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"All-Out Battle" (そうりょくせん Sōryokusen) is the eleventh chapter of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Meteor Mission! manga.


SDBH MM Ch 11 01

Ozotto's true form soundly asleep

Having finally escaped from the innards of Majin Ozotto, Hearts, the Time Patrol and the others spot Ozotto's true, towering form, in the distance. Using his abilities, Hearts determines that he is in fact sleeping. Absorbing the Earth caused Ozotto to use up most of his energy, causing him to full into a deep sleep ever since. However dozens of Ozotto clones suddenly appear with many of them transforming into familiar villainous faces such as Turles, Kid Buu and Hatchiyack. As the group prepare to fight, Chronoa advises Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta to hold back and rest in order to recover their strength. Just before the fight begins, Oolong, too afraid to participate, transforms into a rocket and flies away but runs into Aeos along the way who asks him to tell her about the current situation.

SDBH MM Ch 11 03

The antagonists

SDBH MM Ch 11 02

The protagonists

The protagonists and the Ozotto horde begin their all-out battle, Hearts and Krillin briefly team up to take down a trio of Ozotto's under the guise of the South, West and North Supreme Kais. Gohan and Piccolo use a combined Special Beam Cannon to take a few out. Yamcha comes face to face with Lagss, a member of the same Glass People as his "beloved" Vidro. Chronoa uses Tokitoki to transform into her Time Power Unleashed state and proceeds to join the Time Patrol in their attack.

SDBH MM Ch 11 04

Goku and Xeno Goku ready for the final battle

After some time, the Ozotto clones appear to retreat but this is actually due to the giant Ozotto having finally woken up. In one move, Ozotto extends his arms and attempts to absorb everyone yet again. With some quick thinking, Hearts and Lagss encase Goku and Xeno Goku in a combined Glass Gravity Cage, saving them from being absorbed along with the others. After bragging about being a being that surpasses the Gods, Ozotto looks down to find Goku and Xeno Goku standing side by side, ready to take him on.


  • Lagss vs. Zangya (Clone)
  • Xeno Gohan (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Captain Ginyu (Clone)
  • Hearts (Super Hearts) and Krillin vs. South Supreme Kai (Clone), West Supreme Kai (Clone) and North Supreme Kai (Clone)
  • Android 17 vs. Ozotto Clones
  • Piccolo and Gohan (Ultimate) vs. Ninja Murasaki (Clone), Guldo (Clone), Lucifer (Clone), and Majin Ozotto (Clone)
  • Yamcha and Lagss vs. Majin Ozotto
  • Xeno Gohan (Super Saiyan 4), Xeno Goten (Super Saiyan), Xeno Pan and Chronoa (Time Power Unleashed) vs. Ozotto Clones
  • Shin vs. Majin Ozotto





Anime, Game, and Manga Differences[]

  • In the anime, after escaping Ozotto's Palace, Goku immediately faces the transformed Ozotto alone. In the manga prior to this, Goku's allies battle against the Ozotto horde first before Goku faces Ozotto, this time alongside Xeno Goku.


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