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"A Power That Surpasses Even the Gods" (かみをもえるちから Kami o mo Koeru Chikara) is the eighth chapter of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Meteor Mission! manga.


SDBH MM Ch8 03

Vegito vs. Ozotto

Vegito transforms into Super Saiyan Blue to face one of the many clones of Majin Ozotto and begins by kicking him backwards before striking him with his Spirit Blade. Ozotto compliments Vegito on his strength that surpasses that of the Gods before fighting back with Vegito noting that his opponents body is unnaturally hardened just as Demigra's was when they last fought. Vegito attacks once again using his Spirit Blade only for the move to have no effect so instead resorts to more up-close physical methods, following up with a Kamehameha that Ozotto manages to avoid. Ozotto points out that Vegito is purposefully avoiding damaging his absorbed trapped friends and threatens to hurt them instead.

After narrowly saving his friends from Ozotto's attack, the Majin attempts to absorb the distracted Vegito. However Vegito manages to protect himself by coating himself in an energy barrier. Vegito increases his power further by using the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken and charges into Ozotto, using his Spirit Blade to dissipate the Demon and set Gohan free. Immediately afterwards the fusion time limit runs out.

Meanwhile in another location in Ozotto's Palace, the prime Ozotto points out that no matter how many of his clones he sends out, none will be able to defeat the fused warrior. However he points out that the clones did at least buy him enough time to capture and absorb Chronoa, gifting him the powers of time.


  • Vegito (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken) vs. Majin Ozotto






Anime, Game, and Manga Differences[]

  • In the anime, Ozotto changed his appearance to that of Gohan whilst fighting Vegito. He did not in the manga.
  • The fight between Vegito and Ozotto was considerably more one sided in the anime.


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