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Blast Cannon (ブラストキャノン Burasutokyanon) is an Energy Wave used by Bardock in Dragon Ball Fusions and Bonyu in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.


In Dragon Ball Fusions, like other techniques, the Blast Cannon is functionally identical to that of the Final Flash.

In Kakarot, Bonyu's version consists of her charging her energy before firing a barrage spread blue energy wave.


  • Super Blast Cannon: A stronger version of Blast Cannon used in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Hyper Blast Cannon (ハイパーブラストキャノン): The strongest version of Blast Cannon used in Dragon Ball Fusions.

Video Game Appearances[]

Blast Cannon was named and first appeared in Fusions as a Special Move used by Bardock in both his base and Super Saiyan forms. It can also be acquired from Bardock by his EX-Fusion, Barlot. It can also be learned by Bukha, Heiya, Kalif, and Shabbet.

Bonyu's version of the technique appears in Kakarot as one of her attacks.


