinesis - Cooler can lift or move large objects through the air with his mind. Also used in the Gokuden series, and in Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3 under the name Psychokinesis.
    • Death Meteor - Metal Cooler hurls stones like meteorites at his enemy with telekinesis. An Ultimate Skill used by Supervillain Metal Cooler when he is fought in Expert Mission 07: "The Big Gete Star Strikes Back" in Xenoverse 2. After the 1.09.00 Update, this skill can be added to Final Form Cooler's custom skillset after being purchased for 15 TP Medals in Partner Customization.
  • Kiai - A shockwave released from some part of the user's body.
    • Shockwave - A weal kiai released from the user's palm which can make enemies stagger. After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset via Partner Customization.
    • Ki Blast Cannon - A strong kiai capable of launch opponents slowly forward making it ideal for follow up attacks. After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after being purchased in Partner Customization.
  • Monster Throw - One of Cooler's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Taunt - One of Cooler's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Attack Genius - Deal 10% more damage. One of Cooler's passive Skills in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Royalty - Lower enemy level = stat boost. One of Cooler's passive Skills in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Fusion - Cooler can use different types of fusion in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • EX-Fusion - By wearing a Metamo-Ring and performing the Fusion Dance, Cooler can fuse with his brother to create Coolieza.
    • Five-Way Fusion - A fusion technique developed by the Ginyu Force which allows five people to fuse to create a powerful Ultra Fusion. Can be used by Cooler after becoming a member of Tekka's Team in Dragon Ball Fusions.

Forms and Transformations
Lower Forms
3 form coolieza

Cards of Cooler and Frieza in their 3rd forms

It is stated in the fifth film that Cooler possesses lower forms just like his brother Frieza does. The 2008 Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game has Cooler in his third form (identical to his fourth form) and that his super evolved final form is his fourth form, while he says he is in his third transformed state and found a fourth beyond it in the movie. This shows that Cooler has at least two lower forms. Xenoverse 2 states that Cooler's base form is his fourth form, showing that he has three unseen lower forms.

It is stated in an issue of Weekly Shonen Jump that Cooler does not need to use lower forms like Frieza's first three forms because Cooler can fully control his power in his true form. Daizenshuu 6 notes that Cooler is able to stay in his true form without worry due to his power being much less than Frieza's in his true form.

Fourth Form
Cooler Artwork

Cooler in his true form

This is Cooler's equivalent to Frieza's final form; in comparison, he is taller and has the same color scheme, albeit with more purple than white. He has red stripes under his eyes and does not have a middle-colored spot on his chest like Frieza. He also sports a shiny blue spot on his skull. Unlike his brother (prior to his revival), Cooler is able to stay in it indefinitely because he does not possess overwhelming power on the level of Frieza's, and so does not need to suppress it with lower forms.[6] In this form Cooler is able to fight on par with base Goku.

This form is referred to as Cooler's 3rd form in the Collectible Card Game, while it is named his Fourth Form in Xenoverse 2.

Fourth Transformation

Cooler in his final form without his mask

This form is Cooler's most powerful while he has a full organic body. This state is usually referred to as Final Form Cooler. He gets taller, and four horns grow out of his head and form a crown. His deltoid covers evolve into shoulder bows, and two small spikes grow from his forearm covers. He gets blue spots on his legs and arms and his tail gets a white spike; the blue spot in his initial form has now become a full oval on his crown. His face is masked by a visor that covers all except his new pupil-less red eyes, sometimes casting a shadow on it. Unlike most of Frieza's transformations which suppress his power (or release it depending on which form he transforms to), this transformation augments it. It is implied that Cooler had only recently achieved this form, as he states that Goku is the first to witness this form and is able to outmatch him, even when he uses a Kaio-ken powered Kamehameha. However, he is defeated by Goku after he transforms into a Super Saiyan. Like with the prior transformations, Cooler's voice also changes when assuming this form, becoming deeper and a lot more menacing. However, in some video games such as the Xenoverse series and FighterZ, Cooler's voice stays the same, but still has the menacing effect the mask gives him. This form increases Cooler's offensive and defensive capabilities,[13] and it is noted by Goku that upon taking on this form, Cooler's ki becomes even greater than Frieza's. However, he was ultimately forced out of the form when he made contact with the Sun. By the events of Dragon Ball Heroes, Cooler appears to have mastered this form completely, able to maintain it for as long as he desires with no adverse effects. Even when exhausted from battling while dropping out of his Golden Fifth Form, Cooler was still in his regular Fifth Form.

