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"Battle Inside the Body" (たいないせん Tainaisen) is the seventh chapter of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Meteor Mission! manga.


SDBH MM Ch7 01

Ozotto transforms into Piccolo

Having woken up inside of Majin Ozotto, Gohan breaks free from his confines where he soon finds Piccolo in a similar predicament. Just then Ozotto emerges from within himself, wondering how it is that Gohan was able to break free. Ozotto attacks Gohan without warning, wanting to eat him again but Gohan grabs him by the arm and tosses him aside. Ozotto transforms into Piccolo and attacks Gohan, mocking him by saying that it must hurt him to fight his own teacher with the kind heart that he has. However Gohan simply transforms into Super Saiyan and elbows him in the face. The Ozotto-Piccolo clone continues to attack but Gohan overwhelms him.

Ozotto drops the Piccolo guise and instead transforms into Videl. The momentary hesitation allows Ozotto to land a powerful strike on Gohan's abdomen and while he gets to his feet, Ozotto grabs the confines holding the real, unconscious, Videl and Pan, telling Gohan to use his true power. Gohan's anger explodes as he transforms into his Ultimate state and uses the Spirit Ball technique to strike Ozotto without harming any of his friends or family in the process.

As Ozotto retreats he compliments Gohan's power also noting that it surpassed Goku's for just a moment. Goku and Vegeta then reach the area where Gohan is but distracted by their sudden appearance Ozotto takes the opportunity to absorb Gohan and gain his incredible strength. Vegeta spots a confined Bulma nearby and the sadistic Ozotto, wondering if he can draw out another Saiyans power much like he did with Gohan, hits Bulma in the face. A furious Vegeta charges at Ozotto though he's easily struck aside as he is still low on energy after his recent fights.

Vegeta spots the confined Old Kai behind him and removes his Potara before tossing one to Goku. Goku puts it on and the two fuse into Vegito.


  • Gohan (Base/Super Saiyan/Ultimate) vs. Majin Ozotto (Base/Piccolo/Base)
  • Vegeta vs. Majin Ozotto






Anime, Game, and Manga Differences[]

  • Vegeta obtains the Potara from the absorbed Old Kai in the manga. In the anime, Goku was given the Potara by Chronoa.


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