So you're standing by a claim that was proven wrong?
Not everyone knows about the new form, don't spoil it please.
probably the biggest zenkai multiplier
I thought it was 6k but he boxed with Gas and he's Ginyu Force Level
Dang, I forgot about Gas.
Maybe it'll get another name but be SSJ4 in spirit.
Canon Bardock's power was 6,000, right?
Nappa should win then.
Lots still isn't all though, if while fighting for a while he is still doing well against a full power Goku, then then they are both at their max, (not counting Kaio-Ken) then I think Nappa would have a strength advantage, even if just slightly.
That was after Nappa had been injured and tired. He was breathing heavily as well.
I will always stand by Nappa beating Goku without Kaio-Ken. As long as he was at full strength he would have won.
Shame Vegeta didn't join Goku with SSJ4. It's not like he's weaker or couldn't be empowered by Neva.
I wonder how big Demon Realm Porunga is if island sized Gomah was as small as DR Porunga's fingernail
Otherworld is within the macrocosm. Something that can be percieved by 4D Goku.
Multiverse level is defined as "Characters or objects that can significantly affect, create and/or destroy larger multiverses composed of 1001 to any higher finite amount of separate space-time continuums."
This is something that Mickey can easily do, as he broke the X Blade which surpasses this level.
Low complex multiversal is defined as "Characters or objects who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy higher-dimensional structures that are one uncountably infinite level above Low 2-C structures. In ordinary distribution, this corresponds to R^5 (5-dimensional real coordinate space)."
The Ocean Between makes the worlds that are beyond time and can exist without it look like nothing. They are just specks within the metaphorical universe that is the Ocean Between. This place has a time flow that exists beyond these 4D structures, making it 5D. This place was going to be erased and rewritten by Kingdom Hearts, again matched by the X Blade, which Mickey destroyed. This thing rewriting the Ocean between is able to destroy and create an infinite structure above multiverse level, making it 6D in AP. All of the other warriors of light are relative (some like Sora are stronger) to Mickey.
Mickey is 6D.
I dln't think you understood...
Nappa's full power is higher than 4k, likely at the very least 6 or 7k, stacking SSJ on top of that would be overkill for someone who is weaker than him and would probably die from the strain.
things that are beyond time are beyond 4D, which itself is time, making it 5D. And then if you are beyond something that is beyond 4D, you're 6D.
The X (Chi) Blade is like a super Keyblade that is a match for Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts was go8jg to be used to rewrite all of existence in favor of darkness by Xehanort, and he was going to use the X Blade to do so. King Mickey destroyed the X Blade.
Mickey destroyed something equal to spmething capable of erasing and rewriting a 6D structure.
ok so the time axis thingy.
Mickey and the others went back in time in the ocean between, which is pprven to have a speerate space time from the darkness.
So they were going to abandon time.
So applying this explanation that the darkness, light, and ocean between all have seperated time flows, ocean between is 6d. There are implications from statements that the Realm of Darkness parallels the Ocean Between, but they still specified that the dakrness lacked time compared to it. Characters from way off in the future and independent timelines going back to the past in a timeline of the Ocean Between to time travel to begin with, but even some plot points overall relying on the time axis of the Ocean Between itself, and so it'd be fair to consider that the Ocean Between has its own time axis, and so is a qualitatively superior 6-D structure.
That's all I got though. If I'm wrong about something, I give up.
Not exactly the same, especially for the Nappa and Buu ones. Both of those were from the anime, not the manga, which is the true canon of dialogue.
With GT, the statement applies, but it's still not enough to match Super.