It is said to be his 4th form in the Collectible Card Game. It is called Cooler (Final Form) in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and in the English localization of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission.

Ultimate Evolution

Cooler reveals that he has achieved the Golden Form during the Prison Planet Saga, however he always uses it in combination with his Fourth Transformation, resulting in a hybrid state.

Metal Cooler transforming ability

Cooler's Metal Cooler transformation in the Frieza's spaceship missions

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, after training during in the Frieza's spaceship missions, Cooler becomes capable of taking on his Metal Cooler form as a transformation higher than his fifth form. Metal Cooler is achieved the same way as Golden Frieza in-game, and acts as Cooler's equivalent to it.[14] This iteration of the Ultimate Evolution appears identical to the Meta-Cooler cyborgs manufactured by the Big Gete Star, but is different from them in that it is not robotic. The form is identical to Cooler's base form but with a metallic Bio Suit, similar to a Cosmic Suit, worn over it, resulting in a form superior to Cooler's fifth form.

Golden Cooler
GolCooler Heroes 0 (4)

Golden Cooler

By transforming into his Golden Form while already in his Fourth Transformation, Cooler becomes Golden Cooler. Prior to utilizing the form against Super Saiyan (Berserk) Goku Cooler held the belief that since Frieza was able to do it, he too should be able to. In this form Cooler appears similar to his Fourth Transformation but with the same coloration as Frieza's Golden Frieza state. In the manga, Cooler is only able to use this form for a very short period of time, just long enough to use a single Golden Supernova before he reverts to his final form.

Cooler is playable in this state in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, introduced in the second mission of the Universe Mission series (UVM2).

Meta Cooler UC arc


Fu captured and converted Cooler into Meta-Cooler via the Big Gete Star,[9] this time crafting his body from the same glass utilized by the Glass People.[10]

In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 and Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World, Meta-Cooler appears as an in-game transformation for Cooler (instead of being featured as completely mechanical clone of him) via Cooler's Spaceship. Cooler is given this form by being taken up onto his ship and "repaired" in the same way that Frieza becomes Mecha Frieza.

Fu Meta Kura

Rampaging Meta-Cooler

When Meta-Cooler takes his Rampaging state it improves upon his previous level of power and durability against enemy attacks.[15]

Golden Meta-Cooler
Gold Meta Kura2

Golden Meta-Cooler

Meta-Cooler can take on his race's Golden Form, becoming Golden Meta-Cooler. Golden Meta-Cooler is very powerful but initially cannot fight for long without overheating.

Anime Golden Meta-Cooler

Golden Meta-Cooler's anime only non-Rampaging variant

Meta-Cooler has two versions of his Golden Meta-Cooler state, the first is taken on while he is in Rampaging form, resulting in his right eye retaining its black coloration from that state, while the other is an anime only state achieved when he takes on the form without Rampaging and retains both normal eyes, in his anime only state he no longer has the overheating issue that was prevalent in his Rampaging form. By the time of the Super Space-Time Tournament, Golden Meta-Cooler appears to have gotten over this issue, as he remains in the form for the tournament's entirety.

Dark Dragon Ball Fighter
Dark Meta-Cooler in Big Bang Mission 7

Xeno Golden Meta-Cooler

During the New Space-Time War Saga, Golden Metal Cooler is fused with the Two-Star Dark Dragon Ball, alongside his brother (who was fused with the One-Star Dark Dragon Ball) and confronts the deceased Hearts and Goku. In this state he is known as Xeno Golden Meta-Cooler (ゴールデンメタルクウラ:ゼノ Gōruden Metaru Kūra: Zeno).

Transcended Golden Meta-Cooler

Transcended Golden Meta-Cooler

In the anime, Meta-Cooler gains the Transcended form after gaining power from Dark King (Full Power) Demigra.

Soul Cooler

In Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans Ghost Warrior Cooler is given an altered form: Soul Cooler.

