Dragon Ball Wiki
Homeworld Earth
Average Height Varies
Sapience Level Sapient

The Cell species is a species of bio-android enemies in Dragon Ball Online which debuted with Cell in Dragon Ball Z, they were created when the clone of Cell, Cell-X moved to a cave behind a waterfall and spawned many Cell Eggs which hatched into variations of Cell's forms.


The original member of this race, Cell, was created by Dr. Gero and attempted to destroy the Earth but was vanquished by a Human-Saiyan hybrid named Gohan.

Dragon Ball Online

The species is revived when a clone of Cell named Cell-X is created and moved to a cave behind a waterfall and spawned many Cell Eggs which hatched into variations of Cell's forms.

Racial Abilities


Cell Eggs

The sentient eggs of Cell-X which appear in Dragon Ball Online, they are spiky and green or purple and have one eye and small wings. They eventually hatch into Larval Cells.

Larval forms

The form that most members of the race takes when they are first born, this from eventually matures into an Imperfect Cell. They are colored Green or Purple.

Imperfect form

A form displayed by Cell in his original appearance, this is Cell's mature form without having absorbed the Androids. Imperfect Cells are grown versions of Larval Cells in Dragon Ball Online. They are colored Green or Purple.

Known Members of the race

  • Cell - the original bio-android created by Dr. Gero.
  • Cell Jr.s - the offspring of Cell
  • Cell-X - Time Breaker clone of Cell
  • Cell-X Jrs. - perfect offspring of Cell-X
  • Larval Cells - offspring of Cell-X
  • Imperfect Cells - mature offspring of Cell-X