Meta-Cooler Core

Meta-Cooler Core's Battle Form after having his arm cut off

Meta-Cooler Core,[16][17][18] also known as Metal Cooler's core[6] or Metal Cooler (nucleus)[16], is what the remains of Cooler's organic body becomes after fusing with the Big Gete Star. As his previous defeat at Goku's hands had reduced him to a brain, his right eye, and the upper right half of his face, the Big Gete Star formed an approximation of the rest of his head with metal and wires. Connected to the Big Gete Star by a mass of cables, Cooler has total control over the metallic star's functions and drones (including its Cyclopian Guards and the Meta-Coolers), and he can form a hulking humanoid body from materials inside his "control room" (his Battle Form).[6] This Battle Form boasts high attack power,[6] and is capable of fighting on par Super Saiyan Goku.[16] However, when the Big Gete Star is overloaded with energy Meta-Cooler Core's defense drops dramatically and he is easily dispatched with a single charged ki blast as well as left critically wounded by an Energy Disc cutting off his arm.

While in his standard core form, the Meta-Cooler Core when speaking is not shown moving his mouth, implying that Meta-Cooler Core was utilizing Telepathy. However, when assuming his battle form, his mouth is seen moving when he speaks.

According to the AB Groupe dub, Meta-Cooler Core is made out of silicon.

Even though Meta-Cooler Core's body was closer in appearance to his fourth form, his voice in this form was closer to that of his fourth transformation.

In World Mission, his name is localized as Metal Cooler Core and this form is playable via his SH7-BCP8 Special Type card. Additionally, the CAA Giant Ability Universal Metal Cooler Core allows Metal Cooler, Cooler, Golden Cooler, or any character card equipped with the Accessory that grants said ability (either through equipping it to a card in a custom deck or adding it to a custom card created through Card Creation) to transform into Metal Cooler Core.

Coolieza art


Coolieza is the EX-Fusion of Cooler and Frieza introduced in Dragon Ball Fusions. He is also playable in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle.

Coolieza strongly resembles Frieza in the Fourth Transformation and wears a single Metamo-Ring on his left arm.

Ultra Fusion
As a member of Tekka's Team, Cooler can perform Five-Way Fusion with any four members of the team to create an Ultra Fusion. If initiated by Cooler himself the resulting Ultra Fusion will be a male alien.

  • Bio Suit - Biological armor and clothing made of Frieza Race body tissue that Cooler wears as his primary clothing.
    • Z Fighting Suit - The type of Bio Suit worn by Cooler in his equivalent to Frieza's Final Form.
    • Ultimate F Suit - The type of Bio Suit worn by Cooler in his Final and Golden Cooler forms.
    • Cosmic Suit - A Bio Suit that combines Frieza Race body tissue and cybernetic components. Meta-Cooler Cooler Core is capable of combining what remains of his organic body with cybernetic parts to create his Battle Form in the film The Return of Cooler which is basically Cooler wearing a giant sized Cosmic Suit. Additionally in certain video games Metal Cooler is depicted as Cooler wearing a Cosmic Suit. In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, after Cooler is turned into Metal Cooler by Fu using the Big Gete Star, his Golden Metal Cooler form is a combination of Golden Cooler and his Cosmic Suit, however he must be careful as his Golden Cooler form's power can cause his cybernetics to overheat.
  • Cooler's Spaceship - The mobile headquarters of the Cooler Force used by Cooler and Cooler's Armored Squadron to travel between through space. Appears in the film Cooler's Revenge.
    • Frieza's Spaceship - The mobile headquarters and flagship of the Frieza Force. In Xenoverse 2, Cooler visits the ship in the Frieza's Spaceship Time Miniature to recruit the undercover Future Warrior into the Cooler Force with Cooler staying in the ship's Medical Machine bay. This eventually leads to a conflict between the Cooler Force and Frieza Force over who will rule as Emperor of Universe 7. Regardless of which faction the Future Warrior chooses, Cooler will continue to remain onboard the ship. Additionally, in Dragon Ball Fusions, after joining Tekka's Team, Cooler and Metal Cooler will utilize the team's spaceship which was originally Frieza's Spaceship that was abandoned by Frieza and the Ginyu Force after Frieza was accidentally freed from Earth's Hell, which Trunks had Bulma remodel to act as a mobile base for Tekka's Team.
  • Cooler's Hover Pod - A levitating throne identical to the one used by his brother Frieza which Cooler can operate with his telekinesis. Appears in the film Cooler's Revenge when Cooler makes the decision not to destroy the Attack Ball containing Kakarot due to feeling it is his brother's responsibility.
  • Big Gete Star - After merging with the Big Gete Star, Meta-Cooler Core uses the planet sized machine as an extension of himself and the base of operations for his Cyclopian Guard and Metal Cooler Corps, which he uses to consume planets and living beings to be converted into energy to fuel himself and his army. Appears in The Return of Cooler.
    • Cyclopian Guard - Robotic footsoldiers created by the Big Gete Star to capture living beings to be turned into energy for the Big Gete Star. Appears in The Return of Cooler
    • Guide Robo - A small robot responsible for cutting up living beings to convert them into energy for the Big Gete Star. Appears in The Return of Cooler.
  • Metamo-Ring - A armlet-like device invented by Bulma within the Timespace Rift that allows two individuals with strong affinity to perform EX-Fusion by wearing a Metamo-Ring and performing the Fusion Dance.

Video Game Appearances

Cooler Budokai 3

Cooler in Budokai 3


Metal Cooler (nucleus) in Battle of Z

In Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, in addition to the Ghost Warrior version of Cooler who appears as a boss, dark-red version called Soul Cooler (クウラソウル) appears as a regular enemy. Soul Cooler's body armor is a light pink/white color, his body is a dark green/red, and the gem on his head is red.

In Dragon Ball Z 2 V (a special edition of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2), Cooler appears as a playable character as an alternate costume for Frieza.

While Cooler doesn't appear in Dragon Ball Xenoverse, there are several customization options for the Frieza Race based on Cooler such as his Super Evolution's head design and mouth guard. Via customization, it is possible to customize a Frieza Race Future Warrior to resemble Cooler's Final or Super forms. Cooler is also mentioned by Frieza if the Future Warrior talks to him while wearing the Battle Armor of Cooler's Armored Squadron.

Cooler does however appear in Xenoverse 2 in his Fourth Form, Final, and Metal Cooler forms. Like fellow movie antagonists Turles, Lord Slug, Broly, and Super Janemba, Cooler appears as a villain recruited by Towa and Mira assisting them in altering history repeatedly coming into conflict with the Time Patrol during the battle on Planet Namek, Cell Games, and even Frieza's revenge.

In FighterZ, Final Form Cooler appears as one of the two fourth DLC characters.

Voice Actors


  • Cooler (Fourth Form) vs. Goku
  • Cooler (Fourth Form) vs. Piccolo
  • Cooler (Fourth Form/Fourth Transformation) vs. Goku (Base/Super Saiyan)
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Cooler (Fourth Transformation/Golden Cooler) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan: Berserk)
  • Cooler (Golden Cooler) vs. Cumber (Evil Saiyan)
  • Cooler (Golden Cooler) and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan/Base) vs. Cumber (Evil Saiyan)
  • Cooler (Golden Cooler) vs. Cumber (Golden Great Ape)
  • Cooler (Rampaging Meta-Cooler) vs. Lagss
  • Cooler (Rampaging/Golden Meta-Cooler) vs. Cumber (Base/Super Saiyan 3)
  • Cooler (Rampaging Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Goku
  • Cooler (Rampaging Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Hearts
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler) vs. Hearts
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler; Dark Dragon Ball) vs. Hearts
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler; Dark Dragon Ball), Goku, Hearts, and Frieza (Golden Frieza; Dark Dragon Ball) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan)
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler; Dark Dragon Ball) and Frieza (Golden Frieza; Dark Dragon Ball) vs. Warrior in Black
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Crimson-Masked Saiyan (Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power)
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Syn Shenron (Omega Shenron/King of Destruction)
  • Cooler (Transcended) vs. Olibu
  • Cooler (Fourth Transformation) and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Bojack
  • Cooler (Fourth Transformation/Golden Cooler) and Future Trunks vs. Goku (Super Saiyan: Berserk)
  • Cooler (Fourth Transformation/Golden) and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Turles (Ghost Warrior), Lord Slug (Ghost Warrior), Bojack (Ghost Warrior), Cell (Perfect; Ghost Warrior) and Kid Buu (Ghost Warrior)
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler) vs. Cumber (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 3)
  • Cooler (Rampaging Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Goku
  • Cooler (Rampaging/Golden Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Goku (Base/Ultra Instinct Sign) and Hearts
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Crimson-Masked Saiyan
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler/Dark Dragon Ball Fighter) and Frieza (Golden Frieza/Dark Dragon Ball Fighter) vs. Goku and Hearts
  • Cooler (Golden Meta-Cooler/Dark Dragon Ball Fighter) and Frieza (Golden Frieza/Dark Dragon Ball Fighter) vs. Xeno Bardock (Warrior in Black)
  • Cooler (Meta-Cooler) and Hearts vs. Glass Soldiers
  • Cooler (Meta-Cooler) vs. Hearts and Yamcha

List of characters killed by Cooler

  • Bojack - Killed by Cooler with a sneak attack Death Beam on the Prison Planet. (Manga only)
  • King Cold - Killed by Cooler with a Death Beam on the Prison Planet. (Manga only)


  • While the name appears to come from the word "Cooler" to follow the Frieza Race's cold naming scheme, Cooler's name actually comes from the phrase “meshi demo kūra” (which is roughly the equivalent to "let's chow down" in English).[19][6] Originally, both Cooler's and Frieza's Japanese names end in a short "a" vowel, ("Freeza" and "Coola") but many English translations had dropped the "a" and added an "er" at the end due to many of the kana spellings on English words ("Freezer"). However officially, both Frieza and Cooler's original names typically are spelled with an "a" at the end (as opposed to the "Freezer" spelling). Logic would follow that the character's name should, in turn, be spelled in a similar fashion, (as opposed to "Cooler") but this was not the case. Funimation, the company responsible for Dragon Ball's production and distribution in North America and Australia, choose to spell the name as Cooler, despite spelling "Freeza" closer to the original as "Frieza".
  • In Dragon Ball Super, Frieza is familiar with Instant Transmission and implies he had past experience fighting people who used it, potentially referencing Cooler.
  • Cooler did not appear in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, but he did appear on the movie's cover.
  • In some versions of the FUNimation remastered DVD releases, Cooler's voice in his base form is deeper and has more of a slight echo in his fifth form.
  • In Xenoverse 2, unlike Lord Slug and Turles who are revealed to originate from alternate timelines where their films take place, Cooler's timeline of origin is never specified. However, an incarnation of Cooler exists in the main timeline, as Frieza recognizes his brother when he appears on Planet Namek after being transported there by Towa.
  • In at least the dub version, Cooler is the second movie villain to at least consider blowing up the sun as part of his plans, the first being Lucifer.
  • Similarly, to the third form of his brother, who was inspired by the Xenomorph, the final form of Cooler appears to be inspired by a famous alien species of cinema: in his case, the Predator.
  • Promotion for Cooler's appearance in Budokai mistakenly refers to "End of Earth" as his first appearance.[20]
  • Cooler is the second movie villain to commit patricide (killing one's father) after Broly. However, unlike Broly, Cooler killed King Cold in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes manga.
    • Coincidentally, both villains also ended up being sent into the sun at one point.



  1. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, 2015
  2. Dragon Ball Legends, 2018
  3. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, 2019
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
  5. Cooler's Height. tumblr.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Daizenshuu 6, 1995
  7. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, 2006
  8. Coora Japanese usage.
  9. 9.0 9.1 SDBH Ep11 preview. twitter. Retrieved on May 9, 2019.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! chapter 7, "New Space-Time War"
  11. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Meteor Mission! chapter 11, "All-Out Battle"
  12. While not visually shown, the Kaio-ken sound effect plays as Goku attacks Cooler
  13. Daizenshuu 7, 1996
  14. If Cooler is allied with during the missions on Frieza's spaceship, he will transform into Metal Cooler after training.
  15. Rampaging Meta-Cooler. imgur.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, 2011
  17. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, 2014
  18. Dragon Ball Heroes, 2010
  19. Dragon Ball Z Movie 05. Kanzenshuu.
  20. Cooler Budokai

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